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    SUBDUEMENT, n. Conquest. [Not used.]

    SUBDUER, n.

    1. One who conquers and brings into subjection; a tamer.NWAD SUBDUER.2

    2. That which subdues or destroys the force of.NWAD SUBDUER.3

    SUBDUING, ppr. Vanquishing and reducing to subjection; crushing; destroying the power of resistance; softening.

    SUBDUPLE, a. [L., double.] Containing one part of two.

    SUBDUPLICATE, a. [sub and duplicate.] Having the ratio of the square roots.

    SUBEQUAL, a. [sub and equal.] Nearly equal.

    SUBERATE, n. [L., a cork.] A salt formed by the suberic acid in combination with a base.

    SUBERIC, a. Pertaining to cork, or extracted from it; as suberic acid.

    SUBEROSE, a. [L., gnawed.] In botany, having the appearance of being gnawed; appearing as if a little eaten or gnawed.

    SUBEROUS, a. [L., cork.] Corky; soft and elastic.

    SUBFUSC, a. [L. Sub and fuscus.] Duskish; moderately dark; brownish; tawny.

    SUBGLOBULAR, a. Having a form approaching to globular.

    SUBHASTATION, n. [L., under the spear.] A public sale or auction, so called form the Roman practice.

    SUBHYDROSULPHURET, n. A compound of sulphurated hydrogen with a base, in a less proportion than in hydrosulphuret.

    SUBINDICATION, n. [L. Sub and indico.] The act of indication by signs.

    SUBINFEUDATION, n. [sub and infeudation. See Feud.]

    1. In law, the act of enfeoffing by a tenant or feoffee, who holds lands of the crown; the act of a greater baron, who grants land or a smaller manor to an inferior person. By 34 Edward II all subinfeudations previous to the reign of king Edward I., were confirmed.NWAD SUBINFEUDATION.2

    2. Under tenancy.NWAD SUBINFEUDATION.3

    The widow is immediate tenant to the heir, by a kind of subinfeudation or under tenancy.NWAD SUBINFEUDATION.4

    SUBINGRESSION, n. [L. Sub and ingressus.] Secret entrance. [Not in use.]

    SUBITANEOUS, a. [L.] Sudden; hasty.

    SUBITANY, a. Sudden. [Not in use.]

    SUBJACENT, a. [L. Sub and jaceo, to lie.]

    1. Lying under or below.NWAD SUBJACENT.2

    2. Being in a lower situation, though not directly beneath. A man placed on a hill, surveys the subjacent plain.NWAD SUBJACENT.3

    SUBJECT, a.

    1. Placed or situate under.NWAD SUBJECT.2

    --The eastern tower whose height commands, as subject, all the vale, to see the fight.NWAD SUBJECT.3

    2. Being under the power and dominion of another; as, Jamaica is subject to Great Britain.NWAD SUBJECT.4

    Esau was never subject to Jacob.NWAD SUBJECT.5

    3. Exposed; liable from extraneous causes; as a country subject to extreme heat or cold.NWAD SUBJECT.6

    4. Liable from inherent causes; prone; disposed.NWAD SUBJECT.7

    All human things are subject to decay.NWAD SUBJECT.8

    5. Being that on which nay thing operates, whether intellectual or material; as the subject-matter of a discourse.NWAD SUBJECT.9

    6. Obedient. Titus 3:1; Colossians 2:20.NWAD SUBJECT.10

    SUBJECT, n. [L.]

    1. One that owes allegiance to a sovereign and is governed by his laws. The natives of Great Britain are subjects of the British government. The natives of the United States, and naturalized foreigners, are subjects of the federal government. Men in free governments, are subjects as well as citizens; as citizens, they enjoy rights and franchises; as subjects, they are bound to obey the laws.NWAD SUBJECT.12

    The subject must obey his prince, because God commands it, and human laws require it.NWAD SUBJECT.13

    2. That on which any mental operation is performed; that which is treated or handled; as a subject of discussion before the legislature; a subject of negotiation.NWAD SUBJECT.14

    This subject for heroic song pleasd me.NWAD SUBJECT.15

    The subject of a proposition is that concerning which any thing is affirmed or denied.NWAD SUBJECT.16

    3. That on which any physical operation is performed; as a subject for dissection or amputation.NWAD SUBJECT.17

    4. That in which any thing inheres or exists.NWAD SUBJECT.18

    Anger is certainly a kind of baseness, as it appears well in the weakness of those subjects in whom it reigns.NWAD SUBJECT.19

    5. The person who is treated of; the hero of a piece.NWAD SUBJECT.20

    Authors of biography are apt to be prejudiced in favor of their subject.NWAD SUBJECT.21

    6. In grammar, the nominative case to a verb passive.NWAD SUBJECT.22

    SUBJECT, v.t.

