LONGLIVED, a. Having along life or existence; living long; lasting long.
LONGLY, adv. With longing desire. [Not used.]
LONG-MEASURE, n. Lineal measure; the measure of length.
LONGNESS, n. Length. [Little used.]
LONGPRIMER, n. A printing type of a particular size, between small pica and bourgeois.
LONGSHANKED, a. Having long legs.
LONG-SIGHT, n. Long-sightedness.
LONG-SIGHTED, a. Able to see at a great distance; used literally of the eyes, and figuratively of the mind or intellect.
1. The faculty of seeing objects at a great distance.NWAD LONG-SIGHTEDNESS.2
2. In medicine, presbyopy; that defect of sight by which objects near at hand are seen confusedly, but at remoter distances distinctly.NWAD LONG-SIGHTEDNESS.3
LONGSOME, a. Extended in length; tiresome; tedious; as a longsome plain. Obs.
LONGSPUN, a. Spun or extended to a great length.
LONG-SUFFERANCE, n. Forbearance to punish; clemency; patience.
LONGSUFFERING, a. Bearing injuries or provocation for a long time; patient; not easily provoked.
The Lord God, merciful and gracious, long-suffering and abundant in goodness. Exodus 34:6.NWAD LONGSUFFERING.2
LONG-SUFFERING, n. Long endurance; patience of offense.
Despisest thou the riches of his goodness, and forbearance, and long-suffering? Romans 2:4.NWAD LONG-SUFFERING.2
LONG-TONGUED, a. Rating; babbling.
LONGWAYS, a mistake for longwise.
LONG-WINDED, a. Long breathed; tedious in speaking, argument or narration; as a long-winded advocate.
LONG-WISE, adv. In the direction of length; lengthwise. [Little used.]
LONISH, a. Somewhat solitary. [Not used and inelegant.]
LOO, n. A game at cards.
LOOBILY, adv. [See Looby.] Like a looby; in an awkward, clumsy manner.
LOOBY, n. An awkward, clumsy fellow; a lubber.
Who could give the looby such airs?NWAD LOOBY.2
LOOF, n. The after part of a ship’s bow, or the part where the planks begin to be incurvated, as they approach the stem.
LOOF. [See Luff, which is the word used.]
LOOFED, a. [See Aloof.] Gone to a distance. [Not used.]
LOOK, v.i. [See Light. The primary sense is to stretch, to extend, to shoot, hence to direct the eye. We observe its primary sense is nearly the same as that of seek. Hence, to look for is to seek.]
1. To direct the eye towards an object, with the intention of seeing it.NWAD LOOK.2
When the object is within sight, look is usually followed by on or at. We look on or at a picture; we look on or at the moon; we cannot look on or at the unclouded sun, without pain.NWAD LOOK.3
At, after look, is not used in our version of the Scriptures. In common usage, at or on is now used indifferently in many cases, and yet in other cases, usage has established a preference. In general, on is used in the more solemn forms of expression. Moses was afraid to look on God. The Lord look on you and judge. In these and similar phrases, the use of at would be condemned, as expressing too little solemnity.NWAD LOOK.4
In some cases, at seems to be more properly used before very distant objects; but the cases can hardly be defined.NWAD LOOK.5
The particular direction of the eye is expressed by various modifying words; as, to look down, to look up, to look back to look forward, to look from, to look round, to look out, to look under. When the object is not in sight, look is followed by after, or for. Hence, to look after, or look for, is equivalent to seek or search, or to expect.NWAD LOOK.6
2. To see; to have the sight or view of.NWAD LOOK.7
Fate sees thy life lodged in a brittle glass, and looks it through, but to it cannot pass.NWAD LOOK.8
3. To direct the intellectual eye; to apply the mind or understanding; to consider; to examine. Look at the conduct of this man; view it in all its aspects. Let every man look into the state of his own heart. Let us look beyond the received notions of men on this subject.NWAD LOOK.9
4. To expect.NWAD LOOK.10
He must look to fight another battle, before he could reach Oxford. [Little used.]NWAD LOOK.11
5. To take care; to watch.NWAD LOOK.12
Look that ye bind them fast.NWAD LOOK.13
6. To be directed.NWAD LOOK.14
Let thine eyes look right on. Proverbs 4:25.NWAD LOOK.15
