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    New Earth As Taught In the Sanctuary Service No. 1

    Genesis 3:17. The Lord said unto Adam: “Cursed is the ground for thy sake.” Adam’s sin affected the earth.BHB 14.10

    Isaiah 24:5. “The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof.”BHB 14.11

    Genesis 4:9-11. There must be some remedy to meet the demand, and free the earth from the curse.BHB 14.12

    Numbers 35:33. The only way the land can be freed from the curse is through the offering of the blood of the same race that brought the sin upon the earth. Early Writings, 126, 127.BHB 14.13

    Nehemiah 5:4, 5. Man is powerless to redeem the earth from the curse of sin.BHB 14.14

    Mark 3:26, 27. Satan is prince of this world. Some one stronger than Satan must arise to destroy him and remove the curse.BHB 14.15

    Hebrews 2:14-16. Christ partook of flesh and blood, became one of the sons of Adam, clothed Himself in humanity that He might destroy the devil. Early Writings, 150.BHB 15.1

    Ruth 2:20, margin. Only one “near of kin” has the right to redeem.BHB 15.2

    Leviticus 25:23-25. When God placed Israel in the promised land, He gave him special directions that the land should never be sold. If one became involved, the land should never be sold. If one became involved, the land passed into the hands of another, the one “near of kin” could redeem it. Patriarchs and Prophets, 534.BHB 15.3

    Hebrews 2:17. Christ partook of the nature of man, became our brother, one “near of kin,” that He might deliver us and pay the redemption price for the earth. The Desire of Ages, 327.BHB 15.4

    Ephesians 1:13, 14. The future inheritance of the saints is called “the purchased possession”; it has been bought by the precious blood of Christ.BHB 15.5

    Leviticus 4:7, 18, 25, 30. In every sin-offering, after the atonement was made for the sinner, the remainder of the blood was poured on the ground at the bottom of the brazen altar, thus signifying that the blood ofBHB 15.6

    • Christ would cleanse the land from the curse of sin.BHB 15.7

    Leviticus 6:9-11. As the ashes accumulated on the altar, they were carefully collected and carried forth and put in a “clean place.”BHB 15.8

    Psalm 37:20; 73:12-18. The burning of those offerings typified the destruction of all sin and sinners in the lake of fire.BHB 15.9

    Malachi 4:1-3. When the fire of the last days has destroyed sin and sinners and purified the earth, the saints will walk over the ashes of the wicked on a “clean place,”-the earth made new.BHB 15.10

    Leviticus 6:10. In the type the priest changed his garments before he carried the ashes to the “clean place.”BHB 16.1

    Revelation 19:11-16. Christ lays aside His priestly robes and clothes Himself in kingly garments when He comes to destroy the wicked.BHB 16.2

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