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    Christ and the Sabbath

    Mark 2:28. Christ is Lord of the Sabbath. The Desire of Ages, 288.BHB 75.9

    Luke 4:16. Jesus was accustomed to keep the Sabbath when he was on the earth.BHB 75.10

    Matthew 24:20. Taught His disciples to pray that they might not break the Sabbath. The Desire of Ages, 630.BHB 75.11

    Luke 4:31; 6:6. Christ taught on the Sabbath day.BHB 75.12

    John 5:5-9. Healed on the Sabbath day.BHB 75.13

    Mark 3:1-5. He taught that it was right to perform acts of mercy on the Sabbath day. The Desire of Ages, 286.BHB 75.14

    Matthew 12:12; Luke 13:16. The Saviour recognized the Sabbath law.BHB 75.15

    Exodus 20:10; Deuteronomy 5:14. Servants and cattle should be allowed to rest upon the Sabbath.BHB 75.16

    Leviticus 23:3; Exodus 20:10. No manner of work is to be done on the Sabbath. Testimonies for the Church 6:354-356.BHB 76.1

    Nehemiah 10:31; 13:15-17. No purchases are to be made. Prophets and Kings, 667, 671.BHB 76.2

    Nehemiah 13:19; Jeremiah 17:21. No burdens are to be carried. Prophets and Kings, 411.BHB 76.3

    Exodus 16:23. Food prepared the day before. Testimonies for the Church 6:357; The Ministry of Healing, 307.BHB 76.4

    Genesis 1:5, 8, 13, 19. 23, 31. Day begins with the evening.BHB 76.5

    Leviticus 23:32; Mark 1:21, 32. Sabbath begins at sunset.BHB 76.6

    Nehemiah 13:19. All work set aside when it begins to be dark, before the Sabbath.BHB 76.7

    Acts 16:13. Divine worship is to be celebrated on the Sabbath.BHB 76.8

    Acts 13:27; 15:21. The Scriptures are to be read on the Sabbath.BHB 76.9

    Acts 13:14, 15, 42-44; 17:2; 18:4. The word of God is to be preached on the Sabbath. The Acts of the Apostles, 229.BHB 76.10

    Numbers 28:9; Matthew 12:5; John 7:23. Work connected with religious services is allowed on the Sabbath.BHB 76.11

    Matthew 12:1; Luke 13:15, 16; 14:1. Necessary wants may be supplied on the Sabbath day.BHB 76.12

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