SIMPLIFICATION, n. [See Simplify.] The act of making simple; the act of reducing to simplicity, or to a state not complex.
SIMPLIFIED, pp. Made simple or not complex.
SIMPLIFY, v.t. [L. simplex, simple, and facio, to make.] To make simple; to reduce what is complex to greater simplicity; to make plain or easy. The collection of duties is drawn to a point, and so far simplified. It is important in scientific pursuits, to be cautious in simplifying our deductions. This is the true way to simplify the study of science.
SIMPLIFYING, ppr. Making simple; rendering less complex.
SIMPLIST, n. One skilled in simples or medical plants.
SIMPLOCE, [See Symploce.]
SIMPLY, adv.
1. Without art; without subtilty; artlessly; plainly. Subverting worldly strong and worldly wise By simply meek.NWAD SIMPLY.2
2. Of itself; without addition; alone. They make that good or evil, which otherwise of itself were not simply the one nor the other.NWAD SIMPLY.3
3. Merely; solely. Simply the thing I am Shall make me live.NWAD SIMPLY.4
4. Weakly; foolishly.NWAD SIMPLY.5
SIMULACHER, n. [L. simulacrum.] An image. [Not in use.]
SIMULAR, n. [See Simulate.] One who simulates or counterfeits something.
SIMULATE, v.t. [L. simulo, from similis, like.] To feign; to counterfeits; to assume the mere appearance of something, without the reality. The wicked often simulate the virtuous and good.
SIMULATE, a. [L. simulato.] Feigned; pretended; assumed artificially.
SIMULATING, ppr. Feigning; pretending; assuming the appearance of what is not real.
SIMULATION, n. [L. simulation.] The act of feigning to be that which is not; the assumption of a deceitful appearance or character. Simulation differs from dissimulation. The former denotes the assuming of a false character; the latter denotes the concealment of the true character. Both are comprehended in the word hypocrisy.
SIMULTANEOUS, a. [L. simul, at the same time.] Existing or happening at the same time; as simultaneous events. The exchange of ramifications may be simultaneous.
SIMULTAMEOUSLY, adv. At the same time.
SIMULTANEOUSNESS, n. The state or quality of being or happening at the same time; as the simultaneousness of transactions in two different places.
SIMULTY, n. [L. simultas.] Private grudge or quarrel. [Not in use.]
SIN, n.
1. The voluntary departure of a moral agent from a known rule of rectitude or duty, prescribed by God; any voluntary transgression of the divine law, or violation of a divine command; a wicked act; iniquity. Sin is either a positive act in which a known divine law is violated, or it is the voluntary neglect to obey a positive divine command, or a rule of duty clearly implied in such command. Sin comprehends not action only, but neglect of known duty, all evil thoughts purposes, words and desires, whatever is contrary to God’s commands or law. 1 John 3:4; Matthew 15:3; James 4:17. Sinner neither enjoy the pleasures of nor the peace of piety. Among divines, sin is original or actual. Actual sin, above defined, is the act of a moral agent in violating a known rule of duty. Original sin, as generally understood, is native depravity of heart to the divine will, that corruption of nature of deterioration of the moral character of man, which is supposed to be the effect of Adam’s apostasy; and which manifests itself in moral agents by positive act of disobedience to the divine will, or by the voluntary neglect to comply with the express commands of God, which require that we should love God with all the heart and soul and strength and mind, and our neighbor as ourselves. This native depravity or alienation of affections from God and his law, is supposed to be what the apostle calls the carnal mind or mindedness, which is enmity against God, and is therefore denominated sin or sinfulness. Unpardonable sin, or blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, is supposed to be a malicious and obstinate rejection of Christ and the gospel plan of salvation, or a contemptuous resistance made to the influences and convictions of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 12:31.NWAD SIN.2
2. A sin-offering; an offering made to atone for sin. He hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin. 2 Corinthians 5:21.NWAD SIN.3
3. A man enormously wicked. [Not in use.]NWAD SIN.4
4. Sin differs from crime, not in nature, but in application. That which is a crime against society, is sin against God.NWAD SIN.5
SIN, v.i.
