DIUTURNITY, n. [L., of long continuance.] Length of time; long duration.
1. Among the Turks and other orientals, a court of justice, or a council.NWAD DIVAN.2
2. A council-chamber; a hall; a court.NWAD DIVAN.3
3. Any council assembled.NWAD DIVAN.4
DIVARICATE, v.i. [L., to straddle.] To open; to fork; to part into two branches.
DIVARICATE, v.t. to divide into two branches.
DIVARICATE, a. In botany, standing out wide. A divaricate branch forms an obtuse angle with the stem. It is applied also to panicles, peduncles and petioles.
DIVARICATED, pp. Parted into two branches.
DIVARICATING, ppr. Parting into two branches.
1. A parting; a forking; a separation into two branches.NWAD DIVARICATION.2
2. A crossing or intersection of fibers at different angles.NWAD DIVARICATION.3
DIVE, v.i. [Gr.]
1. To descend or plunge into water, as an animal head first; to thrust the body into water or other liquor, or if already in water, to plunge deeper. In the pearl fishery men are employed to dive for shells.NWAD DIVE.2
2. To go deep into any subject; as, to dive into the nature of things, into arts or science.NWAD DIVE.3
3. To plunge into any business or condition, so as to be thoroughly engaged in it.NWAD DIVE.4
4. To sink; to penetrate.NWAD DIVE.5
Dive, thought, down to my soul.NWAD DIVE.6
DIVE, v.t. To explore by diving. [Rare.]
The Curtii bravely dived the gulf of fame.NWAD DIVE.8
DIVEL, n. A large cartilaginous fish, with a bifurcated snout; the sea duvvil of Nieuhoff.
DIVELLENT, a. [L., to pull.] Drawing asunder; separating.
DIVELLICATE, v.t. To pull in pieces.
1. One who dives; one who plunges head first into water; one who sinks by effort; as a diver in the pearl fishery.NWAD DIVER.2
2. One who goes deep into a subject, or enters deep into study.NWAD DIVER.3
3. A fowl, so called from diving. The name is given to several species of the genus Colymbus.NWAD DIVER.4
DIVERB, n. A proverb. [Not in use.]
DIVERGE, v.i. diverj. [L., to incline.] To tend from one point and recede from each other; to shoot, extend or proceed from a point in different directions, or not in parallel lines. Rays of light proceed from the sun and continually diverge. It is opposed to converge.
DIVERGENCE, n. A receding from each other; a going farther apart; as the divergence of lines, or the angle of divergence.
DIVERGENT, a. Departing or receding from each other, as lines which proceed from the same point; opposed to convergent.
DIVERGING, ppr. Receding from each other, as they proceed.
DIVERGINGLY, adv. In a diverging manner.
DIVERS, a. s as z. [L., to turn.]
1. Different; various.NWAD DIVERS.2
Thou shalt not sow thy fields with divers seeds. Deuteronomy 22:9.NWAD DIVERS.3
Nor let thy cattle gender with divers kinds. Leviticus 19:19.NWAD DIVERS.4
[This is now generally written diverse.]NWAD DIVERS.5
2. Several; sundry; more than one, but not a great number. We have divers examples of this kind. [This word is not obsolete even in common discourse, and is much used in law proceedings.]NWAD DIVERS.6
DIVERS-COLORED, a. Having various colors.
DIVERSE, a. [L.]
1. Different; differing.NWAD DIVERSE.2
Four great beasts came up from the sea, diverse one from another. Daniel 7:3.NWAD DIVERSE.3
2. Different from itself; various; multiform.NWAD DIVERSE.4
Eloquence is a diverse thing.NWAD DIVERSE.5
3. In different directions.NWAD DIVERSE.6
And with tendrils creep diverse.NWAD DIVERSE.7
DIVERSE, v.i. divers. To turn aside. [Not used.]
DIVERSIFICATION, n. [See Diversify.]
