DRAPET, n. Cloth; coverlet. [Not in use.]
DRASTIC, a. [Gr., to make.] Powerful; acting with strength or violence; efficacious; as a drastic cathartic.
DRAUGH. [See Draff.]
DRAUGHT, n. Draft. [from draw, drag.]
1. The act of drawing; as a horse or ox fit for draught.NWAD DRAUGHT.2
2. The quality of being drawn; as a cart of plow of easy draught.NWAD DRAUGHT.3
3. The drawing of liquor into the mouth and throat; the act of drinking.NWAD DRAUGHT.4
4. The quantity of liquor drank at once.NWAD DRAUGHT.5
5. The act of delineating, or that which is delineated; a representation by lines, as the figure of a house, a machine, a fort, etc., described on paper.NWAD DRAUGHT.6
6. Representation by picture; figure painted, or drawn by the pencil.NWAD DRAUGHT.7
7. The act of drawing a net; a sweeping for fish.NWAD DRAUGHT.8
8. That which is taken by sweeping with a net; as a draught of fishes. Luke 5:9.NWAD DRAUGHT.9
9. The drawing or bending of a bow; the act of shooting with a bow and arrow.NWAD DRAUGHT.10
10. The act of drawing men from a military band, army or post; also, the forces drawn; a detachment. [See Draft, which is more generally used.]NWAD DRAUGHT.11
11. A sink or drain. Matthew 15:17.NWAD DRAUGHT.12
12. An order for the payment of money; a bill of exchange. [See Draft.]NWAD DRAUGHT.13
13. The depth of water necessary to float a ship, or the depth a ship sinks in water, especially when laden; as a ship of twelve feet draught.NWAD DRAUGHT.14
14. In England, a small allowance on weighable goods, made by the king to the importer, or by the seller to the buyer, to insure full weight.NWAD DRAUGHT.15
15. A sudden attack or drawing on an enemy. [Query.]NWAD DRAUGHT.16
16. A writing composed.NWAD DRAUGHT.17
17. Draughts, a kind of game resembling chess.NWAD DRAUGHT.18
DRAUGHT, v.t. To draw out; to call forth. [See Draft.]
DRAUGHT-HOOKS, n. Large hooks of iron fixed on the cheeks of a cannon carriage, two on each side, one near the trunnion hole, and the other at the train; used in drawing the gun backwards and forwards by means of draught ropes.
DRAUGHT-HORSE, n. A horse used in drawing a plow, cart or other carriage, as distinguished from a saddle horse.
DRAUGHT-HOUSE, n. A house for the reception of filth or waste matter.
1. A man who draws writings or designs or one who is skilled in such drawings.NWAD DRAUGHTSMAN.2
2. One who drinks drams; a tippler.NWAD DRAUGHTSMAN.3
DRAVE, the old participle of drive. We now use drove.
DRAW, v.t. pret. drew; pp. drawn. [L. It is only a dialectical spelling of drag, which see.]
1. To pull along; to haul; to cause to move forward by force applied in advance of the thing moved or at the fore-end, as by a rope or chain. It differs from drag only in this, that drag is more generally applied to things moved along the ground by sliding, or moved with greater toil or difficulty, and draw is applied to all bodies moved by force in advance, whatever may be the degree of force. Draw is the more general or generic term, and drag, more specific. We say, the horses draw a coach or wagon, but they drag it through mire; yet draw is properly used in both cases.NWAD DRAW.2
2. To pull out, as to draw a sword or dagger from its sheath; to unsheathe. Hence, to draw the sword, is to wage war.NWAD DRAW.3
3. To bring by compulsion; to cause to come.NWAD DRAW.4
Do not rich men oppress you, and draw you before the judgment seat? James 2:6.NWAD DRAW.5
4. To pull up or out; to raise from any depth; as, to draw water from a well.NWAD DRAW.6
5. To suck; as, to draw the breasts.NWAD DRAW.7
6. To attract; to cause to move or tend towards itself; as a magnet or other attracting body is said to draw it.NWAD DRAW.8
7. To attract; to cause to turn towards itself; to engage; as, a beauty or a popular speaker draws the eyes of an assembly, or draws their attention.NWAD DRAW.9
8. To inhale; to take air into the lungs; as, there I first drew air; I draw the sultry air.NWAD DRAW.10
9. To pull or take from a spit, as a piece of meat.NWAD DRAW.11
10. To take from a cask or vat; to cause or to suffer a liquid to run out; a, to draw wine or cider.NWAD DRAW.12