7. To seem; to appear; to have a particular appearance. The patient looks better than he did. The clouds look rainy.NWAD LOOK.16
I am afraid it would look more like vanity than gratitude.NWAD LOOK.17
Observe how such a practice looks in another person.NWAD LOOK.18
So we say, to look stout or big; to look peevish; to look pleasant or graceful.NWAD LOOK.19
8. To have a particular direction or situation; to face; to front.NWAD LOOK.20
The gate that looketh toward the north. Ezekiel 8:3.NWAD LOOK.21
The east gate of the Lord’s house, that looketh eastward. Ezekiel 11:1.NWAD LOOK.22
To look about, to look on all sides, or in different directions.NWAD LOOK.23
To look about one, to be on the watch; to be vigilant; to be circumspect or guarded.NWAD LOOK.24
1. To look after, to attend; to take care of; as, to look after children.NWAD LOOK.25
2. To expect; to be in a state of expectation.NWAD LOOK.26
Men’s hearts falling them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth. Luke 21:26.NWAD LOOK.27
3. To seek; to search.NWAD LOOK.28
My subject does not oblige me to look after the water, or point forth the place whereunto it has now retreated.NWAD LOOK.29
1. To look for, to expect; as, to look for news by the arrival of a ship.NWAD LOOK.30
Look now for no enchanting voice.NWAD LOOK.31
2. To seek; to search; as, to look for lost money, or lost cattle.NWAD LOOK.32
To look into, to inspect closely; to observe narrowly; to examine; as, to look into the works of nature; to look into the conduct of another; to look into one’s affairs.NWAD LOOK.33
Which things the angels desire to look into. 1 Peter 1:12.NWAD LOOK.34
1. To look on, to regard; to esteem.NWAD LOOK.35
Her friends would look on her the worse.NWAD LOOK.36
2. To consider; to view; to conceive of; to think.NWAD LOOK.37
I looked on Virgil as a succinct, majestic writer.NWAD LOOK.38
3. To be a mere spectator.NWAD LOOK.39
I’ll be a candle-holder and look on.NWAD LOOK.40
To look over, to examine one by one; as, to look over a catalogue of books; to look over accounts.NWAD LOOK.41
To overlook, has a different sense, to pass over without seeing.NWAD LOOK.42
To look out, to be on the watch. The seaman looks out for breakers.NWAD LOOK.43
1. To look to, or unto, to watch; to take care of.NWAD LOOK.44
Look well to thy herds. Proverbs 27:23.NWAD LOOK.45
2. To resort to with confidence or expectation of receiving something; to expect to receive from. The creditor may look to the surety for payment.NWAD LOOK.46
Look to me and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth. Isaiah 45:22.NWAD LOOK.47
To look through, to penetrate with the eye, or with the understanding; to see or understand perfectly.NWAD LOOK.48
LOOK, v.t.
1. To seek; to search for.NWAD LOOK.50
Looking my love, I go from place to place. Obs.NWAD LOOK.51
2. To influence by looks or presence; as, to look down opposition.NWAD LOOK.52
A spirit fit to start into an empire, and look the world to law.NWAD LOOK.53
To look out, to search for and discover. Look out associates of good reputation.NWAD LOOK.54
To look one another in the face, to meet for combat. 2 Kings 14:8.NWAD LOOK.55
LOOK, in the imperative, is used to excite attention or notice. Look ye, look you; that is see, behold, observe, take notice.
LOOK, n.
1. Cast of countenance; air of the face; aspect; as, a high look is an index of pride; a downcast look is an index of pride; a downcast look indicates modesty, bashfulness, or depression of mind.NWAD LOOK.58
Pain, disgrace and poverty have frightful looks.NWAD LOOK.59
2. The act of looking or seeing. Every look filled him with anguish.NWAD LOOK.60
3. View; watch.NWAD LOOK.61
LOOKER, n. One who looks.
A looker on, a mere spectator; one that looks on, but has no agency or interest in the affair.NWAD LOOKER.2
LOOKING-GLASS, n. A glass which reflects the form of the person who looks on it; a mirror.
There is none so homely but loves a looking-glass.NWAD LOOKING-GLASS.2
LOOK-OUT, n. A careful looking or watching for any object or event.
LOOL, n. In metallurgy, a vessel used to receive the washings of ores of metals.
LOOM, n.
