FLACCID, a. [L. flaccidus, from flacceo, to hand down, to flag.]
Soft and weak; limber; lax; drooping; hanging down by its own weight; yielding to pressure for want of firmness and stiffness; as a flaccid muscle; flaccid flesh.NWAD FLACCID.2
FLACCIDNESS, FLACCIDITY, n. Laxity; limberness: want of firmness or stiffness.
FLAG, v.i. [L. flacceo. See Flaccid. The sense is primarily to bend, or rather to recede, to lag.]
1. To hang loose without stiffness; to bend down as flexible bodies; to be loose and yielding; as the flagging sails.NWAD FLAG.2
2. To grow spiritless or dejected; to droop; to grow languid; as, the spirits flag.NWAD FLAG.3
3. To grow weak; to lose vigor; as, the strength flags.NWAD FLAG.4
4. To become dull or languid.NWAD FLAG.5
The pleasures of the town begin to flag.NWAD FLAG.6
FLAG, v.t. To let fall into feebleness; to suffer to drop; as, to flag the wings.
FLAG, n. A flat stone, or a pavement of flat stones.
FLAG, v.t. To lay with flat stones.
The sides and floor were all flagged with excellent marble.NWAD FLAG.10
FLAG, n. An aquatic plant, with a bladed leaf, probably so called from its bending or yielding to the wind.
FLAG, n.
An ensign or colors; a cloth on which are usually painted or wrought certain figures, and borne on a staff. In the army, a banner by which one regiment is distinguished from another. In the marine, a banner or standard by which the ships of one nation are distinguished from those of another, or by which an admiral is distinguished from other ships of his squadron. In the British navy, an admiral’s flag is displayed at the main-top-gallant-mast-head, a vice-admiral’s at the fore-top-gallant-mast-head, and a rear-admiral’s at the mizen-top-gallant-mast-head.NWAD FLAG.13
To strike or lower the flag, is to pull it down upon the cap in token of respect or submission. To strike the flag in an engagement, is the sign of surrendering.NWAD FLAG.14
To hang out the white flag, is to ask quarter; or in some cases, to manifest a friendly design. The red flag, is a sign of defiance or battle.NWAD FLAG.15
To hang the flag half mast high, is a token or signal of mourning.NWAD FLAG.16
Flag-officer, an admiral; the commander of a squadron.NWAD FLAG.17
Flag-ship, the ship which bears the admiral, and in which his flag is displayed.NWAD FLAG.18
Flag-staff, the staff that elevates the flag.NWAD FLAG.19
FLAGBROOM, n. A broom for sweeping flags.
FLAGSTONE, n. A flat stone for pavement.
FLAGWORM, n. A worm or grub found among flags and sedge.
FLAGELET, n. [L. flatus, by corruption or Gr. oblique, and a flute.]
A small flute; a small wind instrument of music.NWAD FLAGELET.2
FLAGELLANT, n. [L. flagellans, from flagello, to flog.]
One who whips himself in religious discipline. The flagellants were a fanatical sect which arose in Italy, AD. 1260, who maintained that flagellation was of equal virtue with baptism and the sacrament. They walked in procession with shoulders bare, and whipped themselves till the blood ran down their bodies, to obtain the mercy of God, and appease his wrath against the vices of the age.NWAD FLAGELLANT.2
FLAGELLATE, v.t. To whip; to scourge.
FLAGELLATION, n. [L. flagello, to beat or whip, to flog, from flagellum, a whip, scourge or flail. See Flail and Flog.]
A beating or whipping; a flogging; the discipline of the scourge.NWAD FLAGELLATION.2
FLAGGED, pp. Laid with flat stones.
FLAGGINESS, n. Laxity; limberness; want of tension.
FLAGGING, ppr. Growing weak; drooping; laying with flat stones.
1. Weak; flexible; limber; not stiff.NWAD FLAGGY.2
2. Weak in taste; insipid; as a flaggy apple.NWAD FLAGGY.3
3. Abounding with flags, the plant.NWAD FLAGGY.4
FLAGITIOUS, a. [L. flagitium, a scandalous crime, probably from the root of flagrant.]