11. To take a liquid form the body; to let out; as, to draw blood or water.NWAD DRAW.13
12. To take from an over; as, to draw bread.NWAD DRAW.14
13. To cause to slide; as a curtain, either in closing or unclosing; to open or unclose and discover, or to close and conceal. To draw the curtain is used in both sense.NWAD DRAW.15
14. To extract; as, to draw spirit from grain or juice.NWAD DRAW.16
15. To produce; to bring, as an agent or efficient cause; usually followed by a modifying word; as, piety draws down blessings; crimes draw down vengeance; vice draws on us many temporal evils; war draws after it a train of calamities.NWAD DRAW.17
16. To move gradually or slowly; to extend.NWAD DRAW.18
They drew themselves more westerly.NWAD DRAW.19
17. To lengthen; to extend in length.NWAD DRAW.20
How long her face is drawn.NWAD DRAW.21
In some similes, men draw their comparisons into minute particulars of no importance.NWAD DRAW.22
18. To utter in a lingering manner; as, to draw a groan.NWAD DRAW.23
19. To run or extend, by marking or forming; as, to draw a line on paper, or a line of circumvallation. Hence,NWAD DRAW.24
20. To represent by lines drawn on a plain surface; to form a picture or image; as, to draw the figure of man; to draw the face. Hence,NWAD DRAW.25
21. To describe; to represent by words; as, the orator drew an admirable picture of human misery.NWAD DRAW.26
22. To represent in fancy; to image in the mind.NWAD DRAW.27
23. To derive; to have or receive from some source, cause or donor; as, to draw the rudiments of science from a civilized nation; to draw consolation from divine promises.NWAD DRAW.28
24. To deduce; as, to draw arguments from facts, or inferences from circumstantial evidence.NWAD DRAW.29
25. To allure; to entice; to lead by persuasion or moral influence; to excite to motion.NWAD DRAW.30
Draw me; we will run after thee. Song of Solomon 1:4.NWAD DRAW.31
Men shall arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them. Acts 20:30.NWAD DRAW.32
26. To lead, as a motive; to induce to move.NWAD DRAW.33
My purposes do draw me much about.NWAD DRAW.34
27. To induce; to persuade; to attract towards; in a very general sense.NWAD DRAW.35
28. To win; to gain; a metaphor from gaming.NWAD DRAW.36
29. To receive or take, as from a fund; as, to draw money from a bank or from stock in trade.NWAD DRAW.37
30. To bear; to produce; as, a bond or note draws interest from its date.NWAD DRAW.38
31. To extort; to force out; as, his eloquence drew tears from the audience; to draw sighs or groans.NWAD DRAW.39
32. To wrest; to distort; as, to draw the scriptures to ones fancy.NWAD DRAW.40
33. To compose; to write in due form; to form in writing; as, to draw a bill of exchange; to draw a deed or will.NWAD DRAW.41
34. To take out of a box or wheel, as tickets in a lottery. We say, to draw a lottery, or to draw a number in the lottery.NWAD DRAW.42
35. To receive or gain by drawing; as, to draw a prize. We say also, a number draws a prize or a blank, when it is drawn at the same time.NWAD DRAW.43
36. To extend; to stretch; as, to draw wine; to draw a piece of metal by beating, etc.NWAD DRAW.44
37. To sink into the water; or to require a certain depth of water for floating; as, a ship draws fifteen feet of water.NWAD DRAW.45
38. To bend; as, to draw the bow. Isaiah 66:19.NWAD DRAW.46
39. To eviscerate; to pull out the bowels; as, to draw poultry.NWAD DRAW.47
40. To withdraw. [Not used.]NWAD DRAW.48
To draw back, to receive back, as duties on goods for exportation.NWAD DRAW.49
To draw in,NWAD DRAW.50
1. To collect; to apply to any purpose by violence.NWAD DRAW.51
A dispute, in which every thing is drawn in, to give color to the argument.NWAD DRAW.52
2. To contract; to pull to a smaller compass; to pull back; as, to draw int he reins.NWAD DRAW.53
3. To entice, allure or inveigle; as, to draw in others to support a measure.NWAD DRAW.54
To draw off,NWAD DRAW.55
1. To draw form or away; also, to withdraw; to abstract; as, to draw off the mind from vain amusements.NWAD DRAW.56
2. To draw or take from; to cause to flow from; as, to draw off wine or cider from a vessel.NWAD DRAW.57