1. In composition, heir-loom, in law, is a personal chattel that by special custom descends to an heir with the inheritance, being such a thing as cannot be separated from the estate, without injury to it; such as jewels of the crown, charters, deeds, and the like.NWAD LOOM.2
2. A frame or machine of wood or other material, in which a weaver works threads into cloth.NWAD LOOM.3
Hector, when he sees Andromache overwhelmed with terror, sends her for consolation to the loom and the distaff.NWAD LOOM.4
3. A fowl of the size of a goose.NWAD LOOM.5
4. That part of an oar which is within board.NWAD LOOM.6
LOOM, v.i.
To appear above the surface either of sea or land, or to appear larger than the real dimensions and indistinctly; as a distant object, a ship at sea, or a mountain. The ship looms large, or the land looms high.NWAD LOOM.8
LOOM-GALE, n. A gentle gale of wind.
LOOMING, ppr. Appearing above the surface, or indistinctly, at a distance.
LOON, n.
1. A sorry fellow; a rogue; a rascal.NWAD LOON.2
2. A sea-fowl of the genus colymbus.NWAD LOON.3
LOOP, n.
1. A folding or doubling of a string or a noose, through which a lace or cord may be run for fastening.NWAD LOOP.2
That the probation bear no hinge, nor loop to hang a doubt on.NWAD LOOP.3
2. In iron-works, the part of a row or block of cast iron, melted off for the forge or hammer.NWAD LOOP.4
LOOPED, a. Full of holes.
1. A small aperture in the bulk-head and other parts of a merchant ship, through which small arms are fired at an enemy.NWAD LOOPHOLE.2
2. A hole or aperture that gives a passage.NWAD LOOPHOLE.3
3. A passage for escape; means of escape.NWAD LOOPHOLE.4
LOOPHOLED, a. Full of holes or openings for escape.
LOOPING, n. In metallurgy, the running together of the matter of an ore into a mass, when the ore is only heated for calcination.
LOORD, n. A dull stupid fellow; a drone. [Not in use.]
LOOSE, v.t. loos. [Gr.; Heb.]
1. To untie or unbind; to free from any fastening.NWAD LOOSE.2
Canst thou loose the bands of Orion? Job 38:31.NWAD LOOSE.3
Ye shall find an ass tied, and a colt with her; loose them, and bring them to me. Matthew 21:2.NWAD LOOSE.4
2. To relax.NWAD LOOSE.5
The joints of his loins were loosed. Daniel 5:6.NWAD LOOSE.6
3. To release from imprisonment; to liberate; to set at liberty.NWAD LOOSE.7
The captive exile hasteneth that he may be loosed. Isaiah 51:14.NWAD LOOSE.8
4. To free from obligation.NWAD LOOSE.9
Art thou loosed from a wife? seek not a wife. 1 Corinthians 7:27.NWAD LOOSE.10
5. To free from any thing that binds or shackles; as a man loosed from lust and pelf.NWAD LOOSE.11
6. To relieve; to free from any thing burdensome or afflictive.NWAD LOOSE.12
Woman, thou art loosed from thine infirmity. Luke 13:12.NWAD LOOSE.13
7. To disengage; to detach; as, to loose one’s hold.NWAD LOOSE.14
8. To put off.NWAD LOOSE.15
Loose thy shoe from off thy foot. Joshua 5:15.NWAD LOOSE.16
9. To open.NWAD LOOSE.17
Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof? Revelation 5:2.NWAD LOOSE.18
10. To remit; to absolve.NWAD LOOSE.19
Whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth, shall be loosed in heaven. Matthew 16:19.NWAD LOOSE.20
LOOSE, v.i. To set sail; to leave a port or harbor.
