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    Efficiency of the Holy Spirit

    Genesis 1:2. Divine agency in creation.BHB 108.10

    John 14:16, 17. Connecting link between God and man. The Acts of the Apostles, 50.BHB 108.11

    John 16:13, 14. Never speaks of Himself. The Acts of the Apostles, 51.BHB 109.1

    Revelation 4:5. Seven lamps type of.BHB 109.2

    Zechariah 4:10. Eyes of the Lord. The Acts of the Apostles, 52.BHB 109.3

    2 Chronicles 16:9. Searching for those who are true to God.BHB 109.4

    John 16:5-13. Better than personal presence of Christ.BHB 109.5

    John 16:8-11. Reproves of sin; witnesses of righteousness. The Acts of the Apostles, 120, 49.BHB 109.6

    Romans 8:26, 27. Presents our prayers.BHB 109.7

    Romans 8:27, 28. Makes all work for good to the faithful.BHB 109.8

    John 14:26. Comforter; strengthens memory. The Desire of Ages, 670.BHB 109.9

    Ezekiel 36:26, 27; 1 Samuel 10:6, 9. Changes the heart.BHB 109.10

    Acts 1:8. Gives power. The Desire of Ages, 672.BHB 109.11

    Acts 2:4. Gives utterance.BHB 109.12

    Ephesians 4:30. We are sealed by the Spirit.BHB 109.13

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