3. To extract by distillation.NWAD DRAW.58
To draw on,NWAD DRAW.59
1. To allure; to entice; to persuade or cause to follow.NWAD DRAW.60
The reluctant may be drawn on by kindness or caresses.NWAD DRAW.61
2. To occasion; to invite; to bring on; to cause.NWAD DRAW.62
Under color of war, which either his negligence drew on, or his practices procured, he levied a subsidy.NWAD DRAW.63
To draw over,NWAD DRAW.64
1. To raise, or cause to come over, as in a still.NWAD DRAW.65
2. To persuade or induce to revolt from an opposing party, and to join ones own party. Some men may be drawn over by interest; others by fear.NWAD DRAW.66
To draw out,NWAD DRAW.67
1. To lengthen; to stretch by force; to extend.NWAD DRAW.68
2. To beat or hammer out; to extend or spread by beating, as a metal.NWAD DRAW.69
3. To lengthen in time; to protract; to cause to continue.NWAD DRAW.70
Thy unkindness shall his death draw out to lingering sufferance.NWAD DRAW.71
Wilt thou draw out thine anger to all generations? Psalm 85:5.NWAD DRAW.72
4. To cause to issue forth; to draw off; as liquor from a cask.NWAD DRAW.73
5. To extract, as the spirit of a substance.NWAD DRAW.74
6. To bring forth; to pump out, by questioning or address; to cause to be declared, or brought to light; as, to draw out facts from a witness.NWAD DRAW.75
7. To induce by motive; to call forth.NWAD DRAW.76
This was an artifice to draw out from us an accusation.NWAD DRAW.77
8. To detach; to separate from the main body; as, to draw out a file or part of men.NWAD DRAW.78
9. To range in battle; to array in a line.NWAD DRAW.79
To draw together, to collect or be collected.NWAD DRAW.80
To draw up,NWAD DRAW.81
1. To raise; to lift; to elevate.NWAD DRAW.82
2. To form in order of battle; to array.NWAD DRAW.83
3. To compose in due form, as a writing; to form in writing; as, to draw up a deed; to draw up a paper.NWAD DRAW.84
In this use, it is often more elegant to omit the modifying word. [See No. 33.]NWAD DRAW.85
DRAW, v.i.
1. To pull; to exert strength in drawing. We say, a horse or an ox draws well.NWAD DRAW.87
2. To act as a weight.NWAD DRAW.88
Watch the bias of the mind, that it may not draw too much.NWAD DRAW.89
3. To shrink; to contract into a smaller compass.NWAD DRAW.90
4. To move; to advance. The day draws towards evening.NWAD DRAW.91
5. To be filled or inflated with wind, so as to press on and advance a ship in her course; as, the sails draw.NWAD DRAW.92
6. To unsheathe a sword. His love drew to defend him. In this phrase, sword is understood.NWAD DRAW.93
7. To use or practice the art of delineating figures; as, he draws with exactness.NWAD DRAW.94
8. To collect the matter of an ulcer or abscess; to cause to suppurate; to excite to inflammation, maturation and discharge; as, an epispastic draws well.NWAD DRAW.95
To draw back,NWAD DRAW.96
1. To retire; to move back; to withdraw.NWAD DRAW.97
2. To renounce the faith; to apostatize. Hebrews 10:38, 39.NWAD DRAW.98
To draw near or nigh, to approach; to come near.NWAD DRAW.99
To draw off, to retire; to retreat; as, the company drew off by degrees.NWAD DRAW.100
To draw on,NWAD DRAW.101
1. To advance; to approach; as, the day draws on.NWAD DRAW.102
2. To gain on; to approach in pursuit; as, the ship drew on the chase.NWAD DRAW.103
3. To demand payment by an order or bill, called a draught.NWAD DRAW.104
He drew on his factor for the amount of the shipment.NWAD DRAW.105
You may draw on me for the expenses of your journey.NWAD DRAW.106
To draw up, to form in regular order; as, the troops drew up in front of the palace; the fleet drew up in a semicircle.NWAD DRAW.107
Draw, in most of its uses, retains some shade of its original sense, to pull, to move forward by the application of force in advance, or to extend in length. And Johnson justly observes, that it expresses an action gradual or continuous, and leisurely. We pour liquor quick, but we draw it in a continued stream. We force compliance by threats, but we draw it by gradual prevalence. We write a letter with haste, but we draw a bill with slow caution, and regard to a precise form. We draw a bar of metal by continued beating.NWAD DRAW.108
DRAW, n.
