WOOL-DRIVER, n. [wool and driver.] One who buys wool and carries it to market.
1. Made of wool; consisting of wool; as woolen cloth.NWAD WOOLEN.2
2. Pertaining to wool; as woolen manufactures.NWAD WOOLEN.3
WOOLEN, n. Cloth made of wool.
WOOLEN-DRAPER, n. One who deals in woolen goods.
WOOLFEL, n. [wool and fel., L.] A skin with the wool; a skin from which the wool has not been sheared or pulled.
WOOLINESS, n. [from woolly.] The state of being woolly.
1. Consisting of wool; as a woolly covering; a woolly fleece.NWAD WOOLLY.2
2. Resembling wool; as woolly hair.NWAD WOOLLY.3
3. Clothed with wool; as woolly breeders.NWAD WOOLLY.4
4. In botany, clothed with a pubescence resembling wool.NWAD WOOLLY.5
WOOLLY-PASTINUM, n. A name given in the East Indies to a species of red orpiment or arsenic.
WOOLPACK, n. [wool and pack.]
1. A pack or bag of wool.NWAD WOOLPACK.2
2. Any thing bulky without weight.NWAD WOOLPACK.3
WOOLSACK, n. [wool and sack.]
1. A sack or bag of wool.NWAD WOOLSACK.2
2. The seat of the lord chancellor and of the judges in the house of lords.NWAD WOOLSACK.3
WOOL-STAPLE, n. [wool and staple.] A city or town where wool used to be brought to the kings staple for sale.
WOOL-STAPLER, n. One who deals in wool.
WOOL-TRADE, n. [wool and trade.] The trade in wool.
WOOLWARD, adv. In wool. [Not in use.]
WOOL-WINDER, n. [wool and wind.] A person employed to wind or make up wool into bundles to be packed for sale.
WOOP, n. A bird. [L.]
WOOS, n. A plant; sea weed.
WOOTS, n. Indian steel, a metallic substance imported form the East Indies; valued as the material of edge-tools. It has in combination a minute portion of alumin and silica.
WORD, n. [G., L., to speak. A word is that which is uttered or thrown out.]
1. An articulate or vocal sound, or a combination of articulate and vocal sounds, uttered by the human voice, and by custom expressing an idea or ideas; a single component part of human speech or language. Thus a in English is a word; but few words consist of one letter only. Most words consist of tow or more letters, as go, do, shall, called monosyllables, or of two or more syllables, as honor, goodness, amiable.NWAD WORD.2
2. The letter or letters, written or printed, which represent a sound or combination of sounds.NWAD WORD.3
3. A short discourse.NWAD WORD.4
Shall I vouchsafe your worship a word or two?NWAD WORD.5
4. Talk; discourse.NWAD WORD.6
Why should calamity be full of words?NWAD WORD.7
Be thy words severe.NWAD WORD.8
5. Dispute; verbal contention; as, some words grew between us.NWAD WORD.9
6. Language; living speech; oral expression. The message was delivered by word of mouth.NWAD WORD.10
7. Promise. He gave me his word he would pay me.NWAD WORD.11
Obey they parents; keep thy word justly.NWAD WORD.12
8. Signal; order; command.NWAD WORD.13
Give the word through.NWAD WORD.14
9. Account; tidings; message. Bring me word what is the issue of the contest.NWAD WORD.15
10. Declaration; purpose expressed.NWAD WORD.16
I know you brave, and take you at your word.NWAD WORD.17
11. Declaration; affirmation.NWAD WORD.18
I desire not the reader should take my word.NWAD WORD.19
12. The Scripture; divine revelation, or any part of it. This is called the word of God.NWAD WORD.20
13. Christ. John 1:1, 14.NWAD WORD.21
14. A motto; a short sentence; a proverb.NWAD WORD.22
A good word, commendation; favorable account.NWAD WORD.23
And gave the harmless fellow a good word.NWAD WORD.24
In word, in declaration only.NWAD WORD.25
Let us not love in word only, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth. 1 John 3:18.NWAD WORD.26
WORD, v.i. To dispute. [Little used.]
WORD, v.t. To express in words. Take care to word ideas with propriety.
The apology of the king is the same, but worded with greater deference to that great prince.NWAD WORD.29
WORD-CATCHER, n. One who cavils at words.
WORDED, pp. Expressed in words.
WORDER, n. A speaker. [Not in use.]
