TRANSUDE, v.i. [L. trans and sudo, to sweat.] To pass through the pores or interstices of texture, as perspirable matter or other fluid; as, liquor may transude through leather, or through wood.
TRANSUDING, ppr. Passing through the pores of a substance, as sweat or other fluid.
TRANSUME, v.t. [L. transumo; trans and sumo, to take.]
To take from one to another. [Little used.]NWAD TRANSUME.2
TRANSUMPT, n. A copy or exemplification of a record. [Not in use.]
TRANSUMPTION, n. The act of taking from one place to another. [Little used.]
TRANSVECTION, n. [L. transvectio.] The act of conveying or carrying over.
TRANSVERSAL, a. [L. trans and versus.] Running or lying across; as a transversal line.
TRANSVERSALLY, adv. In a direction crosswise.
TRANSVERSE, a. transvers’. [L. transversus; trans and versus, verto.]
1. Lying or being across or in a cross direction; as a transverse diameter of axis. Transverse lines are the diagonals of a square or parallelogram. Lines which intersect perpendiculars, are also called transverse.NWAD TRANSVERSE.2
2. In botany, a transverse partition, in a pericarp, is at right angles with the valves, as in a silique.NWAD TRANSVERSE.3
TRANSVERSE, n. The longer axis of an ellipse.
TRANSVERSE, v.t. transvers’. To overturn. [Little used.]
TRANSVERSELY, adv. transvers’ly. In a cross direction; as, to cut a thing transversely.
At Stonehenge, the stones lie transversely upon each other.NWAD TRANSVERSELY.2
TRANTERS, n. plu. Men who carry fish from the sea coast to sell in the inland countries. [Not American.]
TRAP, n.
1. An engine that shuts suddenly or with a spring, used for taking game; as a trap for foxes. A trap is a very different thing from a snare; though the latter word may be used in a figurative sense for a trap.NWAD TRAP.2
2. An engine for catching men. [Not used in the U. States.]NWAD TRAP.3
3. An ambush; a stratagem; any device by which men or other animals may be caught unawares.NWAD TRAP.4
Let their table be made a snare and a trap. Romans 11:9.NWAD TRAP.5
4. A play in which a ball is driven with a stick.NWAD TRAP.6
TRAP, n. In mineralogy, a name given to rocks characterized by a columnar form, or whose strata or beds have the form of steps or a series of stairs. Kirwan gives this name to two families of basalt. It is now employed to designate a rock or aggregate in which hornblend predominates, but it conveys no definite idea of any one species; and under this term are comprehended hornblend, hornblend slate, greenstone, greenstone slate, amygdaloid, basalt, wacky, clinkstone porphyry, and perhaps hypersthene rock, augite rock, and some varieties of sienite.
TRAP, v.t. To catch in a trap; as, to trap foxes or beaver.
1. To ensnare; to take by stratagem.NWAD TRAP.9
I trapp’d the foe.NWAD TRAP.10
2. To adorn; to dress with ornaments. [See Trappings.] [the verb is little used.]NWAD TRAP.11
TRAP, v.i. To set traps for game; as, to trap for beaver.
TRAPAN, v.t. To ensnare; to catch by stratagem.
TRAPAN, n. A snare; a stratagem.
TRAPANNER, n. One who ensnares.
TRAPANNING, ppr. Ensnaring.
TRAP-DOOR, n. [trap and door.] A door in a floor, which shuts close like a valve.
TRAPE, v.i. To traipse; to walk carelessly and sluttishly. [Not much used.]
TRAPES, n. A slattern; an idle sluttish woman.
TRAPEZIAN, a. [See Trapezium.] In crystallography, having the lateral planes composed of trapeziums situated in two ranges, between two bases.
TRAPEZIFORM, a. Having the form of a trapezium.
TRAPEZIHEDRON, n. [L. trapezium and Gr. side.]
A solid bounded by twenty four equal and similar trapeziums.NWAD TRAPEZIHEDRON.2
TRAPEZIUM, n. plu. trapezia or trapeziums. [L. from Gr. a little table.]
1. In geometry, a plane figure contained under four unequal right lines, none of them parallel.NWAD TRAPEZIUM.2
2. In anatomy, a bone of the carpus.NWAD TRAPEZIUM.3
TRAPEZOID, n. [L. trapezium.] An irregular solid figure having four sides, no two of which are parallel to each other; also, a plane four sided figure having two of the opposite sides parallel to each other.
