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    Victory In Place Of Defeat

    Redemption means a re-purchase of that which was lost. Adam and Eve were not content with the food God gave them, and coveted forbidden food; thus they lost Eden. Redeemed man will go back over the same road and gain victory where Adam and Eve fell. Testimonies for the Church 1:486, 487.BHB 156.2

    Genesis 3:1-6. Appetite the master of the man Adam. Testimonies for the Church 3:161.BHB 156.3

    Isaiah 7:14, 15. The child Jesus, through victory over appetite, able to refuse evil and choose good.BHB 156.4

    Matthew 4:3, 4; Luke 4:3, 4. The man Jesus, victor over appetite. Testimonies for the Church 3:161, 162.BHB 156.5

    1 Peter 2:21. Christ left us an example that we should follow in His steps.BHB 156.6

    Isaiah 4:1-5. In the time of the judgment the members of the apostate church are known by their choosing their own diet, rather than the diet given by Christ, the true husband of the church.BHB 156.7

    Isaiah 66:15-17. Isaiah says that the appetite will be a test at the coming of Christ. Those who are ruled by appetite will be destroyed; those who are visitors over appetite will be spared.BHB 156.8

    Malachi 3:1-6; 4:5, 6. Elijah, a type of the remnant church. Testimonies for the Church 6:112; Prophets and Kings, 227.BHB 156.9

    1 Kings 17:1-6. He was introduced as a flesheater.BHB 156.10

    1 Kings 17:9-16. Non-flesh diet next mentioned.BHB 156.11

    1 Kings 19:4-8. Before translation, diet of bread and water. Prophets and Kings, 166.BHB 157.1

    Isaiah 33:14-17. Remnant will have the same diet before translation. Testimonies for the Church 2:63, 64.BHB 157.2

    Isaiah 65:21-25. No life taken to furnish food in the new earth.BHB 157.3

    Genesis 1:29. No flesh diet in Eden; flesh-eating only associated with the sin-cursed earth. Genesis 3:17. If citizens of an heavenly country why not partake of the food of Eden rather than the diseased carcasses of animals?BHB 157.4

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