1. Deeply criminal; grossly wicked; villainous; atrocious; scandalous; as a flagitious action or crime.NWAD FLAGITIOUS.2
2. Guilty of enormous crimes; corrupt; wicked; as a flagitious person.NWAD FLAGITIOUS.3
3. Marked or infected with scandalous crimes or vices; as flagitious times.NWAD FLAGITIOUS.4
FLAGITIOUSLY, adv. With extreme wickedness.
FLAGITIOUSNESS, n. Extreme wickedness; villainy.
FLAGON, n. [L. lagena; Gr.]
A vessel with a narrow mouth, used for holding and conveying liquors.NWAD FLAGON.2
Stay me with flagons, comfort me with apples; for I am sick of love.NWAD FLAGON.3
FLAGRANCY, n. [See Flagrant.]
1. A burning; great heat; inflammation. Obs.NWAD FLAGRANCY.2
Lust causeth a flagrancy in the eyes.NWAD FLAGRANCY.3
2. Excess; enormity; as the flagrancy of a crime.NWAD FLAGRANCY.4
FLAGRANT, a. [L. flagrans, from flagro, to burn; Gr.]
1. Burning; ardent; eager; as flagrant desires.NWAD FLAGRANT.2
2. Glowing; red; flushed.NWAD FLAGRANT.3
See Sapho, at her toilet’s greasy task,NWAD FLAGRANT.4
Then issuing flagrant to an evening mask.NWAD FLAGRANT.5
3. Red; inflamed.NWAD FLAGRANT.6
The beadle’s lash still flagrant on their back.NWAD FLAGRANT.7
[The foregoing senses are unusual.]NWAD FLAGRANT.8
4. Flaming in notice; glaring; notorious; enormous; as a flagrant crime.NWAD FLAGRANT.9
FLAGRANTLY, adv. Ardently; notoriously.
FLAGRATE, v.t. To burn. [Little used.]
FLAGRATION, n. A burning. [Little used.]
FLAIL, n. [L. flagellum. We retain the original verb in flog, to strike, to lay on, L. fligo, whence affligo, to afflict; plaga, a stroke, or perhaps from the same root as lick and lay. Gr. See Lick.]
An instrument for thrashing or beating corn from the ear.NWAD FLAIL.2
FLAKE, n. [L. floccus; Gr. Flake and flock are doubtless the same word, varied in orthography, and connected perhaps with L. plico, Gr. The sense is a complication, a crowd, or a lay.]
1. A small collection of snow, as it falls from the clouds or from the air; a little bunch or cluster of snowy crystals, such as fall in still moderate weather. This is a flake, lock or flock of snow.NWAD FLAKE.2
2. A platform of hurdles, or small sticks made fast or interwoven, supported by stanchions, on which cod-fish is dried.NWAD FLAKE.3
3. A layer or stratum; as a flake of flesh or tallow. Job 41:23.NWAD FLAKE.4
4. A collection or little particle of fire, or of combustible matter on fire, separated and flying off.NWAD FLAKE.5
5. Any scaly matter in layers; any mass cleaving off in scales.NWAD FLAKE.6
Little flakes of scurf.NWAD FLAKE.7
6. A sort of carnations of two colors only, having large stripes going through the leaves.NWAD FLAKE.8
White-flake, in painting, is lead corroded by means of the pressing of grapes, or a ceruse prepared by the acid of grapes. It is brought from Italy, and of a quality superior to common white lead. It is used in oil and varnished painting, when a clean white is required.NWAD FLAKE.9
FLAKE, v.t. To form into flakes.
FLAKE, v.i. To break or separate in layers; to peel or scale off. We more usually say, to flake off.
FLAKE-WHITE, n. Oxyd of bismuth.
