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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 3 (1876 - 1882) - Contents
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    Lt 11, 1877


    South Lancaster, Massachusetts

    August 31, 1877

    Portions of this letter are published in 5MR 241-242; 10MR 36.

    [Dear Children:]

    We are now on the [South] Lancaster campground. We rode out with Brother Haskell for to plead for a blessing for your father. We have just bowed in the grove and had a most precious season of prayer. Father was blessed. He has felt that he could not go in his feebleness to attend the Vermont and New York camp meetings. But while praying he said, “Ellen, if you feel like going to these meetings and bearing your testimony, go. I will go with you. My testimony borne in my weakness may do more good than if I were strong and confident.”3LtMs, Lt 11, 1877, par. 1

    Now I will resume the letter I commenced. Tuesday morning Sister Ings [and] Brother Canright returned with me to the campground at Groveland. Our brethren were preparing to leave the ground—tents were struck and there was a general bidding good-bye to each to return to their several homes.3LtMs, Lt 11, 1877, par. 2

    Father thought it would be pleasant to go across the country to South Lancaster. Brother Haskell had his horse and carriage on the ground. He rode with him about fifteen miles on Tuesday afternoon. Stopped at a farm house; were well cared for. Started next morning for Lancaster. Rode twenty-nine miles and at noon we were at home at Bro. Haskell’s house. Sisters Haskell and Ings came on the cars. We met them in about one-half hour after we arrived. In the evening all assembled in the parlor at Brother Haskell’s, while father made some remarks [on] when he thought he had not viewed matters always in the right light. In much care and in the many burdens, he has become unsympathizing and too severe. He felt deeply humbled in view of his own weakness and his mistakes. We then, according to his request, anointed him with oil in the name of the Lord, following the direction [in] James five. We then united in prayer. We had the assurance that God’s ear was open to our prayer. What a scene of breaking of heart, of tears, and confessions and humiliation before God. The dear Saviour came sacredly near to us. We claimed the promises of God. Precious light, grace, and peace flowed in upon us. We wept and shouted for joy. Father’s face was lighted up with the glory of God. Sister Ings felt His power as never before. We all shouted the praise of God. It was weeping for joy and blessing of God with gladness of heart. Every one in the room was blessed. We know that the Great Healer has come near, not only to your father, but your mother. We have claimed the promise of God, and this is the victory, even your faith. We were all a happy company. The confusion of brain left your father. He has had a slow fever since his illness. His stomach was relieved. God has wrought. Praise His holy name. Your father will not die, but live to praise and glorify God.3LtMs, Lt 11, 1877, par. 3

    We returned to rest, but we could not sleep. We were too happy for sleep. We praised our Saviour nearly all night. There was not much sleeping done in the house that night. God had come with His holy presence into the house, and His sanctifying presence was too highly prized to sleep over the hours to us so precious. We have been very happy ever since. Peace and joy have flowed in upon our souls like a river. There has been uninterrupted peace and rest in the dear Saviour. Such an assurance as we are having is worth more than riches or gold, honor or worldly glory. I prize it! I prize it! The praise of God has been in our hearts and upon our lips continually since that good evening. My peace is like a river, and the righteousness thereof like the waves of the sea.3LtMs, Lt 11, 1877, par. 4

    Yesterday we went out in the grove, Brother and Sister Haskell, Sister Ings, your father and mother, and had a precious season of prayer. We felt that God was very pitiful and, for the sake of Jesus, ready to hear our poor prayers and give us the riches of His grace. The peace of Jesus flowed into our hearts, and we rejoiced in His dear name.3LtMs, Lt 11, 1877, par. 5

    And again we have had another precious season of prayer, and God is moving upon our hearts and leading our minds, teaching us. Father says he will go forward in the name and strength of our dear Saviour. He will go to the camp meetings and will bear his testimony, exalting Jesus and the power of His grace. Oh! what hath the Lord wrought? Father feels now that he must hide behind Christ. He must exalt Jesus and humble himself. He wants to work in a different manner than he has hitherto done, walking in greater humility and working in God continually.3LtMs, Lt 11, 1877, par. 6

    We shall now go forward by faith and not wholly by faith, for we have had the blessed assurance of the presence of Christ and the power of His salvation. I will stop right here. Love to all the family.3LtMs, Lt 11, 1877, par. 7


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