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    1. Winning; engaging; reconciling.NWAD CONCILIATING.2

    2. Winning; having the quality of gaining favor; as a conciliating address.NWAD CONCILIATING.3

    CONCILIATION, n. The act of winning or gaining, as esteem, favor or affection; reconciliation.

    CONCILIATOR, n. One who conciliates or reconciles.

    CONCILIATORY, a. Tending to conciliate, or reconcile; tending to make peace between persons at variance; pacific.

    The General made conciliatory propositions to the insurgents.NWAD CONCILIATORY.2

    The Legislature adopted conciliatory measures.NWAD CONCILIATORY.3

    CONCINNITY, n. [L. Fit, to fit or prepare; to sound in accord.]

    1. Fitness; suitableness; neatness. [Little used.]NWAD CONCINNITY.2

    2. A jingling of words.NWAD CONCINNITY.3

    CONCINNOUS, a. [L. See Concinnity.] Fit; suitable; agreeable; becoming; pleasant; as a concinnous interval in music; a concinnous system.

    CONCIONATOR, n. A preacher. [Not in use.]

    CONCIONATORY, a. [L., An assembly.] Used in preaching or discourses to public assemblies.

    CONCISE, a. [L., cut off, brief, to cut. See Class Gd. No. 2. 4. 8. 49. 59.] Brief; short, applied to language or stile; containing few words; comprehensive; comprehending much in few words, or the principal matters only.

    The concise stile, which expresseth not enough, but leaves somewhat to be understood.NWAD CONCISE.2

    Where the author is too brief and concise, amplify a little.NWAD CONCISE.3

    In Genesis, we have a concise account of the creation.NWAD CONCISE.4

    CONCISELY, adv. Briefly; in few words; comprehensively.

    CONCISENESS, n. Brevity in speaking or writing.

    Conciseness should not be studied at the expense of perspicuity.NWAD CONCISENESS.2

    CONCISION, n. [L., to cut off.] Literally, a cutting off. Hence, In scripture, the Jews or those who adhered to circumcision, which, after our Saviors death, was no longer a seal of the covenant, but a mere cutting of the flesh.

    Beware of dogs; beware of the concision. Philippians 3:2.NWAD CONCISION.2

    CONCITATION, n. [L., to stir or disturb.] The act of stirring up, exciting or putting in motion.

    CONCITE, v.t. [L.] To excite. [Not in use.]

    CONCLAMATION, n. [L., to cry out. See Claim.] An outcry or shout of many together.

    CONCLAVE, n. [L., an inner room; a key, or from the same root, to make fast.]

    1. A private apartment, particularly the room in which the Cardinals of the Romish church meet in privacy, for the eletion of a Pope. It consists of a range of small cells or apartments, standing in a line along the galleries and hall of the Vatican.NWAD CONCLAVE.2

    2. The assembly or meeting of the Cardinals, shut up for the election of a Pope.NWAD CONCLAVE.3

    3. A private meeting; a close assembly.NWAD CONCLAVE.4

    CONCLUDE, v.t. [L., to shut; Gr., contracted. The sense is to stop, make fast, shut, or rather to thrust together. Hence in Latin, claudo signifies to halt, or limp, that is, to stop, as well as to shut. See Lid.]

    1. To shut.NWAD CONCLUDE.2

    The very person of Christ--was only, touching bodily substance, concluded in the grave. [This use of the word is uncommon.]NWAD CONCLUDE.3

    2. To include; to comprehend.NWAD CONCLUDE.4

    For God hath concluded them all in unbelief. Romans 11:32.NWAD CONCLUDE.5

    The scripture hath concluded all under sin. Galatians 3:22.NWAD CONCLUDE.6

    The meaning of the word in the latter passage may be to declare irrevocably or to doom.NWAD CONCLUDE.7

    3. To collect by reasoning; to infer, as from premises; to close an argument by inferring.NWAD CONCLUDE.8

    Therefore we conclude, that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. Romans 3:28.NWAD CONCLUDE.9

    4. To decide; to determine; to make a final judgment or determination.NWAD CONCLUDE.10

    As touching the Gentiles who believe, we have written and concluded that they observe no such thing. Acts 21:25.NWAD CONCLUDE.11