1. Consisting of flakes or locks; consisting of small loose masses.NWAD FLAKY.2
2. Lying in flakes; consisting of layers, or cleaving off in layers.NWAD FLAKY.3
FLAM, n. A freak or whim; also, a falsehood; a lie; an illusory pretext; deception; delusion.
Lies immortalized and consigned over as a perpetual abuse and flam upon posterity.NWAD FLAM.2
FLAM, v.t. To deceive with falsehood; to delude.
FLAMBEAU, n. flam’bo. [L. flamma, flame.]
A light or luminary made of thick wicks covered with wax, and used in the streets at night, at illuminations, and in processions. Flambeaus are made square, and usually consist of four wicks or branches, near an inch thick, and about three feet long, composed of coarse hempen yarn, half twisted.NWAD FLAMBEAU.2
FLAME, n. [L. flamma.]
1. A blaze; burning vapor; vapor in combustion; or according to modern chimistry, hydrogen or any inflammable gas, in a state of combustion, and naturally ascending in a stream from burning bodies being specifically lighter than common air.NWAD FLAME.2
2. Fire in general.NWAD FLAME.3
3. Heat of passion; tumult; combustion; blaze; violent contention. One jealous, tattling mischief-maker will set a whole village in a flame.NWAD FLAME.4
4. Ardor of temper or imagination; brightness of fancy; vigor of thought.NWAD FLAME.5
Great are their faults, and glorious is their flame.NWAD FLAME.6
5. Ardor of inclination; warmth of affection.NWAD FLAME.7
Smit with the love of kindred arts we came,NWAD FLAME.8
And met congenial, mingling flame with flame.NWAD FLAME.9
6. The passion of love; ardent love.NWAD FLAME.10
My heart’s on flame.NWAD FLAME.11
7. Rage; violence; as the flames of war.NWAD FLAME.12
FLAME, v.t. To inflame; to excite.
FLAME, v.i.
1. To blaze; to burn in vapor, or in a current; to burn as gas emitted from bodies in combustion.NWAD FLAME.15
2. To shine like burning gas.NWAD FLAME.16
In flaming yellow bright.NWAD FLAME.17
3. To break out in violence of passion.NWAD FLAME.18
FLAMECOLOR, n. Bright color, as that of flame.
FLAMECOLORED, a. Of the color of flame; of a bright yellow color.
FLAMEEYED, a. Having eyes like a flame.
FLAMELESS, a. Destitute of flame; without incense.
FLAMEN, n. [L.]
1. In ancient Rome, a priest. Originally there were three priests so called; the Flamen Dialis, consecrated to Jupiter; Flamen Martialis, sacred to Mars; and Flamen Quirinalis, who superintended the rites of Quirinus or Romulus.NWAD FLAMEN.2
2. A priest.NWAD FLAMEN.3
1. Burning in flame.NWAD FLAMING.2
2. a. Bright; red. Also, violent; vehement; as a flaming harangue.NWAD FLAMING.3
FLAMING, n. A bursting out in a flame.
FLAMINGLY, adv. Most brightly; with great show or vehemence.
A fowl constituting the genus Phoenicopterus, of the grallic order. The beak is naked, toothed, and bent as if broken; the feet palmated and four-toed. This fowl resembles the heron in shape, but is entirely red, except the quill-fethers. It is a native of Africa and America.NWAD FLAMINGO.2
FLAMINICAL, a. Pertaining to a Roman flamen.
FLAMMABILITY, n. The quality of admitting to be set on fire, or enkindled into a flame or blaze; inflammability.
FLAMMABLE, a. Capable of being enkindled into flame.
FLAMMATION, n. The act of setting on flame.
The three last words are little used. Instead of them are used the compounds, inflammable, inflammability, inflammation.NWAD FLAMMATION.2
FLAMMEOUS, a. Consisting of flame; like flame.
FLAMMIFEROUS, a. [L. flamma and fero, to bring.] Producing flame.
FLAMMIVOMOUS, a. [L. flamma and vomo, to vomit.] Vomiting flames, as a volcano.
FLAMY, a. [from flame.]
