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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 3 (1876 - 1882) - Contents
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    Lt 9, 1876

    White, J. S.

    Oakland, California

    April 18, 1876

    Portions of this letter are published in 3SM 105-106; 3Bio 28-29; 9MR 31.

    Dear Husband:

    I failed to get a letter to you Monday morning. We went to the city Sunday night. I spoke to quite a large congregation of outsiders with acceptance, taking up the subject of the loaves and fishes with which Jesus by His miraculous power fed about ten thousand people, five thousand men and women and five thousand children, with these, that were continually collecting after the Saviour had blessed the small portion of food; Christ walking on the sea; and the Jews requiring a sign that He was the Son of God.3LtMs, Lt 9, 1876, par. 1

    The neighbor next to the church near the public garden was there. Cragg, I believe his name is. They all listened with wide open eyes, and some open mouths. Mary says she feels provoked that she has written out that subject before she heard me speak upon it. She will now insert some living points she heard that night. She seemed deeply interested. Brother Diggin’s family were a number of them out.3LtMs, Lt 9, 1876, par. 2

    I tarried over night by Brother and Sister Chittenden’s request. I slept with her and baby. Did not close my eyes till between two and three o’clock. I was not sick, but sleep departed from my eyes and slumber from my eyelids. I had slept alone for more than three weeks. The change made me nervous.3LtMs, Lt 9, 1876, par. 3

    In the morning I took the streetcar for Sister Rowland’s. Called at Harrison Street to Brother Wilson’s. There left my satchel, then called on Sister James and next went to Sister Rowland’s. She has been very sick from a fall. She has had one of the most severe attacks of erysipelas. She is now better. She has had to keep her bed. She was glad to see me. We conversed together and then united in prayer. She is cheerful. We had a good season of prayer. I then took dinner at Brother Wilson’s and took the cars for the boat. Reached home about four. I knew Mary would not want copy, for she was not feeling very well that day.3LtMs, Lt 9, 1876, par. 4

    I have great freedom in speaking to the people. And all are urgent for me to speak. Our church in Oakland, some of them, felt quite jealous over my going to San Francisco both Sabbath and first day evening to speak, but I tell them when they have a decent place of worship I will feel better courage to speak in Oakland.3LtMs, Lt 9, 1876, par. 5

    I have heard nothing yet from Loughborough and Waggoner. Hope to hear today some news.3LtMs, Lt 9, 1876, par. 6

    We received your letters, Lucinda, and one from you last evening and was very glad to hear from you; but so very sad it made me feel to read that you were so sick. I fear that eastern climate will not be favorable to your physical health, [even] if it is for your spiritual strength. We have beautiful, sunshiny weather here.3LtMs, Lt 9, 1876, par. 7

    We miss you both very, very much, but we are so buried up in our writing we have no time to be lonesome while thus engaged; but when gathered about the fireside, then there is a great miss. We have very precious seasons of prayer. The Lord indeed seems very nigh. I see many subjects to write out, which must be done with the greatest care. I want this summer, the whole of it, to do this work in. I must stop a day or two in the week and go somewhere or my head will break down. I begrudge every moment that I feel compelled to rest. These intensely interesting subjects weary me far more to write them out than to speak upon them.3LtMs, Lt 9, 1876, par. 8

    I feel that it would not be advisable for me to break off now and go east. Mary does not feel inclined to go. Says she just despises the eastern climate, but this would not prevent me if I could feel that it was my duty to go. I would feel pleased to meet my brethren and sisters in camp meeting. It is just such work as I enjoy. Much better than the confinement of writing. But this will break up my work and defeat the plans of getting out my books, for I cannot do—both travel and write. Now seems to be my golden opportunity. Mary is with me, the best copyist for me I can ever have. Another such chance may never be mine.3LtMs, Lt 9, 1876, par. 9

    It is not advisable for me to think of going east this summer. I will in the fear of God and in His strength, do my very best to write out these precious subjects, and next year if the Lord spares my life, will attend camp meeting. I want something to show what we have done this year in writing.3LtMs, Lt 9, 1876, par. 10

    May God give you my dear husband, strength of body and vigor of mind. I must close at once to get [this] in [the] mail.3LtMs, Lt 9, 1876, par. 11

    Love to all.3LtMs, Lt 9, 1876, par. 12

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