TRAPEZOIDAL, a. Having the form of a trapezoid.
1. Having the surface composed of twenty four trapeziums, all equal and similar.NWAD TRAPEZOIDAL.2
TRAPPINGS, n. plu. [from trap. The primary sense is that which is set, spread or put on.]
1. Ornaments of horse furniture.NWAD TRAPPINGS.2
Caparisons and steeds,NWAD TRAPPINGS.3
Bases and tinsel trappings--NWAD TRAPPINGS.4
2. Ornaments; dress; external and superficial decorations.NWAD TRAPPINGS.5
These but the trappings and the suits of woe.NWAD TRAPPINGS.6
Trappings of life, for ornament, not use.NWAD TRAPPINGS.7
Affectation is part of the trappings of folly.NWAD TRAPPINGS.8
TRAPPOUS, a. [from trap, in geology. It ought to be trappy.]
Pertaining to trap; resembling trap, or partaking of its form or qualities.NWAD TRAPPOUS.2
TRAP-STICK, n. A stick with which boys drive a wooden ball; hence, a slender leg.
TRAP-TUFF, n. Masses of basalt, amygdaloid, hornblend, sandstones, etc., cemented.
1. Any waste or worthless matter.NWAD TRASH.2
Who steals my money, steals trash.NWAD TRASH.3
2. Loppings of trees; bruised canes, etc. In the West Indies, the decayed leaves and stems of canes are called field-trash; the bruised or macerated rind of canes is called cane-trash; and both are called trash.NWAD TRASH.4
3. Fruit or other matter improper for food, but eaten by children, etc. It is used particularly of unripe fruits.NWAD TRASH.5
4. A worthless person. [Not proper.]NWAD TRASH.6
5. A piece of leather or other thing fastened to a dog’s neck to retard his speed.NWAD TRASH.7
TRASH, v.t. To lop; to crop.
1. To strip of leaves; as, to trash ratoons.NWAD TRASH.9
2. To crush; to humble; as, to trash the Jews.NWAD TRASH.10
3. To clog; to encumber; to hinder.NWAD TRASH.11
TRASH, v.i. To follow with violence and trampling.
TRASHY, a. Waste; rejected; worthless; useless.
TRASS, n. Pumiceous conglomerate, a volcanic production; a gray or yellowish porous substance.
TRAULISM, n. A stammering. [Not in use.]
TRAUMATIC, a. [Gr. a wound.]
1. Pertaining to or applied to wounds.NWAD TRAUMATIC.2
2. Vulnerary; adapted to the cure of wounds.NWAD TRAUMATIC.3
TRAUMATIC, n. A medicine useful in the cure of wounds.
TRAVAIL, v.i. [L. trans, over, beyond, and mael, work; Eng. moil.]
1. To labor with pain; to toil.NWAD TRAVAIL.2
2. To suffer the pangs of childbirth; to be in labor. Genesis 35:16.NWAD TRAVAIL.3
TRAVAIL, v.t. To harass; to tire; as troubles sufficient to travail the realm. [Not in use.]
TRAVAIL, n. Labor with pain; severe toil.
As every thing of price, so doth this require travail.NWAD TRAVAIL.6
1. Labor in childbirth; as a severe travail; an easy travail.NWAD TRAVAIL.7
TRAVAILING, ppr. Laboring with toil; laboring in childbirth. Isaiah 42:14.
1. A wooden frame to confine a horse while the smith is setting his shoes. This is not used for horses in America, but a similar frame is used for confining oxen for shoeing.NWAD TRAVE.2
2. Beam; a lay of joints; a traverse.NWAD TRAVE.3
TRAVEL, v.i. [a different orthography and application of travail.]
1. To walk; to go or march on foot; as, to travel from London to Dover, or from New York to Philadelphia. So we say, a man ordinarily travels three miles an hour. [This is the proper sense of the word, which implies toil.]NWAD TRAVEL.2
2. To journey; to ride to a distant place in the same country; as, a man travels for his health; he is traveling to Virginia. A man traveled from London to Edinburgh in five days.NWAD TRAVEL.3
3. To go to a distant country, or to visit foreign states or kingdoms, either by sea or land. It is customary for men of rank and property to travel for improvement. Englishmen travel to France and Italy. Some men travel for pleasure or curiosity; others travel to extend their knowledge of natural history.NWAD TRAVEL.4
4. To pass; to go; to move. News travels with rapidity.NWAD TRAVEL.5
Time travels in divers paces with divers persons.NWAD TRAVEL.6
5. To labor. [See Travail.]NWAD TRAVEL.7
6. To move, walk or pass, as a beast, a horse, ox or camel. A horse travels fifty miles in a day; a camel; twenty.NWAD TRAVEL.8
TRAVEL, v.t. To pass; to journey over; as, to travel the whole kingdom of England.
