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    Result of Eating Flesh Meat

    Genesis 9:5, 6. If man commits murder, the murderer is to be punished by man; but when the beasts are killed to be eaten, God Himself avenges their death.BHB 154.11

    Over every plate of flesh meat, these words of God can truthfully be placed: “Surely your blood of your lives will I require, at the hand of every beast will I require it.” God has never forgotten to avenge the blood of animals slain for food. He uses various agencies to fulfill His word, as cancers, tumors, ulcers, consumption, etc. Testimonies for the Church 9:159; The Ministry of Healing, 313-315. A comparison of the 10 generations before the flood with the 10 generations after the flood, shows that God fulfills His word.BHB 155.1

    Before Flesh Eating After Flesh Eating Name Age Age Name Adam 930 600 Shem Seth 912 438 Arphaxad Enos 905 433 Salah Cainan 910 464 Eber Mahalaleel 895 239 Peleg Jared 962 239 Reu Enoch 365 230 Serug Methuselah 969 148 Nahor Lamech 777 205 Terah Noah 950 175 Abraham

    Noah, the 10th generation, lived 20 years longer than Adam; the 8 th generation lived 39 years longer than Adam; Shem was brought up on a vegetarian diet and lived to a fair age; but the 2nd generation after the flood dropped to 438 years; and the 8th generation, instead of being the longest as before the flood, was the shortest,-only 148 years. Testimonies for the Church 9:156.BHB 155.2

    Genesis 9:20-23. After eating flesh Noah was drunken. Testimonies for the Church 2:352, 353.BHB 155.3

    Genesis 9:25. Curse rested upon descendants.BHB 155.4

    Proverbs 23:20, 21. Drunkenness and flesh-eating associated.BHB 155.5

    1 Samuel 2:22. Eli’s sons, who would have the flesh with the blood, were licentious. Testimonies for the Church 2:62, 352, 362.BHB 156.1

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