1. Blazing; burning; as flamy breath.NWAD FLAMY.2
2. Having the nature of flame; as flamy matter.NWAD FLAMY.3
3. Having the color of flame.NWAD FLAMY.4
FLANK, n. [Eng. flag. Gr. probably connected with lank, and so called from its laxity, or from breadth.]
1. The fleshy or muscular part of the side of an animal, between the ribs and the hip. Hence,NWAD FLANK.2
2. The side of an army, or of any division of an army, as of a brigade, regiment or battalion. To attack an enemy in flank, is to attack them on the side.NWAD FLANK.3
3. In fortification, that part of a bastion which reaches from the curtain to the face, and defends the opposite face, the flank and the curtain; or it is a line drawn from the extremity of the face towards the inside of the work.NWAD FLANK.4
FLANK, v.t.
1. To attack the side or flank of an army or body of troops; or to place troops so as to command or attack the flank.NWAD FLANK.6
2. To post so as to overlook or command on the side; as, to flank a passage.NWAD FLANK.7
3. To secure or guard on the side; as flanked with rocks.NWAD FLANK.8
FLANK, v.i.
1. To border; to touch.NWAD FLANK.10
2. To be posted on the side.NWAD FLANK.11
FLANKED, pp. Attacked on the side; covered or commanded on the flank.
FLANKER, n. A fortification projecting so as to command the side of an assailing body.
1. To defend by lateral fortifications.NWAD FLANKER.3
2. To attack sideways.NWAD FLANKER.4
FLANNEL, n. [L. lana.]
A soft nappy woolen cloth of loose texture.NWAD FLANNEL.2
FLAP, n. [L. alapa, a slap. It seems difficult to separate flap from clap, slap, flabby, lap, etc.]
1. Any thing broad and limber that hangs loose, or is easily moved.NWAD FLAP.2
A cartilaginous flap on the opening of the larynx.NWAD FLAP.3
We say, the flap of a garment, the flap of the ear, the flap of a hat.NWAD FLAP.4
2. The motion of any thing broad and loose, or a stroke with it.NWAD FLAP.5
3. The flaps, a disease in the lips of horses.NWAD FLAP.6
FLAP, v.t.
1. To beat with a flap.NWAD FLAP.8
Yet let me flap this bug with gilded wings.NWAD FLAP.9
2. To move something broad; as, to flap the wings.NWAD FLAP.10
3. To let fall, as the brim of a hat. [This sense seems to indicate a connection with lap.]NWAD FLAP.11
FLAP, v.i.
1. To move as wings, or as something broad or loose.NWAD FLAP.13
2. To fall, as the brim of a hat, or other broad thing.NWAD FLAP.14
1. A play in which they catch raisins out of burning brandy, and extinguishing them by closing the mouth, eat them.NWAD FLAPDRAGON.2
2. The thing eaten.NWAD FLAPDRAGON.3
FLAPDRAGON, v.t. To swallow or devour.
FLAPEARED, a. Having broad loose ears.
FLAPJACK, n. An apple-puff.
FLAPMOUTHED, a. Having loose hanging lips.
FLAPPED, pp. Struck with something broad, let down; having the brim fallen, as a flapped hat.
FLAPPER, n. One who flaps another.
FLAPPING, ppr. Striking; beating; moving something broad; as flapping wings. The ducks run flapping and fluttering.
FLARE, v.i. [If this word is not contracted, it may be allied to clear, glare, glory, L. floreo, Eng. floor, the primary sense of which is to open, to spread, from parting, departing, or driving apart.]
1. To waver; to flutter; to burn with an unsteady light; as, the candle flares, that is the light wanders from its natural course.NWAD FLARE.2
2. To flutter with splendid show; to be loose and waving as a showy thing.NWAD FLARE.3
With ribbons pendant flaring ‘bout her head.NWAD FLARE.4
3. To glitter with transient luster.NWAD FLARE.5
But speech alone doth vanish like a flaring thing.NWAD FLARE.6
4. To glitter with painful splendor.NWAD FLARE.7
When the sun begins to fling his flaring beams.NWAD FLARE.8
5. To be exposed to too much light.NWAD FLARE.9
I cannot stay flaring in sunshine all the day.NWAD FLARE.10
6. To open or spread outward.NWAD FLARE.11
FLARING, ppr. or a.