1. The act of drawing.NWAD DRAW.110
2. The lot or chance drawn.NWAD DRAW.111
DRAWABLE, a. That may be drawn.
1. Money or an amount paid back. Usually, a certain amount of duties or customs, paid or bonded by an importer, paid back or remitted to him on the exportation of the goods; or a certain amount of excise paid back or allowed on the exportation of home manufacturers.NWAD DRAWBACK.2
2. In popular sense, any loss of advantage, or deduction from profit.NWAD DRAWBACK.3
DRAW-BRIDGE, n. A bridge which may be drawn up or let down to admit or hinder communication, as before the gate of a town or castle, or in a bridge over a navigable river. In the latter, the draw-bridge usually consists of two movable platforms, which may be raised to let a vessel pass through.
DRAW-NET, n. A net for catching the larger sorts of fowls, made of pack-thread, with wide meshes.
DRAW-WELL, n. A deep well, from which water is drawn by a long cord or pole.
DRAWEE, n. The person on whom an order or bill of exchange is drawn; the payer of a bill or exchange.
1. One who draws or pulls; one who takes water from a well; one who draws liquors from a cask.NWAD DRAWER.2
2. That which draws or attracts, or has the power of attraction.NWAD DRAWER.3
3. He who draws a bill of exchange or an order for the payment of money.NWAD DRAWER.4
4. A sliding box in a case or table, which is drawn at pleasure.NWAD DRAWER.5
5. Drawers, in the plural, a close under garment worn on the lower limbs.NWAD DRAWER.6
DRAWING, ppr. Pulling; hauling; attracting; delineating.
1. The act of pulling, hauling, or attracting.NWAD DRAWING.3
2. The act of representing the appearance or figures of objects on a plain surface, by means of lines and shades, as with a pencil, crayon, pen, compasses, etc.; delineation.NWAD DRAWING.4
DRAWING-MASTER, n. One who teaches the art of drawing.
1. A room appropriated for the reception of company; a room in which distinguished personages hold levees, or private persons receive parties. It is written by Coxe, withdrawing-room, a room to which company withdraws from the dining-room.NWAD DRAWING-ROOM.2
2. The company assembled in a drawing-room.NWAD DRAWING-ROOM.3
DRAWL, v.t. To utter words in a slow lengthened tone.
DRAWL, v.i. To speak with slow utterance.
DRAWL, n. A lengthened utterance of the voice.
DRAWLING, ppr. Uttering words slowly.
DRAWN, pp. [See Draw.]
1. Pulled; hauled; allured; attracted; delineated; extended; extracted; derived; deduced; written.NWAD DRAWN.2
2. Equal, where each party takes his own stake; as a drawn game.NWAD DRAWN.3
3. Having equal advantage, and neither party a victory; as a drawn battle.NWAD DRAWN.4
4. With a sword drawn.NWAD DRAWN.5
5. Moved aside, as a curtain; unclosed, or closed.NWAD DRAWN.6
6. Eviscerated; as a drawn fox.NWAD DRAWN.7
7. Induced, as by a motive; as, men are drawn together by similar views, or by motives of interest.NWAD DRAWN.8
Drawn and quartered, drawn on a sled, and cut into quarters.NWAD DRAWN.9
DRAY, n. [L.]
1. A low cart or carriage on wheels, drawn by a horse.NWAD DRAY.2
2. A sled.NWAD DRAY.3
DRAY-CART, n. A dray.
DRAY-HORSE, n. A horse used for drawing a dray.
DRAY-MAN, n. A man who attends a dray.
DRAY-PLOW, n. A particular kind of plow.
DRAZEL, n. Drazl. A dirty woman; a slut. [This is a vulgar word; in New England pronounced drozl, and I believe always applied to a female.]
DREAD, n. Dred. [L., to dread; fearful; to tremble. The primary sense is probably to tremble, or to shrink.]
