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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 3 (1876 - 1882) - Contents
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    Lt 47, 1879

    Walling, Mr.

    Battle Creek, Michigan

    November 12, 1879

    Previously unpublished.

    Dear Nephew:

    I find that no family is willing to take your girls and board them unless the pay for their board is forthcoming from me. This is no more than you could expect. [But] I cannot, as I have written to you, be responsible longer for them. Every week four dollars is required, unless I take care of them myself. This I cannot do until you will comply with my request.3LtMs, Lt 47, 1879, par. 1

    Many say to me, “If you will be responsible, we will take charge of the children.” Both should attend school some years yet. They can have the advantage of the best school in the world in Battle Creek, but I do not propose to be at the expense of educating these children, and clothing and boarding them, as I have done for six or seven years.3LtMs, Lt 47, 1879, par. 2

    The children have made rapid progress in their studies and need the advantage of school for years to come. But if you will give me no assurance that these children shall remain until they are of age, then I must send them to you when Mr. McDearmon comes home about the first of next month. Everything here is rising—clothing and provisions. But I would, should you give me a writing where I could hold the children till they were of age, take them as my own and give them a complete education. I must hear from you on this point at once.—Ellen G. White.3LtMs, Lt 47, 1879, par. 3

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