GLORIFYING, ppr. Praising; honoring in worship; exalting to glory; honoring; extolling.
GLORIOUS, a. [L. gloriosus. See Glory.]
1. Illustrious; of exalted excellence and splendor; resplendent in majesty and divine attributes; applied to God. Exodus 15:11.NWAD GLORIOUS.2
2. Noble; excellent; renowned; celebrated; illustrious; very honorable; applied to men, their achievements, titles, etc.NWAD GLORIOUS.3
Let us remember we are Cato’s friends,NWAD GLORIOUS.4
And act like men who claim that glorious title.NWAD GLORIOUS.5
3. Boastful; self-exulting; haughty; ostentatious.NWAD GLORIOUS.6
GLORIOUSLY, adv. Splendidly; illustriously; with great renown or dignity.
Sing ye to the Lord, for he hath triumphed gloriously. Exodus 15:21.NWAD GLORIOUSLY.2
GLORY, n. [L. gloria; planus; hence, bright, shining. Glory, then, is brightness, splendor. The L. floreo, to blossom, to flower, to flourish, is probably of the same family.]
1. Brightness; luster; splendor.NWAD GLORY.2
The moon, serene in glory, mounts the sky.NWAD GLORY.3
For he received from God the Father honor and glory, when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory. 2 Peter 1:17.NWAD GLORY.4
In this passage of Peter, the latter word glory refers to the visible splendor or bright cloud that overshadowed Christ at his transfiguration. The former word glory, though the same in the original, is to be understood in a figurative sense.NWAD GLORY.5
2. Splendor; magnificence.NWAD GLORY.6
Solomon, in all his glory, was not arrayed like one of these. Matthew 6:29.NWAD GLORY.7
3. The circle of rays surrounding the head of a figure in painting.NWAD GLORY.8
4. Praise ascribed in adoration; honor.NWAD GLORY.9
Glory to God in the highest. Luke 2:14.NWAD GLORY.10
5. Honor; praise; fame; renown; celebrity. The hero pants for glory in the field. It was the glory of Howard to relieve the wretched.NWAD GLORY.11
6. The felicity of heaven prepared for the children of God; celestial bliss.NWAD GLORY.12
Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterwards receive me to glory. Psalm 73:24.NWAD GLORY.13
7. In scripture, the divine presence; or the ark, the manifestation of it.NWAD GLORY.14
The glory is departed from Israel. 1 Samuel 4:21-22.NWAD GLORY.15
8. The divine perfections or excellence.NWAD GLORY.16
The heavens declare the glory of God. Psalm 19:1.NWAD GLORY.17
9. Honorable representation of God. 1 Corinthians 11:7.NWAD GLORY.18
10. Distinguished honor or ornament; that which honors or makes renowned; that of which one may boast.NWAD GLORY.19
Babylon, the glory of kingdoms. Isaiah 13:19.NWAD GLORY.20
11. Pride; boastfulness; arrogance; as vain glory.NWAD GLORY.21
12. Generous pride.NWAD GLORY.22
GLORY, v.i. [L. glorior, from gloria.]
To exult with joy; to rejoice.NWAD GLORY.24
Glory ye in his holy name. Psalm 105:3; 1 Chronicles 16:10.NWAD GLORY.25
1. To boast; to be proud of.NWAD GLORY.26
No one should glory in his prosperity.NWAD GLORY.27
GLORYING, ppr. Exulting with joy; boasting.
GLORYING, n. The act of exulting; exultation; boasting; display of pride.
Your glorying is not good. 1 Corinthians 5:6.NWAD GLORYING.3
GLOSE, GLOSER. [See Gloze.]
GLOSS, n. [Gr. the tongue, and a strap. L. has glossa, a tongue, and interpretation. In Heb. signifies to shine, but from the sense of smoothness. L. lustro; Eng. luster.]