1. To depart voluntarily from the path of duty prescribed by God man; to violate the divine law in any particular, by actual transgression or by the neglect or non-observance of its injunctions; to violate any known rule of duty. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23. Against thee, thee only, have I sinned. Psalm 51:4.NWAD SIN.7
2. To offend against right, against men or society; to trespass. I an a man more sinn’d against than sinning. And who but wishes to invert the laws of order, sins against the’ eternal cause.NWAD SIN.8
SIN, for since, obsolete or vulgar.
SINAPISM, n. [L. sinapis, sinape, mustard.] In Pharmacy, a cataplasm composed of mustard seed pulverized, with some other ingredients, and used as an external application. It is a powerful stimulant.
SINCE, prep. or adv.
1. After; from the time that. The proper signification of since is after, and its appropriate sense includes the whole period between an event and the present time. I have not seen my brother since January. The Lord hath blessed thee, since my coming. Genesis 30:30. Holy prophets, who have been since the world began. Luke 1:70; John 9:32. Since then denotes, during the whole time after an event; or at any particular time during that period.NWAD SINCE.2
2. Ago; past; before this. “About two years since, an event happened,” that is, two years having passed.NWAD SINCE.3
3. Because that; this being the fact that. Since truth and constancy are vain, since neither love nor sese of pain nor force of reason can persuade, then let example be obey’d. Since, when it precedes a noun, is called a preposition, but when it precedes sentence it is called an adverb. The truth is, the character of the word is the same in both cases. It is probably an obsolete participle, and according to the usual classification of words, may be properly ranked with the prepositions. In strictness, the last clause of the passage above cited is the case absolute. “The Lord hath blessed the, since my coming,” that is, my arrival being past. So, since the world began, is strictly past the world began, the beginning of the world being past. In the first case, since considered as a preposition, has coming, a noun, for its object, and in the latter case, the clause of a sentence. So we say, against your arrival, or against you come.NWAD SINCE.4
SINCERE, a. [L. sincerus, which is said to be composed of sine, without, and cera, wax; as if applied originally to pure honey.]
1. Pure; unmixed. As new-born babes, desire the sincere milk of the word. 1 Peter 2:2. A joy which never was sincere till now. There is no sincere acid in any animal juice. I would have all gallicisms avoided, that our tongue may be sincere. [This sense is for the most part obsolete. We use the phrases, sincere joy, sincere pleasure; but we mean by them, unfeigned, real joy or pleasure.]NWAD SINCERE.2
2. Unhurt; uninjured. The’ inviolable body stood sincere.NWAD SINCERE.3
3. Being in reality what it appears to be; not feigned; not simulated; not assumed or said for the sake of appearance; real; not hypocritical or pretended. This is the present use of the word. Let your intentions be pure and your declarations sincere. Let love and friendship be sincere. No prayer can avail with a heart-searching God, unless it is sincere.NWAD SINCERE.4
SINCERELY, adv. Honestly; with real purity of heart; without simulation or disguise; to love virtue sincerely.
SINCERENESS, n. Sincerity.
SINCERITY, n. [L. sinceritas.]
1. Honesty of mind or intention; freedom from simulation or hypocrisy. We may question a man’s prudence, when we cannot question his sincerity.NWAD SINCERITY.2
2. Freedom from hypocrisy, disguise or false pretense; as the sincerity of a declaration or of love.NWAD SINCERITY.3
SINCIPUT, n. [L.] The fore part of the head from the forehead to the coronal suture.
SINDON, n. [L. fine linen.] A wrapper. [Not in use.]
SINE, n. [L. sinus.] In geometry, the right sine of an arch or arc, is a line drawn from one end of that arch perpendicular to the radius drawn through the other end, and is always equal to half the chord of double the arch.