1. The act of changing forms or qualities, or of making various.NWAD DIVERSIFICATION.2
2. Variation; variegation.NWAD DIVERSIFICATION.3
3. Variety of forms.NWAD DIVERSIFICATION.4
4. Change; alteration.NWAD DIVERSIFICATION.5
1. Made various in form or qualities; variegated; altered.NWAD DIVERSIIFIED.2
2. a. Distinguished by various forms, or by a variety of objects; as diversified scenery; a diversified landscape.NWAD DIVERSIIFIED.3
DIVERSIFORM, a. Of a different form; of various forms.
DIVERSIFY, v.t. [L.]
1. To make different or various in form or qualities; to give variety to; to variegate; as, to diversify the colors of a robe; to diversify a landscape with mountains, plains, trees and lakes.NWAD DIVERSIFY.2
2. To give diversity to; to distinguish by different things; as a council diversified by different characters.NWAD DIVERSIFY.3
3. In oratory, to vary a subject, by enlarging on what has been briefly stated, by brief recapitulation, by adding new ideas, by transposing words or periods, etc.NWAD DIVERSIFY.4
DIVERSIFYING, ppr. Making various in form or qualities; giving variety to; variegating.
DIVERSION, n. [L., to divert.]
1. The act of turning aside from any course; as the diversion of a stream from its usual channel; the diversion of a purpose to another object; the diversion of the mind from business or study.NWAD DIVERSION.2
2. That which diverts; that which turns or draws the mind from care, business or study, and thus relaxes and amuses; sport; play; pastime; whatever unbends the mind; as the diversion of youth. Works of wit and humor furnish an agreeable diversion to the studious.NWAD DIVERSION.3
3. In war, the act of drawing the attention and force of an enemy from the point where the principal attack is to be made, as by an attack or alarm on one wing of an army, when the other wing or center is intended for the principal attack. The enemy, if deceived, is thus induced to withdraw a part of his force from the part where his foe intends to make the main impression.NWAD DIVERSION.4
1. Difference; dissimilitude; unlikeness. There may be diversity without contrariety. There is a great diversity in human constitutions.NWAD DIVERSITY.2
2. Variety; as a diversity of ceremonies in churches.NWAD DIVERSITY.3
3. Distinct being, as opposed to identity.NWAD DIVERSITY.4
4. Variegation.NWAD DIVERSITY.5
Blushing in bright diversities of day.NWAD DIVERSITY.6
DIVERSLY, adv. [from diverse.]
1. In different ways; differently; variously; as a passage of scripture diversly interpreted or understood.NWAD DIVERSLY.2
2. In different directions; to different points.NWAD DIVERSLY.3
On lifes vast ocean diversly we sail.NWAD DIVERSLY.4
DIVERT, v.t. [L., to turn.]
1. To turn off from any course, direction or intended application; to turn aside; as, to divert a river from its usual channel; to divert commerce from its usual course; to divert appropriated money to other objects; to divert a man from his purpose.NWAD DIVERT.2
2. To turn the mind from business or study; hence, to please; to amuse; to entertain; to exhilarate. Children are diverted with sports; men are diverted with works of wit and humor; low minds are diverted with buffoonery in stage-playing.NWAD DIVERT.3
3. To draw the forces of an enemy to a different point.NWAD DIVERT.4
4. To subvert. [Not in use.]NWAD DIVERT.5
DIVERTED, pp. Turned aside; turned or drawn from any course, or from the usual or intended direction; pleased; amused; entertained.
DIVERTER, n. He or that which diverts, turns off, or pleases.
DIVERTICLE, n. [L.] A turning; a by-way. [Not used.]
1. Turning off from any course; pleasing; entertaining.NWAD DIVERTING.2
2. a. Pleasing; amusing; entertaining; as a diverting scene or sport.NWAD DIVERTING.3
DIVERTISE, v.t. s as z. To divert; to please. [Not used.]