    1. To bring under the power or dominion of. Alexander subjected a great part of the civilized world to his dominion.NWAD SUBJECT.24

    Firmness of mind that subjects every gratification of sense to the rule of right reason--NWAD SUBJECT.25

    2. To put under or within the power of.NWAD SUBJECT.26

    In one short view subjected to our eye, gods, emperors, heroes, sages, beauties lie.NWAD SUBJECT.27

    3. To enslave; to make obnoxious.NWAD SUBJECT.28

    He is the most subjected, the most enslaved, who is so in his understanding.NWAD SUBJECT.29

    4. To expose; to make liable. Credulity subjects a person to impositions.NWAD SUBJECT.30

    5. To submit; to make accountable.NWAD SUBJECT.31

    God is not bound to subject his ways of operation to the scrutiny of our thoughts--NWAD SUBJECT.32

    6. To make subservient.NWAD SUBJECT.33

    --Subjected to his service angel wings.NWAD SUBJECT.34

    7. To cause to undergo; as, to subject a substance to a white heat; to subject it to a rigid test.NWAD SUBJECT.35

    SUBJECTED, pp. Reduced to the dominion of another; enslaved; exposed; submitted; made to undergo.


    1. The act of subduing; the act of vanquishing and bringing under the dominion of another.NWAD SUBJECTION.2

    The conquest of the kingdom and the subjection of the rebels--NWAD SUBJECTION.3

    2. The state of being under the power, control and government of another. The safety of life, liberty, and property depends on our subjection to the laws. The isles of the West Indies are held in subjection to the powers of Europe. Our appetites and passions should be in subjection to our reason, and our will should be in entire subjection to the laws of God.NWAD SUBJECTION.4

    SUBJECTIVE, a. Relating to the subject, as opposed to the object.

    Certainty--is distinguished into objective and subjective; objective, is when the proposition is certainly true of itself; and subjective, is when we are certain of the truth of it.NWAD SUBJECTIVE.2

    SUBJECTIVELY, adv. In relation to the subject.

    SUBJOIN, v.t. [L.] To add at the end; to add after something else has been said or written; as, to subjoin an argument or reason. [It is never used in a literal physical sense, to express the joining of material things.]

    SUBJOINED, pp. Added after something else said or written.

    SUBJOINING, ppr. Adding after something else said or written.

    SUBJUGATE, v.t. [L. Sub and jugo, to yoke. See Yoke.] To subdue and bring under the yoke of power or dominion; to conquer by force and compel to submit to the government or absolute control of another.

    He subjugated a king, and called him his vassal.NWAD SUBJUGATE.2

    [Subjugate differs from subject only in implying a reduction to a more tyrannical or arbitrary sway; but they are often used as synonymous.]NWAD SUBJUGATE.3

    SUBJUGATED, pp. Reduced to the absolute control of another.

    SUBJUGATING, ppr. Conquering and bringing under the absolute power of another.

    SUBJUGATION, n. The act of subduing and bringing under the power or absolute control of another.

    SUBJUNCTION, n. The act of subjoining, or state of being subjoined.

    SUBJUNCTIVE, a. [L. See Subjoin.]

    1. Subjoined or added to something before said or written.NWAD SUBJUNCTIVE.2

    2. In grammar, designating a form of verbs which follow other verbs or words expressing condition, hypothesis or contingency; as, veni ut me videas, I came that you may see me; Si fecerint aequum, if they should do what is just.NWAD SUBJUNCTIVE.3

    3. Subjunctive is often used as a noun, denoting the subjunctive mode.NWAD SUBJUNCTIVE.4

    SUBLANATE, a. [L., wool.] In botany, somewhat woolly.

