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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 3 (1876 - 1882) - Contents
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    Lt 31, 1882

    Davis, Marian

    [Woodland], California

    March 16, 1882

    Previously unpublished.

    Dear Sister Marian:

    We will be home perhaps next week. We hardly dare to promise, but I do want to come home. I have labored hard since I have been here. Sunday, I spoke to the church members in the afternoon. In the evening, spoke to a crowded house. The first citizens of the place were out. The principals of the schools and teachers and the lawyers and many dignitaries of the place were present. I had great freedom in speaking. Many remarked it was the best discourse they had ever heard. One said it was not diluted at all.3LtMs, Lt 31, 1882, par. 1

    I labored hard, but the Lord helped me. My clothing was wet with perspiration. It is next to impossible not to take cold on such occasions. Monday, M. and I went on [the] cars to Arbuckle; found Sister Adams’ little girl sick with pneumonia—not dangerous. Tuesday, Brother Adams took us in his covered wagon 20 miles to Freshwater. We spent one night with them and the next afternoon returned to Arbuckle. We had heavy showers and [a] hailstorm to go through. We suffered some cold. Thursday, we had the little church together. We prayed and talked two hours as earnestly to this little company as if we had 3000 before us in the place of 12. I had a special testimony for Brother Brunell, the man who leaves the prayer meeting for the dance room, who frequently dances all night. This man has good abilities, but his influence is greatly injured and the cause reproached.3LtMs, Lt 31, 1882, par. 2

    This day has been a hard day’s labor for me. I am real tired tonight. I came to Woodland this noon. The brethren met us at [the] depot. I was telegraphed to come immediately to Vacaville, for Sister Butcher was lying at the point of death. The dispatch did not reach me, for I was at Freshwater. A dispatch came to Brother Van Horn to come at once. He went yesterday. Brother Rogers and Jenny were there. They prayed for Sister Butcher. She was raised up in answer to prayer. He returned today. I am urgently requested to go there on my return. Jenny is there. I shall go Monday. Tuesday, [I] shall go to Oakland, if the Lord wills; we shall have a council of brethren and determine some difficult matters. Brethren Sanders and Rice are requested to be present. I may be detained in Oakland over the Sabbath.3LtMs, Lt 31, 1882, par. 3

    I have grape cuttings and peas aplenty to plant. We will not need to buy sweet corn or peas. I hope to be with you soon. Be of good courage, all of you. Be happy and peaceful in God. Let nothing come between you and your Saviour.3LtMs, Lt 31, 1882, par. 4

    I must remain here over another Sabbath and First-day. Oh, that God would work for us in power! We want to see of His salvation. We can reach the people only through God.3LtMs, Lt 31, 1882, par. 5

    Will you please see my linen dress is there? Let me know in a letter sent to Oakland. It is not with me. I thought it mysteriously disappeared. Will you let me know if it is with you at Healdsburg? We shall be obliged to labor in Santa Rosa and vicinity after we return, but we can come home often then.3LtMs, Lt 31, 1882, par. 6

    We hope the girls will be content and happy and faithful, with respect.3LtMs, Lt 31, 1882, par. 7


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