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    Did Christ Change The Sabbath?

    Matthew 5:17, 18. Wicked persons in the time of Christ were tempted to accuse Him of changing the law of God; but He read their thoughts and rebuked them for it before the words were spoken. Prophets and Kings, 183.BHB 81.1

    John 5:10-19. The Hews sought to kill Jesus because he healed the sick upon the Sabbath day. The Desire of Ages, 204, 211.BHB 81.2

    John 9:14-16. They thought He was not of God because He healed on the Sabbath day. The Desire of Ages, 471, 472.BHB 81.3

    Matthew 12:10-12. The Saviour referred them to the Scriptures, stating that it was lawful to do acts of mercy on the Sabbath day, thus recognizing the Sabbath law. The Desire of Ages, 285.BHB 81.4

    John 15:10. Jesus repudiated every charge of breaking the Sabbath by declaring that He kept his Father’s commandments.BHB 81.5

    Mark 7:6-12. He refused to honor “tradition of men,” substituted for God’s law.BHB 81.6

    Isaiah 42:21. The prophet Isaiah, looking down through the ages to the time of Christ, said that He would “magnify the law and make it honorable.”BHB 81.7

    Luke 4:16. Jesus kept the Sabbath.BHB 81.8

    Matthew 24:20. He taught His disciples to honor it.BHB 81.9

    Luke 23:54-56. His followers kept it; Jesus never changed the Sabbath.BHB 81.10

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