    SUBLAPSARIAN, SUBLAPSARY, a. [L., fall.] Done after the apostasy of Adam. [See the Noun.]

    SUBLAPSARIAN, n. One who maintains the sublapsarian doctrine, that the sin of Adams apostasy being imputed to all his posterity, God in compassion decreed to send his Son to rescue a great number from their lost state, and to accept of his obedience and death on their account. The decree of reprobation, according to the sublapsarians, is nothing but a preterition or non-election of persons, whom God left as he found, involved in the guilt of Adams transgression without any personal sin, when he withdrew some others as guilty as they.

    Sublapsarian is opposed to supralapsarian.NWAD SUBLAPSARIAN.3

    SUBLATION, n. [L.] The act of taking or carrying away.

    SUBLET, v.t. [sub and let.] To underlet; to lease, as a lessee to another person. [Unusual.]

    SUBLEVATION, n. [L.] The act of raising on high.

    SUBLIEUTENANT, n. An officer in the royal regiment of artillery and fusileers, in which are no ensigns, and who is the same as second lieutenant.

    SUBLIGATION, n. [L., sub and ligo, to bind.] The act of binding underneath.

    SUBLIMABLE, a. [from sublime.] That may be sublimated; capable of being raised by heat into vapor, and again condensed by cold.

    SUBLIMABLENESS, n. The quality of being sublimable.

    SUBLIMATE, v.t. [from sublime.]

    1. To bring a solid substance, as camphor or sulphur, into the state of vapor by heat, which on cooling, returns again to the solid state. [See Sublimation.]NWAD SUBLIMATE.2

    2. To refine and exalt; to highthen; to elevate.NWAD SUBLIMATE.3

    And as his actions rose, so raise they still their vein, in words whose weight best suits a sublimated strain.NWAD SUBLIMATE.4

    SUBLIMATE, n. The product of a sublimation. Corrosive sublimate is the muriate of mercury when it has undergone sublimation. It is one of the most virulent of the mineral poisons.

    Blue sublimate, is a preparation of mercury with flower of brimstone and sal ammoniac; used in painting.NWAD SUBLIMATE.6

    SUBLIMATE, a. Brought into a state of vapor by heat and again condensed, as solid substances.

    SUBLIMATED, pp. Brought into a state of vapor by heat, as a solid substance; refined.

    SUBLIMATING, ppr. Converting into the state of vapor by heat, and condensing; as solid substances.


    1. The operation of bringing a solid substance into the state of vapor by heat, and condensing it again into a solid by cold. Sublimation bears the same relation to a solid, that distillation does to a liquid. Both processes purify the substances to which they are severally applied, by separating them from the fixed and grosser matters with which they are connected.NWAD SUBLIMATION.2

    2. Exaltation; elevation; act of highthening or improving.NWAD SUBLIMATION.3

    Religion, the perfection, refinement and sublimation of morality.NWAD SUBLIMATION.4

    SUBLIME, a. [L. sublimis.]

    1. High in place; exalted aloft.NWAD SUBLIME.2

    Sublime on these a tow’r of steel is rear’d.NWAD SUBLIME.3

    2. High in excellence; exalted by nature; elevated.NWAD SUBLIME.4

    Can it be that souls sublimeNWAD SUBLIME.5

    Return to visit our terrestrial clime?NWAD SUBLIME.6

    3. High in style or sentiment; lofty; grand.NWAD SUBLIME.7

    Easy in style thy work, in sense sublime.NWAD SUBLIME.8

    4. Elevated by joy; as sublime with expectation.NWAD SUBLIME.9

    5. Lofty of mein; elevated in manner.NWAD SUBLIME.10

    His fair large front and eye sublime declar’dNWAD SUBLIME.11

    Absolute rule.NWAD SUBLIME.12

    SUBLIME, n. A grand or lofty style; a style that expresses lofty conceptions.

    The sublime rises from the nobleness of thoughts, the magnificence of words, or the harmonious and lively turn of the phrase--NWAD SUBLIME.14

    SUBLIME, v.t. To sublimate, which see.