I travel this profound.NWAD TRAVEL.10
1. To force to journey.NWAD TRAVEL.11
The corporations--shall not be traveled forth from their franchises. [Not used.]NWAD TRAVEL.12
1. A passing on foot; a walking.NWAD TRAVEL.14
2. Journey; a passing or riding from place to place.NWAD TRAVEL.15
His travels ended at his country seat.NWAD TRAVEL.16
3. Travel or travels, a journeying to a distant country or countries. The gentle man has just returned from his travels.NWAD TRAVEL.17
4. The distance which a man rides in the performance of his official duties; or the fee paid for passing that distance; as the travel of the sheriff is twenty miles; or that of a representative is seventy miles. His travel is a dollar for every twenty miles.NWAD TRAVEL.18
5. Travels, in the plural, an account of occurrences and observations made during a journey; as a book of travels; the title of a book that relates occurrences in traveling; as travels in Italy.NWAD TRAVEL.19
6. Labor; toil; labor in childbirth. [See Travail.]NWAD TRAVEL.20
TRAVELED, pp. Gained or made by travel; as traveled observations.
1. a. Having made journeys.NWAD TRAVELED.2
1. One who travels in any way. Job 31:32.NWAD TRAVELER.2
2. One who visits foreign countries.NWAD TRAVELER.3
3. In ships, an iron thimble or thimbles with a rope spliced round them, forming a kind of tail or a species of grommet.NWAD TRAVELER.4
1. Walking; going; making a journey. Matthew 25:14.NWAD TRAVELING.2
2. a. Incurred by travel; as traveling expenses.NWAD TRAVELING.3
3. Paid for travel; as traveling fees.NWAD TRAVELING.4
TRAVEL-TAINTED, a. [travel and tainted.] Harassed; fatigued with travel. [Not in use.]
TRAVERS, adv. Across; athwart. [Not used.]
TRAVERSABLE, a. [See Traverse, in law.] That may be traversed or denied; as a traversable allegation.
TRAVERSE, adv. Athwart; crosswise.
The ridges of the field lay traverse.NWAD TRAVERSE.2
TRAVERSE, prep. [supra.] Through crosswise.
He traverseNWAD TRAVERSE.4
The whole battalion views their order due. [Little used.]NWAD TRAVERSE.5
TRAVERSE, a. [L. versus; transversus.] Lying across; being in a direction across something else; as paths cut with traverse trenches.
Oak--may be trusted in traverse work for summers.NWAD TRAVERSE.7
TRAVERSE, n. [supra.] Any thing laid or built across.
There is a traverse placed in the loft where she sitteth.NWAD TRAVERSE.9
1. Something that thwarts, crosses or obstructs; a cross accident. He is satisfied he should have succeeded, had it not been for unlucky traverses not in his power.NWAD TRAVERSE.10
2. In fortification, a trench with a little parapet for protecting men on the flank; also, a wall raised across a work.NWAD TRAVERSE.11
3. In navigation, traverse-sailing is the mode of computing the place of a ship by reducing several short courses made by sudden shifts or turns, to one longer course.NWAD TRAVERSE.12
4. In law, a denial of what the opposite party has advanced in any state of the pleadings. When the traverse or denial comes from the defendant, the issue is tendered in this manner, “and of this he puts himself on the country.” When the traverse lies on the plaintiff, he prays “this may be inquired of by the country.”NWAD TRAVERSE.13
The technical words introducing a traverse are absque hoc, without this; that is, without this which follows.NWAD TRAVERSE.14
5. A turning; a trick.NWAD TRAVERSE.15
TRAVERSE, v.t. To cross; to lay in a cross direction.
