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    The Seal of God

    Esther 8:8. A seal attached to a document makes it legal. A legal seal gives name of person issuing seal, also his title and territory. In this text Ahasuerus was the name, king and title, and Persia the territory over which he ruled.BHB 86.1

    Romans 4:11. Sign and seal synonymous.BHB 86.2

    Isaiah 8:16. The seal of earthly rulers is attached to their laws to make them binding upon their subjects. The seal of God is attached to His law to make it binding upon all His subjects. Patriarchs and Prophets, 307.BHB 86.3

    Matthew 5:17, 18; Romans 7:7;James 2:8-12; Exodus 24:12; Deuteronomy 4:9-13. God’s law is the ten commandments.BHB 86.4

    Exodus 20:8-11. Read carefully each commandment and find where God has attached His seal,-His name, title, and territory.BHB 86.5

    Exodus 20:11. In the last part of the fourth commandment, we find all the specifications of the seal. Lord, His name; Creator, His title; His territory, the heavens and earth. All within that territory are amenable to His law.BHB 86.6

    Exodus 31:13. The Sabbath is a sign or seal of God’s authority. The Great Controversy, 605.BHB 86.7

    Genesis 2:2, 3. There were three steps in making the Sabbath. 1. God rested on the seventh day; that made it God’s rest day. 2. He blessed the seventh day after He had rested; that made all the succeeding seventh-days God’s blessed rest days. 3. He sanctified it, or set it apart for a holy use, and it became God’s blessed, holy, rest day. The Desire of Ages, 281.BHB 86.8

    Joshua 5:15. It is God’s presence that makes anything holy.BHB 87.1

    Isaiah 58:13. God calls the Sabbath His holy day. His presence is in the day.BHB 87.2

    Ezekiel 20:20. The Sabbath is the sign or seal of God. The one that hallows it acknowledges that he is a subject of God’s kingdom, and knows that the Lord is his god. Testimonies for the Church 9:18.BHB 87.3

    Ezekiel 20:12. Just as the seventh day was set apart for a holy use, so the keeping of the Sabbath becomes a sign of sanctification between God and the individual that keeps it. In the act of keeping the Sabbath he acknowledges he is set apart for holy work. God is first in all his work and business. Education, 250.BHB 87.4

    Exodus 20:8. The Sabbath is holy; God wishes us to regard it as holy time.BHB 87.5

    Exodus 31:13. The one that in the fear of God will keep the Sabbath holy, becomes holy.BHB 87.6

    Exodus 31:17. The rest, refreshing, and blessing were placed in the seventh day, not in any other day.BHB 87.7

    Numbers 23:19, 20. The blessing can not be transferred by man to any other day. God’s blessing can not be reversed by man.BHB 87.8

    1 Chronicles 17:27. God’s blessing continues forever.BHB 87.9

    Isaiah 66:22, 23. The Sabbath will be God’s blessed, holy, rest day throughout eternity.BHB 87.10

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