DIVERTISEMENT, n. Diversion. [Little used.] Originally, a certain air or dance between the acts of the French opera, or a musical composition.
DIVERTIVE, a. Tending to divert; amusing.
DIVEST, v.t. [L. It is the same word as devest, but the latter is appropriately used as a technical term in law.]
1. To strip of clothes, arms or equipage; opposed to invest.NWAD DIVEST.2
2. To deprive; as, to divest one of his rights or privileges; to divest one of title or property.NWAD DIVEST.3
3. To deprive or strip of any thing that covers, surrounds or attends; as, to divest one of his glory; to divest a subject of deceptive appearances, or false ornaments.NWAD DIVEST.4
DIVESTED, pp. Stripped; undressed; deprived.
DIVESTING, ppr. Stripping; putting off; depriving.
DIVESTITURE, DIVESTURE, n. The act of stripping, putting off, or depriving.
DIVIDABLE, a. [See Divide.]
1. That may be divided.NWAD DIVIDABLE.2
2. Separate; parted. [Not used nor proper.]NWAD DIVIDABLE.3
DIVIDE, v.t. [L., to part. See the latter words.]
1. To part or separate an entire thing; to part a thing into two or more pieces.NWAD DIVIDE.2
Divide the living child in two. 1 Kings 3:25.NWAD DIVIDE.3
2. To cause to be separate; to keep apart by a partition or by an imaginary line or limit. A wall divides two houses. The equator divides the earth into two hemispheres.NWAD DIVIDE.4
Let the firmament divide the waters from the waters. Genesis 1:6.NWAD DIVIDE.5
3. To make partition of, among a number.NWAD DIVIDE.6
Ye shall divide the land by lot. Numbers 33:54.NWAD DIVIDE.7
4. To open; to cleave.NWAD DIVIDE.8
Thou dist divide the sea. Nehemiah 9:11.NWAD DIVIDE.9
5. To disunite in opinion or interest; to make discordant.NWAD DIVIDE.10
There shall be five in one house divided, three against two-- Luke 12:52.NWAD DIVIDE.11
6. To distribute; to separate and bestow in parts or shares.NWAD DIVIDE.12
And he divided to them his living. Luke 15:12.NWAD DIVIDE.13
7. To make dividends; to apportion the interest or profits of stock among proprietors; as, the bank divides six per cent.NWAD DIVIDE.14
8. To separate into two parts, for ascertaining opinions for and against a measure; as, to divide a legislative house, in voting.NWAD DIVIDE.15
DIVIDE, v.i.
1. To part; to open; to cleave.NWAD DIVIDE.17
2. To break friendship; as, brothers divide.NWAD DIVIDE.18
3. To vote by the division of a legislative house into two parts.NWAD DIVIDE.19
The emperors sat, voted and divided with their equals.NWAD DIVIDE.20
DIVIDED, pp. Parted; disunited; distributed.
DIVIDEDLY, adv. Separately.
1. A part or share; particularly, the share of the interest or profit of stock in trade or other employment, which belongs to each proprietor according to his proportion of the stock or capital.NWAD DIVIDEND.2
2. In arithmetic, the number to be divided into equal parts.NWAD DIVIDEND.3
1. He or that which divides; that which separates into parts.NWAD DIVIDER.2
2. A distributor; one who deals out to each his share.NWAD DIVIDER.3
Who made me a judge or divider over you. Luke 12:14.NWAD DIVIDER.4
3. He or that which disunites.NWAD DIVIDER.5
4. A kind of compasses.NWAD DIVIDER.6
1. Parting; separating; distributing; disuniting; apportioning to each his share.NWAD DIVIDING.2
2. a. That indicates separation or difference; as a dividing line.NWAD DIVIDING.3
DIVIDING, n. Separation.
DIVIDUAL, a. [L.] Divided, shared or participated in common with others. [Little used.]