1. Brightness or luster of a body proceeding from a smooth surface; as the gloss of silk; cloth is calendared to give it a gloss.NWAD GLOSS.2
2. A specious appearance or representation; external show that may mislead opinion.NWAD GLOSS.3
It is no part of my secret meaning to set on the face of this cause any fairer gloss than the naked truth doth afford.NWAD GLOSS.4
3. An interpretation artfully specious.NWAD GLOSS.5
4. Interpretation; comment; explanation; remark intended to illustrate a subject.NWAD GLOSS.6
All this, without a gloss or comment,NWAD GLOSS.7
He would unriddle in a moment.NWAD GLOSS.8
Explaining the text in short glosses.NWAD GLOSS.9
5. A literal translation.NWAD GLOSS.10
GLOSS, v.t. To give a superficial luster to; to make smooth and shining; as, to gloss cloth by the calendar; to gloss mahogany.
1. To explain; to render clear and evident by comments; to illustrate.NWAD GLOSS.12
2. To give a specious appearance to; to render specious and plausible; to palliate by specious representation.NWAD GLOSS.13
You have the art to gloss the foulest cause.NWAD GLOSS.14
GLOSS, v.i. To comment; to write or make explanatory remarks.
1. To make sly remarks.NWAD GLOSS.16
GLOSSARIAL, a. Containing explanation.
GLOSSARIST, n. A writer of glosses or comments.
GLOSSARY, n. [Low L. glossarium.]
A dictionary or vocabulary, explaining obscure or antiquated words found in old authors; such as Du Canage’s Glossary; Spelman’s Glossary.NWAD GLOSSARY.2
GLOSSATOR, n. A writer of comments; a commentator. [Not used.]
GLOSSED, pp. Made smooth and shining; explained.
GLOSSER, n. A writer of glosses; a scholiast; a commentator.
1. A polisher; one who gives a luster.NWAD GLOSSER.2
GLOSSINESS, n. [from glossy.] The luster or brightness of a smooth surface.
GLOSSING, ppr. Giving luster to; polishing; explaining by comments; giving a specious appearance.
GLOSSIST, n. A writer of comments. [Not in use.]
GLOSSOGRAPHER, n. [gloss and Gr. to write.]
A writer of glosses; a commentator; a scholiast.NWAD GLOSSOGRAPHER.2
GLOSSOGRAPHY, n. The writing of comments for illustrating an author.
GLOSSOLOGIST, n. [gloss.] One who writes glosses; a commentator.
GLOSSOLOGY, n. [gloss and Gr. discourse.]
Glosses or commentaries; explanatory notes for illustrating an author.NWAD GLOSSOLOGY.2
GLOSSY, a. Smooth and shining; reflecting luster from a smooth surface; highly polished; as glossy silk; a glossy raven; a glossy plum.
GLOTTIS, n. [Gr. the tongue.] The narrow opening at the upper part of the aspera arteria or windpipe, which, by its dilatation and contraction, contributes to the modulation of the voice.
GLOUT, v.i. To pout; to look sullen. [Not used.]
GLOUT, v.t. To view attentively. [Not in use.]
GLOVE, n. A cover for the hand, or for the hand and arm, with a separate sheath for each finger. The latter circumstance distinguishes the glove from the mitten.
To throw the glove, with our ancestors, was to challenge to single combat.NWAD GLOVE.2
GLOVE, v.t. To cover with a glove.
GLOVER, n. One whose occupation is to make and sell gloves.
GLOW, v.i.
1. To shine with intense heat; or perhaps more correctly, to shine with a white heat; to exhibit incandescence. Hence, in a more general sense, to shine with a bright luster.NWAD GLOW.2
Glows in the stars, and blossoms in the trees.NWAD GLOW.3
2. To burn with vehement heat.NWAD GLOW.4
The scorching fire that in their entrails glows.NWAD GLOW.5
3. To feel great heat of body; to be hot.NWAD GLOW.6
Did not his temples glowNWAD GLOW.7
In the same sultry winds and scorching heats?NWAD GLOW.8
4. To exhibit a strong bright color; to be red.NWAD GLOW.9
Clad in a gown that glows with Tyrian rays.NWAD GLOW.10
Fair ideas flow,NWAD GLOW.11
Strike in the sketch, or in the picture glow.NWAD GLOW.12
5. To be bright or red with heat or animation, or with blushes; as glowing cheeks.NWAD GLOW.13
6. To feel the heat of passion; to be ardent; to be animated, as by intense love, zeal, anger, etc.NWAD GLOW.14
We say, the heart glows with love or zeal; the glowing breast.NWAD GLOW.15
When real virtue fires the glowing bard.NWAD GLOW.16
If you have never glowed with gratitude to the author of the christian revelation, you know nothing of christianity.NWAD GLOW.17
7. To burn with intense heat; to rage; as passion.NWAD GLOW.18
With pride it mounts, and with revenge it glows.NWAD GLOW.19
GLOW, v.i. To heat so as to shine. [Not used.]