WORDINESS, n. [from wordy.] The state or quality of abounding with words.
1. The act of expressing in words.NWAD WORDING.2
2. The manner of expressing in words. The wording of the ideas is very judicious.NWAD WORDING.3
WORDISH, a. Respecting words. [Not used.]
WORDISHNESS, n. Manner of wording. [Not used.]
WORDLESS, a. Not using words; not speaking; silent.
1. Using many words; verbose; as a wordy speaker; a wordy orator.NWAD WORDY.2
2. Containing many words; full of words.NWAD WORDY.3
We need not lavish hours in wordy periods.NWAD WORDY.4
WORE, pret. of wear. He wore gloves.
WORE, pret. of ware. They wore ship.
WORK, v.i. [G., Gr.]
1. In a general sense, to move, or to move one way and the other; to perform; as in popular language it is said, a mill or machine works well.NWAD WORK.2
2. To labor; to be occupied in performing manual labor, whether severe or moderate. One man works better than another; one man works hare; another works lazily.NWAD WORK.3
3. To be in action or motion; as the working of the heart.NWAD WORK.4
4. To act; to carry on operations.NWAD WORK.5
Our better part remains to work in close design.NWAD WORK.6
5. To operate; to carry on business; to be customarily engaged or employed in. Some work in the mines, others in the loom, others at the anvil.NWAD WORK.7
They that work in fine flax. Isaiah 19:9.NWAD WORK.8
6. To ferment; as, unfermented liquors work violently in hot weather.NWAD WORK.9
7. To operate; to produce effects by action or influence.NWAD WORK.10
All things work together for good to them that love God. Romans 8:28.NWAD WORK.11
This so wrought upon the child, that afterwards he desired to be taught.NWAD WORK.12
8. To obtain by diligence. [Little used.]NWAD WORK.13
9. To act or operate on the stomach and bowels; as a cathartic.NWAD WORK.14
10. To labor; to strain; to move heavily; as, a ship works in a tempest.NWAD WORK.15
11. To be tossed or agitated.NWAD WORK.16
Confusd with working sands and rolling waves.NWAD WORK.17
12. To enter by working; as, to work into the earth.NWAD WORK.18
To work on, to act on; to influence.NWAD WORK.19
To work up, to make way.NWAD WORK.20
Body shall up to spirit work.NWAD WORK.21
To work tot windward, among seamen, to sail or ply against the wind; to beat.NWAD WORK.22
WORK, v.t.
1. To move; to stir and mix; as, to work mortar.NWAD WORK.24
2. To form by labor; to mold, shape or manufacture; as, to work wood or iron into a form desired, or into an utensil; to work cotton or wool into cloth.NWAD WORK.25
3. To bring into any state by action. A foul stream, or new wine or cider, works itself clear.NWAD WORK.26
4. To influence by acting upon; to manage; to lead.NWAD WORK.27
An work your royal father to his ruin.NWAD WORK.28
5. To make by action, labor or violence. A stream works a passage or a new channel.NWAD WORK.29
Sidelong he works his way.NWAD WORK.30
6. To produce by action, labor or exertion.NWAD WORK.31
We might work any effect--only by the unity of nature.NWAD WORK.32
Each herb he knew, that works or good or ill.NWAD WORK.33
7. To embroider; as, to work muslin.NWAD WORK.34
8. To direct the movements of, by adapting the sails to the wind; as, to work a ship.NWAD WORK.35
9. To put to labor; to exert.NWAD WORK.36
Work every nerve.NWAD WORK.37
10. To cause to ferment, as liquor.NWAD WORK.38
To work out,NWAD WORK.39
1. To effect by labor and exertion.NWAD WORK.40
Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Philippians 2:12.NWAD WORK.41
2. To expend in any work, as materials. They have worked up all the stock.NWAD WORK.42
To work double tides, in the language of seamen, to perform the labor of three days in two; a phrase taken from the practice f working by the night tide as well as by the day.NWAD WORK.43
To work into, to make way, or to insinuate; as, to work ones self into favor or confidence.NWAD WORK.44
To work a passage, among seamen, to pay for a passage by doing duty on board of the ship.NWAD WORK.45
WORK, n. [G., Gr.]
