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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 3 (1876 - 1882) - Contents
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    Lt 15, 1881

    White, W. C.; White, Mary

    Grand Ledge, Michigan

    March 15, 1881

    Previously unpublished.

    Dear children, Willie and Mary:

    We tarried here last night with Brother Ledore. They live in a small log house, but the pleasant reception makes up for everything lacking in surroundings. I have been improving some on this journey. I am still a cripple and will be so maybe for one year, but by winding my foot in a long rubber bandage firmly, I can hobble around a little, a few steps without my crutches.3LtMs, Lt 15, 1881, par. 1

    I woke up last night worried about our place in Healdsburg. Will you, Willie and Brother [S. N.] Haskell, interest yourselves in regard to this place? Will you see that, if occupied, it is by parties that will pay? The man who went in from Brother Collins’ arrangements has not improved the place. The contract was a miserable one. Now the time was out last October. What has been done since? The place is of too great value to have no attention paid to it. Will you and Elder Haskell interest yourselves to see in reference to this matter? We cannot do it, for we are so far away. Is not this much favor or consideration due us, when we have put so much means in California? Will you both go to that place, see if taxes are paid, [and] if the place is insured, so that if it burns down it will not be an entire loss? Interest Brother Young, who persuaded us to buy that place, to find a purchaser for it for $3,000. Will you attend to this at once? I tell you, my mind is troubled.3LtMs, Lt 15, 1881, par. 2

    I do not care to have the property of Edson’s sold unless at a good bargain. I should have thought Willie would have written to me, instead of to his father, about that property, the house where Edson lived. I do not care if the house where Brother Holmes lives sells for what it is worth. I want Edson’s house to bring more than I paid for it, in the place of less. I have thought it would be pleasant to live in California in that little house, so retired, but if it is sold, all right. I will then find some other place.3LtMs, Lt 15, 1881, par. 3

    We shall never spend another cold, long winter in Oakland. It is altogether too sunless. We have seen the sun but very few days this winter.3LtMs, Lt 15, 1881, par. 4

    Now do not neglect this matter of making sale of our property in Healdsburg. Love to all. I have not heard a word of our people since they left.3LtMs, Lt 15, 1881, par. 5


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