DIVINATION, n. [L., to foretell. See Divine.]
1. The act of divining; a foretelling future events, or discovering things secret or obscure, by the aid of superior beings, or by other than human means. The ancient heathen philosophers divided divination into two kinds, natural and artificial. Natural divination was supposed to be effected by a kind of inspiration or divine afflatus; artificial divination was effected by certain rites, experiments or observations, as by sacrifices, cakes, flour, wine, observation of entrails, flight of birds, lots, verses, omens, position of the stars, etc.NWAD DIVINATION.2
2. Conjectural presage; prediction.NWAD DIVINATION.3
DIVINATOR, n. One who pretends to divination.
DIVINATORY, a. Professing divination.
DIVINE, a. [L., a god.]
1. Pertaining to the true God; as the divine nature; divine perfections.NWAD DIVINE.2
2. Pertaining to a heathen deity, or to false gods.NWAD DIVINE.3
3. Partaking of the nature of God.NWAD DIVINE.4
Half human, half divine.NWAD DIVINE.5
4. Proceeding from God; as divine judgments.NWAD DIVINE.6
5. Godlike; heavenly; excellent in the highest degree; extraordinary; apparently above what is human. In this application the word admits of comparison; as a divine invention; a divine genius; the divinest mind.NWAD DIVINE.7
A divine sentence is in the lips of the king. Proverbs 16:10.NWAD DIVINE.8
6. Presageful; foreboding; prescient. [Not used.]NWAD DIVINE.9
7. Appropriated to God, or celebrating his praise; as divine service; divine songs; divine worship.NWAD DIVINE.10
1. A minister of the gospel; a priest; a clergyman.NWAD DIVINE.12
The first divines of New England were surpassed by none in extensive erudition, personal sanctity, and diligence in the pastoral office.NWAD DIVINE.13
2. A man skilled in divinity; a theologian; as a great divine.NWAD DIVINE.14
DIVINE, v.t. [L.]
1. To foreknow; to foretell; to presage.NWAD DIVINE.16
Darst thou divine his downfall?NWAD DIVINE.17
2. To deify. [Not in use.]NWAD DIVINE.18
DIVINE, v.i.
1. To use or practice divination.NWAD DIVINE.20
2. To utter presages or prognostications.NWAD DIVINE.21
The prophets thereof divine for money. Micah 3:11.NWAD DIVINE.22
3. To have presages or forebodings.NWAD DIVINE.23
Suggest but truth to my divining thoughts--NWAD DIVINE.24
4. To guess or conjecture.NWAD DIVINE.25
Could you divine what lovers bear.NWAD DIVINE.26
1. In a divine or godlike manner; in a manner resembling deity.NWAD DIVINELY.2
2. By the agency or influence of God; as a prophet divinely inspired; divinely taught.NWAD DIVINELY.3
3. Excellently; in the supreme degree; as divinely fair; divinely brave.NWAD DIVINELY.4
1. Divinity; participation of the divine nature; as the divineness of the scriptures. [Little used.]NWAD DIVINENESS.2
2. Excellence in the supreme degree.NWAD DIVINENESS.3
1. One who professes divination; one who pretends to predict events, or to reveal occult things, by the aid of superior beings, or of supernatural means.NWAD DIVINER.2
These nations hearkened to diviners. Deuteronomy 18:14.NWAD DIVINER.3
2. One who guesses; a conjecturer.NWAD DIVINER.4
DIVINERESS, n. A female diviner; a woman professing divination.
DIVING, ppr. [See Dive.]
1. Plunging or sinking into water or other liquid; applied to animals only.NWAD DIVING.2
2. Going deep into a subject.NWAD DIVING.3
DIVING-BELL, n. A hollow vessel in form of a truncated cone or pyramid, with the smaller base close, and the larger one open, in which a person may descend into deep water and remain, till the inclosed air ceases to be respirable.