1. Great fear, or apprehension of evil or danger. It expresses more than fear, and less than terror or fright. It is an uneasiness or alarm excited by expected pain, loss or other evil. We speak of the dread of evil; the dread of suffering; the dread of the divine displeasure. It differs from terror also in being less sudden or more continued.NWAD DREAD.2
2. Awe; fear united with respect.NWAD DREAD.3
3. Terror.NWAD DREAD.4
Shall not his dread fall on you. Job 13:11.NWAD DREAD.5
4. The cause of fear; the person or the thing dreaded.NWAD DREAD.6
Let him be your dread. Isaiah 8:13.NWAD DREAD.7
1. Exciting great fear or apprehension.NWAD DREAD.9
2. Terrible; frightful.NWAD DREAD.10
3. Awful; venerable in the highest degree; as dread sovereign; dread majesty; dread tribunal.NWAD DREAD.11
DREAD, v.t. To fear in a great degree; as, to dread the approach of a storm.
DREAD, v.i. To be in great fear.
Dread not, neither be afraid of them. Deuteronomy 1:29.NWAD DREAD.14
DREADABLE, a. That is to be dreaded. [Not used.]
DREADED, pp. Feared.
DREADER, n. One that fears, or lives in fear.
1. Impressing great fear; terrible; formidable; as a dreadful storm, or dreadful night.NWAD DREADFUL.2
The great and dreadful day of the Lord. Malachi 4:5.NWAD DREADFUL.3
2. Awful; venerable.NWAD DREADFUL.4
How dreadful is this place. Genesis 28:17.NWAD DREADFUL.5
DREADFULLY, adv. Terribly; in a manner to be dreaded.
DREADFULNESS, n. Terribleness; the quality of being dreadful; frightfulness.
DREADLESS, a. Fearless; bold; not intimidated; undaunted; free from fear or terror; intrepid.
DREADLESSNESS, n. Fearlessness; undauntedness; freedom from fear or terror; boldness.
DREAM, n. [G.]
1. The thought or series of thoughts of a person in sleep. We apply dream, in the singular, to a series of thoughts, which occupy the mind of a sleeping person, in which he imagines he has a view of real things or transactions. A dream is a series of thoughts not under the command of reason, and hence wild and irregular.NWAD DREAM.2
2. In scripture, dreams were sometimes impressions on the minds of sleeping persons, made by divine agency. God came to Abimelech in a dream. Joseph was warned by God in a dream. Genesis 20:3; Matthew 2:13.NWAD DREAM.3
3. A vain fancy; a wild conceit; an unfounded suspicion.NWAD DREAM.4
DREAM, v.i. pret. dreamed or dreamt. [G.]
1. To have ideas or images in the mind, in the state of sleep; with of before a noun; as, to dream of a battle; to dream of an absent friend.NWAD DREAM.6
2. To think; to imagine; as, he little dreamed of his approaching fate.NWAD DREAM.7
3. To think idly.NWAD DREAM.8
They dream on in a course of reading, without digesting.NWAD DREAM.9
4. To be sluggish; to waste time in vain thoughts; as, to dream away life.NWAD DREAM.10
DREAM, v.t. To see in a dream.
And dreamt the future fight.NWAD DREAM.12
It is followed by a noun of the like signification; as, to dream a dream.NWAD DREAM.13
1. One who dreams.NWAD DREAMER.2
2. A fanciful man; a visionary; one who forms or entertains vain schemes; as a political dreamer.NWAD DREAMER.3
3. A man lost in wild imagination; a mope; a sluggard.NWAD DREAMER.4
DREAMFUL, a. Full of dreams.
DREAMING, ppr. Having thoughts or ideas in sleep.
DREAMLESS, a. Free from dreams.
DREAMT, pp. Dremt. From dream.
DREAR, n. Dread; dismalness.
DREAR, n. Dread; dismalness.
DREAR, n. Dread; dismalness.
DREAR, a. Dismal; gloomy with solitude.
A drear and dying sound.NWAD DREAR.5
DREARIHEAD, n. Dismalness; gloominess. [Not in use.]
DREARILY, adv. Gloomily; dismally.
DREARIMENT, n. Dismalness; terror.
DREARINESS, n. Dismalness; gloomy solitude.
1. Dismal; gloomy; as a dreary waste; dreary shades. This word implies both solitude and gloom.NWAD DREARY.2
2. Sorrowful; distressing; as dreary shrieks.NWAD DREARY.3
1. A dragnet for taking oysters, etc.NWAD DREDGE.2
2. A mixture of oats and barley sown together.NWAD DREDGE.3
DREDGE, v.t. To take, catch or gather with a dredge.