1. Labor; employment; exertion of strength; particularly in man, manual labor.NWAD WORK.47
2. State of labor; as, to be at work.NWAD WORK.48
3. Awkward performance. What work you make!NWAD WORK.49
4. That which is made or done; as good work, or bad work.NWAD WORK.50
5. Embroidery; flowers or figures wrought with the needle.NWAD WORK.51
6. Any fabric or manufactureNWAD WORK.52
7. The matter on which one is at work. In rising she dropped her work.NWAD WORK.53
8. Action; deed; feat; achievement; as the works of bloody Mars.NWAD WORK.54
9. Operation.NWAD WORK.55
As to the composition or dissolution of mixed bodies, which is the chief work of elements--NWAD WORK.56
10. Effect; that which proceeds from agency.NWAD WORK.57
Fancy wild work produces oft, and most in dreams.NWAD WORK.58
11. Management; treatment.NWAD WORK.59
12. That which is produced by mental labor; a composition; a book; as the works of Addison.NWAD WORK.60
13. Works, in the plural, walls, trenches and the like, made for fortifications.NWAD WORK.61
14. In theology, moral duties or external performances, as distinct from grace.NWAD WORK.62
To set to work, To set on work, to employ; to engage in any business.NWAD WORK.63
WORKED, pp. Moved; labored; performed; managed; fermented.
WORKER, n. One that works; one that performs.
WORK-FELLOW, n. One engaged in the same work with another. Romans 16:21.
WORK-FOLK, n. Persons that labor.
1. A house where any manufacture is carried on.NWAD WORKHOUSE.2
2. Generally, a house in which idle and vicious persons are confined to labor.NWAD WORKHOUSE.3
WORKING, ppr. Moving; operating; laboring; fermenting.
1. Motion; the act of laboring.NWAD WORKING.3
2. Fermentation.NWAD WORKING.4
3. Movement; operation; as the workings of fancy.NWAD WORKING.5
WORKMAN, n. [work and man.]
1. Any man employed in labor, whether in tillage or manufactures.NWAD WORKMAN.2
2. By way of eminence, a skillful artificer or laborer.NWAD WORKMAN.3
WORKMANLIKE, a. Skillful; well performed.
WORKMANLY, a. Skillful; well performed.
WORKMANLY, adv. In a skillful manner; in a manner becoming a workman.
1. Manufacture; something made, particularly by manual labor. Exodus 31:5.NWAD WORKMANSHIP.2
2. That which is effected, made or produced. Ephesians 2:10.NWAD WORKMANSHIP.3
3. The skill of a workman; or the execution or manner of making any thing. The workmanship of this cloth is admirable.NWAD WORKMANSHIP.4
4. The art of working.NWAD WORKMANSHIP.5
WORKMASTER, n. [work and master.] The performer of any work.
WORKSHOP, n. [work and shop.] A shop where any manufacture is carried on.
WORKWOMAN, n. A woman who performs any work; or one skilled in needle work.
WORLD, n. [This seems to be a compound word, and probably is named from roundness, the vault; but this is not certain.]
1. The universe; the whole system of created globes or vast bodies of matter.NWAD WORLD.2
2. The earth; the terraqueous globe; sometimes called the lower world.NWAD WORLD.3
3. The heavens; as when we speak of the heavenly world, or upper world.NWAD WORLD.4
4. System of beings; or the orbs which occupy space, and all the beings which inhabit them. Hebrews 11:3.NWAD WORLD.5
God--hath in these last days spoken to us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things; by whom also he made the worlds. Hebrews 1:2.NWAD WORLD.6
There may be other worlds, where the inhabitants have never violated their allegiance to their Almighty sovereign.NWAD WORLD.7
5. Present state of existence; as while we are in the world.NWAD WORLD.8
Behold, these are the ungodly who prosper in the world. Psalm 73:12.NWAD WORLD.9
6. A secular life. By the world we sometimes understand the things of this world, its pleasures and interests. A great part of mankind are more anxious to enjoy the world to than secure divine favor.NWAD WORLD.10
7. Public life, or society; as banished from the world.NWAD WORLD.11
8. Business or trouble of life.NWAD WORLD.12
From this world-wearied flesh.NWAD WORLD.13
9. A great multitude or quantity; as a world of business; a world of charms.NWAD WORLD.14
10. Mankind; people in general; in an indefinite sense. Let the world see your fortitude.NWAD WORLD.15
Whose disposition, all the world well knows--NWAD WORLD.16
11. Course of life. He begins the world with little property, but with many friends.NWAD WORLD.17