SINECURE, n. [L. sine, without, and cura, cure, care.] An office which has revenue without employment; in church affairs, a benefice without cure of souls. [This is the original and proper sense of the word.] Sine die, [L. without day.] An adjournment sine die is and adjournment without fixing the time of resuming business. When a defendant is suffered to go sine die, he is dismissed the court.
SINEPITE, n. [L. sinage, mustard.] Something resembling mustard seed.
1. In anatomy, a tendon; that which unites a muscle to a bone.NWAD SINEW.2
2. In the plural, strength; or rather that which supplies strength. Money is the sinews of war.NWAD SINEW.3
3. Muscle; nerve.NWAD SINEW.4
SINEW, v.i. To knit as by sinews.
1. Furnished with sinews; as a strong-sinewed youth.NWAD SINEWED.2
2. Strong; firm; vigorous. When he sees ourselves well sinewed to our defense.NWAD SINEWED.3
SINEWLESS, a. Having no strength or vigor.
SINEW-SHRUNK, a. Gaunt-bellied; having the sinews under belly shrunk by excess of fatigue, as a horse.
1. Consisting of a sinew or nerve. The sinewy thread my brain lets fall.NWAD SINEWY.2
2. Nervous; strong well braced with sinews; vigorous; firm; as the sinewy Ajax. The northern people are large, fair complexioned, strong, sinewy and courageous.NWAD SINEWY.3
SINFUL, a. [from sin.]
1. Tainted with sin; wicked; iniquitous; criminal; unholy; as sinful men. Ah, sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity! Isaiah 1:4.NWAD SINFUL.2
2. Containing sin, or consisting in sin; contrary to the laws of God; as sinful actions; sinful thoughts; sinful words.NWAD SINFUL.3
SINFULLY, adv. In a manner which the laws of God do not permit; wickedly; iniquitously; criminally.
1. The quality of being sinful or contrary to the divine will; wickedness; iniquity; criminality; as the sinfulness of an action; the sinfulness of thoughts or purposes.NWAD SINFULNESS.2
2. Wickedness; corruption; depravity; as the sinfulness of men or of the human race.NWAD SINFULNESS.3
SING, v.i. pret. sung, sang; pp. sung.
1. To utter sounds with various inflections of melodious modulations of voice, as fancy may dictate, or according to the notes of a song or tune The noise of them that sing do I hear Exodus 32:18.NWAD SING.2
2. To utter sweet or melodious sounds, as birds. It is remarkable that the female of no species of birds ever sings. And singing birds in silver cages hung.NWAD SING.3
3. To make a small shrill sound; as, the air sings in passing through a crevice. O’er his head the flying spear sung innocent, and spent its force in air.NWAD SING.4
4. To tell or relate something in numbers of verse. Sing of human hope by cross event destroy’d.NWAD SING.5
SING, v.t.
1. To utter with musical modulation of voice. And they sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb. Revelation 15:3.NWAD SING.7
2. To celebrate in song; to give praises to in verse. The last, the happiest British king, whom thou shalt paint or I shall sing.NWAD SING.8
3. To relate or rehearse in numbers, verse or poetry. Arms and the man I sing. While stretch’d at ease you sing your happy loves.NWAD SING.9
SINGE, v.t. sinj. To burn slightly or superficially; to burn the surface of a thing as the nap of cloth, or the hair of the skin; as, to singe off the beard. Thus riding on his curls, he seem’d to pass A rolling fire along, and singe the grass.
SINGE, n. A burning of the surface; a slight burn.
SINGED, pp. Burnt superficially.
SINGEING, ppr. Burning the surface.
SINGER, n. [from sing.]
1. One that sings.NWAD SINGER.2
2. One versed in music, or one whose occupation is to sing; as a chorus of singers.NWAD SINGER.3
3. A bird that sings.NWAD SINGER.4
SINGING, ppr. Uttering melodious or musical notes; making a shrill sound; celebrating in song; reciting in verse.
SINGING, n. The act of uttering sounds with musical inflections; musical articulation; the utterance of melodious notes.
SINGING-BOOK, n. A music book, as it ought to be called; a book containing tunes.
SINGINGLY, adv. With sounds like singing; with a kind of tune.
