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    The Origin and Purpose of Nations

    Genesis 11:1. Whole earth one language.BHB 113.1

    Genesis 11:1-9. God the author of languages and nations. Patriarchs and Prophets, 120.BHB 113.2

    Acts 17:26. All nations of one blood. Prophets and Kings, 500.BHB 113.3

    Deuteronomy 32:8. God establishes the boundaries of nations. Habakkuk 1:5-11; Prophets and Kings, 499, 500.BHB 113.4

    Job 12:23. He increaseth and destroyeth nations.BHB 113.5

    Daniel 4:13-17. God watches over the nations. Prophets and Kings, 536, 537.BHB 113.6

    Ezekiel 29:17-20. God uses one nation to punish other nations.BHB 113.7

    Jeremiah 25:9-11. God calls even heathen nations His servants to do His bidding.BHB 113.8

    Jeremiah 50:11-20.BHB 113.9

    Daniel 10:20. When the angels of the Lord left the court of Media and Persia, Grecia arose.BHB 113.10

    Jeremiah 46:17. When God forsakes a kingdom, it is but a “noise”; it soon passes.BHB 113.11

    Jeremiah 29:5-7. Seek the peace of the country where you live.BHB 113.12

    Matthew 22:17-21. It is lawful to pay tribute. The Desire of Ages, 601, 602.BHB 113.13

    Matthew 17:24-27. Jesus performed a miracle to pay an unjust tax rather than offend. The Desire of Ages, 432-435.BHB 113.14

    Genesis 39:7-9; 50:24, 25; 41:39-46. Joseph was true to God while filling a high position under the Egyptian government. Patriarchs and Prophets, 210-223.BHB 113.15

    Daniel 6:1-5. Daniel was prime minister of Media and Persia. Prophets and Kings, 487, 488.BHB 113.16

    Daniel 6:16-23. He was always true to God while loyal to his government.BHB 113.17

    Daniel 6:28; 2:48. Daniel was a government official for over 70 years.BHB 114.1

    Esther 4:1-17; 10:3. Mordecai was true to God and at the same time was judge (sat in the gate) under the Medo-Persian empire. Prophets and Kings, 600-606.BHB 114.2

    Titus 3:1. Be subject to the principalities and powers; also be ready for every good work.BHB 114.3

    1 Peter 2:13-15. The Christians willing obedience to the government will “put to silence the ignorance of foolish men.”BHB 114.4

    1 Peter 2:16, 17. The servants of God will honor the ruler of the nation.BHB 114.5

    Daniel 3:1-26. The three Hebrews would not disobey God, but they were faithful servants of the nation in every way where its laws did not conflict with God’s laws. Daniel 2:49; 3:12, 30; Prophets and Kings, 508-513, 548.BHB 114.6

    1 Timothy 2:1-3. Paul said it “was good and acceptable in the sight of God” to pray for rulers. Nero, who was a synonym for cruelty, was then ruling. If that was pleasing to God, how much more should we pray for the rulers of our own country who fear God.BHB 114.7

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