Now when Paul and his company loosed from Paphos, they came to Perga, in Pamphylia. Acts 13:13.NWAD LOOSE.22
1. Unbound; untied; unsewed; not fastened or confined; as the loose sheets of a book.NWAD LOOSE.24
2. Not tight or close; as a loose garment.NWAD LOOSE.25
3. Not crowded; not close or compact.NWAD LOOSE.26
With horse and chariots rank’d in loose array.NWAD LOOSE.27
4. Not dense, close or compact; as a cloth or fossil of loose texture.NWAD LOOSE.28
5. Not close; not concise; lax; as a loose and diffuse style.NWAD LOOSE.29
6. Not precise or exact; vague; indeterminate; as a loose way of reasoning.NWAD LOOSE.30
7. Not strict or rigid; as a loose observance of rites.NWAD LOOSE.31
8. Unconnected; rambling; as a loose indigested play.NWAD LOOSE.32
Vario spends whole mornings in running over loose and unconnected pages.NWAD LOOSE.33
9. Of lax bowels.NWAD LOOSE.34
10. Unengaged; not attached or enslaved.NWAD LOOSE.35
Their prevailing principle is, to sit as loose from pleasures, and be as moderate in the use of them as they can.NWAD LOOSE.36
11. Disengaged; free from obligation; with from or of.NWAD LOOSE.37
Now I stand loose of my vow; but who knows Cato’s thought? [Little used.]NWAD LOOSE.38
12. Wanton; unrestrained in behavior; dissolute; unchaste; as a loose man or woman.NWAD LOOSE.39
13. Containing unchaste language; as a loose epistle.NWAD LOOSE.40
To break loose, to escape from confinement; to gain liberty by violence.NWAD LOOSE.41
To let loose, to free from restraint or confinement; to set at liberty.NWAD LOOSE.42
LOOSE, n. Freedom from restraint; liberty.
Come, give thy soul a loose.NWAD LOOSE.44
Vent all its griefs, and give a loose to sorrow.NWAD LOOSE.45
We use this word only in the phrase, give a loose. The following use of it, “he runs with an unbounded loose,” is obsolete.NWAD LOOSE.46
LOOSED, pp. Untied; unbound; freed from restraint.
LOOSELY, adv. loos’ly.
1. Not fast; not firmly; that may be easily disengaged; as things loosely tied or connected.NWAD LOOSELY.2
2. Without confinement.NWAD LOOSELY.3
Her golden locks for haste were loosely shed about her ears.NWAD LOOSELY.4
3. Without union or connection.NWAD LOOSELY.5
Part loosely wing the region.NWAD LOOSELY.6
4. Irregularly; not with the usual restraints.NWAD LOOSELY.7
A bishop living loosely, was charged that his conversation was not according to the apostle’s lives.NWAD LOOSELY.8
5. Negligently; carelessly; heedlessly; as a mind loosely employed.NWAD LOOSELY.9
6. Meanly; slightly.NWAD LOOSELY.10
A prince should not be so loosely studied, as to remember so weak a composition.NWAD LOOSELY.11
7. Wantonly; dissolutely; unchastely.NWAD LOOSELY.12
LOOSEN, v.t. loos’n. [from loose.]
1. To free from tightness, tension, firmness or fixedness; as, to loosen a string when tied, or a knot; to loosen a joint; to loosen a rock in the earth.NWAD LOOSEN.2
2. To render less dense or compact; as, to loosen the earth about the roots of a tree.NWAD LOOSEN.3
3. To free from restraint.NWAD LOOSEN.4
It loosens his hands and assists his understanding.NWAD LOOSEN.5
4. To remove costiveness from; to facilitate or increase alvine discharges.NWAD LOOSEN.6
Fear looseneth the belly.NWAD LOOSEN.7
LOOSEN, v.i. To become loose; to become less tight, firm or compact.
LOOSENED, pp. Freed from tightness or fixedness; rendered loose.
LOOSENESS, n. loos’ness.
1. The state of being loose or relaxed; a state opposite to that of being tight, fast, fixed or compact; as the looseness of a cord; the looseness of a robe; the looseness of the skin; the looseness of earth, or of the texture of cloth.NWAD LOOSENESS.2
2. The state opposite to rigor or rigidness; laxity; levity; as looseness of morals or of principles.NWAD LOOSENESS.3
3. Irregularity; habitual deviation from strict rules; as looseness of life.NWAD LOOSENESS.4
4. Habitual lewdness; unchastity.NWAD LOOSENESS.5
5. Flux from the bowels; diarrhaea.NWAD LOOSENESS.6
LOOSENING, ppr. Freeing from tightness, tension or fixedness; rendering less compact.
LOOSESTRIFE, n. loos’strife. In botany, the name of several species of plants, of the genera Lysimachia, Epilobium, Lythrum, and Gaura.
LOOSING, ppr. Setting free from confinement.
LOP, v.t. [Eng. flap. The primary sense is evidently to fall or fell, or to strike down, and I think it connected with flap.]