1. Burning with a wavering light; fluttering; glittering; showy.NWAD FLARING.2
2. Opening; widening outward; as a flaring fireplace.NWAD FLARING.3
1. A sudden burst of light; a flood of light instantaneously appearing and disappearing; as a flash of lightning.NWAD FLASH.2
2. A sudden burst of flame and light; as instantaneous blaze; as the flash of a gun.NWAD FLASH.3
3. A sudden burst, as of wit or merriment; as a flash of wit; a flash of joy or mirth.NWAD FLASH.4
His companions recollect no instance of premature wit, no striking sentiment, no flash of fancy -NWAD FLASH.5
4. A short, transient state.NWAD FLASH.6
The Persians and Macedonians had it for a flash.NWAD FLASH.7
5. A body of water driven by violence. [Local.]NWAD FLASH.8
6. A little pool. [Local.]NWAD FLASH.9
FLASH, v.i.
1. To break forth, as a sudden flood of light; to burst or open instantly on the sight, as splendor. It differs from glitter, glisten and gleam in denoting a flood or wide extent of light. The latter words may express the issuing of light from a small object, or from a pencil of rays. A diamond may glitter or glisten, but it does not flash. Flash differs from other words also in denoting suddenness of appearance and disappearance.NWAD FLASH.11
2. To burst or break forth with a flood of flame and light; as, the powder flashed in the pan. Flashing differs from exploding or disploding, in not being accompanied with a loud report.NWAD FLASH.12
3. To burst out into any kind of violence.NWAD FLASH.13
Every hour he flashes into one gross crime or other.NWAD FLASH.14
4. To break out, as a sudden expression of wit, merriment or bright thought.NWAD FLASH.15
FLASH, v.t.
1. To strike up a body of water from the surface.NWAD FLASH.17
He rudely flashed the waves.NWAD FLASH.18
[In this sense I believe this word is not used in America.]NWAD FLASH.19
2. To strike or to throw like a burst of light; as, to flash conviction on the mind.NWAD FLASH.20
1. A man of more appearance of wit than reality.NWAD FLASHER.2
2. A rower. [Not in use.]NWAD FLASHER.3
FLASHILY, adv. With empty show; with a sudden glare; without solidity of wit or thought.
FLASHING, ppr. Bursting forth as a flood of light, or of flame and light, or as wit, mirth or joy.
1. Showy, but empty; dazzling for a moment, but not solid; as flashy wit.NWAD FLASHY.2
2. Showy; gay; as a flashy dress.NWAD FLASHY.3
3. Insipid; vapid; without taste or spirit; as food or drink.NWAD FLASHY.4
4. Washy; plashy. [See Plash.]NWAD FLASHY.5
1. A kind of bottle; as a flask of wine or oil.NWAD FLASK.2
2. A vessel for powder.NWAD FLASK.3
3. A bed in a gun-carriage.NWAD FLASK.4
1. A vessel in which viands are served up.NWAD FLASKET.2
2. A long shallow basket.NWAD FLASKET.3
FLAT, a. [L. latus, broad; Gr.; Eng. blade.]
