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    God’s Interest in Our Health

    Zechariah 2:8. God’s people are as dear to Him as the apple of His eye.BHB 162.7

    Isaiah 53:4, 5. Christ bore our infirmities.BHB 162.8

    Matthew 8:16, 17. Shown by His healing the sick.BHB 162.9

    1 Peter 2:24; 3 John 1:2. Our health as well as forgiveness of our sins purchased by the blood of Christ.BHB 162.10

    Matthew 9:36, margin. Christ feels every tired feeling of His people.BHB 162.11

    Psalm 41:3, margin. Regards the sick in mercy.BHB 162.12

    1 Corinthians 6:19, 20. Human body purchased by Christ’s blood. Testimonies for the Church 6:369.BHB 162.13

    Romans 12:1. Bodies should be a living sacrifice.BHB 162.14

    2 Corinthians 7:1. True sanctification embraces a clean body and a pure mind.BHB 162.15

    Romans 12:2. Which will not conform to the world.BHB 162.16

    1 Corinthians 10:31. Will eat and drink to God’s glory.BHB 162.17

    Daniel 1:8. Will not defile the body.BHB 162.18

    1 Corinthians 3:16, 17. God destroys those who defile the body.BHB 162.19

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