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    The Fifth Commandment

    Exodus 20:12. The new earth promised to the one who honors his parents.BHB 67.14

    Leviticus 19:3. Not only in childhood should children honor their parents, but after they are men they are to honor “mother and father.” Testimonies for the Church 3:294.BHB 67.15

    Genesis 9:20-27. Disrespect shown to even a drunken parent brings punishment, and respect brings reward.BHB 67.16

    Exodus 21:15. In olden times it was a serious offense to smite a parent.BHB 68.1

    Exodus 21:17. Cursing a parent was punishable with death.BHB 68.2

    Deuteronomy 27:16. A curse was pronounced upon the child that “setteth light by his parents.”BHB 68.3

    Deuteronomy 21:18-21. The stubborn and rebellious children were punished by death.BHB 68.4

    Jeremiah 35:18, 19. Respect and obedience rewarded.BHB 68.5

    Mark 7:9-13. Any attempt to evade providing for parents is a violation of the commandments of God.BHB 68.6

    Matthew 15:5-7. One who claims to be a Christian and neglects to care for his parents is a hypocrite.BHB 68.7

    Colossians 3:20. Obedience is well pleasing.BHB 68.8

    Ephesians 6:1. All obedience must be according to the word of God. Obey in the Lord.BHB 68.9

    Matthew 10:37. While children should respect parents, whether they are good or bad, we must love and obey God above all parents.BHB 68.10

    Leviticus 19:32. Age commands respect.BHB 68.11

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