1. To cut off, as the top or extreme part of any thing; to shorten by cutting off the extremities; as, to lop a tree or its branches.NWAD LOP.2
With branches lopp’d in wood, or mountain fell’d.NWAD LOP.3
2. To cut off, as exuberances; to separate, as superfluous parts.NWAD LOP.4
Expunge the whole, or lop the excrescent parts.NWAD LOP.5
3. to cut partly off and bend down; as, to lop the trees or saplings of a hedge.NWAD LOP.6
4. To let fall; to flap; as, a horse lops his ears.NWAD LOP.7
LOP, n. that which is cut from trees.
Else both body and lop will be of little value.NWAD LOP.9
LOP, n. a flea. [Local.]
LOPE, pret. of leap. Obs.
LOPE, n. [See Leap.]
A leap; a long step. [A word in popular use in America.]NWAD LOPE.3
LOPE, v.i. To leap; to move or run with a long step, as a dog.
LOPING, ppr. Leaping; moving or running with a long step.
LOPPED, pp. cut off; shortened by cutting off the top or end; bent down.
LOPPER, n. One that lops.
LOPPING, ppr. Cutting off; shortening by cutting off the extremity; letting fall.
LOPPING, n. that which is cut off.
LOQUACIOUS, a. [L. loquax, from loquor, to speak. Eng. to clack.]
1. Talkative; given to continual talking.NWAD LOQUACIOUS.2
Loquacious, brawling ever in the wrong.NWAD LOQUACIOUS.3
2. Speaking; noisy.NWAD LOQUACIOUS.4
Bling British bards, with volant touch, traverse loquacious strings.NWAD LOQUACIOUS.5
3. Apt to blab and disclose secrets.NWAD LOQUACIOUS.6
LOQUACIOUSNESS, LOQUACITY, n. [L. loquacitas.] Talkativeness; the habit or practice of talking continually or excessively.
Too great loquacity and too great taciturnity by fits.NWAD LOQUACIOUSNESS.2
LORD, n.
1. A master; a person possessing supreme power and authority; a ruler; a governor.NWAD LORD.2
Man over man he made not lord.NWAD LORD.3
But now I was the lord of this fair mansion.NWAD LORD.4
2. A tyrant; an oppressive ruler.NWAD LORD.5
3. A husband.NWAD LORD.6
I oft in bitterness of soul deplores my absent daughter, and my dearer lord.NWAD LORD.7
My lord also being old. Genesis 18:12.NWAD LORD.8
4. A baron; the proprietor of a manor; as the lord of the manor.NWAD LORD.9
5. A nobleman; a title of honor in Great Britain given to those who are noble by birth or creation; a peer of the realm, including dukes, marquises, earls, viscounts and barons. Archbishops and bishops also, as members of the house of lords, are lords of parliament. Thus we say, lords temporal and spiritual. By courtesy also the title is given to the sons of dukes and marquises, and to the eldest sons of earls.NWAD LORD.10
6. An honorary title bestowed on certain official characters; as lord advocate, lord chamberlain, lord chancellor, lord chief justice, etc.NWAD LORD.11
7. In scripture, the Supreme Being; Jehovah. When Lord, in the Old Testament, is prints in capitals, it is the translation of Jehovah, and so might, with more propriety, be rendered. The word is applied to Christ, Psalm 110:1; Colossians 3:24. and to the Holy Spirit, 2 Thessalonians 3:5. As a title of respect, it is applied to kings, Genesis 40:1; 2 Samuel 19:19-20, 26-30. to princes and nobles, Genesis 42:30, 33; Daniel 4:19, 24. to a husband, Genesis 18:12. to a prophet, 1 Kings 18:7; 2 Kings 2:19. and to a respectable person, Genesis 24:18. Christ is called the Lord of glory, 1 Corinthians 2:8. and Lord of lords, Revelation 19:16.NWAD LORD.12
LORD, v.t. To invest with the dignity and privileges of a lord.
LORD, v.i. To domineer; to rule with arbitrary or despotic sway; sometimes followed by over, and sometimes by it, in the manner of a transitive verb.
The whiles she lordeth in licentious bliss.NWAD LORD.15
I see them lording it in London streets.NWAD LORD.16
They lorded over them whom now they serve.NWAD LORD.17
LORDING, n. A little lord; a lord, in contempt or ridicule. [Little used.]
1. Becoming a lord.NWAD LORDLIKE.2
2. Haughty; proud; insolent.NWAD LORDLIKE.3
LORDLINESS, n. [from lordly.]
1. Dignity; high station.NWAD LORDLINESS.2
2. Pride; haughtiness.NWAD LORDLINESS.3
LORDLING, n. A little or diminutive lord.