DREDGE, v.t. To sprinkle flour on roast meat.
DREDGER, n. One who fishes with a dredge; also, an utensil for scattering flour on meat while roasting.
DREDGING-BOX, n. A box used for dredging meat.
DREDGING-MACHINE, n. An engine used to take up mud or gravel from the bottom of rivers, docks, etc.
DREE, v.t. To suffer. [Not used.]
DREGGINESS, n. [from dreggy.] Fullness of dregs or lees; foulness; feculence.
DREGGISH, a. Full of dregs; foul with lees; feculent.
DREGGY, a. [See Dregs.] Containing dregs or lees; consisting of dregs; foul; muddy; feculent.
DREGS, n. plu. [Gr.]
1. The sediment of liquors; lees; grounds; feculence; any foreign matter of liquors that subsides to the bottom of a vessel.NWAD DREGS.2
2. Waste or worthless matter; dross; sweepings; refuse. Hence, the most vile and despicable part of men; as the dregs of society.NWAD DREGS.3
Dreg, in the singular, is found in Spenser, but is not now used.NWAD DREGS.4
DREIN. [See Drain.]
DRENCH, v.t. [G., to water, to soak. See Drink and Drag.]
1. To wet thoroughly; to soak; to fill or cover with water or other liquid; as garments drenched in rain or in the sea; the flood has drenched the earth; swords drenched in blood.NWAD DRENCH.2
2. To saturate with drink.NWAD DRENCH.3
3. To purge violently.NWAD DRENCH.4
DRENCH, n. A draught; a swill; also, a portion of medicine to purge a beast, particularly a horse. Hence, a violent dose of physic to be forced down the throat.
DRENCHED, pp. Soaked; thoroughly wet; purged with a dose.
DRENCHER, n. One who wets or steeps; one who gives a drench to a beast.
DRENCHING, ppr. Wetting thoroughly; soaking; purging.
DRENT, pp. Drenched. [Not in use.]
DRESS, v.t. pret. and pp. dressed or drest. [L.]
1. To make straight or a straight line; to adjust to a right line. We have the primary sense in the military phrase, dress your ranks. Hence the sense, to put in order.NWAD DRESS.2
2. To adjust; to put in good order; as, to dress the beds of a garden. Sometimes, to till or cultivate. Genesis 2:15; Deuteronomy 28:39.NWAD DRESS.3
3. To put in good order, as a wounded limb; to cleanse a wound, and to apply medicaments. The surgeon dresses the limb or the wound.NWAD DRESS.4
4. To prepare, in a general sense; to put in the condition desired; to make suitable or fit; as, to dress meat; to dress leather or cloth; to dress a lamp; but we, in the latter case, generally use trim. To dress hemp or flax, is to break and clean it.NWAD DRESS.5
5. To curry, rub and comb; as, to dress a horse; or to break or tame and prepare for service, as used by Dryden; but this is unusual.NWAD DRESS.6
6. To put the body in order, or in a suitable condition; to put on clothes; as, he dressed himself for breakfast.NWAD DRESS.7
7. To put on rich garments; to adorn; to deck; to embellish; as, the lady dressed herself for a ball.NWAD DRESS.8
To dress up, is to clothe pompously or elegantly; as, to dress up with tinsel.NWAD DRESS.9
The sense of dress depends on its application. To dress the body, to dress meat, and to dress leather, are very different senses, but all uniting in the sense of preparing or fitting for use.NWAD DRESS.10
DRESS, v.i.
1. To arrange in a line; as, look to the right and dress.NWAD DRESS.12
2. To pay particular regard to dress or raiment.NWAD DRESS.13
1. That which is used as the covering or ornament of the body; clothes; garments; habit; as, the dress of a lady is modest and becoming; a gaudy dress is evidence of a false taste.NWAD DRESS.15
2. A suit of clothes; as, the lady has purchased an elegant dress.NWAD DRESS.16
3. Splendid clothes; habit of ceremony; as a full dress.NWAD DRESS.17
4. Skill in adjusting dress, or the practice of wearing elegant clothing; as men of dress.NWAD DRESS.18
DRESSED, pp. Adjusted; made straight; put in order; prepared; trimmed; tilled; clothed; adorned; attired.
1. One who dresses; one who is employed in putting on clothes and adorning another; one who is employed in preparing trimming or adjusting any thing.NWAD DRESSER.2
2. A side-board; a table or bench on which meat and other things are dressed or prepared for use.NWAD DRESSER.3
DRESSING, ppr. Adjusting to a line; putting in order; preparing; clothing; embellishing; cultivating.
