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    Old Testament Prophets

    James 5:17. Prophets are human beings, subject to the same temptations as other men.BHB 142.6

    Exodus 3:1. Moses was a shepherd.BHB 142.7

    1 Samuel 3:1-5; 7:6, 16. Samuel was a priest and judge.BHB 142.8

    Acts 2:25, 30. David was king.BHB 142.9

    1 Kings 17:1. Elijah was accustomed to hardships.BHB 142.10

    1 Kings 19:19-21. Elisha was a farmer.BHB 142.11

    Amos 1:1. Amos was a herdsman.BHB 142.12

    Isaiah 1:1. Isaiah was the son of Amos.BHB 142.13

    Jeremiah 1:1. Jeremiah was a priest.BHB 142.14

    Ezekiel 1:1-3. Ezekiel was a priest among the captives of Babylon.BHB 142.15

    Daniel 2:48; 6:1-3. Daniel was prime minister of Babylon and Medo-Persia.BHB 143.1

    Judges 4:4, 5. Deborah was a married woman and a judge.BHB 143.2

    2 Kings 22:14. Huldah was also married and dwelt in the college.BHB 143.3

    1 Samuel 8:1-3. Samuel’s sons were wicked.BHB 143.4

    Ezekiel 24:15-18. Ezekiel records the death of his wife.BHB 143.5

    2 Kings 4:8-17. Prophets visited homes of the people.BHB 143.6

    2 Kings 4:38-41; 6:1-7. Elisha spent much time with the schools of the prophets.BHB 143.7

    Jeremiah 32:6-15. Jeremiah bought land.BHB 143.8

    1 Kings 13:1-32. Prophets are required to obey the words of the Lord spoken by their own mouth.BHB 143.9

    2 Kings 23:15-18. Disobedience on the part of the prophet does not hinder the fulfillment of the prophecy.BHB 143.10

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