GLOW, n. Shining heat, or white heat.
1. Brightness of color; redness; as the glow of health in the cheeks.NWAD GLOW.22
A waving glow his bloomy beds display,NWAD GLOW.23
Blushing in bright diversities of day.NWAD GLOW.24
2. Vehemence of passion.NWAD GLOW.25
GLOWING, ppr. Shining with intense heat; white with heat.
1. Burning with vehement heat.NWAD GLOWING.2
2. Exhibiting a bright color; red; as a glowing color; glowing cheeks.NWAD GLOWING.3
3. Ardent; vehement; animated; as glowing zeal.NWAD GLOWING.4
4. Inflamed; as a glowing breast.NWAD GLOWING.5
GLOWINGLY, adv. With great brightness; with ardent heat or passion.
GLOWWORM, n. The female of the Lampyris noctiluca, an insect of the order of Coleopters. It is without wings and resembles a caterpillar. It emits a shining green light from the extremity of the abdomen. The male is winged and flies about in the evening, when it is attracted by the light of the female.
GLOZE, v.i. To flatter; to wheedle; to fawn; that is, to smooth, or to talk smoothly.
So glozed the tempter, and his proem tun’d.NWAD GLOZE.2
A false glozing parasite.NWAD GLOZE.3
GLOZE, n. Flattery; adulation.
1. Specious show; gloss. [Not used. See Gloss.]NWAD GLOZE.5
GLOZER, n. A flatterer.
GLOZING, ppr. Flattering; wheedling.
GLOZING, n. Specious representation.
GLUCIN, n. [Gr.] A soft white earth or powder obtained from the beryl and emerald; so named from its forming, with acids, salts that are sweet to the taste.
Glucin is a compound, of which glucinum is the base.NWAD GLUCIN.2
GLUE, n. glu. [L. gluten.]
Inspissated animal gluten; a tenacious, viscid matter, which serves as a cement to unite other substances. It is made of the skins, parings, etc. of animals, as of oxen, calves or sheep, by boiling them to a jelly.NWAD GLUE.2
GLUE, v.t. To join with glue or a viscous substance. Cabinet makers glue together some parts of furniture.
1. To unite; to hold together.NWAD GLUE.4
[This word is now seldom used in a figurative sense. The phrases, to glue friends together, vices glue us to low pursuits or pleasures, found in writers of the last century, are not now used, or are deemed inelegant.]NWAD GLUE.5
GLUEBOILER, n. [glue and boil.] One whose occupation is to make glue.
GLUED, pp. United or cemented with glue.
GLUER, n. One who cements with glue.
GLUEY, a. Viscous; glutinous.
GLUEYNESS, n. The quality of being gluey.
GLUING, ppr. Cementing with glue.
GLUISH, a. Having the nature of glue.
GLUM, a. Frowning; sullen. [Little used.]
GLUM, n. Sullenness; and, as a verb, to look sullen. [Not in use.]
GLUMACEOUS, a. Having glumes; consisting of glumes.
GLUME, n. [L. gluma, from glubo, to bark or peel.]
In botany, the calyx or corol of corn and grasses, formed of valves embracing the seed, often terminated by the arista or beard; the husk or chaff.NWAD GLUME.2
GLUMMY, a. Dark; gloomy; dismal.
GLUMOUS, a. A glumous flower is a kind of aggregate flower, having a filiform receptacle, with a common glume at the base.