12. Universal empire.NWAD WORLD.18
This through the east just vengeance hurld, and lost poor Antony the world.NWAD WORLD.19
13. The customs and manners of men; the practice of life. A knowledge of the world is necessary for a man of business; it is essential to politeness.NWAD WORLD.20
14. All the world contains.NWAD WORLD.21
Had I a thousand worlds, I would give them all for one year more to devote to God.NWAD WORLD.22
15. The principal nations or countries of the earth. Alexander conquered the world.NWAD WORLD.23
16. The Roman empire.NWAD WORLD.24
17. A large tract of country; a wide compass of things.NWAD WORLD.25
I must descry new worlds.NWAD WORLD.26
18. The inhabitants of the earth; the whole human race. John 3:16.NWAD WORLD.27
19. The carnal state or corruption of the earth; as the present evil world; the course of this world. Galatians 1:4; Ephesians 2:2.NWAD WORLD.28
20. The ungodly part of the world.NWAD WORLD.29
I pray not for the world, but for them that thou hast given me. John 17:9.NWAD WORLD.30
21. Time; as in the phrase, world without end.NWAD WORLD.31
22. A collection of wonders. [Not in use.]NWAD WORLD.32
In the world, in possibility. [All the precaution in the world would not save him.]NWAD WORLD.33
For all the world,NWAD WORLD.34
1. Exactly. [Little used.]NWAD WORLD.35
2. For any consideration.NWAD WORLD.36
WORLDLINESS, n. [from world.] A predominant passion for obtaining the good things of this life; covetousness; addictedness to gain and temporal enjoyments.
WORLDLING, n. A person whose soul is set upon gaining temporal possessions; one devoted to this world and its enjoyments.
If we consider the expectations of futurity, the worldling gives up the argument.NWAD WORLDLING.2
1. Secular; temporal; pertaining to this world or life, in contradistinction to the life to come; as worldly pleasures; worldly affairs; worldly estate; worldly honor; worldly lusts. Titus 2:12.NWAD WORLDLY.2
2. Devoted to this life and its enjoyments; bent on gain; as a worldly man; a worldly mind.NWAD WORLDLY.3
3. Human; common; belonging to the world; as worldly actions; worldly maxims.NWAD WORLDLY.4
WORLDLY, adv. With relation to this life.
Subverting worldly strong and worldly wise by simply meek.NWAD WORLDLY.6
WORLDLY-MINDED, a. Devoted to the acquisition of property and to temporal enjoyments.
WORLDLY-MINDEDNESS, n. A predominating love and pursuit of this worlds goods, to the exclusion of piety and attention to spiritual concerns.
WORM, n. [G. This word is probably named form a winding motion, and the root of swarm.]
1. In common usage, any small creeping animal, or reptile, either entirely without feet, or with very short ones, including a great variety of animals of different classes and orders, viz. Certain small serpents, as the blind-worm or slow-worm; the larvas of insects, viz. Grubs, caterpillars and maggots, as the wood-worm, canker-worm, silk-worm, (the larva of a moth (Phaloena,) which spins the filaments of which silk is made,) the grub that injures corn, grass, etc., the worms that breed in putrid flesh, the bots in the stomach of horses, and many others; certain wingless insects, as the glow-worm; the intestinal worms, or such as breed in the cavities and organs of living animals, as the tape-worm, the round-worm, the fluke, etc.; and numerous animals found in the earth, and in water, particularly in the sea, as the earth-worm or lumbricus, the hair-worm or gordius, the teredo, or worm that bores in to the bottom of ships, etc. Worms, in the plural, in common usage, is used for intestinal worms, or those which breed in the stomach and bowels, particularly the round and thread worms, (lumbrici and ascarides,) which are often found there in great numbers; as we say, a child has worms.NWAD WORM.2