SINGING-MAN, n. A man who sings, or is employed to sing; as in cathedrals.
SINGING-MASTER, n. A music master; one that teaches vocal music
SINGING-WOMAN, n. A woman employed to sing.
1. Separate; one; only; individual; consisting of one only; as a single star; a single city; a single act.NWAD SINGLE.2
2. Particular; individual. No single man is born with a right of controlling the opinions of all the rest.NWAD SINGLE.3
3. Uncompounded. Simple ideas are opposed to complex, and single to compound.NWAD SINGLE.4
4. Alone; having no companion or assistant. Who single hast maintain’d against revolted multitudes the cause of truth.NWAD SINGLE.5
5. Unmarried; as a single man; a single woman.NWAD SINGLE.6
6. Not double; not complicated; as a single thread; a single strand of a rope.NWAD SINGLE.7
7. Performed with one person or antagonist on a side, or with one person only opposed to another; as a single fight; a single combat.NWAD SINGLE.8
8. Pure; simple; incorrupt; unbiased; having clear vision of divine truth. Matthew 6:22.NWAD SINGLE.9
9. Small; weak; sillyNWAD SINGLE.10
10. In botany, a single flower is when there is only one on a stem, and in common usage, one not double.NWAD SINGLE.11
SINGLE, v.t.
1. To select, as an individual person or thing from among a number; to choose one from others. --A dog who can single out his master in the dark.NWAD SINGLE.13
2. To sequester; to withdraw; to retire; as an agent singling itself from comforts.NWAD SINGLE.14
3. To take alone; as men commendable when singled from society.NWAD SINGLE.15
4. To separate.NWAD SINGLE.16
SINGLED, pp. Selected from among a number.
1. The state of being one only or separate from all others; the opposite of doubleness, complication or multiplicity.NWAD SINGLENESS.2
2. Simplicity; sincerity; purity of mind or purpose; freedom from duplicity; as singleness of belief; singleness of heart.NWAD SINGLENESS.3
SINGLY, adv.
1. Individually; particularly; as, to make men singly and personally good.NWAD SINGLY.2
2. Only; by himself. Look thee, ‘tis so, thou singly honest man.NWAD SINGLY.3
3. Without partners, companions or associates; as, to attack another singly. At ombre singly to decide their doom.NWAD SINGLY.4
4. Honestly; sincerely.NWAD SINGLY.5
SINGULAR, a. [L. singularis, from singulus, single.]
1. Single; not complex or compound. That idea which represents one determinate thing, is called a singular idea, whether simple, complex or compound.NWAD SINGULAR.2
2. In grammar, expressing one person or thing; as the singular number. The singular number stands opposed to dual and plural.NWAD SINGULAR.3
3. Particular; existing by itself; unexampled; as a singular phenomenon. Your case is hard, but not singular.NWAD SINGULAR.4
4. Remarkable; eminent; unusual; rare; as a man of singular gravity, or singular attainments.NWAD SINGULAR.5
SINGULAR, n. A particular instance. [Unusual.]
1. Peculiarity; some character or quality of a thing by which it is distinguished from all, or from most others. Pliny addeth this singularity to that soil, that the second year the very falling of the seeds yieldeth corn.NWAD SINGULARITY.2
2. An uncommon character or form; something curious or remarkable. I took notice of this little figure for the singularity of the instrument.NWAD SINGULARITY.3
3. Particular privilege, prerogative or distinction. No bishop of Rome ever took upon him this name of singularity, (universal bishop.) Catholicism-must be understood in opposition to the legal singularity of the Jewish nation.NWAD SINGULARITY.4
4. Character or trait of character different from that of others; peculiarity. The singularity of living according to the strict precepts of the gospel is highly to be commended.NWAD SINGULARITY.5
6. Celibacy. [Not in use.]NWAD SINGULARITY.7
SINGULARIZE, v.t. To make single. [Not in use.]