    5. To end; to finish.NWAD CONCLUDE.12

    I will conclude this part with the sppech of a counselor of state.NWAD CONCLUDE.13

    6. To stop or restrain, or as in law, to estop from further argument or proceedings; to oblige or bind, as by authority or by ones own argument or concession; generally in the passive.NWAD CONCLUDE.14

    If they will appeal to revelation for their creation, they must be concluded by it.NWAD CONCLUDE.15

    The defendant is concluded by his own plea.NWAD CONCLUDE.16

    I do not consider the decision of that motion, upon affidavits, to amount to a res judicata, which ought to conclude the present inquiry.NWAD CONCLUDE.17

    CONCLUDE, v.i.

    1. To infer, as a consequence; to determine.NWAD CONCLUDE.19

    The world will conclude I had a guilty conscience.NWAD CONCLUDE.20

    But this verb is really transitive. The world will conclude that I ahd a guilty conscience--that is here the object, referring to the subsequent clause of the sentence. [See Verb Transitive, No. 3.]NWAD CONCLUDE.21

    2. To settle opinion; to form a final judgment.NWAD CONCLUDE.22

    Can we conclude upon Luthers instability, as our author has done.NWAD CONCLUDE.23

    3. To end.NWAD CONCLUDE.24

    A train of lies, that, made in lust, conclude in perjuries.NWAD CONCLUDE.25

    The old form of expression, to conclude of, is no longer in use.NWAD CONCLUDE.26

    CONCLUDED, pp. Shut; ended; finished; determined; inferred; comprehended; stopped, or bound.

    CONCLUDENCY, n. Inference; logical deducation from premises.

    CONCLUDENT, a. Bringing to a close; decisive.

    CONCLUDER, n. One who concludes.

    CONCLUDING, ppr.

    1. Shutting; ending; determining; inferring; comprehending.NWAD CONCLUDING.2

    2. Final; ending; closing; as the concluding sentence of an essay.NWAD CONCLUDING.3

    CONCLUDINGLY, adv. Conclusively; with incontrovertible evidence. [Little used.]

    CONCLUSIBLE, a. That may be concluded or inferred; determinable. [Little used.]

    CONCLUSION, n. [L.]

    1. End; close; the last part; as the conclusion of an address.NWAD CONCLUSION.2

    2. The close of an argument, debate or reasoning; inference that ends the discussion; final result.NWAD CONCLUSION.3

    Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter; fear God, and keep his commandments; for this is the whole of man. Ecclesiastes 12:13.NWAD CONCLUSION.4

    3. Determination; final decision.NWAD CONCLUSION.5

    After long debate, the house of commons came to this conclusion.NWAD CONCLUSION.6

    4. Consequence; inference; that which is collected or drawn from premises; particular deduction from propositions, facts, experience, or reasoning.NWAD CONCLUSION.7

    5. The event of experiments; experiment.NWAD CONCLUSION.8

    We practice all conclusions of grafting and inoculating. [Little used.]NWAD CONCLUSION.9

    6. Confinement of the thoughts; silence. [Not used.]NWAD CONCLUSION.10

    CONCLUSIONAL, a. Concluding. [Not used.]


    1. Final; decisive; as a conclusive answer to a proposition.NWAD CONCLUSIVE.2

    2. Decisive; giving a final determination; precluding a further act.NWAD CONCLUSIVE.3

    The agreeing votes of both houses were not, by any law or reason, conclusive to my judgment.NWAD CONCLUSIVE.4

    3. Decisive; concluding the question; putting an end to debate; as a conclusive argument.NWAD CONCLUSIVE.5

    4. Regularly consequential.NWAD CONCLUSIVE.6

    Men, not knowing the true forms of syllogisms, cannot know whether they are made in right and conlusive modes and figures.NWAD CONCLUSIVE.7

    CONCLUSIVELY, adv. Decisively; with final determination; as, the point of law is conclusively settled.

    CONCLUSIVENESS, n. The quality of being conclusive, or decisive; the power of determining the opinion, or of settling a question; as the conclusiveness of evidence or of an argument.