1. The state of being divine; Deity; Godhead; the nature or essence of God. Christians ascribe divinity to one Supreme Being only.NWAD DIVINITY.2
2. God; the Deity; the Supreme Being.NWAD DIVINITY.3
Tis the Divinity that stirs within us.NWAD DIVINITY.4
3. A false God; a pretended deity of pagans.NWAD DIVINITY.5
Beastly divinities, and droves of gods.NWAD DIVINITY.6
4. A celestial being, inferior to the Supreme God, but superior to man. Many nations believe in these inferior divinities.NWAD DIVINITY.7
5. Something supernatural.NWAD DIVINITY.8
They say there is divinity in odd numbers.NWAD DIVINITY.9
6. The science of divine things; the science which unfolds the character of God, his laws and moral government, the duties of man, and the way of salvation; theology; as the study of divinity; a system of divinity.NWAD DIVINITY.10
DIVISIBILITY, n. [L. See Divide.] The quality of being divisible; the property of bodies by which their parts or component particles are capable of separation.
DIVISIBLE, a. s as z. [L. See Divide.] Capable of division; that may be separated or disunited; separable. Matter is divisible indefinitely.
DIVISIBLENESS, n. Divisibility; capacity of being separated.
DIVISION, n. s as z. [L. See Divide.]
1. The act of dividing or separating into parts, any entire body.NWAD DIVISION.2
2. The state of being divided.NWAD DIVISION.3
3. That which divides or separates; that which keeps apart; partition.NWAD DIVISION.4
4. The part separated from the rest by a partition or line, real or imaginary; as the divisions of a field.NWAD DIVISION.5
5. A separate body of men; as, communities and divisions of men.NWAD DIVISION.6
6. A part or distinct portion; as the divisions of a discourse.NWAD DIVISION.7
7. A part of an army or militia; a body consisting of a certain number of brigades usually two, and commanded by a major general. But the term is often applied to other bodies or portions of an army, as to a brigade, a squadron or a platoon.NWAD DIVISION.8
8. A part of a fleet, or a select number of ships under a commander, and distinguished by a particular flag or pendant.NWAD DIVISION.9
9. Disunion; discord; variance; difference.NWAD DIVISION.10
There was a division among the people. John 7:43.NWAD DIVISION.11
10. Space between the notes of music, or the dividing of the tones.NWAD DIVISION.12
11. Distinction.NWAD DIVISION.13
I will put a division between my people and thy people. Exodus 8:23.NWAD DIVISION.14
12. The separation of voters in a legislative house.NWAD DIVISION.15
13. In arithmetic, the dividing of a number or quantity into any parts assigned; or the rule by which is found how many times one number is contained in another.NWAD DIVISION.16
DIVISIONAL, DIVISIONARY, a. Pertaining to division; noting or making division; as a divisional line.
DIVISIONER, n. One who divides. [Not used.]
1. Forming division or distribution.NWAD DIVISIVE.2
2. Creating division or discord.NWAD DIVISIVE.3
DIVISOR, n. In arithmetic, the number by which the dividend is divided.
DIVORCE, n. [L. See Divert.]
1. A legal dissolution of the bonds of matrimony, or the separation of husband and wife by a judicial sentence. This is properly called a divorce, and called technically, divorce a vinculo matrimonii.NWAD DIVORCE.2
2. The separation of a married woman from the bed and board of her husband, a mensa et thoro.NWAD DIVORCE.3
3. Separation; disunion of things closely united.NWAD DIVORCE.4
4. The sentence or writing by which marriage is dissolved.NWAD DIVORCE.5
5. The cause of any penal separation.NWAD DIVORCE.6
The long divorce of steel falls on me.NWAD DIVORCE.7
1. To dissolve the marriage contract, and thus to separate husband and wife.NWAD DIVORCE.9
2. To separate, as a married woman from the bed and board of her husband.NWAD DIVORCE.10
3. To separate or disunite things closely connected; to force asunder.NWAD DIVORCE.11
4. To take away; to put away.NWAD DIVORCE.12
DIVORCED, pp. Separated by a dissolution of the marriage contract; separated from bed and board; parted; forced asunder.