1. Having an even surface, without risings or indentures, hills or valleys; as flat land.NWAD FLAT.2
2. Horizontal; level; without inclination; as a flat roof; or with a moderate inclination or slope; for we often apply the word to the roof of a house that is not steep, though inclined.NWAD FLAT.3
3. Prostrate; lying the whole length on the ground. He fell or lay flat on the ground.NWAD FLAT.4
4. Not elevated or erect; fallen.NWAD FLAT.5
Cease t’admire, and beauty’s plumes fall flat.NWAD FLAT.6
5. Level with the ground; totally fallen.NWAD FLAT.7
What ruins kingdoms, and lays cities flat.NWAD FLAT.8
6. In painting, wanting relief or prominence of the figures.NWAD FLAT.9
7. Tasteless; stale; vapid; insipid; dead; as fruit flat to the taste.NWAD FLAT.10
8. Dull; unanimated; frigid; without point or spirit; applied to discourses and compositions. The sermon was very flat.NWAD FLAT.11
9. Depressed; spiritless; dejected.NWAD FLAT.12
I feel - my hopes all flat.NWAD FLAT.13
10. Unpleasing; not affording gratification.NWAD FLAT.14
How flat and insipid are all the pleasures of this life!NWAD FLAT.15
11. Peremptory; absolute; positive; downright. He gave the petitioner a flat denial.NWAD FLAT.16
Thus repulsed, our final hope is flat despair.NWAD FLAT.17
12. Not sharp or shrill; not acute; as a flat sound.NWAD FLAT.18
13. Low, as the prices of goods; or dull, as sales.NWAD FLAT.19
FLAT, n.
1. A level or extended plain. In America, it is applied particularly to low ground or meadow that is level, but it denotes any land of even surface and of some extent.NWAD FLAT.21
2. A level ground lying at a small depth under the surface of water; a shoal; a shallow; a strand; a sand bank under water.NWAD FLAT.22
3. The broad side of a blade.NWAD FLAT.23
4. Depression of thought or language.NWAD FLAT.24
5. A surface without relief or prominences.NWAD FLAT.25
6. In music, a mark of depression in sound. A flat denotes a fall or depression of half a tone.NWAD FLAT.26
7. A boat, broad and flat-bottomed. A flat-bottomed boat is constructed for conveying passengers or troops, horses, carriages and baggage.NWAD FLAT.27
FLAT, v.t.
1. To level; to depress; to lay smooth or even; to make broad and smooth; to flatten.NWAD FLAT.29
2. To make vapid or tasteless.NWAD FLAT.30
3. To make dull or unanimated.NWAD FLAT.31
FLAT, v.i.
1. To grow flat; to fall to an even surface.NWAD FLAT.33
2. To become insipid, or dull and unanimated.NWAD FLAT.34
FLAT-BOTTOMED, a. Having a flat bottom, as a boat, or a moat in fortification.
FLATIVE, a. [L. flatus, from flo, to blow.] Producing wind; flatulent. [Not in use.]
FLATLONG, adv. With the flat side downward; not edgewise.
FLATLY, adv.
1. Horizontally; without inclination.NWAD FLATLY.2
2. Evenly; without elevations and depressions.NWAD FLATLY.3
3. Without spirit; dully; frigidly.NWAD FLATLY.4
4. Peremptorily; positively; downright.NWAD FLATLY.5
He flatly refused his aid.NWAD FLATLY.6
1. Evenness of surface; levelness; equality of surface.NWAD FLATNESS.2
2. Want of relief or prominence; as the flatness of a figure in sculpture.NWAD FLATNESS.3
3. Deadness; vapidness; insipidity; as the flatness of cider or beer.NWAD FLATNESS.4
4. Dejection of fortune; low state.NWAD FLATNESS.5
The flatness of my misery.NWAD FLATNESS.6
5. Dejection of mind; a low state of the spirits; depression; want of life.NWAD FLATNESS.7
6. Dullness; want of point; insipidity; frigidity.NWAD FLATNESS.8
Some of Homer’s translators have swelled into fustian, and others sunk into flatness.NWAD FLATNESS.9
7. Gravity of sound, as opposed to sharpness, acuteness or shrillness.NWAD FLATNESS.10
Flatness of sound - joined with a harshness.NWAD FLATNESS.11
FLAT-NOSED, a. Having a flat nose.
FLATTED, pp. Made flat; rendered even on the surface; also, rendered vapid or insipid.
FLATTEN, v.t. flat’n.