    CONCOAGULATE, v.t. [con and coagulate.] To curdle or congeal one thing with another.

    CONCOAGULATED, pp. Curdled; concreted.

    CONCOAGULATING, ppr. Concreting; curdling.

    CONCOAGULATION, n. A coagulating together, as different substances, or bodies, in one mass. Crystalization of different slats in the same menstruum. [This word is little used.]

    CONCOCT, v.t. [L., to cook. See Cook.]

    1. To digest by the stomach, so as to turn food to chyle or nutriment.NWAD CONCOCT.2

    The vital functions are performed by general and constant laws; the food is concocted.NWAD CONCOCT.3

    2. To purify or sublime; to refine by separating the gross or extraneous matter; as, concocted venom.NWAD CONCOCT.4

    3. To ripen.NWAD CONCOCT.5

    Fruits and grains are half a year in concocting.NWAD CONCOCT.6

    CONCOCTED, pp. Digested; purified; ripened.

    CONCOCTING, ppr. Digesting; purifying; ripening.


    1. Digestion or solution in the stomach; the process by which food is turned into chyle, or otherwise prepared ot nourish the body; the change which food undergoes in the stomach.NWAD CONCOCTION.2

    2. Maturation; the process by which morbid matter is separated from the blood or humors, or otherwise change and prepared to be thrown off.NWAD CONCOCTION.3

    3. A ripening; the acceleration of any thing towards perfection.NWAD CONCOCTION.4

    CONCOCTIVE, a. Digesting; having the power of digesting or ripening.

    CONCOLOR, a. Of one color. [Not in use.]

    CONCOMITANCE, n. [L., to accompany, a companion. See Count.] A being together, or in connection with another thing.

    The secondary action subsisteth not alone, but in concomitancy with the other.NWAD CONCOMITANCE.2

    CONCOMITANT, a. Accompanying; conjoined with; concurrent; attending.

    It has pleased our wise creator to annex to several objects--a concomitant pleasure.NWAD CONCOMITANT.2

    CONCOMITANT, n. A companion; a person or thing that accompanies another, or is collaterally connected. It is seldom applied to persons.

    The other concomitant of ingratitude is hard-heartedness.NWAD CONCOMITANT.4

    Reproach is a concomitant to greatness.NWAD CONCOMITANT.5

    CONCOMITANTLY, adv. In company with others.

    CONCOMITATE, v.t. To accompany or attend; to be collaterally connected. [Not used.]

    CONCORD, n. [L., the heart. See Accord.]

    1. Agreement between persons; union in opinions, sentiments, views or interests; peace; harmony.NWAD CONCORD.2

    What concord hath Christ with Belial? 2 Corinthians 6:15.NWAD CONCORD.3

    2. Agreement between things; suitableness; harmony.NWAD CONCORD.4

    If, natures concord broke, among the constellations war were sprung.NWAD CONCORD.5

    3. In music, consent of sounds; harmony; the relation between tow or more sounds which are agreeable to the ear. [See Chord.]NWAD CONCORD.6

    The man who hath not music in himself, nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, is fit for treasons.NWAD CONCORD.7

    4. A compact; an agreement by stipulation; treaty.NWAD CONCORD.8

    5. In law, an agreement between the parties in a fine, made by leave of the court. This is an acknowledgment from the deforciants that the land in question is the right of the complainant.NWAD CONCORD.9

    6. In grammar, agreement of words in construction; as adjectives with nouns in gender, number and case; or verbs with nouns or pronouns in number and person. Or concord may signify the system of rules for construction called syntax.NWAD CONCORD.10

    Form of concord, in ecclesiastical history, is a book among the Lutherans containing a system of doctrines to be subscribed as a condition of communion, composed at Torgaw in 1576.NWAD CONCORD.11

    CONCORDANCE, n. [L., to agree. See Concord.]