2. In zoology, the term Vermes or worms has been applied to different divisions of invertebral animals, by different naturalists. Linnes class of vermes, includes the following orders, viz. Intestina, including the proper intestinal worms the earth-worm, the hair-worm, the teredo, and some other marine worms; Mollusca, including the slug, and numerous soft animals inhabiting the water, particularly the sea; Testacea, including all the proper shell-fish; Zoophyta or compound animals, including corals, polypes, and spunges; and Infusoria, or simple microscopic animlacules. His character of the class is, --spiracles obscure, jaws various, organs of sense usually tentacula, no brain, ears nor nostrils, limbs wanting, frequently hermaphrodite. This class includes all the invertebral animals, except the insects and crustacea. The term Vermes has been since greatly limited, particularly by the French naturalists. Lamarch confined it to the intestinal worms, and some others, whose organization is equally imperfect. The character of his class is, suboviparous, body soft, highly reproductive, undergo no metamorphosis; no eyes, nor articulated limbs, nor radiated disposition of internal organs.NWAD WORM.3
3. Remorse; that which incessantly gnaws the conscience; that which torments.NWAD WORM.4
Where their worm dieth not. Mark 9:44.NWAD WORM.5
4. A being debased and despised.NWAD WORM.6
I am a worm, and no man. Psalm 22:6.NWAD WORM.7
5. A spiral instrument or iron screw, used for drawing wads and cartridges from cannon or small arms.NWAD WORM.8
6. Something spiral, vermiculated, or resembling a worm; as the threads of a screw.NWAD WORM.9
7. In chemistry and distilleries, a spiral leaden pipe placed in a tub of water, through which the vapor passes in distillation, and in which it is cooled and condensed. It is called also a serpentine.NWAD WORM.10
8. A small worm-like ligament situated beneath a dogs tongue.NWAD WORM.11
WORM, v.i. To work slowly, gradually and secretly.
When debates and fretting jealousy did worm and work within you more and more, your color faded.NWAD WORM.13
WORM, v.t.
1. To expel or undermine by slow and secret means.NWAD WORM.15
They find themselves wormed out of all power.NWAD WORM.16
2. To cut something, called a worm, from under the tongue of a dog.NWAD WORM.17
3. To draw the wad or cartridge from a gun; to clean by the worm.NWAD WORM.18
4. To wind a rope spirally round a cable, between the strands; or to wind a smaller rope with spun yarn.NWAD WORM.19
To worm ones self into, to enter gradually by arts and insinuations; as to worm ones self into favor.NWAD WORM.20
WORM-EATEN, a. [worm and eat.]
1. Gnawed by worms; as worm-eaten boards, planks or timber.NWAD WORM-EATEN.2
2. Old; worthless.NWAD WORM-EATEN.3
WORMED, pp. Cleared by a worm or screw.
WORM-GRASS, n. A plant of the genus Spigalia.
WORMING, ppr. Entering by insinuation; drawing, as a cartridge; clearing, as a gun.
WORMLIKE, a. Resembling a worm; spiral; vermicular.
WORM-POWDER, n. A powder used for expelling worms from the stomach and intestines.
1. A seed which has the property of expelling worms from the stomach, bowels, and intestines. It is said to be brought from Persia, and to be the produce of a species of Artemisia.NWAD WORM-SEED.2
2. A plant of the genus Chenopodium.NWAD WORM-SEED.3
WORM-TINCTURE, n. A tincture prepared from earth-worms dried, pulverized and mixed with oil of tartar, spirit of wine, saffron and castor.
WORMWOOD, n. [G.] A plant, the artemisia. It has a bitter nauseous taste; but it is stomachic and corroborant.
Tree-wormwood, a species of Artemisia, with woody stalks.NWAD WORMWOOD.2
WORMWOOD-FLY, n. A small black fly, found on the stalks of wormwood.
1. Containing a worm; abounding with worms.NWAD WORMY.2
2. Earthy; groveling.NWAD WORMY.3
WORN, pp. of wear; as a garment long worn.
Worn out, consumed or rendered useless by wearing.NWAD WORN.2
WORNIL, n. A maggot that infests the backs of cows.
WORRAL, n. An animal of the lizard kind, about four feet long and eight inches broad, with a forked tongue. It feeds on flies, and is harmless. It is found in Egypt.
WORRIED, pp. [from worry.] Harassed; fatigued.
WORRIER, n. [from worry.] One that worries or harasses.
WORRY, v.t.
1. To tease; to trouble; to harass with importunity, or with care and anxiety. Persons are often worried with care and solicitude.NWAD WORRY.2
Let them rail and then worry one another at their pleasure.NWAD WORRY.3
Worry him out till he gives his consent.NWAD WORRY.4
A church worried with reformation.NWAD WORRY.5
2. To fatigue; to harass with labor; a popular sense of the word.NWAD WORRY.6
3. To harass by pursuit and barking; as, dogs worry sheep.NWAD WORRY.7
4. To tear; to mangle with the teeth.NWAD WORRY.8
5. To vex; to persecute brutally.NWAD WORRY.9
WORRYING, ppr. Teasing; troubling; harassing; fatiguing; tearing.