GLUT, v.i. [L. glutio, Low L. gluto, a glutton.]
1. To swallow, or to swallow greedily; to gorge.NWAD GLUT.2
2. To cloy; to fill beyond sufficiency; to sate; to disgust; as, to glut the appetites.NWAD GLUT.3
3. To feast or delight even to satiety.NWAD GLUT.4
His faithful heart, a bloody sacrifice,NWAD GLUT.5
Torn from his breast, to glut the tyrant’s eyes.NWAD GLUT.6
4. To fill or furnish beyond sufficiency; as, to glut the market.NWAD GLUT.7
5. To saturate.NWAD GLUT.8
GLUT, n. That which is swallowed.
1. Plenty even to loathing.NWAD GLUT.10
He shall find himself miserable, even in the very glut of his delights.NWAD GLUT.11
A glut of study and retirement.NWAD GLUT.12
2. More than enough; superabundance.NWAD GLUT.13
3. Any thing that fills or obstructs the passage.NWAD GLUT.14
4. A wooden wedge.NWAD GLUT.15
GLUTEAL, a. [Gr. nates.] The gluteal artery, is a branch of the hypogastric or internal iliac artery, which supplies the gluteal muscles.
The gluteal muscles, are three large muscles on each side, which make up the fleshy part of the buttocks.NWAD GLUTEAL.2
GLUTEN, n. [L. See Glue.] A tough elastic substance, of a grayish color, which becomes brown and brittle by drying; found in the flour of wheat and other grain. It contributes much to the nutritive quality of flour, and gives tenacity to its paste. A similar substance is found in the juices of certain plants.
1. That part of the blood which gives firmness to its texture.NWAD GLUTEN.2
GLUTINATE, v.t. To unite with glue; to cement.
GLUTINATION, n. The act of uniting with glue.
GLUTINATIVE, a. Having the quality of cementing; tenacious.
GLUTINOSITY, n. The quality of being glutinous; viscousness.
GLUTINOUS, n. [L. glutinosus.] Viscous; viscid; tenacious; having the quality of glue; resembling glue. Starch is glutinous.
1. In botany, besmeared with a slippery moisture; as a glutinous leaf.NWAD GLUTINOUS.2
GLUTINOUSNESS, n. Viscosity; viscidity; the quality of glue, tenacity.
GLUTTON, n. glut’n. [Low L. gluto.] One who indulges to excess in eating.
1. One eager of any thing to excess.NWAD GLUTTON.2
Gluttons in murder, wanton to destroy.NWAD GLUTTON.3
2. In zoology, an animal of the genus Ursus, found in the N. of Europe and Siberia. It grows to the length of three feet, but has short legs and moves slowly. It is a carnivorous animal, and in order to catch its prey, it climbs a tree and from that darts down upon a deer or other animal. It is names from its voracious appetite.NWAD GLUTTON.4
GLUTTONIZE, v.i. To eat to excess; to eat voraciously; to indulge the appetite to excess; to be luxurious.
GLUTTONOUS, a. Given to excessive eating; indulging the appetite for food to excess; as a gluttonous age.
1. Consisting in excessive eating; as gluttonous delight.NWAD GLUTTONOUS.2
GLUTTONOUSLY, adv. With the voracity of a glutton; with excessive eating.
GLUTTONY, n. Excess in eating; extravagant indulgence of the appetite for food.
1. Luxury of the table.NWAD GLUTTONY.2
Their sumptuous gluttonies and gorgeous feasts.NWAD GLUTTONY.3
2. Voracity of appetite.NWAD GLUTTONY.4
GLYCONIAN, GLYCONIC, a. [Low L. glyconium.] Denoting a kind of verse in Greek and Latin poetry, consisting of three feet, a spondee, a choriamb, and a pyrrhic; as Glyconic measure.
GLYN. [See Glen.]
GLYPH, n. [Gr. to carve.] In sculpture and architecture, a canal, channel or cavity intended as an ornament.
GLYPHIC, n. A picture or figure by which a word is implied. [See Hieroglyphic.]
GLYPTIC, n. [supra.] The art of engraving figures on precious stones.