    1. Agreement. In this sense, accordance is generally used.NWAD CONCORDANCE.2

    2. In grammar, concord. [Not used.]NWAD CONCORDANCE.3

    3. A dictionary in which the principal words used in the scriptures are arranged alphabetically, and the book, chapter and verse in which each word occurs are noted; designed to assist an inquirer in finding any passage of scripture, by means of any leading word in a verse which he can recollect.NWAD CONCORDANCE.4

    CONCORDANCY, n. Agreement.

    CONCORDANT, a. Agreeing; agreeable; correspondent; harmonious.

    CONCORDANT, n. That which is accordant.

    CONCORDANTLY, adv. In conjunction.

    CONCORDAT, n. In the canon law, a compact, covenant, or agreement concerning some beneficiary matter, as a resignation, permutation, promotion and the like. In particular, an agreement made by a prince with the Pope relative to the collation of benefices; such as that between the Emperor Frederic III., the German princes, and the Popes legate, A.D. 1448.

    CONCORDIST, n. The compiler of a concordance.

    CONCORPORATE, v.t. [L., a body.] To unite different things in one mass or body; to incorporate. [Little used.]

    CONCORPORATE, v.i. To unite in one mass or body.

    CONCORPORATION, n. Union of things in one mass or body.

    CONCOURSE, n. [L., to run together, to run.]

    1. A moving, flowing or running together; confluence; as a fortuitous concourse of atoms; a concourse of men.NWAD CONCOURSE.2

    2. A meeting; an assembly of men; an assemblage of things; a collection formed by a voluntary or spontaneous moving and meeting in one place. Acts 19:40.NWAD CONCOURSE.3

    3. The place or point of meeting, or a meeting; the point of junction of two bodies.NWAD CONCOURSE.4

    The drop will begin to move towards the concourse of the glasses. [This application is unusual.]NWAD CONCOURSE.5

    CONCREATE, v.t. To create with, or at the same time.

    Dr. Taylor-insists that it is inconsistent with the nature of virtue, that it should be concreated with any person.NWAD CONCREATE.2

    CONCREATED, pp. Created at the same time, or in union with.

    CONCREDIT, v.t. To entrust. [Not used.]

    CONCREMATION, n. [L., to burn together; to burn.] The act of burning different things together. [Little used.]

    CONCREMENT, n. [L., to grow together. See Concrete.] A growing together; the collection or mass formed by concretion, or natural union.

    CONCRESCENCE, n. [L. See Concrete.] Growth or increase; the act of growing or increasing by spontaneous union, or the coalescence of separate particles.

    CONCRESCIBLE, a. Capable of concreting; that may congeal or be changed from a liquid to a solid state.

    They formed a genuine, fixed, concrescible oil.NWAD CONCRESCIBLE.2

    CONCRETE, a. [L., to grow together, to grow. See Grow.]

    1. Literally, united in growth. Hence, formed by coalition of separate particles in one body; consistent in a mass; united in a solid form.NWAD CONCRETE.2

    The first concrete state or consistent surface of the chaos.NWAD CONCRETE.3

    2. In logic, applied to a subject; not abstract; as the whiteness of snow. Here whiteness is used as a concrete term, as it expresses the quality of snow.NWAD CONCRETE.4

    Concrete terms, while they express the quality, do also express, or imply, or refer to a subject to which they belong.NWAD CONCRETE.5

    A concrete number expresses or denotes a particular subject, as three men; but when we use a number without reference to a subject, as three, or five, we use the term in the abstract.NWAD CONCRETE.6

    CONCRETE, n.

    1. A compound; a mass formed by concretion, spontaneous union or coalescence of separate particles of matter in one body.NWAD CONCRETE.8

    Gold is a porous concrete.NWAD CONCRETE.9

    2. In philosophy, a mass or compound body, made up of different ingredients; a mixed body or mass.NWAD CONCRETE.10

    Soap is a factutious concrete.NWAD CONCRETE.11

    3. In logic, a concrete term; a term that includes both the quality and the subject in which it exists; as nigrum, a black thing.NWAD CONCRETE.12

    CONCRETE, v.i. To unite or coalesce, as separate particles, into a mass or solid body, chiefly by spontaneous cohesion, or other natural process; as saline particles concrete into crystals; blood concretes in a bowl. Applied to some substances, it is equivalent to indurate; as, metallic matter concretes into a hard body. Applied to other substances, it is equivalent to congeal, thicken, inspissate, coagulate; as in the concretion of blood.