1. Peculiarly; in a manner or degree not common to others. It is no disgrace to be singularly good.NWAD SINGULARLY.2
2. Oddly; strangely.NWAD SINGULARLY.3
3. So as to express one or the singular number.NWAD SINGULARLY.4
SINGULT, n. [L. singullus.] A sigh. [Not in use.]
SINICAL, a. [from sine.] Pertaining to a sine.
SINISTER, a. [L. Probably the primary sense is weak, defective.]
1. Left; on the left hand, or the side of the left hand; opposed to dexter or right; as the sinister cheek; or the sinister side of an escutcheon.NWAD SINISTER.2
2. Evil; bad; corrupt; perverse; dishonest; as sinister means; sinister purpose. He scorns to undermine another’s interest by any sinister or inferior arts.NWAD SINISTER.3
3. Unlucky; inauspicious.NWAD SINISTER.4
4. Sinister aspect, in astrology, an appearance of two planets happening according to the succession of the signs; as Saturn in Aries, and Mars in the same degree of Gemini.NWAD SINISTER.5
SINISTER-HANDED, a. Left-handed. [Not in use.]
SINISTERLY, adv. Absurdly; perversely; unfairly.
SINISTRORSAL, a. [sinister.] Rising from left to right, as a spiral line or helix.
1. Being on the left side; inclined to the left.NWAD SINISTROUS.2
2. Wrong; absurd; perverse. A knave or fool can do no harm, even by the most sinistrous and absurd choice.NWAD SINISTROUS.3
1. Perversely; wrongly.NWAD SINISTROUSLY.2
2. With a tendency to use the left as the stronger hand.NWAD SINISTROUSLY.3
SINK, v.i. pret. sunk; pp. id. The old pret. sank is nearly obsolete.
1. To fall by the force of greater gravity, in a medium or substance of less specific gravity; to subside; opposed to swim or float. Some species of wood or timber will sink in water. Oil will not sink in water and many other liquids, for it is specifically lighter. I sink in deep mire. Psalm 69:2.NWAD SINK.2
2. To fall gradually. He sunk down in his chariot, 2 Kings 9:24.NWAD SINK.3
3. To enter or penetrate into any body. The stone sunk into his forehead. 1 Samuel 17:49.NWAD SINK.4
4. To fall; to become lower; to subside or settle to a level. The Alps and Pyrenees sink before him.NWAD SINK.5
5. To be overwhelmed or depressed. Our country sinks beneath the yoke.NWAD SINK.6
6. To enter deeply; to be impressed. Let these sayings sink down into your ears. Luke 9:44.NWAD SINK.7
7. To become deep; to retire or fall within the surface of any thing; as, the eyes sink into the head.NWAD SINK.8
8. To fall; to decline; to decay; to decrease. A free state gradually sinks into ruin. It is the duty of government to revive a sinking commerce. Let not the fire sink or slacken.NWAD SINK.9
9. To fall into rest or indolence; as, to sink away in pleasing dreams.NWAD SINK.10
10. To be lower; to fall; as, the price of land will sink in time of peace.NWAD SINK.11
SINK, v.t.
1. To put under water; to immerse in a fluid; as, to sink a ship.NWAD SINK.13
2. To make by digging or delving; as, to sink a pit or a well.NWAD SINK.14
3. To depress; to degrade. His vices sink him in infamy, or in public estimation.NWAD SINK.15
4. To plunge into destruction. If I have a conscience, let it sink me.NWAD SINK.16
5. To cause to fall or to be plunged.NWAD SINK.17
6. To bring low; to reduce in quantity. You sunk the river with repeated draughts.NWAD SINK.18
7. To depress; to overbear; to crush. This would sink the spirit of a hero.NWAD SINK.19
8. To diminish; to lower or lessen; to degrade. I mean not that we should sink our figure out of covetousness.NWAD SINK.20
9. To cause to decline or fail. Thy cruel and unnat’ral lust of power has sunk thy father more than all his years.NWAD SINK.21
10. To suppress; to conceal; to intervert. If sent with ready money to buy any thing, and you happen to be out of pocket, sink the money, and take up the goods on account. [Unusual.]NWAD SINK.22
11. To depress to lower in value or amount. Great importations may sink the price of goods.NWAD SINK.23
12. To reduce; to pay; to diminish or annihilate by payment; as, to sink the nation debt.NWAD SINK.24
13. To waste; to dissipate; as, to sink an estate.NWAD SINK.25
SINK, n.
