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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 3 (1876 - 1882) - Contents
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    Lt 36, 1879


    Stone Wall, Indian Territory

    May 4, 1879

    Portions of this letter are published in 3Bio 111.

    Dear Children:

    We have reached thus far on our journey to Colorado. We have traveled four days. Rested yesterday. Spoke under our tent to our party of thirty-one. Was very free in speaking. Today we picked nearly one quarter of strawberries. I have just gathered a large bundle of greens to cook for our breakfast. We are writing in our carriage. While Father is buying water buckets and cornmeal, I am writing.3LtMs, Lt 36, 1879, par. 1

    Father rides horseback a considerable part of the time. He is enjoying the journey much. We have eight covered wagons, one two-seated spring wagon. All but two span of mules belong to Father. Thirty-one passengers in the party. I wish Lucinda were here. We need her much, but we wait patiently until God shall send us appropriate help. We see the need of this and feel it more and more. We are crippled and distressed for want of the help we have hitherto had. I have been deprived of the very help I ought to have in Sister Hall and in Sister Ings.3LtMs, Lt 36, 1879, par. 2

    We are in sight of a meetinghouse. We are now being urged to speak in the Indian Territory. We shall ride out, camp, and then return and meet with the people. We will thus work our way along, preaching as we go. I will finish this tomorrow morning.3LtMs, Lt 36, 1879, par. 3

    May 5

    Last night I spoke to one hundred people assembled in a respectable meetinghouse. We find here an excellent class of people. There were half-breed Indians and intelligent whites. I had great freedom in presenting before them the love of God evidenced to man in the gift of His Son. All listened with the deepest interest. The Baptist minister arose and said he had heard the gospel that night and he hoped all would heed the words spoken. He then introduced me to his wife and daughter. His wife greeted me heartily with a kiss. I was introduced to the best of the people. Father spoke a short time. We hope the words spoken will not be in vain. We returned to camp, one mile and a half, well pleased with the success of our meeting. They are urgent for more meetings, but we must press on and cross Canadian River before it shall be swollen with heavy rains.3LtMs, Lt 36, 1879, par. 4

    I hope we shall find Mary and you at Emporia, prepared to go to Colorado with us. You will both need the change and we need you. At all events, send us a good cook to take care of us, one who can be as a general. I have second-hand help, but cannot get one to lead. Mary Ann [Marian] is cook, and she has the help of the doctor and Corliss, but our family number eleven so you see we must have a cook. We shall hope and pray for help. We should enjoy this campaign if we had a good, strong woman to do woman’s work. I am worn and weary and do too much and have too great care all the time; just so with Mary Ann. The journey will be enjoyed if we are not all the time overworked.3LtMs, Lt 36, 1879, par. 5

    The scenery is beautiful; this country just glorious; flowers in abundance of every variety. Mary Ann [Marian] is delighted; but breakfast is ready. I must go.3LtMs, Lt 36, 1879, par. 6


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