    CONCRETE, v.t. To form a mass by the cohesion or coalescence of separate particles.

    CONCRETED, pp. United into a solid mass; congealed; inspissated; clotted.

    CONCRETELY, adv. In a concrete manner; in a manner to include the subject with the predicate; not abstractly.

    CONCRETENESS, n. A state of being concrete; coagulation.

    CONCRETING, ppr. Coalescing or congealing in a mass; becoming thick; making solid.


    1. The act of concreting; the process by which soft or fluid bodies become thick, consistent, solid or hard; the act of growing together, or of uniting, by other natural process, the small particles of matter into a mass.NWAD CONCRETION.2

    2. The mass or solid matter formed by growing together, by congelation, condensation, coagulation or induration; a clot; a lump; a solid substance formed in the soft parts or in the cavities of animal bodies.NWAD CONCRETION.3

    CONCRETIVE, a. Causing to concrete; having power to produce concretion; tending to form a solid mass from separate particles; as, concretive juices.

    CONCRETURE, n. A mass formed by concretion. [Not used.]

    CONCREW, v.i. To grow together. [Not used.]

    CONCUBINAGE, n. [See Concubine.] The act or practice of cohabiting, as man and woman, in sexual commerce, without the authority of law, or a legal marriage. In a more general sense, this word is used to express any criminal or prohibited sexual commerce, including adultery, incest, and fornication. In some countries, concubinage is a marriage of an inferior kind, or performed with less solemnity than a true or formal marriage; or marriage with a woman of inferior condition, to whom the husband does not convey his rank or quality. This is said to be still in use in Germany.

    In law, concubinage is used as an exception against her that sueth for dower; in which it is alledged that she was not lawfully married to the man in whose lands she seeks to be endowed, but that she was his concubine.NWAD CONCUBINAGE.2

    CONCUBINATE, n. Whoredom; lewdness. [Not in use.]

    CONCUBINE, n. [L., to lie together, to lie down.]

    1. A woman who cohabits with a man, without the authority of a legal marriage; a woman kept for lewd purposes; a kept mistress.NWAD CONCUBINE.2

    2. A wife of inferior condition; a lawful wife, but not united to the man by the usual ceremonies, and of inferior condition. Such were Hagar and Keturah, the concubines of Abraham; and such concubines were allowed by the Roman laws.NWAD CONCUBINE.3

    CONCULCATE, v.t. [L.] To tread on; to trample under foot.

    CONCULCATION, n. A trampling under foot. [Not much used.]

    CONCUPISCENCE, n. [L., to covet or lust after, to desire or covet.] Lust; unlawful or irregular desire of sexual pleasure. In a more general sense, the coveting of carnal things, or an irregular appetite for worldly good; inclination for unlawful enjoyments.

    We know even secret concupiscence to be sin.NWAD CONCUPISCENCE.2

    Sin, taking occasion by the commandment, wrought in me all manner of concupiscence. Romans 7:8.NWAD CONCUPISCENCE.3

    CONCUPISCENT, a. Desirous of unlawful pleasure; libidinous.

    CONCUPISCIBLE, a. Exciting or impelling to the enjoyment of carnal pleasure; inclining to the attainment of pleasure or good; as concupiscible appetite.

    CONCUR, v.i. [L., to run together.]

    1. To meet in the same point; to agree.NWAD CONCUR.2

    Reason and sense concur.NWAD CONCUR.3

    2. To agree; to join or unite, as in one action or opinion; to meet, mind with mind; as, the two houses of parliament concur in the measure.NWAD CONCUR.4

    It has with before the person with whom one agrees.NWAD CONCUR.5

    Mr. Burke concurred with Lord Chatham in opinion.NWAD CONCUR.6

    It has to before the effect.NWAD CONCUR.7

    Extremes in man concur to general use.NWAD CONCUR.8

    3. To unite or be conjoined, with the consequential sense of aiding, or contributing power or influence to a common object.NWAD CONCUR.9

