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    The Eighth Chapter Of Daniel

    Daniel 8:1. The third year of Belshazzar, the last year of Babylon.BHB 44.8

    Daniel 8:2. Daniel in Elam when given the vision.BHB 44.9

    Daniel 8:3-14. Symbols given, -a ram, a rough goat, a little horn, and the 2300 days.BHB 44.10

    Daniel 8:15. Daniel sought for the meaning. Prophets and Kings, 553.BHB 44.11

    Daniel 8:16. Gabriel commissioned to make him understand.BHB 44.12

    Daniel 8:20. Ram represented Medo-Persia.BHB 44.13

    Daniel 8:21. Goat a symbol of Greece.BHB 44.14

    Daniel 8:6, 7. Overthrow of Grecia by Medo-Persia.BHB 44.15

    Daniel 8:8, 22; 11:4. Grecia divided into four divisions.BHB 44.16

    Daniel 8:24, 25. The power following Grecia, which will be understood at the time of the end. Verse 17.BHB 44.17

    Daniel 8:26, 27. Gabriel began to explain the time mentioned in the 14 th verse, but Daniel fainted and could not understand. Prophets and Kings, 554.BHB 44.18

    Daniel 9:1. The first year of Medo-Persia’s universal reign. Since the vision of the 8th chapter Babylon had been overthrown.BHB 45.1

    Daniel 9:2. Daniel studied Jeremiah’s prophecy. Jeremiah 25:11, 12; 29:10; Prophets and Kings, 554, 555.BHB 45.2

    Daniel 9:3-19. Daniel’s prayer reveals fear of lengthened captivity.BHB 45.3

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