DIVORCEMENT, n. Divorce; dissolution of the marriage tie.
Let him write her a bill of divorcement. Deuteronomy 24:1.NWAD DIVORCEMENT.2
1. The person or cause that produces divorce.NWAD DIVORCER.2
2. One of a sect called divorcers, said to have sprung from Milton.NWAD DIVORCER.3
DIVORCING, ppr. Dissolving the marriage contract; separating from bed and board; disuniting.
DIVORCIVE, a. Having power to divorce.
DIVULGATE, a. Published. [Little used.]
DIVULGATION, n. The act of divulging or publishing.
DIVULGE, v.t. divulj. [L., to make public; the common people; people.]
1. To make public; to tell or make known something before private or secret; to reveal; to disclose; as, to divulge the secret sentiments of a friend; to divulge the proceedings of the cabinet. Divulge is more generally applied to verbal disclosures, and publish to printed accounts. But they may be used synonymously. We may publish by words, and divulge by the press.NWAD DIVULGE.2
2. To declare by a public act; to proclaim. [Unusual.]NWAD DIVULGE.3
DIVULGED, pp. Made public; revealed; disclosed; published.
DIVULGER, n. One who divulges or reveals.
DIVULGING, ppr. Disclosing; publishing; revealing.
DIVULSION, n. [L., to pull.] The act of pulling or plucking away; a rending asunder.
And dire divulsions shook the changing world.NWAD DIVULSION.2
DIVULSIVE, a. That pulls asunder; that rends.
DIZEN, v.t. dizn. To dress gayly; to deck.
This word is not esteemed elegant, and is nearly obsolete. Its compound bedizen is used in burlesque.NWAD DIZEN.2
DIZZ, v.t. [See Dizzy.] To astonish; to puzzle; to make dizzy. [Not used.]
DIZZARD, n. [See Dizzy.] A blockhead. [Not used.]
DIZZINESS, n. [See Dizzy.] Giddiness; a whirling in the head; vertigo.
DIZZY, a. [G., dizziness; dizzy.]
1. Giddy; having a sensation of whirling in the head, with instability or proneness to fall; vertiginous.NWAD DIZZY.2
2. Causing giddiness; as a dizzy highth.NWAD DIZZY.3
3. Giddy; thoughtless; heedless; as the dizzy multitude.NWAD DIZZY.4
DIZZY, v.t. To whirl round; to make giddy; to confuse.
DO, v.t. or auxiliary; pret. Did; pp. Done, pronounced dun. This verb, when transitive, is formed in the indicative, present tense, thus, I do, thou doest, he does or doth; when auxiliary, the second person is, thou dost. [G.]
