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    Business Principles

    “Every business transaction is to be fragrant with the presence of God.” “Religion and business are not two separate things; they are one.”BHB 129.8

    Romans 12:17. Be honest in the sight of all men. The Desire of Ages, 73; Testimonies for the Church 7:248.BHB 129.9

    Hebrews 13:18. Be willing in all things to live honestly. Testimonies for the Church 4:285.BHB 129.10

    Romans 12:11. Not slothful in business. Testimonies for the Church 5:178.BHB 129.11

    Proverbs 22:29. Diligence in business wins respect.BHB 129.12

    1 Thessalonians 4:11. Studyto do your own business.BHB 129.13

    Leviticus 19:36. Have just measurers and weights.BHB 129.14

    Proverbs 22:22. Never rob nor oppress poor. Testimonies for the Church 5:350.BHB 129.15

    Exodus 22:22, 23. Never afflict widows or orphans. Testimonies for the Church 4:494, 495.BHB 130.1

    Exodus 22:21. Neither vex nor oppress a stranger. Testimonies for the Church 6:274.BHB 130.2

    Leviticus 19:13. Pay hired help at the close of each day.BHB 130.3

    Leviticus 19:11. Never steal nor deal falsely. The Desire of Ages, 556.BHB 130.4

    Malachi 3:5. God will punish those who do not regard the above principles. Testimonies for the Church 4:309, 310.BHB 130.5

    Jeremiah 17:11. Ill-gotten riches do not profit. Testimonies for the Church 4:540.BHB 130.6

    James 5:1-6. Such riches are corrupted.BHB 130.7

    Isaiah 2:17-20; Revelation 6:15; Proverbs 11:4. Riches profit not in the day of wrath.BHB 130.8

    Luke 12:20, 21. It is foolish to lay up treasure and not be rich toward God.BHB 130.9

    Malachi 3:8. Some men rob God. Testimonies for the Church 3:394.BHB 130.10

    Malachi 3:9. Those who rob God are cursed. Testimonies for the Church 3:269.BHB 130.11

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