The parts should be often traversed or crossed by the flowing of the folds.NWAD TRAVERSE.17
1. To cross by way of opposition; to thwart; to obstruct.NWAD TRAVERSE.18
Frog thought to traverse this new project.NWAD TRAVERSE.19
2. To wander over; to cross in traveling; as, to traverse the habitable globe.NWAD TRAVERSE.20
What seas you travers’d, and what fields you fought.NWAD TRAVERSE.21
3. To pass over and view; to survey carefully.NWAD TRAVERSE.22
My purpose is to traverse the nature, principles and properties of this detestable vice, ingratitude.NWAD TRAVERSE.23
4. To turn and point in any direction; as, to traverse a cannon.NWAD TRAVERSE.24
5. To plane in a direction across the grain of the wood; as, to traverse a board.NWAD TRAVERSE.25
6. In law pleadings, to deny what the opposite party has alleged. When the plaintiff or defendant advances new matter, he avers it to be true, and traverses what the other party has affirmed. So to traverse an indictment or an office, is to deny it.NWAD TRAVERSE.26
To traverse a yard, in sailing, is to brace it aft.NWAD TRAVERSE.27
TRAVERSE, v.i. In fencing, to use the posture or motions of opposition or counteraction.
To see thee fight, to see thee traverse--NWAD TRAVERSE.29
1. To turn, as on a pivot; to move round; to swivel. The needle of a compass traverses; if it does not traverse well, it is an unsafe guide.NWAD TRAVERSE.30
2. In the manege, to cut the tread crosswise, as a horse that throws his croup to one side and his head to the other.NWAD TRAVERSE.31
TRAVERSE-BOARD, n. [traverse and board.] In a ship, a small board to be hung in the steerage, and bored full of holes upon lines, showing the points of compass upon it. By moving a peg on this, the steersman keeps an account of the number of glasses a ship is steered on any point.
TRAVERSE-TABLE, n. [traverse and table.] In navigation, a table of difference of latitude and departure.
TRAVERSING, ppr. Crossing; passing over; thwarting; turning; denying.
TRAVESTIED, pp. Disguised by dress; turned into ridicule.
TRAVESTIN, n. A kind of white spongy stone found in Italy.
TRAVESTY, a. [infra.] Having an unusual dress; disguised by dress so as to be ridiculous. It is applied to a book or composition translated in a manner to make it burlesque.
TRAVESTY, n. A parody; a burlesque translation of a work. Travesty may be intended to ridicule absurdity, or to convert a grave performance into a humorous one.
TRAVESTY, v.t. To translate into such language as to render ridiculous or ludicrous.
G. Battista Lalli travestied Virgil, or turned him into Italian burlesque verse.NWAD TRAVESTY.4
TRAY, n. [L. trua.] A small trough or wooden vessel, sometimes scooped out of a piece of timber and made hollow, used for making bread in, chopping meat and other domestic purposes.
TRAY-TRIP, n. A kind of play.
TREACHEROUS, a. trech’erous. [See Treachery.] Violating allegiance of faith pledged; faithless; traitorous to the state or sovereign; perfidious in private life; betraying a trust. A man may be treacherous to his country, or treacherous to his friend, by violating his engagements or his faith pledged.
TREACHEROUSLY, adv. trech’erously. By violating allegiance or faith pledged; by betraying a trust; faithlessly; perfidiously; as, to surrender a fort to an enemy treacherously; to disclose a secret treacherously.
You treacherously practic’d to undo me.NWAD TREACHEROUSLY.2
TREACHEROUSNESS, n. trech’erousness. Breach of allegiance or of faith; faithlessness; perfidiousness.
TREACHERY, n. trech’ery. Violation of allegiance or of faith and confidence. The man who betrays his country in any manner, violates his allegiance, and is guilty of treachery. This is treason. The man who violates his faith pledged to his friend, or betrays a trust in which a promise of fidelity is implied, is guilty of treachery. The disclosure of a secret committed to one in confidence, is treachery. This is perfidy.
TREACLE, n. [L. theriaca; Gr. a wild beast.]
1. The spume of sugar in sugar refineries. Treacle is obtained in refining sugar; molasses is the drainings of crude sugar. Treacle however is often used for molasses.NWAD TREACLE.2
2. A saccharine fluid, consisting of the inspissated juices or decoctions of certain vegetables, as the sap of the birch, sycamore, etc.NWAD TREACLE.3
3. A medicinal compound of various ingredients. [See Theriaca.]NWAD TREACLE.4
TREACLE-MUSTARD, n. A plant of the genus Thlaspi, whose seeds are used in the theriaca; Mithridate mustard.
