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    The Twelfth Chapter of Daniel

    Daniel 12:1. Close of probation; time of trouble. The Great Controversy, 613.BHB 127.1

    Daniel 12:2. Partial resurrection. The Great Controversy, 673.BHB 127.2

    Daniel 12:3. Soul-winner’s reward.BHB 127.3

    Daniel 12:4. Increase of knowledge.BHB 127.4

    Daniel 12:5-7. At the end of 1260 years, 1798, the power of the holy people (the Bible) would be scattered. British Bible Society organized 1804; American 1816.BHB 127.5

    Daniel 12:8, 9. This period called “the time of the end.” Words of Daniel sealed until that time. The Desire of Ages, 234, 235.BHB 127.6

    Daniel 12:10. Wise understand the book of Daniel in the time of the end. Prophets and Kings, 547.BHB 127.7

    Daniel 12:11, margin. Daily (paganism) taken away (508 A.D.) “to set up the abomination” that maketh desolate; 508 A.D. plus 1290 equals 1798 A.D., beginning of the time of the end when the sealed word would be opened and studied. The word “sacrifice” is supplied by man’s wisdom, and is not in the text. Early Writings, 74.BHB 127.8

    Daniel 12:12. As there is no beginning point given here, we understand the period begins at the same date given in verse 11; 508 A.D. plus 1335 equals 1843 A.D. Then the glad news of Christ’s return was proclaimed.BHB 127.9

    Daniel 12:13. Daniel stands in his lot; his writings studied in time of the end. The Great Controversy, 356.BHB 128.1

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