1. Raiment; attire.NWAD DRESSING.3
2. That which is used as an application to a wound or sore.NWAD DRESSING.4
3. That which is used in preparing land for a drop; manure spread over land. When it remains on the surface, it is called a top-dressing.NWAD DRESSING.5
4. In popular language, correction; a flogging, or beating.NWAD DRESSING.6
DRESSING-ROOM, n. An apartment appropriated for dressing the person.
DRESS-MAKER, n. A maker of gowns, or similar garments; a mantuamaker.
DRESSY, a. Showy in dress; wearing rich or showy dresses.
DREST, pp. Of dress.
DREUL, v.i. To emit saliva; to suffer saliva to issue and flow down from the mouth.
DRIB, v.t. To crop or cut off; to defalcate.
DRIB, n. A drop. [Not used.]
1. To fall in drops or small drops, or in a quick succession of drops; as, water dribbles from the eaves.NWAD DRIBBLE.2
2. To slaver as a child or an idiot.NWAD DRIBBLE.3
3. To fall weakly and slowly; as the dribbling dart of love.NWAD DRIBBLE.4
DRIBBLE, v.t. To throw down in drops.
DRIBBLET, n. A small piece or part; a small sum; odd money in a sum; as, the money was paid in dribblets.
DRIBBLING, ppr. Falling in drops or small drops.
DRIBBLING, n. A falling in drops.
DRIED, pp. Of dry. Free from moisture or sap.
DRIER, n. [from dry.] That which has the quality of drying; that which may expel or absorb moisture; a desiccative. The sun and northwesterly wind are great driers of the earth.
1. That which is driven by wind or water, as drift seems to be primarily a participle. Hence,NWAD DRIFT.2
2. A heap of any matter driven together; as a drift of snow, called also a snow-drift; a drift of sand.NWAD DRIFT.3
3. A driving; a force impelling or urging forward; impulse; overbearing power or influence; as the drift of a passion.NWAD DRIFT.4
4. Course of any thing; tendency; aim; main force; as the drift of reasoning or argument; the drift of a discourse.NWAD DRIFT.5
5. Any thing driven by force, as a drift of dust; a log or a raft driven by a stream of water, without guidance.NWAD DRIFT.6
6. A shower; a number of things driven at once; as a drift of bullets.NWAD DRIFT.7
7. In mining, a passage cut between shaft and shaft; a passage within the earth.NWAD DRIFT.8
8. In navigation, the angle which the line of a ships motion makes with the nearest meridian, when she drives with her side to the wind and waves, and is not governed by the helm. Also, the distance which the ship drives on that line.NWAD DRIFT.9
9. The drift of a current, is its angle and velocity.NWAD DRIFT.10
DRIFT, v.i.
1. To accumulate in heaps by the force of wind; to be driven into heaps; as, snow or sand drifts.NWAD DRIFT.12
2. To float or be driven along by a current of water; as, the ship drifted astern; a raft drifted ashore.NWAD DRIFT.13
DRIFT, v.t. To drive into heaps; as, a current of wind drifts snow or sand.
DRIFTED, pp. Driven along; driven into heaps.
DRIFTING, ppr. Driving by force; driving into heaps.
DRIFT-SAIL, n. In navigation, a sail used under water, veered out right ahead by sheets.
DRIFT-WAY, n. A common way for driving cattle in.
DRIFT-WIND, n. A driving wind; a wind that drives things into heaps.
DRILL, v.t. [G.]
1. To pierce with a drill; to perforate by turning a sharp pointed instrument of a particular form; to bore and make a hole by turning an instrument. We say, to drill a hole through a piece of metal, or to drill a cannon.NWAD DRILL.2
2. To draw on; to entice; to amuse and put off.NWAD DRILL.3
She drilled him on to five and fifty. [Not elegant.]NWAD DRILL.4
3. To draw on from step to step. [Not elegant.]NWAD DRILL.5
4. To draw through; to drain; as, waters drilled through a sandy stratum.NWAD DRILL.6
5. In a military sense, to teach and train raw soldiers to their duty, by frequent exercise; a common and appropriate use of the word.NWAD DRILL.7
6. In husbandry, to sow grain in rows, drills or channels.NWAD DRILL.8
DRILL, v.t.