TREACLE-WATER, n. A compound cordial, distilled with a spiritous menstruum from any cordial and sudorific drugs and herbs, with a mixture of Venice treacle.
TREAD, v.i. tred. pret. trod; pp. trod, troden. [L. trudo.]
1. To set the foot.NWAD TREAD.2
Where’er you tread, the blushing flow’rs shall rise.NWAD TREAD.3
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.NWAD TREAD.4
2. To walk or go.NWAD TREAD.5
Every place whereon the soles of your feet shall tread, shall be yours. Deuteronomy 11:24.NWAD TREAD.6
3. To walk with form or state.NWAD TREAD.7
Ye that stately tread, or lowly creep.NWAD TREAD.8
4. To copulate, as fowls.NWAD TREAD.9
To tread or tread on, to trample; to set the foot on in contempt.NWAD TREAD.10
Thou shalt tread upon their high places. Deuteronomy 33:29.NWAD TREAD.11
TREAD, v.t. tred. To step or walk on.
Forbid to tread the promis’d land he saw.NWAD TREAD.13
1. To press under the feet.NWAD TREAD.14
2. To beat or press with the feet; as, to tread a path; to tread land when too light; a well trodden path.NWAD TREAD.15
3. To walk in a formal or stately manner.NWAD TREAD.16
He thought she trod the ground with greater grace.NWAD TREAD.17
4. To crush under the foot; to trample in contempt or hatred, or to subdue. Psalms 44:5; Psalms 60:12.NWAD TREAD.18
5. To compress, as a fowl.NWAD TREAD.19
To tread the state, to act as a stage-player; to perform a part in a drama.NWAD TREAD.20
To tread or tread out, to press out with the feet; to press out wine or wheat; as, to tread out grain with cattle or horses.NWAD TREAD.21
They tread their wine presses and suffer thirst. Job 24:11.NWAD TREAD.22
TREAD, n. tred. A step or stepping; pressure with the foot; as a nimble tread; cautious tread; doubtful tread.
1. Way; track; path. [Little used.]NWAD TREAD.24
2. Compression of the male fowl.NWAD TREAD.25
3. Manner of stepping; as, a horse has a good tread.NWAD TREAD.26
TREADER, n. tred’er. One who treads. Isaiah 16:10.
TREADING, ppr. tred’ing. Stepping; pressing with the foot; walking on.
TREADLE, TREDDLE, n. The part of a loom or other machine which is moved by the tread or foot.
1. The albuminous cords which unite the yolk of the egg to the white.NWAD TREADLE.2
TREAGUE, n. treeg. A truce.
TREASON, n. tree’zn. [L. traho. See Draw and Drag.]
Treason is the highest crime of a civil nature of which a man can be guilty. Its signification is different in different countries. In general, it is the offense of attempting to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance, or of betraying the state into the hands of a foreign power. In monarchies, the killing of the king, or an attempt to take his life, is treason. In England, to imagine or compass the death of the king, or of the prince, or of the queen consort, or of the heir apparent of the crown, is high treason; as are many other offenses created by statute.NWAD TREASON.2
In the United States, treason is confined to the actual levying of war against the United States, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.NWAD TREASON.3
Treason in Great Britain, is of two kinds, high treason and petit treason. High treason is a crime that immediately affects the king or state; such as the offenses just enumerated. Petit treason involves a breach of fidelity, but affects individuals. Thus for a wife to kill her husband, a servant his master or lord, or an ecclesiastic his lord or ordinary, is petit treason. But in the United States this crime is unknown; the killing in the latter cases being murder only.NWAD TREASON.4
TREASONABLE, a. tree’znable. Pertaining to treason; consisting of treason; involving the crime of treason, or partaking of its guilt.
Most men’s heads had been intoxicated with imaginations of plots and treasonable practices.NWAD TREASONABLE.2
TREASONOUS, for treasonable, is not in use.
TREASURE, n. trezh’ur. [L. thesaurus.]