1. To perform; to execute; to carry into effect; to exert labor or power for brining any thing to the state desired, or to completion; or to bring any thing to pass. We say, this man does his work well; he does more in one day than some men will do in two days.NWAD DO.2
In six days thou shalt do all thy work. Exodus 20:9.NWAD DO.3
I will teach you what ye shall do. Exodus 4:15.NWAD DO.4
I the Lord do all these things. Isaiah 45:7.NWAD DO.5
2. To practice; to perform; as, to do good or evil.NWAD DO.6
3. To perform for the benefit or injury of another; with for or to; for, when the thing is beneficial; to, in either case.NWAD DO.7
Till I know what God will do for me. 1 Samuel 22:3.NWAD DO.8
Do to him neither good nor evil. But to is more generally omitted. Do him neither good nor harm.NWAD DO.9
4. To execute; to discharge; to convey; as, do a message to the king.NWAD DO.10
5. To perform; to practice; to observe.NWAD DO.11
We lie and do not the truth. 1 John 1:6.NWAD DO.12
6. To exert.NWAD DO.13
Do thy diligence to come shortly to me. 2 Timothy 4:9.NWAD DO.14
7. To transact; as, to do business with another.NWAD DO.15
8. To finish; to execute or transact and bring to a conclusion. The sense of completion is often implied in this verb; as, we will do the business and adjourn; we did the business and dined.NWAD DO.16
9. To perform in an exigency; to have recourse to, as a consequential or last effort; to take a step or measure; as, in this crisis, we knew not what to do.NWAD DO.17
What will ye do in the day of visitation. Isaiah 10:3.NWAD DO.18
10. To make or cause.NWAD DO.19
Nothing but death can do me to respire.NWAD DO.20
11. To put.NWAD DO.21
Who should do the duke to death?NWAD DO.22
12. To answer the purpose.NWAD DO.23
Ill make the songs of Durfy do.NWAD DO.24
To have to do, to have concern with.NWAD DO.25
What have I to do with you? 2 Samuel 16:10.NWAD DO.26
What have I to do any more with idols? Hosea 14:8.NWAD DO.27
To do with, to dispose of; to make use of; to employ. Commerce is dull; we know not what to do with our ships. Idle men know not what to do with their time or with themselves. Also, to gain; to effect by influence.NWAD DO.28
A jest with a sad brow will do with a fellow who never had the ache in his shoulders.NWAD DO.29
I can do nothing with this obstinate fellow.NWAD DO.30
Also, to have concern with; to have business; to deal. [See No. 12.]NWAD DO.31
To do away, to remove; to destroy; as, to do away imperfections; to do away prejudices.NWAD DO.32
DO, v.i.
1. To act or behave, in any manner, well or ill; to conduct ones self.NWAD DO.34
They fear not the Lord, neither do they after the law and commandment. 2 Kings 17:34.NWAD DO.35
2. To fare; to be in a state with regard to sickness or health.NWAD DO.36
How dost thou?NWAD DO.37
We asked him how he did. How do you do, or how do you?NWAD DO.38
3. To succeed; to accomplish a purpose. We shall do without him. Will this plan do? Also, to fit; to be adapted; to answer the design; with for; as, this piece of timber will do for the corner post; this tenon will do for the mortise; the road is repaired and will do for the present.NWAD DO.39
To have to do with, to have concern or business with; to deal with. Have little to do with jealous men. Also, to have carnal commerce with.NWAD DO.40
Do is used for a verb to save the repetition of it. I shall probably come, but if I do not, you must not wait; that is, if I do not come, if I come not.NWAD DO.41
Do is also used in the imperative, to express an urgent request or command; as, do come; help me, do; make haste, do. In this case, do is uttered with emphasis.NWAD DO.42
As an auxiliary, do is used in asking questions. Do you intend to go? Does he wish me to come?NWAD DO.43
Do is also used to express emphasis. She is coquetish, but still I do love her.NWAD DO.44
Do is sometimes a mere expletive.NWAD DO.45
This just reproach their virtue does excite.NWAD DO.46
Expletives their feeble aid do join.NWAD DO.47
[The latter use of do is nearly obsolete.]NWAD DO.48
Do is sometimes used by way of opposition; as, I did love him, but he has lost my affections.NWAD DO.49
DOAT. [See Dote.]
DOCIBLE, a. [See Docile.] Teachable; docile; tractable; easily taught or managed.
DOCIBILITY, DOCIBLENESS, n. Teachableness; docility; readiness to learn.
DOCILE, a. [L., to teach. See Teach.] Teachable; easily instructed; ready to learn; tractable; easily managed. Some children are far more docile than others. Dogs are more docile than many other animals.
DOCILITY, n. Teachableness; readiness to learn; aptness to be taught. The docility of elephants is remarkable.
DOCIMACY, n. [Gr., See the next word.] The art or practice of assaying metals; metallurgy.