1. To make flat; to reduce to an equal or even surface; to level.NWAD FLATTEN.2
2. To beat down to the ground; to lay flat.NWAD FLATTEN.3
3. To make vapid or insipid; to render stale.NWAD FLATTEN.4
4. To depress; to deject, as the spirits; to dispirit.NWAD FLATTEN.5
5. In music, to reduce, as sound; to render less acute or sharp.NWAD FLATTEN.6
FLATTEN, v.i. flat’n.
1. To grow or become even on the surface.NWAD FLATTEN.8
2. To become dead, stale, vapid or tasteless.NWAD FLATTEN.9
3. To become dull or spiritless.NWAD FLATTEN.10
FLATTENING, ppr. Making flat.
FLATTER, n. The person or thing by which any thing is flattened.
FLATTER, v.t. [Flatter may be from the root of flat, that is, to make smooth, to appease, to soothe. L. plaudo. Perhaps flat and plaudo are from one root, the radical sense of which must be to extend, strain, stretch.]
1. To soothe by praise; to gratify self-love by praise or obsequiousness; to please a person by applause or favorable notice, by respectful attention, or by any thing that exalts him in his own estimation, or confirms his good opinion of himself. We flatter a woman when we praise her children.NWAD FLATTER.3
A man that flattereth his neighbor, spreadeth a net for his feet. Proverbs 29:5.NWAD FLATTER.4
2. To please; to gratify; as, to flatter one’s vanity or pride.NWAD FLATTER.5
3. To praise falsely; to encourage by favorable notice; as, to flatter vices or crimes.NWAD FLATTER.6
4. To encourage by favorable representations or indications; as, to flatter hopes. We are flattered with the prospect of peace.NWAD FLATTER.7
5. To raise false hopes by representations not well founded; as, to flatter one with a prospect of success; to flatter a patient with the expectation of recovery when his case is desperate.NWAD FLATTER.8
6. To please; to soothe.NWAD FLATTER.9
A concert of voices - makes a harmony that flatters the ears.NWAD FLATTER.10
7. To wheedle; to coax; to attempt to win by blandishments, praise or enticements. How many young and credulous persons are flattered out of their innocence and their property, by seducing arts!NWAD FLATTER.11
FLATTERED, pp. Soothed by praise; pleased by commendation; gratified with hopes, false or well founded; wheedled.
FLATTERER, n. One who flatters; a fawner; a wheedler; one who praises another, with a view to please him, to gain his favor, or to accomplish some purpose.
When I tell him he hates flatterers,NWAD FLATTERER.2
He says he does; being then most flattered.NWAD FLATTERER.3
The most abject flatterers degenerate into the greatest tyrants.NWAD FLATTERER.4
1. Gratifying with praise; pleasing by applause; wheedling; coaxing.NWAD FLATTERING.2
2. a. Pleasing to pride or vanity; gratifying to self-love; as a flattering eulogy. The minister gives a flattering account of his reception at court.NWAD FLATTERING.3
3. Pleasing; favorable; encouraging hope. We have a flattering prospect of an abundant harvest. The symptoms of the disease are flattering.NWAD FLATTERING.4
4. Practicing adulation; uttering false praise; as a flattering tongue.NWAD FLATTERING.5
1. In a flattering manner; in a manner to flatter.NWAD FLATTERINGLY.2
2. In a manner to favor; with partiality.NWAD FLATTERINGLY.3
1. False praise; commendation bestowed for the purpose of gaining favor and influence, or to accomplish some purpose. Direct flattery consists in praising a person himself; indirect flattery consists in praising a person through his works or his connections.NWAD FLATTERY.2
Simple pride for flattery makes demands.NWAD FLATTERY.3
Just praise is only a debt, but flattery is a present.NWAD FLATTERY.4
2. Adulation; obsequiousness; wheedling.NWAD FLATTERY.5
3. Just commendation which gratifies self-love.NWAD FLATTERY.6
FLATTISH, a. [from flat.] Somewhat flat; approaching to flatness.