    1. To raise on high.NWAD SUBLIME.16

    2. To exalt; to highten; to improve.NWAD SUBLIME.17

    The sun--NWAD SUBLIME.18

    Which not alone the southern wit sublimes,NWAD SUBLIME.19

    But ripens spirits in cold northern climes.NWAD SUBLIME.20

    SUBLIME, v.i. To be brought or changed into a state of vapor by heat, and then condensed by cold, as a solid substance.

    Particles of antimony which will not sublime alone.NWAD SUBLIME.22

    SUBLIMED, pp. Brought into a state of vapor by heat, and when cooled, changed to a solid state.

    SUBLIMELY, adv. With elevated conceptions; loftily; as, to express one’s self sublimely.

    In English lays, and all sublimely great,NWAD SUBLIMELY.2

    Thy Homer charms with all his ancient heat.NWAD SUBLIMELY.3

    SUBLIMENESS, n. Loftiness of style or sentiment; sublimity.

    SUBLIMING, ppr. Sublimating; exalting.

    SUBLIMITY, n. [L. sublimitas.]

    1. Elevation of place; lofty highth.NWAD SUBLIMITY.2

    2. Highth in excellence; loftiness of nature or character; moral grandeur; as God’s incomprehensible sublimity.NWAD SUBLIMITY.3

    The sublimity of the character of Christ owes nothing to his historians.NWAD SUBLIMITY.4

    3. In oratory and composition, lofty conceptions, or such conceptions expressed in corresponding language; loftiness of sentiment or style.NWAD SUBLIMITY.5

    Milton’s distinguishing excellence lies in the sublimity of his thoughts.NWAD SUBLIMITY.6

    SUBLINGUAL, a. [L. sub and lingua, the tongue.]

    Situated under the tongue; as the sublingual glands.NWAD SUBLINGUAL.2

    SUBLUNAR, SUBLUNARY, a. [L. sub and luna, the moon.] Literally, beneath the moon, but sublunary, which is the word chiefly used, denotes merely terrestrial, earthly, pertaining to this world.

    All things sublunary are subject to change.NWAD SUBLUNAR.2

    SUBLUXATION, n. [sub and luxation.] In surgery, a violent sprain; also, an incomplete dislocation.

    SUBMARINE, a. [L. sub and marinus, from mare, the sea.]

    Being, acting or growing under water in the sea; as submarine navigators; submarine plants.NWAD SUBMARINE.2

    SUBMAXILLARY, a. [L. sub and maxilla, the jaw-bone.] Situated under the jaw.

    The submaxillary glands are two salivatory glands, situated one on either side, immediately within the angle of the lower jaw.NWAD SUBMAXILLARY.2

    SUBMEDIANT, n. In music, the sixth note, or middle note between the octave and subdominant.

    SUBMERGE, v.t. submerj’. [L. submergo; sub and mergo, to plunge.]

    1. To put under water; to plunge.NWAD SUBMERGE.2

    2. To cover or overflow with water; to drown.NWAD SUBMERGE.3

    So half my Egypt was submerg’d.NWAD SUBMERGE.4

    SUBMERGE, v.i. submerj’. To plunge under water, as swallows.

    SUBMERGED, pp. Put under water; overflowed.

    SUBMERGING, ppr. Putting under water; overflowing.

    SUBMERSE, SUBMERSED, a. submers’. [L. submersus.] Being or growing under water, as the leaves of aquatic plants.

    SUBMERSION, n. [L. submersus.]

    1. The act of putting under water or causing to be overflowed; as the submersion of an isle or tract of land.NWAD SUBMERSION.2

    2. The act of plunging under water; the act of drowning.NWAD SUBMERSION.3

    SUBMINISTER, SUBMINISTRATE, v.t. [L. subministro; sub and ministro.]

    To supply; to afford. [Not in use.]NWAD SUBMINISTER.2

    SUBMINISTER, v.i. To subserve; to be useful to.

    Our passions--subminister to the best and worst of purposes.NWAD SUBMINISTER.4

    [Not in use.] [See Minister and Administer.]NWAD SUBMINISTER.5

    SUBMINISTRANT, a. Subservient; serving in subordination. [Not in use.]

    SUBMINISTRATION, n. The act of furnishing or supplying. [Not in use.]

    SUBMISS, a. [L. submissus, submitto.] Submissive; humble; obsequious. [Rarely used, and in poetry only.]

    SUBMISSION, n. [L. submissio, from submitto.]