1. A drain to carry off filthy water; a jakes.NWAD SINK.27
2. A kind of bason of stone or wood to receive filthy water.NWAD SINK.28
SINKING, ppr. Falling; subsiding; depressing; declining. Sinking fund, in fiance, a fund created for sinking or paying a public debt, or purchasing the stock for the government.
SINLESS, a. [from sin.]
1. Free from sin; pure; perfect. Christ yielded a sinless obedience.NWAD SINLESS.2
2. Free from sin; innocent; as a sinless soul.NWAD SINLESS.3
SINLESSNESS, n. Freedom from sin and guilt.
1. One that has voluntarily violated the divine law; a moral agent who has voluntarily disobeyed any divine precept, or neglected any known duty.NWAD SINNER.2
2. It is used in contradistinction to saint, to denote an unregenerate person; one who has not received the pardon of his sins.NWAD SINNER.3
3. AN offender; a criminal.NWAD SINNER.4
SINNER, v.i. To act as a sinner; in ludicrous language. Whether the charmer sinner it or saint it.
SIN-OFFERING, n. [sin and offering.] A sacrifice for sin; something offered as an expiation for sin. Exodus 29:36.
SINOPER, SINOPLE, n. [L. sinopis.] Red ferruginous quartz, of a blood or brownish red color, sometimes with a tinge or yellow. It occurs in small but very perfect crystals, and in masses that resemble some varieties of jasper.
SINTER, n. In mineralogy, calcarious sinter is a variety of carbonate of lime, composed of a series of successive layers, concentric, plane or undulated, and nearly or quite parallel. It appears under various forms. Silicious sinter is white or grayish, light, brittle, porous, and of a fibrous texture. Opaline silicious sinter somewhat resembles opal. It is whitish, with brownish, blackish or bluish spots, and its fragments present dendritic appearances. Pearl sinter or fiorite occurs in stalactitic, cylindrical, botryoidal, and globular masses, white or grayish.
SINUATE, v.t. [L. sinuo.] To wind; to turn; to bend in and out.
SINUATE, a. In botany, a sinuate leaf is one that has large curved breaks in the margin, resembling bays, as in the oak.
SINUATION, n. A winding or bending in and out.
SINUOSITY, n. [L. sinuosus, sinus.] The quality of bending or curving in and out; or a series of bends and turns in arches or other irregular figures.
SINUOUS, a. [L. sinus.] Wind; crooked; bending in and out; as a sinuous pipe. Streaking the ground with sinuous trace.
SINUS, n. [L. a bay.]
1. A bay of the sea; a recess in the shore, or an opening in the land.NWAD SINUS.2
2. In anatomy, a cavity in a bone or other part, wider at the bottom than at the entrance.NWAD SINUS.3
3. In surgery, a little cavity or sack in which pus is collected; an abscess with only a small orifice.NWAD SINUS.4
4. An opening; a hollow.NWAD SINUS.5
SIP, v.t.
1. To take a fluid into the mouth in small quantities by the lips; as, to sip wine; to sip tea or coffee.NWAD SIP.2
2. To drink or imbibe in small quantities. Every herb that sips the dew.NWAD SIP.3
3. To draw into the mouth; to extract; as, a bee sips nectar from the flowers.NWAD SIP.4
4. To drink out of. They skim the floods, and sip the purple flow’rs.NWAD SIP.5
SIP, v.i. To drink a small quantity; to take a fluid with the lips.
SIP, n. The taking of a liquor with the lips; or a small draught taken with the lips. One sip of this will bathe the drooping spirits in delight, beyond the bliss of dreams.
SIPE, v.i. To ooze; to issue slowly; as a fluid.