GLYPTOGRAPHIC, a. [Gr.] Describing the methods of engraving on precious stones.
GLYPTOGRAPNY, n. [supra.] A description of the art of engraving on precious stones.
GNAR, GNARL, v.i. n`ar and n`arl. To growl; to murmur; to snarl.
And wolves are gnarling which shall gnaw thee first.NWAD GNAR.2
[Gnar is nearly obsolete.]NWAD GNAR.3
GNARLED, a. n`arled. Knotty; full of knots; as the gnarled oak.
GNASH, v.t. nash. To strike the teeth together, as in anger or pain; as, to gnash the teeth in rage.
GNASH, v.i. nash. To grind the teeth.
He shall gnash with his teeth and melt away. Psalm 112:10.NWAD GNASH.3
1. To rage even to collision with the teeth; to growl.NWAD GNASH.4
They gnashed on me with their teeth. Psalm 35:16.NWAD GNASH.5
GNASHING, ppr. nash’ing. Striking the teeth together, as in anger, rage or pain.
GNASHING, n. nash’ing. A grinding or striking of the teeth in rage or anguish.
There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Matthew 8:12.NWAD GNASHING.3
GNAT, n. nat. A small insect, or rather a genus of insects, the Culex, whose long cylindric body is composed of eight rings. They have six legs and their mouth is formed by a flexible sheath, inclosing bristles pointed like stings. The sting is a tube containing five or six spicula of exquisite fineness, dentated or edged. The most troublesome of this genus is the musketoe.
1. Any thing proverbially small.NWAD GNAT.2
Ye blind guides, who strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel. Matthew 23:24.NWAD GNAT.3
GNATFLOWER, n. A flower, called also bee-flower.
GNATSNAPPER, n. A bird that catches gnats.
GNATWORM, n. A small water insect produced by a gnat, and which after its several changes is transformed into a gnat; the larva of a gnat.
GNAW, v.t. naw. [Gr. to scrape.]
1. To bite off by little and little; to bite or scrape off with the fore teeth; to wear away by biting. The rats gnaw a board or plank; a worm gnaws the wood of a tree or the plank of a ship.NWAD GNAW.2
2. To eat by biting off small portions of food with the fore teeth.NWAD GNAW.3
3. To bite in agony or rage.NWAD GNAW.4
They gnawed their tongues for pain. Revelation 16:10.NWAD GNAW.5
4. To waste; to fret; to corrode.NWAD GNAW.6
5. To pick with the teeth.NWAD GNAW.7
His bones clean picked; his very bones they gnaw.NWAD GNAW.8
GNAW, v.i. naw. To use the teeth in biting.
I might well, like the spaniel, gnaw upon the chain that ties me.NWAD GNAW.10
GNAWED, pp. naw’ed. Bit; corroded.
GNAWER, n. naw’er. He or that which gnaws or corrodes.
GNAWING, ppr. naw’ing. Biting off by little and little; corroding; eating by slow degrees.
GNEISS, n. ne’is. In mineralogy, a species of aggregated rock, composed of quartz, feldspar and mica, of a structure more or less distinctly slaty. The layers, whether straight or curved, are frequently thick, but often vary considerably in the same specimen. It passes on one side into granite, from which it differs in its slaty structure, and on the other into mica slate. It is rich in metalic ores.
GNOFF, n. nof. A miser. [Not in use.]
GNOME, n. nome. An imaginary being, supposed by the cabalists, to inhabit the inner parts of the earth, and to be the guardian of mines, quarries. etc.
1. A brief reflection or maxim. [Not used.]NWAD GNOME.2
GNOMICAL, a. nomical. Sententious; containing maxims. [Little used.]
GNOMIOMETRICAL, a. [Gr. an index, and to measure.]
The gnomiometrical telescope and microscope is an instrument for measuring the angles of crystals by reflection, and for ascertaining the inclination of strata, and the apparaent magnitude of angles when the eye is not placed at the vertex.NWAD GNOMIOMETRICAL.2
GNOMOLOGIC, GNOMOLOGICAL, a. Pertaining to gnomology.