LORDLY, a. [lord and like.]
1. Becoming a lord; pertaining to a lord.NWAD LORDLY.2
Lordly sins require lordly estates to support them.NWAD LORDLY.3
2. Proud; haughty; imperious; insolent.NWAD LORDLY.4
Every rich and lordly swain, with pride would drag about her chain.NWAD LORDLY.5
LORDLY, adv. Proudly; imperiously; despotically.
A famished lion, issuing from the wood, roars lordly fierce.NWAD LORDLY.7
1. The state of quality of being a lord; hence, a title of honor given to noblemen, except to dukes, who have the title of grace.NWAD LORDSHIP.2
2. A titulary compellation of judges and certain other persons in authority and office.NWAD LORDSHIP.3
3. Dominion; power; authority.NWAD LORDSHIP.4
They who are accounted to rule over the Gentiles, exercise lordship over them. Mark 10:42.NWAD LORDSHIP.5
4. Seigniory; domain; the territory of a lord over which he holds jurisdiction; a manor.NWAD LORDSHIP.6
What lands and lordships for their owner know my quondam barber.NWAD LORDSHIP.7
LORE, n. Learning; doctrine; lesson; instruction.
The law of nations, or the lore of war.NWAD LORE.2
Lo! Rome herself, proud mistress now no more of arts, but thundering against heathen lore.NWAD LORE.3
LOREL, n. An abandoned scoundrel; a vagrant. Obs.
LORESMAN, n. [lore and man.] An instructor. Obs.
LORICATE, v.t. [L. lorico, loricatus, from lorica, a coat of mail.]
1. To plate over; to spread over, as a plate for defense.NWAD LORICATE.2
Nature hath loricated the sides of the tympanum in animals with ear-wax.NWAD LORICATE.3
2. To cover with a crust, as a chimical vessel, for resisting fire.NWAD LORICATE.4
LORICATED, pp. Covered or plated over; encrusted.
LORICATING, ppr. Covering over with a plate or crust.
LORICATION, n. The act or operation of covering any thing with a plate or crust for defense; as the lorication of a chimical vessel, to enable it to resist the action of fire, and sustain a high degree of heat.
LORIMER, n. [L. lorum, a thong.]
A bridle-maker; one that makes bits for bridles, etc. [Not used.]NWAD LORIMER.2
LORING, n. Instructive discourse. Obs.
LORIOT, n. A bird called witwal; the oriole.
LORIS, n. A small quadruped of Ceylon.
LORN, a. [See Forlorn.] Lost; forsaken; lonely.
LORY, n. A subordinate genus of fowls of the parrot kind, forming the link between the parrot and parakeet.
LOSABLE, a. That may be lost. [Little used.]
LOSE, v.t. looz. pret. and pp. lost.
1. To mislay; to part or be separated from a thing, so as to have no knowledge of the place where it is; as, to lose a book or a paper; to lose a record; to lose a dollar or a ducat.NWAD LOSE.2
2. To forfeit by unsuccessful contest; as, to lose money in gaming.NWAD LOSE.3
3. Not to gain or win; as, to lose a battle, that is, to be defeated.NWAD LOSE.4
4. To be deprived of; as, to lose men in battle; to lose an arm or leg by a shot or by amputation; to lose one’s life or honor.NWAD LOSE.5
5. To forfeit, as a penalty. Our first parents lost the favor of God by their apostasy.NWAD LOSE.6
6. To suffer diminution or waste of.NWAD LOSE.7
If the salt hath lost its savor, wherewith shall it be salted? Matthew 5:13.NWAD LOSE.8
7. To ruin; to destroy.NWAD LOSE.9
The woman that deliberates is lost.NWAD LOSE.10
8. To wander from; to miss, so as not to be able to find; as, to lose the way.NWAD LOSE.11
9. To bewilder.NWAD LOSE.12
Lost in the maze of words.NWAD LOSE.13
10. To possess no longer; to be deprived of; contrary to keep; as, to lose a valuable trade.NWAD LOSE.14
11. Not to employ or enjoy; to waste. Titus sighed to lose a day.NWAD LOSE.15
Th’ unhappy have but hours, but these they lose.NWAD LOSE.16
12. To waste; to squander; to throw away; as, to lose a fortune by gaming, or by dissipation.NWAD LOSE.17
13. To suffer to vanish from view or perception. We lost sight of the land at noon. I lost my companion in the crowd.NWAD LOSE.18
Like following life in creatures we dissect, we lost it in the moment we detect.NWAD LOSE.19
14. To ruin; to destroy by shipwreck, etc. the albion was lost on the coast of Ireland, April 22, 1822. the admiral lost three ships in a tempest.NWAD LOSE.20
15. To cause to perish; as, to be lost at sea.NWAD LOSE.21
16. to employ ineffectually; to throw away; to waste. Instruction is often lost on the dull; admonition is lost on the profligate. It is often the fate of projectors to lose their labor.NWAD LOSE.22
17. to be freed from.NWAD LOSE.23
His scaly back the bunch has got which Edwin lost before.NWAD LOSE.24
18. to fail to obtain.NWAD LOSE.25
He shall in no wise lose his reward. Matthew 10:42.NWAD LOSE.26
To lose one’s self, to be bewildered; also, to slumber; to have the memory and reason suspended.NWAD LOSE.27
LOSE, v.i. looz.