1. Windiness in the stomach; air generated in a weak stomach and intestines by imperfect digestion, occasioning distension, uneasiness, pain, and often belchings.NWAD FLATULENCE.2
2. Airiness; emptiness; vanity.NWAD FLATULENCE.3
FLATULENT, a. [L. flatulentus, flatus, from flo, to blow.]
1. Windy; affected with air generated in the stomach and intestines.NWAD FLATULENT.2
2. Turgid with air; windy; as a flatulent tumor.NWAD FLATULENT.3
3. Generating or apt to a generate wind in the stomach. Pease are a flatulent vegetable.NWAD FLATULENT.4
4. Empty; vain; big without substance or reality; puffy; as a flatulent writer; flatulent vanity.NWAD FLATULENT.5
FLATUOSITY, n. Windiness; fullness of air; flatulence. [Not used.]
FLATUOUS, a. [L. flatuosus.] Windy; generating wind. [Not used.]
FLATUS, n. [L. from flo, to blow.]
1. A breath; a puff of wind.NWAD FLATUS.2
2. Wind generated in the stomach or other cavities of the body; flatulence.NWAD FLATUS.3
FLATWISE, a. or adv. [from flat.] With the flat side downward or next to another object; not edgewise.
FLAUNT, v.i. [I know not whence we have this word. From the root L. bearing the sense of throwing out, or spreading. See Flounce.]
1. To throw or spread out; to flutter; to display ostentatiously; as a flaunting show.NWAD FLAUNT.2
You flaunt about the streets in your new gilt chariot.NWAD FLAUNT.3
One flaunts in rags, one flutters in brocade.NWAD FLAUNT.4
[This correctly expresses the author’s meaning, which is, that the proud often attempt to make a show and parade of their importance, even in poverty. Johnson’s remark on the use of the word seems therefore to be unfounded.]NWAD FLAUNT.5
2. To carry a pert or saucy appearance.NWAD FLAUNT.6
FLAUNT, n. Any thing displayed for show.
FLAUNTING, ppr. Making an ostentatious display.
The quality of a substance which affects the taste or smell, in any manner. We say, the wine has a fine flavor, or a disagreeable flavor; the fruit has a bad flavor; a rose has a sweet flavor. The word then signifies the quality which is tasted or smelled; taste, odor, fragrance, smell.NWAD FLAVOR.2
FLAVOR, v.t. To communicate some quality to a thing, that may affect the taste or smell.
FLAVORED, a. Having a quality that affects the sense of tasting or smelling; as high-flavored wine, having the quality in a high degree.
FLAVORLESS, a. Without flavor; tasteless; having no smell or taste.
FLAVOROUS, a. Pleasant to the taste or smell
FLAVOUS, a. [L. flavus.] Yellow. [Not used.]
FLAW, n. [Gr. seems to be contracted.]
1. A breach; a crack; a defect made by breaking or splitting; a gap or fissure; as a flaw in a scythe, knife or razor; a flaw in a china dish, or in a glass; a flaw in a wall.NWAD FLAW.2
2. A defect; a fault; any defect made by violence, or occasioned by neglect; as a flaw in reputation; a flaw in a will, or in a deed, or in a statute.NWAD FLAW.3
3. A sudden burst of wind; a sudden gust or blast of short duration; a word of common use among seamen. [This proves the primary sense to be, to burst or rush.]NWAD FLAW.4
4. A sudden burst of noise and disorder; a tumult; uproar.NWAD FLAW.5
And deluges of armies from the townNWAD FLAW.6
Came pouring in; I heard the mighty flaw.NWAD FLAW.7
[In this sense, the word is not used in the United States.]NWAD FLAW.8
5. A sudden commotion of mind. [Not used.]NWAD FLAW.9
FLAW, v.t.
1. To break; to crack.NWAD FLAW.11
The brazen cauldrons with the frosts are flawed.NWAD FLAW.12
2. To break; to violate; as, to flaw a league. [Little used.]NWAD FLAW.13
FLAWED, pp. Broken; cracked.
FLAWING, ppr. Breaking; cracking.
FLAWLESS, a. Without cracks; without defect.