GNOMOLOGY, n. [Gr. a maxim or sentence, and discourse.]
A collection of maxims, grave sentences or reflections. [Little used.]NWAD GNOMOLOGY.2
GNOMON, n. no’mon. [Gr. an index, to know.]
1. In dialling, the style or pin, which by its shadow shows the hour of the day. It represents the axis of the earth.NWAD GNOMON.2
2. In astronomy, a style erected perpendicular to the horizon, in order to find the altitude of the sun.NWAD GNOMON.3
3. The gnomon of a globe, is the index of the hour-circle.NWAD GNOMON.4
GNOMONIC, GNOMONICAL, a. Pertaining to the art of dialling.
GNOMONICS, n. The art or science of dialling, or of constructing the dials to show the hour of the day by the shadow of a gnomon.
GNOSTIC, n. nostic. [L. gnosticus; Gr. to know.]
The Gnostics were a sect of philosophers that arose in the first ages of christianity, who pretended they were the only men who had a true knowledge of the christian religion. They formed for themselves a system of theology, agreeable to the philosophy of Pythagoras and Plato, to which they accommodated their interpretations of scripture. They held that all natures, intelligible, intellectual and material, are derived by successive emanations from the infinite fountain of deity. These emanations they called oeons. These doctrines were derived from the oriental philosophy.NWAD GNOSTIC.2
GNOSTIC, a. nostic. Pertaining to the Gnostics or their doctrines.
GNOSTICISM, n. nos’ticism. The doctrines, principles or systems of philosophy taught by the Gnostics.
GNU, n. A species of Antelope, in Southern Africa, whose form partakes of that of the horse, the ox, and the deer.
GO, v.i. pret. went; pp. gone.
1. In a general sense, to move; to pass; to proceed from one place, state or station to another; opposed to resting. A mill goes by water or by steam; a ship goes at the rate of five knots an hour; a clock goes fast or slow; a horse goes lame; a fowl or a ball goes with velocity through the air.NWAD GO.2
The mourners go about the streets. Ecclesiastes 12:5.NWAD GO.3
2. To walk; to move on the feet or step by step. The child begins to go alone at a year old.NWAD GO.4
You know that loveNWAD GO.5
Will creep in service where it cannot go.NWAD GO.6
3. To walk leisurely; not to run.NWAD GO.7
Thou must run to him; for thou hast staid so long that going will scarce serve the turn.NWAD GO.8
4. To travel; to journey by land or water. I must go to Boston. He has gone to Philadelphia. The minister is going to France.NWAD GO.9
5. To depart; to move from a place; opposed to come. The mail goes and comes every day, or twice a week.NWAD GO.10
I will let you go, that ye may sacrifice. Exodus 8:28.NWAD GO.11
6. To proceed; to pass.NWAD GO.12
And so the jest goes round.NWAD GO.13
7. To move; to pass in any manner or to any end; as, to go to bed; to go to dinner; to go to war.NWAD GO.14
8. To move or pass customarily from place to place, denoting custom or practice. The child goes to school. A ship goes regularly to London. We go to church.NWAD GO.15
9. To proceed from one state or opinion to another; to change. He goes from one opinion to another. His estate is going to ruin.NWAD GO.16
10. To proceed in mental operations; to advance; to penetrate. We can go but a very little way in developing the causes of things.NWAD GO.17
11. To proceed or advance in accomplishing an end. This sun will not go far towards full payment of the debt.NWAD GO.18
12. To apply; to be applicable. The argument goes to this point only; it goes to prove too much.NWAD GO.19
13. To apply one’s self.NWAD GO.20
Seeing himself confronted by so many, like a resolute orator, he went not to denial, but to justify his cruel falsehood.NWAD GO.21
14. To have recourse to; as, to go to law.NWAD GO.22
15. To be about to do; as, I was going to say. I am going to begin harvest. [This use is chiefly confined to the participle.]NWAD GO.23
16. To pass; to be accounted in value. All this goes for nothing. This coin goes for a crown.NWAD GO.24