WORSE, a. [This adjective has the signification of the comparative degree, and as bad has no comparative and superlative, worse and worst are used in lieu of them, although radically they have no relation to bad.]
1. More evil; more bad or ill; more depraved and corrupt; in a moral sense.NWAD WORSE.2
Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse. 2 Timothy 3:13.NWAD WORSE.3
There are men who seem to believe they are not bad, while another can be found worse.NWAD WORSE.4
2. In a physical sense, in regard to health, more sick.NWAD WORSE.5
She was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse. Mark 5:26.NWAD WORSE.6
3. More bad; less perfect or good. This carriage is worse for wear.NWAD WORSE.7
The worse,NWAD WORSE.8
1. The loss; the disadvantage.NWAD WORSE.9
Judah was put to the worse before Israel. 2 Kings 14:12.NWAD WORSE.10
2. Something less good. Think not the worse of him for his enterprise.NWAD WORSE.11
WORSE, adv. In a manner more evil or bad.
We will deal worse with thee than with them. Genesis 19:9.NWAD WORSE.13
WORSE, to put to disadvantage, is not in use. [See Worst.]
WORSEN, v.t. To worse. [Not in use.]
WORSER, is a vulgar word, and not used in good writing or speaking.
WORSHIP, n. [See Worth.]
1. Excellence of character; dignity; worth; worthiness.NWAD WORSHIP.2
--Elfin born of noble state, and muckle worship in his native land.NWAD WORSHIP.3
In this sense, the word is nearly or quite obsolete; but hence,NWAD WORSHIP.4
2. A title of honor, used in addresses to certain magistrates and other of respectable character.NWAD WORSHIP.5
My father desires your worships company.NWAD WORSHIP.6
3. A term of ironical respect.NWAD WORSHIP.7
4. Chiefly and eminently, the act of paying divine honors to the Supreme Being; or the reverence and homage paid to him in religious exercises, consisting in adoration, confession, prayer, thanksgiving and the like.NWAD WORSHIP.8
The worship of God is an eminent part of religion.NWAD WORSHIP.9
Prayer is a chief part of religious worship.NWAD WORSHIP.10
5. The homage paid to idols or false gods by pagans; as the worship or Isis.NWAD WORSHIP.11
6. Honor; respect; civil deference.NWAD WORSHIP.12
Then shalt thou have worship in the presence of them that sit at meat with thee. Luke 14:10.NWAD WORSHIP.13
7. Idolatry of lovers; obsequious or submissive respect.NWAD WORSHIP.14
1. To adore; to pay divine honors to; to reverence with supreme respect and veneration.NWAD WORSHIP.16
Thou shalt worship no other God. Exodus 34:14.NWAD WORSHIP.17
2. To respect; to honor; to treat with civil reverence.NWAD WORSHIP.18
Nor worshipd with a waxen epitaph.NWAD WORSHIP.19
3. To honor with extravagant love and extreme submission; as a lover.NWAD WORSHIP.20
With bended knees I daily worship her.NWAD WORSHIP.21
1. To perform acts of adoration.NWAD WORSHIP.23
2. To perform religious service.NWAD WORSHIP.24
Our fathers worshiped in this mountain. John 4:20.NWAD WORSHIP.25
WORSHIPED, pp. Adored; treated with divine honors; treated with civil respect.
WORSHIPER, n. One who worships; one who pays divine honors to any being; one who adores.
1. Claiming respect; worthy of honor from its character or dignity.NWAD WORSHIPFUL.2
This is worshipful society.NWAD WORSHIPFUL.3
2. A term of respect, sometimes ironically.NWAD WORSHIPFUL.4
WORSHIPFULLY, adv. Respectfully.
WORSHIPING, ppr. Adoring; paying divine honors to; treating with supreme reverence; treating with extreme submission.
WORST, a. [superl. of worse, which see.]