1. Wealth accumulated; particularly, a stock or store of money in reserve. Henry VII. was frugal and penurious, and collected a great treasure of gold and silver.NWAD TREASURE.2
2. A great quantity of any thing collected for future use.NWAD TREASURE.3
We have treasures in the field, of wheat and of barley, and of oil and of honey. Jeremiah 41:8.NWAD TREASURE.4
3. Something very much valued. Psalm 135:4.NWAD TREASURE.5
Ye shall be a peculiar treasure to me. Exodus 19:5.NWAD TREASURE.6
4. Great abundance.NWAD TREASURE.7
In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Colossians 2:3.NWAD TREASURE.8
TREASURE, v.t. trezh’ur. To hoard; to collect and reposit, either money or other things, for future use; to lay up; as, to treasure gold and silver; usually with up. Sinners are said to treasure up wrath against the day of wrath. Romans 2:5.
TREASURE-CITY, n. trezh’ur-city. A city for stores and magazines. Exodus 1:11.
TREASURED, pp. trezh’ured. Hoarded; laid up for future use.
TREASURE-HOUSE, n. trezh’ur-house. A house or building where treasures and stores are kept.
TREASURER, n. trezh’urer. One who has the care of a treasure or treasury; an officer who receives the public money arising from taxes and duties or other sources of revenue, takes charge of the same, and disburses it upon orders drawn by the proper authority. Incorporated companies and private societies have also their treasurers.
In England, the lord high treasurer is the principal officer of the crown, under whose charge is all the national revenue.NWAD TREASURER.2
The treasurer of the household, in the absence of the lord-steward, has power with the controller and other officers of the Green-cloth, and the steward of the Marshalsea, to hear and determine treasons, felonies and other crimes committed within the king’s palace. There is also the treasurer of the navy, and the treasurers of the county.NWAD TREASURER.3
TREASURERSHIP, n. trezh’ureship. The office of treasurer.
TREASURESS, n. trezh’uress. A female who has charge of a treasure.
TREASURE-TROVE, n. trezh’ur-trove. Any money, bullion and the like, found in the earth, the owner of which is not known.
TREASURY, n. trezh’ury. A place or building in which stores of wealth are reposited; particularly, a place where the public revenues are deposited and kept, and where money is disbursed to defray the expenses of government.
1. A building appropriated for keeping public money. John 8:20.NWAD TREASURY.2
2. The officer or officers of the treasury department.NWAD TREASURY.3
3. A repository of abundance. Psalm 135:7.NWAD TREASURY.4
TREAT, v.t. [L. tracto.]
1. To handle; to manage; to use. Subjects are usually faithful or treacherous, according as they are well or ill treated. To treat prisoners ill, is the characteristic of barbarians. Let the wife of your bosom be kindly treated.NWAD TREAT.2
2. To handle in a particular manner, in writing or speaking; as, to treat a subject diffusely.NWAD TREAT.3
3. To entertain without expense to the guest.NWAD TREAT.4
4. To negotiate; to settle; as, to treat a peace. [Not in use.]NWAD TREAT.5
5. To manage in the application of remedies; as, to treat a disease or a patient.NWAD TREAT.6
TREAT, v.i. To discourse; to handle in writing or speaking; to make discussion. Cicero treats of the nature of the gods; he treats of old age and of duties.
1. To come to terms of accommodation.NWAD TREAT.8
Inform us, will the emp’ror treat?NWAD TREAT.9
2. To make gratuitous entertainment. It is sometimes the custom of military officers to treat when first elected.NWAD TREAT.10
To treat with, to negotiate; to make and receive proposals for adjusting differences. Envoys were appointed to treat with France, but without success.NWAD TREAT.11
TREAT, n. An entertainment given; as a parting treat.
1. Something given for entertainment; as a rich treat.NWAD TREAT.13
2. Emphatically, a rich entertainment.NWAD TREAT.14
TREATABLE, a. Moderate; not violent.
The heats or the colds of seasons are less treatable than with us. [Not in use.]NWAD TREATABLE.2
TREATABLY, adv. Moderately. [Not in use.]
TREATED, pp. Handled; managed; used; discoursed on; entertained.
TREATER, n. One that treats; one that handles or discourses on; one that entertains.
TREATING, ppr. Handling; managing; using; discoursing on; entertaining.
TREATISE, n. [L. tractatus.] A tract; a written composition on a particular subject, in which the principles of it are discussed or explained. A treatise is of an indefinite length; but it implies more form and method than an essay, and less fullness or copiousness than a system.
TREATISER, n. One who writes a treatise. [Not used.]
TREATMENT, n. Management; manipulation; manner of mixing or combining, of decomposing and the like; as the treatment of substances in chimical experiments.
