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    Characteristics of the Five Great Universal Kingdoms

    Daniel 2:35. Every kingdom represented in the end of time.BHB 117.6

    Habakkuk 1:6, 11; Daniel 4:28-31. Leading sins of Babylon, -pride and exalting man rather than God. Prophets and Kings, 501, 502.BHB 117.7

    Revelation 17:1-4; 18:7-20. Same spirit in modern Babylon. The Great Controversy, 388, 384, 385.BHB 117.8

    Isaiah 13:16-18. Medo-Persia cruel.BHB 117.9

    Esther 3:8-15. Decree to destroy all of God’s people. Prophets and Kings, 600.BHB 117.10

    Esther 4:1-16. God saved His people. Prophets and Kings, 601-604.BHB 117.11

    Revelation 13:15-17. Similar decree will be made. Prophets and Kings, 605, 606; The Great Controversy, 635.BHB 117.12

    Revelation 15:1, 2. God will deliver His people. The Great Controversy, 636.BHB 117.13

    1 Corinthians 1:22; 2 Corinthians 10:5, margin; Acts 17:16-22; 2 Timothy 3:7. Exalting reason above God’s word, sin of ancient Greece. Same spirit is manifested in higher criticism at the present day. Education, 227.BHB 117.14

    Daniel 7:25. All four nations persecuted the people of God more or less, but Rome only presumed to change the law of God.BHB 118.1

    Revelation 13:14; Isaiah 30:8-12, margin. Some spirit manifest in the closing history of the world. Prophets and Kings, 187, 188.BHB 118.2

    Daniel 2:35. God,-Pride, self-exaltation; silver,-cruelty, and over-bearing spirit; brass,-exalt man’s reason above the word of God; iron,- change God’s law to suit the mind of man. Any of these characteristics cherished in the heart means utter destruction, when God destroys all nations.BHB 118.3

    Isaiah 42:8. God demands full surrender. Prophets and Kings, 189.BHB 118.4

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