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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 3 (1876 - 1882) - Contents
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    Lt 11a, 1882

    Ings, Brother and Sister

    Hanford, California

    May 8, 1882

    Previously unpublished.

    Dear Brother and Sister Ings:

    Had I thought you would not have been in America before this time, I would have written to you and expressed my desire for you to unite your labors with me. I am obliged to keep out of the city of Oakland, in the mountains of Healdsburg. I have a very beautiful and healthy place. I have a good house, room enough for you to live with me in my house. I am anxious for you to come as soon as you can. I shall devote time to writing, and travel some. Your husband and yourself can go with me when it is necessary for me to go.3LtMs, Lt 11a, 1882, par. 1

    I expected [that] we should connect long ago, but the great waters separated us. I need the help you can give me. I should have written to you long ago, but I feared I should be selfish to call you away from your work. Please write to me immediately in regard to this matter—when you will meet me in California.3LtMs, Lt 11a, 1882, par. 2

    I do not dare venture this summer to cross the plains to Michigan. If the Lord says, “Go,” I will go; but it has seemed since my husband’s death [that] I had in that event received my death wound. My loss, my loneliness, [and] the condition of the cause in Battle Creek have nearly killed me. There is so much backsliding in Battle Creek, so much coldness and worldliness, I fear Christ has been denied by them. I have written fully one hundred pages to them recently, but I have no confidence that they will accept my counsel. They have become too far estranged for that.3LtMs, Lt 11a, 1882, par. 3

    But now I want to put my energies at work to get out Volume 4. You and your husband can help me, and I believe that you will both be in the place where the Lord would have you.3LtMs, Lt 11a, 1882, par. 4

    My little girls are with me, and Mary Chinnock and Marian Davis. This family I shall keep at present. You can help me in copying and in traveling with me. Please consider this matter and come as soon as you can. I meant to have written to Elder [J. N.] Loughborough but will have to wait another day.3LtMs, Lt 11a, 1882, par. 5

    Much love to them and to you.3LtMs, Lt 11a, 1882, par. 6

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