1. Most bad; most evil; in a moral sense; as the worst man; the worst sinner.NWAD WORST.2
2. Most severe or dangerous; most difficult to heal; as the worst disease.NWAD WORST.3
3. Most afflictive, pernicious or calamitous; as the worst evil that can befall a state or an individual.NWAD WORST.4
1. The most evil state; in a moral sense.NWAD WORST.6
2. The most severe or aggravated state; the highth; as, the disease is at the worst.NWAD WORST.7
3. The most calamitous state. Be armed against the worst.NWAD WORST.8
WORST, v.t. To get the advantage over in contest; to defeat; to overthrow. It is madness to contend, when we are sure to be worsted.
WORSTED, pp. Defeated; overthrown.
WORSTED, n. WUSTED. [The origin of this word is uncertain. It is usually supposed to take its name from a town in England or in Flanders; but in Norman, worstetz is mentioned; as lit de morstetz, a bed of worsted.] Yarn spun from combed wool; a particular kind of woolen yarn.
WORSTED, a. Consisting of worsted; made of worsted yarn; as worsted stockings.
WORT, n. [G., L., to grow; green.]
1. A plant; an herb; now used chiefly or wholly in compounds; as in mugwort, liverwort, spleenwort.NWAD WORT.2
2. A plant of the cabbage kind.NWAD WORT.3
3. New beer unfermented, or in the act of fermentation; the sweet infusion of malt.NWAD WORT.4
WORTH, a. Termination, signifies a farm or court; as in Wordsworth.
WORTH, v.i. This verb is now used only in the phrases, wo worth the day, wo worth the man, etc., in which the verb is in the imperative mode, and the noun in the dative; wo be to the day.
WORTH, n. [G., L. The primary sense is strength.]
1. Value; that quality of a thing which renders it useful, or which will produce an equivalent good in some other thing. The worth of a days labor may be estimated in money, or in wheat. The worth of labor is settled between the hirer and the hired. The worth of commodities is usually the price they will bring in market; but price is not always worth.NWAD WORTH.4
2. Value of mental qualities; excellence; virtue; usefulness; as a man or magistrate of great worth.NWAD WORTH.5
As none but she, who in that court did dwell, could know such worth, or worth describe so well.NWAD WORTH.6
All worth-consists in doing good, and in the disposition by which it is done.NWAD WORTH.7
3. Importance; valuable qualities; applied to things; as, these things have since lost their worth.NWAD WORTH.8
1. Equal in value to. Silver is scarce worth the labor of digging and refining. In one country, a days labor is worth a dollar; in another, the same labor is not worth fifty cents. It is worth while to consider a subject well before we come to a decision.NWAD WORTH.10
If your arguments produce no conviction, they are worth nothing to me.NWAD WORTH.11
2. Deserving of; in a good or bad sense, but chiefly in a good sense. The castle is worth defending.NWAD WORTH.12
To reign is worth ambition, though in hell.NWAD WORTH.13
This is life indeed, life worth preserving.NWAD WORTH.14
3. Equal in possessions to; having estate to the value of. Most men are estimated by their neighbors to be worth more than they are. A man worth a hundred thousand dollars in the United States, is called rich; but no so in London or Paris.NWAD WORTH.15
Worthiest of blood, an expression in law, denoting the preference of sons to daughters in the descent of estates.NWAD WORTH.16
1. In a manner suited to; as, to walk worthily of our extraction. [Bad.]NWAD WORTHILY.2
2. Deservedly; according to merit.NWAD WORTHILY.3
You worthily succeed not only to the honors of your ancestors, but also to their virtues.NWAD WORTHILY.4
3. Justly; not without cause.NWAD WORTHILY.5
I affirm that some may very worthily deserve to be hated.NWAD WORTHILY.6
1. Desert; merit.NWAD WORTHINESS.2
The prayers which our Savior made, were for his own worthiness accepted.NWAD WORTHINESS.3
2. Excellence; dignity; virtue.NWAD WORTHINESS.4
Who is sure he hath a soul, unless it see and judge and follow worthiness?NWAD WORTHINESS.5
3. Worth; quality or state of deserving.NWAD WORTHINESS.6
1. Having no value; as a worthless garment; a worthless ship.NWAD WORTHLESS.2
2. Having no value of character or no virtue; as a worthless man or woman.NWAD WORTHLESS.3
3. Having no dignity or excellence; as a worthless magistrate.NWAD WORTHLESS.4
1. Want of value; want of useful qualities; as the worthlessness of an old garment or of barren land.NWAD WORTHLESSNESS.2
2. Want of excellence or dignity; as the worthlessness of a person.NWAD WORTHLESSNESS.3
WORTHY, a. [G.]