SIPHILIS, n. The venereal disease.
SIPHILITIC, a. Pertaining to the venereal disease, or partaking of its nature.
SIPHON, n. [L. sipho, sipo]
1. A bent pipe or tube whose legs are of unequal length, used for drawing liquor out of a vessel by causing it to rise over the rim or top. For this purpose, the shorter leg is inserted in the liquor, and the air is exhausted by being drawn through the longer leg. The liquor then rises by the weight of the atmosphere to supply the vacuum, till it reaches the top of the vessel, and then descends in the longer leg of the siphonNWAD SIPHON.2
2. The pipe by which the chambers of a shell communicate.NWAD SIPHON.3
SIPHUNCULATED, a. [L, siphunculus, a little siphon.] Having a little siphon or spout, as a valve.
SIPPED, pp. Drawn in with the lips; imbibed in small quantities.
SIPPER, n. One that sips.
SIPPET, n. A small sop. [Not in use.]
SI QUIS. [L. if any one.] These words give name to a notification by a candidate for orders of his intention to inquire whether any impediment may be alleged against him.
SIR, n. sur.
1. A word or respect used in addresses to men, as madam is in addresses to women. It signifies properly lord, corresponding to dominus in Latin, in Spanish, and herr in German. It is used in the singular or plural. Speak on, sir. But sirs, be sudden in the execution.NWAD SIR.2
2. The title of a knight or baronet; as Sir Horace Vere.NWAD SIR.3
3. It is used by Shakespeare for man. In the election of a sir so rare. [Not in use.]NWAD SIR.4
4. In American colleges, the title of a master of arts.NWAD SIR.5
5. It is prefixed to loin, in sirloin; as a sirloin of beef. This practice is said to have originated in the knighting of a loin of beef by one of the English kings in a fit of good humor.NWAD SIR.6
6. Formerly the title or a priest.NWAD SIR.7
SIRE, n. [supra.]
1. A father; used in poetry. And raise his issue like a loving sire.NWAD SIRE.2
2. The male parent of a beast; particularly used of horses; as, the horse had a good sire, but a bad dam.NWAD SIRE.3
3. It is used in composition; as in grandsire, for grandfather; great grandsire, great grandfather.NWAD SIRE.4
SIRE, v.t. To beget; to procreate; used of beasts.
SIRED, pp. Begotten.
1. A mermaid. In ancient mythology, a goddess who enticed men into her power by the charms of music, and devoured them. Hence in modern use, an enticing woman; a female rendered dangerous by her enticements. Sing, siren, to thyself, and I will dote.NWAD SIREN.2
2. A species of lizard in Carolina, constituting a peculiar genus, destitute of posterior extremities and pelvis.NWAD SIREN.3
SIREN, a. Pertaining to a siren, or to the dangerous enticements of music; bewitching; fascinating; as a siren song.
SIRIASIS, n. An inflammation of the brain, proceeding from the excessive heat of the sun; phrensy almost peculiar to children.
SIRIUS, n. [L. the sun.]
The large and bright star called the dog star, in the mouth of the constellation Canis major.NWAD SIRIUS.2
SIRLOIN, n. A particular piece of beef so called. [See Sir.]
SIRNAME, is more correctly written surname.
SIRO, n. A mite.
SIROCCO, n. A pernicious wind that blows from the south east in Italy, called the Syrian wind. It is said to resemble the steam from the mouth of an oven.
SIRRAH, n. A word of reproach and contempt; used in addressing vile characters. Go sirrah, to my call. [I know not whence we have this word. The common derivation of it from sir, ha, is ridiculous.]
SIRT, n. sert. [L. syrtis.] A quicksand. [Not in use.]
SIRUP, n. sur’up, [oriental. See Sherbet and Absorb.] The sweet juice of vegetables or fruits, or other juice sweetened; or sugar boiled. with vegetable infusions.
SIRUPED, a. Moistened or tinged with sirup or sweet juice.
SIRUPY, a. Like sirup, or partaking of its qualities.