1. Usage; manner of using; good of bad behavior towards.NWAD TREATMENT.2
Accept such treatment as a swain affords.NWAD TREATMENT.3
2. Manner of applying remedies to cure; mode or course pursued to check and destroy; as the treatment of a disease.NWAD TREATMENT.4
3. Manner of applying remedies to; as the treatment of a patient.NWAD TREATMENT.5
TREATY, n. Negotiation; act of treating for the adjustment of differences, or for forming an agreement; as, a treaty is on the carpet.
He cast by treaty and by trainsNWAD TREATY.2
Her to persuade.NWAD TREATY.3
1. An agreement, league or contract between two or more nations or sovereigns, formally signed by commissioners properly authorized, and solemnly ratified by the several sovereigns or the supreme power of each state. Treaties are of various kinds, as treaties for regulating commercial intercourse, treaties of alliance, offensive and defensive, treaties for hiring troops, treaties of peace, etc.NWAD TREATY.4
2. Intreaty. [Not in use.]NWAD TREATY.5
TREATY-MAKING, a. The treaty-making power is lodged in the executive government. In monarchies, it is vested in the king or emperor; in the United States of America, it is vested in the president, by and with the consent of the senate.
TREBLE, a. trib’l. [L. triplex, triplus; tres, three, and plexus, fold. This should be written trible.]
1. Threefold; triple; as a lofty tower with treble walls.NWAD TREBLE.2
2. In music, acute; sharp; as a treble sound.NWAD TREBLE.3
3. That plays the highest part or most acute sounds; that plays the treble; as a treble violin.NWAD TREBLE.4
TREBLE, n. trib’l. In music, the part of a symphony whose sounds are highest or most acute. This is divided into first or highest treble, and second or base treble.
TREBLE, v.t. trib’l. [L. triplico.] To make thrice as much; to make threefold. Compound interest soon trebles a debt.
TREBLE, v.i. trib’l. To become threefold. A debt at compound interest soon trebles in amount.
TREBLENESS, n. trib’lness. The state of being treble; as the trebleness of tones.
TREBLY, adv. trib’ly. In a threefold number or quantity; as a good deed trebly recompensed.
TREE, n.
1. The general name of the largest of the vegetable kind, consisting of a firm woody stem springing from woody roots, and spreading above into branches which terminate in leaves. A tree differs from a shrub principally in size, many species of trees growing to the highth of fifty or sixty feet, and some species to seventy or eighty, and a few, particularly the pine, to a much greater highth.NWAD TREE.2
Trees are of various kinds; as nuciferous, or nut-bearing trees; bacciferous, or berry-bearing; coniferous, or cone-bearing, etc. Some are forest-trees, and useful for timber or fuel; others are fruit trees, and cultivated in gardens and orchards; others are used chiefly for shade and ornament.NWAD TREE.3
2. Something resembling a tree, consisting of a stem or stalk and branches; as a genealogical tree.NWAD TREE.4
3. In ship-building, pieces of timber are called chess-trees, cross-trees, roof-trees, tressel-trees, etc.NWAD TREE.5
4. In Scripture, a cross.NWAD TREE.6
--Jesus, whom they slew and hanged on a tree. Acts 10:39.NWAD TREE.7
5. Wood.NWAD TREE.8
TREE-FROG, n. [tree and frog.] A species of frog, the Rana arborea, found on trees and shrubs; called by the older writers, Ranunculus viridis.
TREE-GERMANDER, n. A plant of the genus Teucrium.
TREE-LOUSE, n. [tree and louse.] An insect of the genus Aphis.
TREE-MOSS, n. A species of lichen.
TREEN, a. Wooden; made of wood.
TREEN, n. The old plural of tree.
TREE-NAIL, n. [tree and nail; commonly pronounced trunnel.]
A long wooden pin, used in fastening the planks of a ship to the timbers.NWAD TREE-NAIL.2
TREE-OF-LIFE, n. An evergreen tree of the genus Thuja.
TREE-TOAD, n. [tree and toad.] A small species of toad in N. America, found on trees. This animal croaks chiefly in the evening and after a rain.
TREFOIL, n. [L. trifolium; tres, three, and folium, leaf.]
The common name for many plants of the genus Trifolium; also, in agriculture, a name of the medicago tupulina, a plant resembling clover, with yellow flowers, much cultivated for hay and fodder.NWAD TREFOIL.2