1. Deserving; such as merits; having worth or excellence; equivalent; with of, before the thing deserved. She has married a man worthy of her.NWAD WORTHY.2
Thou art worthy of the sway.NWAD WORTHY.3
I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies-- Genesis 32:10.NWAD WORTHY.4
2. Possessing worth or excellence of qualities; virtuous; estimable; as a worthy citizen; a worthy magistrate.NWAD WORTHY.5
Happier thou mayst be, worthier canst not be.NWAD WORTHY.6
This worthy mind should worthy things embrace.NWAD WORTHY.7
3. Suitable; having qualities suited to; either in a good or bad sense; equal in value; as flowers worthy of paradise.NWAD WORTHY.8
4. Suitable to any thing bad.NWAD WORTHY.9
The merciless Macdonald, worthy to be a rebel.NWAD WORTHY.10
5. Deserving of ill; as things worthy of stripes. Luke 12:48.NWAD WORTHY.11
WORTHY, n. A man of eminent worth; a man distinguished for useful and estimable qualities; a man of valor; a word much used in the plural; as the worthies of the church; political worthies; military worthies.
WORTHY, v.t. To render worthy; to exalt. [Not in use.]
WOT, v.i. To know; to be aware.
WOULD, WUD, pret. of will, G., L.
Would is used as an auxiliary verb in conditional forms of speech. I would go, if I could. This form of expression denotes will or resolution, under a condition or supposition. You would go, He would go, denote simply an event, under a condition or supposition. The condition implied in would is not always expressed. By pleasure and pain, I would be understood to mean what delights or molests us--; that is, if it should be asked what I mean by pleasure and pain, I would thus explain what I wish to have understood. In this form of expression, which is very common, there seems to be an implied allusion to an inquiry, or to the supposition of something not expressed.NWAD WOULD.2
Would has the sense of wish or pray, particularly in the phrases, would to God, would God we had died in Egypt, I would that ye knew what conflict I have; that is, I could wish such a thing, if the wish could avail. Here also there is an implied condition.NWAD WOULD.3
Would is used also for wish to do, or to have. What wouldst thou? What would he?NWAD WOULD.4
WOULDING, n. Motion of desire. [Not in use.]
WOUND, n. [G.]
1. A breach of the skin and flesh of an animal, or of the bark and wood of a tree, or of the bark and substance of other plants, caused by violence or external force. The self-healing power of living beings, animal or vegetable, by which the parts separated in wounds, tend to unite and become sound, is a remarkable proof of divine benevolence and wisdom.NWAD WOUND.2
2. Injury; hurt; as a wound given to credit or reputation.NWAD WOUND.3
WOUND, v.t. To hurt by violence; as, to wound the head or the arm; to wound a tree.
He was wounded for our transgressions. Isaiah 53:5.NWAD WOUND.5
WOUND, pret. and pp. of wind.
WOUNDED, pp. Hurt; injured.
WOUNDER, n. One that wounds.
WOUNDING, ppr. Hurting; injuring.
WOUNDLESS, a. Free from hurt or injury.
WOUNDWORT, n. The name of several plants; one, a species of Achillea; another, a species of Stachys; another, a species of Laserpitium; another, a species of Solidago; and another a species of Senecio.
WOUNDY, a. Excessive. [Not English.]
WOVE, pret. of weave, sometimes the participle.
WOX, WOXEN, for waxed. [Not in use.]
WR. Note. W before r is always silent.
WRACK, WRECK, n. [See Wreck.] A name given to a marine plant which is of great utility as a manure. It is called sometimes sea-wrack or sea-wreck, and sea-oak and sea-tangle. It is the Fucus vesiculosus of Linne, a plant found on rocks left dry at low water. The stalk runs along the middle of the leaf, and is terminated by watery bladders. The grass wrack is of the genus Zostera. Wrack, and to wrack. [See Wreck.]
WRAIN-BOLT. [See Wring-bolt.]
WRANGLE, v.i. [from the root of wring.] To dispute angrily; to quarrel peevishly and noisily; to brawl; to altercate.
For a score of kingdoms you should wrangle.NWAD WRANGLE.2
He did not know what it was to wrangle on indifferent points.NWAD WRANGLE.3
WRANGLE, v.t. To involve in contention. [Little used.]
WRANGLE, n. An angry dispute; a noisy quarrel.