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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 3 (1876 - 1882) - Contents
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    Lt 12, 1877

    White, W. C.; White, Mary

    South Lancaster, Massachusetts

    August 31, 1877

    Previously unpublished.

    “In the grass on the old campground.”

    Dear Children, Willie and Mary:

    God has wrought mercifully with us and we glorify His name. We feel deeply humbled under a sense of His great goodness and compassionate love.3LtMs, Lt 12, 1877, par. 1

    We had yesterday a praying season on this ground and the peace of God flowed into our hearts. We have just had another precious season and have been greatly exercised by the Spirit of God. Father is coming up by faith not only in health, but in spirits, and is gaining a deep and valuable experience that cannot be estimated. We had about concluded it was not best to attend the camp meetings in Vermont or New York, but rest and seek quiet of mind. There would be such a disposition to throw cares upon Father that I feared to go. But Father, blessed of God, said, “I will go forward and will attend those camp meetings and in weakness bear my testimony and exalt Jesus and humble myself.” He feels that I must bear my testimony. God has so wonderfully helped me that he thinks I should go forward and God will sustain me. Pray for us. We find great strength, peace, and joy in prayer. In much love,3LtMs, Lt 12, 1877, par. 2


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