17. To circulate; to pass in report. The story goes.NWAD GO.25
18. To pass; to be received; to be accounted or understood to be.NWAD GO.26
And the man went among men for an old man in the days of Saul. 1 Samuel 17:12.NWAD GO.27
19. To move, or be in motion; as a machine. [See No. 1.]NWAD GO.28
20. To move as fluid; to flow.NWAD GO.29
The god I am, whose yellow water flowsNWAD GO.30
Around these fields, and fattens as it goes,NWAD GO.31
Tiber my name.NWAD GO.32
21. To have a tendency.NWAD GO.33
Against right reason all your counsels go.NWAD GO.34
22. To be in compact or partnership.NWAD GO.35
They were to go equal shares in the booty.NWAD GO.36
23. To be guided or regulated; to proceed by some principle or rule. We are to go by the rules of law, or according to the precepts of scripture.NWAD GO.37
We are to go by another measure.NWAD GO.38
24. To be pregnant. The females of different animals go some a longer, some a shorter time.NWAD GO.39
25. To pass; to be alienated in payment or exchange. If our exports are of less value than our imports, our money must go to pay the balance.NWAD GO.40
26. To be loosed or released; to be freed from restraint. Let me go; let go the hand.NWAD GO.41
27. To be expended. His estate goes or has gone for spirituous liquors. [See No. 24.]NWAD GO.42
28. To extend; to reach. The line goes from one end to the other. His land goes to the bank of the Hudson.NWAD GO.43
29. to extend or lead in any direction. This road goes to Albany.NWAD GO.44
30. To proceed; to extend. This argument goes far towards proving the point. It goes a great way towards establishing the innocence of the accused.NWAD GO.45
31. To have effect; to extend in effect; to avail; to be of force or value. Money goes farther now than it did during the war.NWAD GO.46
32. To extend in meaning or purport.NWAD GO.47
His amorous expressions go no further than virtue may allow.NWAD GO.48
[In the three last examples, the sense of go depends on far, farther, further.]NWAD GO.49
33. To have a currency or use, as custom, opinion or manners.NWAD GO.50
I think, as the world goes, he was a good sort of man enough.NWAD GO.51
34. To contribute; to conduce; to concur; to be an ingredient; with to or into. The substances which go into this composition. Many qualifications go to make up the well bred man.NWAD GO.52
35. To proceed; to be carried on. The business goes on well.NWAD GO.53
36. To proceed to final issue; to terminate; to succeed.NWAD GO.54
Whether the cause goes for me or against me, you must pay me the reward.NWAD GO.55
37. To proceed in a train, or in consequences.NWAD GO.56
How goes the night, boy?NWAD GO.57
38. To fare; to be in a good or ill state.NWAD GO.58
How goes it, comrade?NWAD GO.59
39. To have a tendency or effect; to operate.NWAD GO.60
These cases go to show that the court will vary the construction of instruments.NWAD GO.61
To go about, to set one’s self to a business; to attempt; to endeavor.NWAD GO.62
They never go about to hide or palliate their vices.NWAD GO.63
1. In seamen’s language, to tack; to turn the head of a ship.NWAD GO.64
To go abroad, to walk out of a house.NWAD GO.65
1. To be uttered, disclosed or published.NWAD GO.66
To go against, to invade; to march to attack.NWAD GO.67
1. To be in opposition; to be disagreeable.NWAD GO.68
To go aside, to withdraw; to retire into a private situation.NWAD GO.69
1. To err; to deviate from the right way.NWAD GO.70
To go astray, to wander; to break from an inclosure; also, to leave the right course; to depart from law or rule; to sin; to transgress.NWAD GO.71
To go away, to depart; to go to a distance.NWAD GO.72
To go between, to interpose; to mediate; to attempt to reconcile or to adjust differences.NWAD GO.73
To go by, to pass near and beyond.NWAD GO.74
1. To pass away unnoticed; to omit.NWAD GO.75
2. To fine or get in the conclusion.NWAD GO.76
In argument with men, a woman everNWAD GO.77