    Various causes may concur in the changes of temperature.NWAD CONCUR.10


    1. A meeting or coming together; union; conjunction.NWAD CONCURRENCE.2

    We have no other measure but of our own ideas, with the concurrence of other probable reasons, to persuade us.NWAD CONCURRENCE.3

    2. A meeting of minds; agreement in opinion; union in design; implying joint approbation.NWAD CONCURRENCE.4

    Tarquin the proud was expelled by the universal concurrence of nobles and people.NWAD CONCURRENCE.5

    3. A meeting or conjunction, whether casual or intended; combination of agents, circumstances or events.NWAD CONCURRENCE.6

    Struck with these great concurrences of things.NWAD CONCURRENCE.7

    4. Agreement; consent; approbation. See No. 2.NWAD CONCURRENCE.8

    5. Agreement or consent, implying joint aid or contribution of power or influence.NWAD CONCURRENCE.9

    From these sublime images we collect the greatness of the work, and the necessity of the divine concurrence to it.NWAD CONCURRENCE.10

    6. A meeting, as of claims, or power; joint rights; implying equality in different persons or bodies; as a concurrence of jurisdiction in two different courts.NWAD CONCURRENCE.11

    CONCURRENCY, n. The same as concurrence; but little used.


    1. Meeting; uniting; accompanying; acting in conjunction; agreeing in the same act; contributing to the same event or effect; operating with.NWAD CONCURRENT.2

    I join with these laws the personal presence of the Kings son, as a concurrent cause of this reformation.NWAD CONCURRENT.3

    All combined, your beauty, and my impotence of mind, and his concurrent flame, that blew my fire.NWAD CONCURRENT.4

    2. Conjoined; associate; concomitant.NWAD CONCURRENT.5

    There is no difference between the concurrent echo and the iterant, but the quickness or slowness of the return.NWAD CONCURRENT.6

    3. Joint and equal; existing together and operating on the same objects. The courts of the United States, and those of the States have, in some cases, concurrent jurisdiction.NWAD CONCURRENT.7

    CONCURRENT, n. That which concurs; joint or contributory cause.

    To all affairs of importance there are three necessary concurrents-time, industry and faculties.NWAD CONCURRENT.9

    CONCURRENTLY, adv. With concurrence; unitedly.

    CONCURRING, ppr. Meeting in the same joint; agreeing; running or acting together; uniting in action; contributing to the same event or effect; consenting.

    A concurring figure, in geometry, is one which, being laid on another, exactly meets every part of it, or one which corresponds with it in all its parts.NWAD CONCURRING.2

    CONCUSSATION, n. [See Concussion.] A violent shock or agitation.

    CONCUSSION, n. [L., to shake, or shatter. The primary sense is to beat, to strike, or to beat in pieces, to bruise, to beat down.]

    1. The act of shaking, particularly and properly, by the stoke or impulse of another body.NWAD CONCUSSION.2

    It is believed that great ringing of bells, in populous cities, hath dissipated pestilent air, which may be from the concussion of the air.NWAD CONCUSSION.3

    2. The state of being shaken; a shock; as the concussion of the brain by a stroke. It is used also for shaking or agitation in general; as the concussion of the earth.NWAD CONCUSSION.4

    CONCUSSIVE, a. Having the power or quality of shaking.

    COND, v.t. In seamens language, to conduct a ship; to direct the man at helm how to steer.

    CONDEMN, v.t. [L., to condemn, to disapprove, to doom, to devote.]

    1. To pronounce to be utterly wrong; to utter a sentence of disapprobation against; to censure; to blame. But the word often expresses more than censure or blame, and seems to include the idea of utter rejection; as, to condemn heretical opinions; to condemn ones conduct.NWAD CONDEMN.2

    We condemn mistakes with asperity, where we pass over sins with gentleness.NWAD CONDEMN.3

    2. To determine or judge to be wrong, or guilty; to disallow; to disapprove.NWAD CONDEMN.4

    Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, we have confidence towards God. 1 John 3:21.NWAD CONDEMN.5

