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    The First Angel’s Message Announcing The Hour Of God’s Judgment

    Revelation 14:6. The angel having the everlasting gospel is the first of a series of three angels. Life Sketches of Ellen G. White, 278.BHB 54.3

    Revelation 14:7. The burden of the message is the hour of God’s “judgment is come.” Men are to fear God and give glory to Him. The Great Controversy, 355, 356.BHB 54.4

    Acts 24:25. This message could not have been given in Paul’s day, for the judgment was then future.BHB 54.5

    2 Timothy 4:1. The day of judgment is connected with the coming of Christ.BHB 54.6

    Luke 21:36; 20:35. The righteous are “accounted worthy” before Christ comes.BHB 54.7

    Revelation 22:12. Christ brings His reward with Him.BHB 54.8

    Revelation 10:1-10. This message is based upon the contents of a “little book,” which announces that time should be no longer.BHB 54.9

    Revelation 10:11. As this is followed by another world-wide message, it is not real time, but prophetic time, that ends.BHB 54.10

    Daniel 8:14. Daniel is the only “little book” that gives the 2300 days,-the longest prophetic period in the Bible, which ended in 1844.BHB 54.11

    Revelation 10:1-3. The proclamation of this message is compared to the roar of a lion.BHB 54.12

    Leviticus 23:23-32. Ten days before the earthly sanctuary was cleansed, the warning was sounded through all Israel. About ten years before 1844, Bible students began to study the prophetic period of 2300 days, and commenced to warn the world, telling them that the judgment day was near. Joseph Wolfe preached it in Asia; Edward Irving and more than three hundred ministers proclaimed the same message in Europe; while Wm. Miller and his co-laborers declared the message in America. The Great Controversy, 357-370.BHB 55.1

    Zechariah 9:9; Luke 19:35-40. The disciples fulfilled prophecy at the time of Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem, but were disappointed. The Great Controversy, 351.BHB 55.2

    Revelation 10:8-10. In like manner God’s people fulfilled prophecy during the ten years prior to 1844. As they studied the prophetic symbols in Daniel, the thought of Christ coming in 1844 was sweet to them, but the disappointment was bitter. The Great Controversy, 373.BHB 55.3

    Hebrews 10:32-34. God desires that this experience should be kept in remembrance by His people.BHB 55.4

    Daniel 7:9, 10. The people expected the judgment to take place on earth and were disappointed in the location of the judgment and not the event. It was by God’s appointment that while heaven was interested in the opening of the judgment in heaven, Christ’s followers on earth should have their love and thoughts all centered on the movements of their Saviour. The Great Controversy, 374, 457.BHB 55.5

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