    1. The act of submitting; the act of yielding to power or authority; surrender of the person and power to the control or government of another.NWAD SUBMISSION.2

    Submission, dauphin! ‘tis a mere French word;NWAD SUBMISSION.3

    We English warriors wot not what it means.NWAD SUBMISSION.4

    2. Acknowledgment of inferiority or dependence; humble or suppliant behavior.NWAD SUBMISSION.5

    In all submission and humility,NWAD SUBMISSION.6

    York doth present himself unto your highness.NWAD SUBMISSION.7

    3. Acknowledgment of a fault; confession or error.NWAD SUBMISSION.8

    Be not as extreme in submission, as in offense.NWAD SUBMISSION.9

    4. Obedience; compliance with the commands or laws of a superior. Submission of children to their parents is an indispensable duty.NWAD SUBMISSION.10

    5. Resignation; a yielding of one’s will to the will or appointment of a superior without murmuring. Entire and cheerful submission to the will of God is a christian duty of prime excellence.NWAD SUBMISSION.11

    SUBMISSIVE, a. Yielding to the will or power of another; obedient.

    1. Humble; acknowledging one’s inferiority; testifying one’s submission.NWAD SUBMISSIVE.2

    Her at his feet submissive in distress,NWAD SUBMISSIVE.3

    He thus with peaceful words uprais’d.NWAD SUBMISSIVE.4

    SUBMISSIVELY, adv. With submission; with acknowledgment of inferiority; humbly.

    The goddess,NWAD SUBMISSIVELY.2

    Soft in her tone, submissively replies.NWAD SUBMISSIVELY.3

    SUBMISSIVENESS, n. A submissive temper or disposition.

    1. Humbleness; acknowledgment of inferiority.NWAD SUBMISSIVENESS.2

    2. Confession of fault.NWAD SUBMISSIVENESS.3

    Frailty gets pardon by submissiveness.NWAD SUBMISSIVENESS.4

    SUBMISSLY, adv. Humbly; with submission. [Little used.]

    SUBMISSNESS, n. Humbleness; obedience. [Little used.]

    SUBMIT, v.t. [L. submitto; sub, under, and mitto, to send.]

    1. To let down; to cause to sink or lower.NWAD SUBMIT.2

    Sometimes the hill submits itself a while.NWAD SUBMIT.3

    [This use of the word is nearly or wholly obsolete.]NWAD SUBMIT.4

    2. To yield, resign or surrender to the power, will or authority of another; with the reciprocal pronoun.NWAD SUBMIT.5

    Return to thy mistress, and submit thyself under her hand. Genesis 16:9.NWAD SUBMIT.6

    Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands. Ephesians 5:22.NWAD SUBMIT.7

    Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man. 1 Peter 2:13.NWAD SUBMIT.8

    3. To refer; to leave or commit to the discretion of judgment of another; as, to submit a controversy to arbitrators; to submit a question to the court.NWAD SUBMIT.9

    SUBMIT, v.i. To surrender; to yield one’s person to the power of another; to give up resistance. The enemy submitted.

    The revolted provinces presently submitted.NWAD SUBMIT.11

    1. To yield one’s opinion to the opinion or authority of another. On hearing the opinion of the court, the counsel submitted without further argument.NWAD SUBMIT.12

    2. To be subject; to acquiesce in the authority of another.NWAD SUBMIT.13

    To thy husband’s willNWAD SUBMIT.14

    Thine shall submit--NWAD SUBMIT.15

    3. To be submissive; to yield without murmuring.NWAD SUBMIT.16

    Our religion requires us--to submit to pain, disgrace and even death.NWAD SUBMIT.17

    SUBMITTED, pp. Surrendered; resigned; yielded; referred.

    SUBMITTER, n. One who submits.

    SUBMITTING, ppr. Surrendering; resigning; yielding; referring to another for decision.

    SUBMULTIPLE, n. [See Multiply.] A number or quantity which is contained in another a certain number of times, or is an aliquot part of it. Thus 7 is the submultiple of 56, being contained in it eight times. The word is used as an adjective also; as a submultiple number; submultiple ratio.

    SUBNASCENT, a. [L. sub and nascor.] Growing underneath.

    SUBNECT, v.t. [L. subnecto.] To tie, buckle or fasten beneath. [Not in use.]

