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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 3 (1876 - 1882) - Contents
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    Lt 20a, 1882

    Ings, Brother and Sister

    Oakland, California

    July 28, 1882

    Previously unpublished.

    Dear Brother and Sister Ings:

    Whenever you shall be ready to come, I am only too glad and ready to receive you. Come on to California. I will welcome you so heartily.3LtMs, Lt 20a, 1882, par. 1

    Will you tell Sister Anderson I want my beaver cloak, ulster? I want fifty pictures of my husband and myself. I also want all the remnants and larger pieces of woolen cloth—delaine—and my velvet, or if any silk, bring it along or pack [it] in a box to send. Bring the velvet with you for I shall need it.3LtMs, Lt 20a, 1882, par. 2

    I would go to Battle Creek, but I dare not sacrifice myself there. It would do no good. You will see by my testimony that I have no confidence God is with them there.3LtMs, Lt 20a, 1882, par. 3

    If they have any dried clover blossoms, please bring them or see that they are sent. I want that Life and History of Paul which you gave me. I also want all the books that have reference to mothers and their influence. Please search my library through; if there are any important books, bring them along.3LtMs, Lt 20a, 1882, par. 4

    My winter will be spent here. I shall get out important matter which the people need so much. I have never had my mind so clear as now; never had such good help; and I want to get the light before our people. You can be a great help to me.3LtMs, Lt 20a, 1882, par. 5

    I cannot write all the time. I shall go out and travel among the churches some. I do not think the people [in the] East are really ready to be helped now. If God spares my life another year, I hope to have health to attend the camp meetings.3LtMs, Lt 20a, 1882, par. 6

    The Lord will be the help of all those who put their trust in Him. He will not leave the honest and the willing and obedient, for He loves us with a love that is infinite. There was never a time when we needed wisdom from God and sanctified hearts and level heads as now. Pure speech seasoned with grace [and] sanctified tongues are needed now; pure, sanctified tongues would be the greatest blessing to us all. The conversation would be in heaven, not upon the faults of others.3LtMs, Lt 20a, 1882, par. 7

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