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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 3 (1876 - 1882) - Contents
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    Lt 34, 1880

    White, Edson

    Auburn, California

    July 13, 1880

    Previously unpublished.

    Dear Edson:

    We are in the hotel in Auburn. We spent last Sabbath and First Day in Chico. I spoke there three times. Had good congregations last time. The tent was full and more than could be accommodated under the tent. We were only twenty miles from Auburn. Brother Howard and Brother Briggs, an educated blind man, are working with the tent. This blind man is the main dependence. About half a dozen have commenced to keep the Sabbath. I spoke with freedom last night and the county treasurer and his wife were hearers. They made themselves acquainted with me and urged me to speak once again. Notices have been circulated and I speak tonight.3LtMs, Lt 34, 1880, par. 1

    It is very warm here today. It is almost more than I can endure—the change from the cool Oakland climate to this hot weather here. I am confident I cannot endure the heat [in the] East and, as matters now stand, I shall remain here in Oakland and do what I can.3LtMs, Lt 34, 1880, par. 2

    The First-Day Adventists have pitched their tent in Oakland, but I do not learn they are creating much stir, but they poison the field for us. I wish we could have had the start of them. We take the overland train in the morning for Oakland. I see a great deal to do and am obliged to get rest. Shall have to find it in some place. I shall expect letters from you and others when I return to Oakland.3LtMs, Lt 34, 1880, par. 3

    I have hoped to be able to go East and to have clear light so to do, but I obtain no light; therefore shall not return East until I do. They must have help at their camp meeting here in California. Should we leave, there would be a dearth of laborers, and, as far as human wisdom is concerned, it would prove a failure.3LtMs, Lt 34, 1880, par. 4

    I hope Father will not go to N.Y. The weather is so excessively hot there. I wish he would go to Colorado and spend the hottest part of the season there. Why does he hover around Battle Creek and be where there is so much to take his mind? Why does he not leave Battle Creek for a cooler climate? It has been too cold in Oakland much of the time to be agreeable, but since coming to Auburn, I want to get back as soon as possible.3LtMs, Lt 34, 1880, par. 5

    Is Emma with you or in the mountains? I shall demand a letter of you twice every week, and I will be as liberal with you.3LtMs, Lt 34, 1880, par. 6

    We are having quite a time in Oakland in close, practical work. We are seeking for a reformation all around, and many confessions have been made, and more will have to be made before the Spirit of the Lord can have free course in Oakland church. I have carried a most crushing burden for the church. It has nearly killed me. I go back not knowing what I shall have to do there when I return. Please write me all particulars. Let Father see this. I send to you, for I do not know where he is.3LtMs, Lt 34, 1880, par. 7

    In haste and love,3LtMs, Lt 34, 1880, par. 8


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