    SUBNORMAL, n. [L. sub and norma, a rule.] A subperpendicular, or a line under the perpendicular to a curve.

    SUBNUDE, a. [L. sub and nudus, naked.] In botany, almost naked or bare of leaves.

    SUBOBSCURELY, adv. Somewhat obscurely or darkly.

    SUBOCCIPITAL, a. Being under the occiput; as the suboccipital nerves.

    SUBOCTAVE, SUBOCTUPLE, a. [L. sub and octavus or octuple.] Containing one part of eight.

    SUBOCULAR, a. [L. sub and oculus.] Being under the eye.

    SUBORBICULAR, SUBORBICULATE, a. [L. sub and orbiculatus.] Almost orbiculate or orbicular; nearly circular.

    SUBORDINACY, n. [See Subordinate.]

    1. The state of being subordinate or subject to control; as, to bring the imagination to act in subordinacy to reason.NWAD SUBORDINACY.2

    2. Series of subordination. [Little used.]NWAD SUBORDINACY.3

    SUBORDINANCY, n. [Not in use. See Subordinacy.]

    SUBORDINATE, a. [L. sub and ordinatus, from ordo, order.]

    1. Inferior in order, in nature, in dignity, in power, importance, etc.; as subordinate officers.NWAD SUBORDINATE.2

    It was subordinate, not enslaved, to the understanding.NWAD SUBORDINATE.3

    2. Descending in a regular series.NWAD SUBORDINATE.4

    The several kinds and subordinate species of each, are easily distinguished.NWAD SUBORDINATE.5

    SUBORDINATE, v.t. To place in order or rank below something else; to make or consider as of less value or importance; as, to subordinate one creature to another; to subordinate temporal to spiritual things.

    1. To make subject; as, to subordinate the passions to reason.NWAD SUBORDINATE.7

    SUBORDINATED, pp. Placed in an inferior rank; considered as of inferior importance; subjected.

    SUBORDINATELY, adv. In a lower rank or of inferior importance.

    1. In a series regularly descending.NWAD SUBORDINATELY.2

    SUBORDINATION, n. [See Subordinate.]

    1. The state of being inferior to another; inferiority of rank or dignity.NWAD SUBORDINATION.2

    2. A series regularly descending.NWAD SUBORDINATION.3

    Natural creatures having a local subordination--NWAD SUBORDINATION.4

    3. Place of rank among inferiors.NWAD SUBORDINATION.5

    --Persons, who in their several subordinations would be obliged to follow the example of their superiors.NWAD SUBORDINATION.6

    4. Subjection; state of being under control or government.NWAD SUBORDINATION.7

    The most glorious military achievements would be a calamity and a curse, if purchased at the expense of habits of subordination and love of order.NWAD SUBORDINATION.8

    SUBORN, v.t. [L. suborno; sub and orno. The sense of orno, in this word, and the primary sense, is to put on, to furnish. Hence suborno, to furnish privately, that is, to bribe.]

    1. In law, to procure a person to take such a false oath as constitutes perjury.NWAD SUBORN.2

    2. To procure privately or by collusion.NWAD SUBORN.3

    Or else thou art suborn’d against his honor.NWAD SUBORN.4

    3. To procure by indirect means.NWAD SUBORN.5

    Those who by despair suborn their death.NWAD SUBORN.6

    SUBORNATION, n. In law, the crime of procuring a person to take such a false oath as constitutes perjury.

    1. The crime of procuring one to do a criminal or bad action.NWAD SUBORNATION.2

    SUBORNED, pp. Procured to take a false oath, or to do a bad action.

    SUBORNER, n. One who procures another to take a false oath, or to do a bad action.

    SUBORNING, ppr. Procuring one to take a false oath, or to do a criminal action.

    SUBOVATE, a. [L. sub and ovatus, from ovum, an egg.]

    Almost ovate; nearly in the form of an egg.NWAD SUBOVATE.2

    SUBPENA, n. [L. sub and poena, pain, penalty.]

    A writ commanding the attendance in court of the person on whom it is served; as witnesses, etc.NWAD SUBPENA.2

    SUBPENA, v.t. To serve with a writ of subpena; to command attendance in court by a legal writ.

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