1. To forfeit any thing in contest; not to win.NWAD LOSE.29
We’ll talk with them too, who loses and who wins; who’s in, who’s out.NWAD LOSE.30
2. To decline; to fail.NWAD LOSE.31
Wisdom in discourse with her loses discountenanced, and like folly shows.NWAD LOSE.32
LOSEL, n. s as z. [from the root of loose.] a wasteful fellow, one who loses by sloth or neglect; a worthless person. Obs.
LOSENGER, n. a deceiver. Obs.
LOSER, n. looz’er. One that loses, or that is deprived of any thing by defeat, forfeiture or the like; the contrary to winner or gainer. A loser by trade may be honest and moral; this cannot be said of a loser by gaming.
LOSING, ppr. looz’ing. Parting from; missing; forfeiting; wasting; employing to no good purpose.
LOSS, n.
1. privation, as the loss of property; loss of money by gaming; loss of health or reputation. every loss is not a detriment. we cannot regret the loss of bad company or of evil habits.NWAD LOSS.2
2. Destruction; ruin; as the loss of a ship at sea; the loss of an army.NWAD LOSS.3
3. Defeat; as the loss of a battle.NWAD LOSS.4
4. Waste; useless application; as a loss of time or labor.NWAD LOSS.5
5. Waste by leakage or escape; as a loss of liquors in transportation.NWAD LOSS.6
To bear a loss, to make good; also, to sustain a loss without sinking under it.NWAD LOSS.7
To be at a loss, to be puzzled; to be unable to determine; to be in a state of uncertainty.NWAD LOSS.8
LOSSFUL, a. Detrimental. [Not used.]
LOSSLESS, a. Free from loss. [Not used.]
LOST, pp. [from lose.]
1. Mislaid or left in a place unknown or forgotten; that cannot be found; as a lost book.NWAD LOST.2
2. Ruined; destroyed; wasted or squandered; employed to no good purpose; as lost money; lost time.NWAD LOST.3
3. Forfeited; as a lost estate.NWAD LOST.4
4. Not able to find the right way, or the place intended. A stranger is lost in London or Paris.NWAD LOST.5
5. Bewildered; perplexed; being in a maze; as, a speaker may be lost in his argument.NWAD LOST.6
6. Alienated; insensible; hardened beyond sensibility or recovery; as a profligate lost to shame; lost to all sense of honor.NWAD LOST.7
7. Not perceptible to the senses; not visible; as an isle lost in fog; a person lost in a crowd.NWAD LOST.8
8. Shipwrecked or foundered; sunk or destroyed; as a ship lost at sea, or on the rocks.NWAD LOST.9
LOT, n.