    3. To witness against; to show or prove to be wrong, or guilty, by a contrary practice.NWAD CONDEMN.6

    The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it. Matthew 12:41.NWAD CONDEMN.7

    4. To pronounce to be guilty; to sentence to punishment; to utter sentence against judicially; to doom; opposed to acquit or absolve; with to before the penalty.NWAD CONDEMN.8

    The son of man shall be betrayed to the chief priests, and to the scribes, and they shall condemn him to death. Matthew 20:18.NWAD CONDEMN.9

    He that believeth on him is not condemned. John 3:18.NWAD CONDEMN.10

    5. To doom or sentence to pay a fine; to fine.NWAD CONDEMN.11

    And the king of Egypt--condemned the land in a hundred talents of silver. 2 Chronicles 36:3.NWAD CONDEMN.12

    6. To judge or pronounce to be unfit for use or service; as, the ship was condemned as not sea-worthy. To judge or pronounce to be forfeited; as, the ship and her cargo were condemned.NWAD CONDEMN.13

    CONDEMNABLE, a. That may be condemned; blamable; culpable.


    1. The act of condemning; the judicial act of declaring one guilty, and dooming him to punishment.NWAD CONDEMNATION.2

    For the judgment was by one to condemnation. Romans 5:16.NWAD CONDEMNATION.3

    2. The state of being condemned.NWAD CONDEMNATION.4

    Dost thou not fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation. Luke 23:40.NWAD CONDEMNATION.5

    3. The cause or reason of a sentence of condemnation. John 3:19.NWAD CONDEMNATION.6

    CONDEMNATORY, a. Condemning; bearing condemnation or censure; as a condemnatory sentence or decree.

    CONDEMNED, pp. Censures; pronounced to be wrong, guilty, worthless or forfeited; adjudged or sentenced to punishment.

    CONDEMNER, n. One who condemns or censures.

    CONDEMNING, ppr. Censuring; disallowing; pronouncing to be wrong, guilty, worthless or forfeited; sentencing to punishment.

    CONDENSABLE, a. [See Condense.] Capable of being condensed; that may be compressed into a smaller compass, and into a more close, compact state; as, vapor is condensable.

    CONDENSATE, v.t. [See Condense.] To condense; to compress into a closer form to cause to take a more compact state; to make more dense.

    CONDENSATE, v.i. To become more dense, close or hard.

    CONDENSATE, a. Made dense; condensed; made more close or compact.

    CONDENSATION, a. [L. See Condense.] The act of making more dense or compact; or the act of causing the parts that compose a body to approach or unite more closely, either by mechanical pressure, or by a natural process; the state of being condensed. Dew and clouds are supposed to be formed by the condensation of vapor. It is opposed to rarefaction and expansion. Condensation is applicable to any compressible matter; and from condensation proceeds increased hardness, solidity, and weight.

    CONDENSATIVE, a. Having a power or tendency to condense.

    CONDENSE, v.t. [L., to make thick or close. See Dense.]

    1. To make more close, thick or compact; to cause the particles of a body to approach, or to unite more closely, either by their own attraction or affinity, or by mechanical force. Thus, vapor is said to be condensed into water by the application of cold; and air is condensed in a tube by pressure. Hence the word is sometimes equivalent to compress.NWAD CONDENSE.2

    2. To make thick; to inspissate; applied to soft compressible substances.NWAD CONDENSE.3

    3. To compress into a smaller compass, or into a close body; to crowd; applied to separate individuals. Thus we say to condense ideas into a smaller compass.NWAD CONDENSE.4

    CONDENSE, v.i. To become close or more compact, as the particles of a body; to approach or unite more closely; to grow thick.

    Vapors condense and coalesce into small parcels.NWAD CONDENSE.6

    CONDENSE, a. Close in texture or composition; compact; firm; dense; condensated. [See Dense, which is generally used.]

    CONDENSED, pp. Made dense, or more close in parts; made or become compact; compressed into a narrower compass.

    CONDENSER, n. He or that which condenses; particularly a pneumatic engine or syringe in which air may be compressed. It consists of a cylinder, in which is a movable piston to force the air into a receiver, and a valve to prevent the air from escaping.

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