DOCIMASTIC, a. [Gr., to try, essay, examine, proved; to prove.] Properly, essaying, proving by experiments, or relating to the assaying of metals. The docimastic art is otherwise called metallurgy. It is the art of assaying metals, or the art of separating them from foreign matters, and determining the nature and quantity of metallic substance contained in any ore or mineral.
DOCK, n. [Gr., L.] A genus of plants, the Rumex, of several species. Its root resembles a carrot.
DOCK, v.t.
1. To cut off, as the end of a thing; to curtail; to cut short; to clip; as, to dock the tail of a horse.NWAD DOCK.3
2. To cut off a part; to shorten; to deduct from; as, to dock an account.NWAD DOCK.4
3. To cut off, destroy or defeat; to bar; as, to dock an entail.NWAD DOCK.5
4. To bring, draw or place a ship in a dock.NWAD DOCK.6
DOCK, n.
1. The tail of a beast cut short or clipped; the stump of a tail; the solid part of the tail.NWAD DOCK.8
2. A case of leather to cover a horses dock.NWAD DOCK.9
DOCK, n. A broad deep trench on the side of a harbor, or bank of a river, in which ships are built or repaired. A dry dock has flood-gates to admit the tide, and to prevent the influx, as occasion may require. Wet docks have no flood-gates, but ships may be repaired in them during the recess of the tide. Wet docks are also constructed with gates to deep the water in at ebb tide, so that vessels may lie constantly afloat in them. In America, the spaces between wharves are called docks.
DOCK-YARD, n. A yard or magazine near a harbor, for containing all kinds of naval stores and timber.
1. A small piece of paper or parchment, containing the heads of a writing. Also, a subscription at the foot of letters patent, by the clerk of the dockets.NWAD DOCKET.2
2. A bill, tied to goods, containing some direction, as the name of the owner, or the place to which they are to be sent. [See Ticket.]NWAD DOCKET.3
3. An alphabetical list of cases in a court, or a catalogue of the names of the parties who have suits depending in a court. In some of the states, this is the principal or only use of the word.NWAD DOCKET.4
DOCKET, v.t.
1. To make an abstract of summary of the heads of a writing or writings; to abstract and enter in a book; as, judgments regularly docketed.NWAD DOCKET.6
2. To enter in a docket; to mark the contents of papers on the back of them.NWAD DOCKET.7
3. To mark with a docket.NWAD DOCKET.8
DOCKING, ppr. Clipping; cutting off the end; placing in a dock.
DOCKING, n. The act of drawing, as a ship, into a dock.
DOCTOR, n. [L., to teach.]
1. A teacher.NWAD DOCTOR.2
There stood up one in the council, a Pharisee, named Gamaliel, a doctor of the law. Acts 5:34.NWAD DOCTOR.3
2. One who has passed all the degrees of a faculty, and is empowered to practice and teach it, as a doctor in divinity, in physic, in law; or according to modern usage, ad person who has received the highest degree in a faculty. The degree of doctor is conferred by universities and colleges, as an honorary mark of literary distinction. It is also conferred on physicians, as a professional degree.NWAD DOCTOR.4
3. A learned man; a man skilled in a profession; a man of erudition.NWAD DOCTOR.5
4. A physician; one whose occupation is to cure diseases.NWAD DOCTOR.6
5. The title, doctor, is given to certain fathers of the church whose opinions are received as authorities, and in the Greek church, it is given to a particular officer who interprets the scriptures.NWAD DOCTOR.7
Doctors Commons, the college of civilians in London.NWAD DOCTOR.8
DOCTOR, v.t. To apply medicines for the cure of diseases. [A popular use of this word, but not elegant.]
DOCTOR, v.i. To practice physic. [Not elegant.]
DOCTORAL, a. Relating to the degree of a doctor.
DOCTORALLY, adv. In the manner of a doctor.