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    Third Fall of Satan

    Revelation 20:1-3. It does not take Christ or a host of angels to overcome Satan; one angel binds him.BHB 105.16

    Revelation 20:3. He is confined to his own territory.BHB 105.17

    Jeremiah 4:23-26; Isaiah 24:19-21. Sin has made the earth a dark abyss.BHB 105.18

    1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17. Righteous in heaven.BHB 106.1

    Jeremiah 25:31-33. Wicked all dead.BHB 106.2

    Revelation 20:3. Satan is alone with the evil angels for 1000 years. He is bound by circumstances; the righteous are in heaven, the wicked dead, there is no one for him to tempt.BHB 106.3

    Revelation 20:5. The wicked live again at the end of 1000 years.BHB 106.4

    Revelation 20:7. This gives Satan work, and he is said to be “loosed.”BHB 106.5

    Revelation 20:8. Deceives the wicked.BHB 106.6

    Revelation 20:9. As they gather for battle all are destroyed.BHB 106.7

    Hebrews 2:14. Christ died to destroy Satan.BHB 106.8

    Revelation 20:10. As long as Satan lives in the fire he suffers torment, but as sure as Christ died, Satan will die when he has suffered the penalty for sin.BHB 106.9

    Ezekiel 28:18, 19. Satan becomes ashes on the earth in the sight of the righteous. The Desire of Ages, 490.BHB 106.10

    Malachi 4:1-3. Ashes on the new earth is all that remains of Satan and sinners.BHB 106.11

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