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    Signs of Christ’s Coming in the Heavens

    Luke 21:25, 26. There shall be signs in the heavens and earth.BHB 17.3

    Joel 3:15. Sun, moon, and stars darkened. The Great Controversy, 306-308.BHB 17.4

    Revelation 6:12. Sun black as sackcloth.BHB 17.5

    Isaiah 13:10. Sun darkened in its going forth,-morning.BHB 17.6

    Amos 8:9. Darkest at noon, in a clear sky.BHB 17.7

    Ezekiel 32:7. Sun covered with cloud.BHB 17.8

    Amos 5:8. Night also dark.BHB 17.9

    Revelation 6:12. Moon like blood.BHB 17.10

    Matthew 24:29. Immediately after the tribulation of 1260 years.BHB 17.11

    Mark 13:24. Darkened in the days,but after the tribulation.BHB 17.12

    Matthew 24:22. Days were shortened.BHB 17.13

    Tribulation ceased about 1776. The 1260 years of Daniel 7:25 began 538 A. D. and ended 1798. The signs in the sun and moon were to be seen between the end of the tribulation and 1798 A. D. An account of the fulfillment is given in Webster’s Dictionary, 1869 edition, as follows:- “The Dark Day, May 19, 1780,-so called on account of the remarkable darkness on that day extending all over New England. In some places, persons could not see to read common print in the open air for several hours together... The obscuration began at about ten o’clock in the morning, and continued till the middle of the next night, but with differences of degree and duration in different places. For several days previously the wind had been variable, but chiefly from the southwest and northeast. The true cause of this remarkable phenomenon is not known.”BHB 17.14

    Herschel, the astronomer, says: “The Dark Day in North America was one of those wonderful phenomena of nature which will always be read of with interest, but which philosophy is at a loss to explain.”BHB 18.1

    Revelation 6:13. Stars fell as green fruit. The Great Controversy, 333, 334.BHB 18.2

    An entire chapter in Deven’s “Our First Century,” pp. 329-336, is devoted to the description of the great shower of stars of Nov. 13, 1833, which fulfilled this prophecy in every respect.BHB 18.3

    Luke 21:28-31. The signs began to come to pass in 1780, and now they have come to pass.BHB 18.4

    Matthew 24:33, margin. Saviour at the door.BHB 18.5

    Luke 21:32; Matthew 24:34. This generation shall not pass till all these things are fulfilled. The Desire of Ages, 632.BHB 18.6

    It must be either the generation addressed by the Saviour or the generation that saw the signs fulfilled.BHB 18.7

    Luke 11:29. The generation living in Christ’s day had only one sign, and therefore could not sin be the one that would not pass away until all things were fulfilled. The Desire of Ages, 632, 406.BHB 18.8

    Matthew 24:35. God’s word can not fail. The Desire of Ages, 234, 235.BHB 19.1

    Luke 21:34-36. Need of preparation.BHB 19.2

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