1. To sow in drills.NWAD DRILL.10
2. To flow gently.NWAD DRILL.11
3. To muster, for exercise.NWAD DRILL.12
1. A pointed instrument, used for boring holes, particularly in metals and other hard substances.NWAD DRILL.14
2. An ape or baboon.NWAD DRILL.15
3. The act of training soldiers to their duty.NWAD DRILL.16
4. A small stream; now called a rill. [Drill is formed on the root of rill, G., a channel.]NWAD DRILL.17
5. In husbandry, a row of grain, sowed by a drill-plow.NWAD DRILL.18
DRILLED, pp. Bored or perforated with a drill; exercised; sown in rows.
DRILLING, ppr. Boring with a drill; training to military duty; sowing in drills.
DRILL-PLOW, n. A plow for sowing grain in drills.
DRINK, v.i. pret. and pp. drank. Old pret. and pp. drunk; pp. Drunken. [G. Drink and drench are radically the same word, and probably drown. We observe that n is not radical.]
1. To swallow liquor, for quenching thirst or other purpose; as, to drink of the brook.NWAD DRINK.2
Ye shall indeed drink of my cup. Matthew 20:23.NWAD DRINK.3
2. To take spirituous liquors to excess; to be intemperate in the use of spirituous liquors; to be a habitual drunkard.NWAD DRINK.4
3. To feast; to be entertained with liquors.NWAD DRINK.5
To drink to,NWAD DRINK.6
1. To salute in drinking; to invite to drink by drinking first; as, I drink to you grace.NWAD DRINK.7
2. To wish well to, in the act of taking the cup.NWAD DRINK.8
DRINK, v.t.
1. To swallow, as liquids; to receive, as a fluid, into the stomach; as, to drink water or wine.NWAD DRINK.10
2. To suck in; to absorb; to imbibe.NWAD DRINK.11
And let the purple violets drink the stream.NWAD DRINK.12
3. To take in by any inlet; to hear; to see; as, to drink words or the voice.NWAD DRINK.13
I drink delicious poison from thy eye.NWAD DRINK.14
4. To take in air; to inhale.NWAD DRINK.15
To drink down, is to act on by drinking; to reduce or subdue; as, to drink down unkindness.NWAD DRINK.16
To drink off, to drink the whole at a draught; as, to drink off a cup of cordial.NWAD DRINK.17
To drink in, to absorb; to take or receive into any inlet.NWAD DRINK.18
To drink up, to drink the whole.NWAD DRINK.19
To drink health, or to the health, a customary civility in which a person at taking a glass or cup, expresses his respect or kind wishes for another.NWAD DRINK.20
DRINK, n. Liquor to be swallowed; any fluid to be taken into the stomach, for quenching thirst, or for medicinal purposes; as water, wine, beer, cider, decoctions, etc.
DRINKABLE, a. That may be drank; fit or suitable for drink; potable.
DRINKER, n. One who drinks, particularly one who practices drinking spirituous liquors to excess; a drunkard; a tipler.
DRINKING, ppr. Swallowing liquor; sucking in; absorbing.
1. The act of swallowing liquors, or of absorbing.NWAD DRINKING.3
2. The practice of drinking to excess. We say, a man is given to drinking.NWAD DRINKING.4
DRINKING-HORN, n. A horn cup, such as our rude ancestors used.
DRINKING-HOUSE, n. A house frequented by tiplers; an alehouse.
DRINKLESS, a. Destitute of drink.
DRINK-MONEY, n. Money given to buy liquor for drink.
DRIP, v.i. [G.]
1. To fall in drops; as, water drips from eaves.NWAD DRIP.2
2. To have any liquid falling from it in drops; as, a wet garment drips.NWAD DRIP.3
DRIP, v.t. To let fall in drops.
The thatch drips fast a shower of rain.NWAD DRIP.5
So we say, roasting flesh drips fat.NWAD DRIP.6
DRIP, n.
1. A falling in drops, or that which falls in drops.NWAD DRIP.8
In building, avoid the drip of your neighbors house.NWAD DRIP.9
2. The edge of a roof; the eaves; a large flat member of the cornice.NWAD DRIP.10
DRIPPING, ppr. Falling or letting fall in drops.
DRIPPING, n. The fat which falls from meat in roasting; that which falls in drops.
DRIPPING-PAN, n. A pan for receiving the fat which drips from meat in roasting.