Goes by the worse, whatever be her cause.NWAD GO.78
[A phrase now little used.]NWAD GO.79
To go down, to descend in any manner.NWAD GO.80
1. To fail; to come to nothing.NWAD GO.81
2. To be swallowed or received, not rejected. The doctrine of the divine right of kings will not go down in this period of the world.NWAD GO.82
To go forth to issue or depart out of a place.NWAD GO.83
To go forward, to advance.NWAD GO.84
To go hard with, to be in danger of a fatal issue; to have difficulty to escape.NWAD GO.85
To go in, to enter.NWAD GO.86
To go in to, to have sexual commerce with.NWAD GO.87
To go in and out, to do the business of life.NWAD GO.88
1. To go freely; to be at liberty. John 10:9.NWAD GO.89
To go off, to depart to a distance; to leave a place or station.NWAD GO.90
1. To die; to decease.NWAD GO.91
2. To be discharged, as fire arms; to explode.NWAD GO.92
To go on, to proceed; to advance forward.NWAD GO.93
1. To be put on, as a garment. The coat will not go on.NWAD GO.94
To go out, to issue forth; to depart from.NWAD GO.95
1. To go on an expedition.NWAD GO.96
2. To become extinct, as light or life; to expire. A candle goes out; fire goes out.NWAD GO.97
And life itself goes out at thy displeasure.NWAD GO.98
3. To become public. This story goes out to the world.NWAD GO.99
To go over, to read; to peruse; to study.NWAD GO.100
1. To examine; to view or review; as, to go over an account.NWAD GO.101
If we go over the laws of christianity--NWAD GO.102
2. To think over; to proceed or pass in mental operation.NWAD GO.103
3. To change sides; to pass from one party to another.NWAD GO.104
4. To revolt.NWAD GO.105
5. To pass from one side to the other, as of a river.NWAD GO.106
To go through, to pass in a substance; as, to go through water.NWAD GO.107
1. To execute; to accomplish; to perform thoroughly; to finish; as, to go through an undertaking.NWAD GO.108
2. To suffer; to bear; to undergo; to sustain to the end; as, to go through a long sickness; to go through an operation.NWAD GO.109
To go through with, to execute effectually.NWAD GO.110
To go under, to be talked of or known, as by a title or name; as, to go under the name of reformers.NWAD GO.111
To go up, to ascend; to rise.NWAD GO.112
To go upon, to proceed as on a foundation; to take as a principle supposed or settled; as, to go upon a supposition.NWAD GO.113
To go with, to accompany; to pass with others.NWAD GO.114
1. To side with; to be in party or design with.NWAD GO.115
To go ill with, to have ill fortune; not to prosper.NWAD GO.116
To go well with, to have good fortune; to prosper.NWAD GO.117
To go without, to be or remain destitute.NWAD GO.118
Go to, come, move, begin; a phrase of exhortation; also a phrase of scornful exhortation.NWAD GO.119
GO-BETWEEN, n. [go and between.] An interposer; one who transacts business between parties.
GO-BY, [go and by.] Evasion; escape by artifice.
1. A passing without notice; a thrusting away; a shifting off.NWAD GO-BY.2
GO-CART, n. [go and cart.] A machine with wheels, in which children learn to walk without danger of falling.
GOAD, n. A pointed instrument used to stimulate a beast to move faster.
GOAD, v.t. To prick; to drive with a goad.
1. To incite; to stimulate; to instigate; to urge forward, or to rouse by any thing pungent, severe, irritating or inflaming. He was goaded by sarcastic remarks or by abuse; goaded by desire or other passion.NWAD GOAD.3
GOADED, pp. Pricked; pushed on by a goad; instigated.
GOADING, ppr. Pricking; driving with a goad; inciting; urging on; rousing.
GOAL, n.
1. The point set to bound a race, and to which they run; the mark.NWAD GOAL.2
Part curb their fiery steeds, or shun the goalNWAD GOAL.3
With rapid wheels.NWAD GOAL.4
2. Any starting post.NWAD GOAL.5
3. The end or final purpose; the end to which a design tends, or which a person aims to reach or accomplish.NWAD GOAL.6
Each individual seeks a several goal.NWAD GOAL.7
GOAR, n. More usually gore, which see.