1. That which, in human speech, is called chance, hazard, fortune; but in strictness of language, is the determination of Providence; as, the land shall be divided by lot. Numbers 26:55.NWAD LOT.2
2. That by which the fate or portion of one is determined; that by which an event is committed to chance, that is, to the determination of Providence; as, to cast lots; to draw lots.NWAD LOT.3
The lot is cast into the lap, but the whole disposing thereof is of the Lord. Proverbs 16:33.NWAD LOT.4
3. The part, division or fate which falls to one by chance, that is, by divine determination.NWAD LOT.5
The second lot came forth to Simeon. Joshua 19:1.NWAD LOT.6
He was but born to try the lot of man, to suffer and to die.NWAD LOT.7
4. A distinct portion or parcel; as a lot of goods; a lot of boards.NWAD LOT.8
5. Proportion or share of taxes; as, to pay scot and lot.NWAD LOT.9
6. In the United States, a piece or division of land; perhaps originally assigned by drawing lots, but now any portion, piece or division. So we say, a man has a lot of land in Broadway, or in the meadow; he has a lot in the plain, or on the mountain; he has a home-lot, a house-lot, a wood-lot.NWAD LOT.10
The defendants leased a house and lot in the city of New York.NWAD LOT.11
To cast lots, is to use or throw a die, or some other instrument, by the unforseen turn or position of which, an event is by previous agreement determined.NWAD LOT.12
To draw lots, to determine an event by drawing one thing from a number whose marks are concealed from the drawer, and thus determining an event.NWAD LOT.13
LOT, v.t. To allot; to assign; to distribute; to sort; to catalogue; to portion.
LOTE, n. [L. lotus, lotos.]
1. A plant of the genus Celtis, the lote-tree, of several species. The wood of one species is very durable, and is used for timber. In Italy, flutes and other wind-instruments are made of it, and in England it is used for the frames of coaches, etc.NWAD LOTE.2
2. A little fish.NWAD LOTE.3
LOTH, a.
1. Literally, hating, detesting; hence,NWAD LOTH.2
2. Unwilling; disliking; not inclined; reluctant.NWAD LOTH.3
Long doth he stay, as loth to leave the land.NWAD LOTH.4
To pardon willing, and to punish loth.NWAD LOTH.5
LOTHE, v.t. [See Lade.]
1. To feel disgust at any thing; properly, to have an extreme aversion of the appetite to food or drink.NWAD LOTHE.2
Our soul lotheth this light bread. Numbers 21:5.NWAD LOTHE.3
Lothing the honey’d cakes, I long’d for bread.NWAD LOTHE.4
2. To hate; to dislike greatly; to abhor.NWAD LOTHE.5
Ye shall lothe yourselves in your own sight for all your evils - Ezekiel 20:43.NWAD LOTHE.6
Not to reveal the secret which I lothe.NWAD LOTHE.7
LOTHE, v.i. To create disgust. Obs.
LOTHED, pp. Hatred; abhorred; turned from with disgust.
LOTHER, n. One that lothes or abhors.
1. Hating; abhorring.NWAD LOTHFUL.2
Which he did with lothful eyes behold.NWAD LOTHFUL.3
2. Disgusting; hated; exciting abhorrence.NWAD LOTHFUL.4
Above the reach of lothful sinful lust.NWAD LOTHFUL.5
1. Feeling disgust at; having extreme aversion to; as lothing food.NWAD LOTHING.2
2. Hating; abhorring; as lothing sin.NWAD LOTHING.3
LOTHING, n. Extreme disgust; abhorrence. Ezekiel 16:5.
LOTHINGLY, adv. With extreme disgust or abhorrence; in a fastidious manner.
LOTHLY, adv. Unwillingly; reluctantly.
This shows that you from nature lothly stray.NWAD LOTHLY.2
LOTHNESS, n. Unwillingness; reluctance.
There grew among them a general silence and lothness to speak.NWAD LOTHNESS.2
1. Causing an extreme aversion of appetite; exciting fastidiousness. Numbers 11:20.NWAD LOTHSOME.2
2. Exciting extreme disgust; offensive; as a lothsome disease. Psalm 38:7.NWAD LOTHSOME.3
3. Odious; exciting hatred or abhorrence; detestable; as lothsome sloth.NWAD LOTHSOME.4
LOTHSOMENESS, n. the quality of exciting extreme disgust or abhorrence.
LOTION, n. [L. lotio, from lavo, to wash.]
1. A washing; particularly, a washing of the skin for the purpose of rendering it fair.NWAD LOTION.2
2. A liquid preparation for washing some part of the body, to cleanse it of fourlness or deformity.NWAD LOTION.3
3. In pharmacy, a preparation of medicines, by washing them in some liquid, to remove foreign substances, impurities, etc.NWAD LOTION.4
LOTTERY, n. [See Lot.]
1. A scheme for the distribution of prizes by chance, or the distribution itself. Lotteries are often authorized by law, but many good men deem them immoral in principle, and almost all men concur in the opinion that their effects are pernicious.NWAD LOTTERY.2
2. Allotment. [Not used.]NWAD LOTTERY.3