STABLISH, v.t. [L. See Stab.] To fix; to settle in a state for permanence; to make firm. [In lieu of this, establish is now always used.]
STABLY, adv. Firmly; fixedly; steadily; as a government stably settled.
1. A large conical pile of hay, grain or straw, sometimes covered with thatch. In America, the stack differs from the cock only in size, both being conical. A long pile of hay or grain is called a rick. In England, this distinction is not always observed. This word in Great Britain is sometimes applied to a pile of wood containing 108 cubic feet, and also to a pile of poles; but I believe never in America.NWAD STACK.2
Against every pillar was a stack of billets above a man’s highth.NWAD STACK.3
2. A number of funnels or chimneys standing together. We say, a stack of chimneys; which is correct, as a chimney is a passage. But we also call the whole stack a chimney. Thus we say, the chimney rises ten feet above the roof.NWAD STACK.4
STACK, v.t.
1. To lay in a conical or other pile; to make into a large pile; as, to stack hay or grain.NWAD STACK.6
2. In England, to pile wood, poles, etc.NWAD STACK.7
STACKED, pp. Piled in a large conical heap.
STACKING, ppr. Laying in a large conical heap.
STACKING-BAND, STACKING-BELT, n. A band or rope used in binding thatch or straw upon a stack.
STACKING-STAGE, n. A stage used in building stacks.
STACK-YARD, n. A yard or inclosure for stacks of hay or grain.
STACTE, n. [L., Gr.] A fatty resinous liquid matter, of the nature of liquid myrrh, very odoriferous and highly valued. But it is said we have none but what is adulterated, and what is so called is liquid storax.
STADDLE, n. [G. It belongs to the root of stead, steady.]
1. Any thing which serves for support; a staff; a crutch; the frame or support of a stack of hay or grain. [In this sense not used in New England.]NWAD STADDLE.2
2. In New England, a small tree of any kind, particularly a forest tree. In America, trees are called staddles from three or four years old till they are six or eight inches in diameter or more, but in this respect the word is indefinite. This is also the sense in which it is used by Bacon and Tusser.NWAD STADDLE.3
STADDLE, v.t. To leave staddles when a wood is cut.
STADDLE-ROOF, n. The roof or covering of a stack.
STADIUM, n. [L., Gr.]
1. A Greek measure of 125 geometrical paces; a furlong.NWAD STADIUM.2
2. The course or career of a race.NWAD STADIUM.3
STADTHOLDER, n. Formerly, the chief magistrate of the United Provinces of Holland; or the governor or lieutenant governor of a province.
STADTHOLDERATE, n. The office of a stadtholder.
STAFF, n. plu. [G., a bar, a rod. The primary sense is to thrust, to shoot. See Stab.]
1. A stick carried in the hand for support or defense by a person walking; hence, a support; that which props or upholds. Bread is the proverbially called the staff of life.NWAD STAFF.2
The boy was the very staff of my age.NWAD STAFF.3
Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me. Psalm 23:4.NWAD STAFF.4
2. A stick or club used as a weapon.NWAD STAFF.5
With forks and staves the felon they pursue.NWAD STAFF.6
3. A long piece of wood; a stick; the long handle of an instrument; a pole or stick, used for many purposes.NWAD STAFF.7
4. The five lines and the spaces on which music is written.NWAD STAFF.8
5. An ensign of authority; a badge of office; as a constables staff.NWAD STAFF.9
6. The round of a ladder.NWAD STAFF.10
7. A pole erected in a ship to hoist and display a flag; called a flag-staff. There is also a jack-staff, and an ensign-staff.NWAD STAFF.11
8. In military affairs, an establishment of officers in various departments, attached to an army. The staff includes officers not of the line, as adjutants, quarter-masters, chaplain, surgeon, etc. The staff is the medium of communication from the commander in chief to every department of an army.NWAD STAFF.12
9. A stanza; a series of verses so disposed that when it is concluded, the same order begins again.NWAD STAFF.13
Cowley found out that no kind of staff is proper for a heroic poem, as being all too lyrical.NWAD STAFF.14
10. Stave and staves, plu. of staff. [See Stave.]NWAD STAFF.15
STAFFISH, a. Stiff; harsh. [Not in use.]
STAFF-TREE, n. A sort of evergreen privet. It is of the genus Celastrus.
STAG, n. [This word belongs to the root of stick, stage, stock. The primary sense is to thrust, hence to fix, to stay, etc.]
1. The male red deer; the male of the hind.NWAD STAG.2
2. A colt or filly; also, a romping girl. [Local.]NWAD STAG.3
3. In New England, the male of the common ox castrated.NWAD STAG.4
STAG-BEETLE, n. The Lucanus cervus, a species of insect.
STAGE, n. [G.] Properly, one step or degree of elevation, and what the French call etage, we call a story. Hence,
1. A floor or platform of any kind elevated above the ground or common surface, as for an exhibition of something to pubic view; as a stage for a mountebank; a stage for speakers in public; a stage for mechanics. Seamen use floating stages, and stages suspended by the side of a ship, for calking and repairing.NWAD STAGE.2
2. The floor on which theatrical performances are exhibited, as distinct from the pit, etc. Hence,NWAD STAGE.3
3. The theater; the place of scenic entertainments.NWAD STAGE.4
Knights, squires and steeds must enter on the stage.NWAD STAGE.5
4. Theatrical representations. It is contended that the stage is a school or morality. Let it be inquired, where is the person whom the stage has reformed?NWAD STAGE.6
5. A place where any thing is publicly exhibited.NWAD STAGE.7
When we are born, we cry that we are come to this great stage of fools.NWAD STAGE.8
6. Place of action or performance; as the stage of life.NWAD STAGE.9
7. A place of rest on a journey, or where a relay of horses is taken. When we arrive at the next stage, we will take some refreshment. Hence,NWAD STAGE.10
8. The distance between two places of rest on a road; as a stage of fifteen miles.NWAD STAGE.11
9. A single step; degree of advance; degree of progression, either in increase or decrease, in rising or falling, or in any change of state; as the several stages of a war; the stages of civilization or improvement; stages of growth in an animal or plant; stages of a disease, of decline or recovery; the several stages of human life.NWAD STAGE.12
10. [instead of stage-coach, or stage-wagon.] A coach or other carriage running regularly from one place to another for the conveyance of passengers.NWAD STAGE.13
I went in the six-penny stage.NWAD STAGE.14
A parcel sent by the stage. American usage.NWAD STAGE.15
STAGE, v.t. To exhibit publicly. [Not in use.]
STAGE-COACH, n. [stage and coach.] A coach that runs by stages; or a coach that runs regularly every day or on stated days, for the conveyance of passengers.
STAGELY, a. Pertaining to a stage; becoming the theater. [Little used.]
STAGE-PLAY, n. [stage and play.] Theatrical entertainment.
STAGE-PLAYER, n. An actor on the stage; one whose occupation is to represent characters on the stage. Garrick was a celebrated stage-player.
1. A player. [Little used.]NWAD STAGER.2
2. One that has long acted on the stage of life; a practitioner; a person of cunning; as an old cunning stager; an experienced stager; a stager of the wiser sort.NWAD STAGER.3
[I do not recollect to have ever heard this word used in America.]NWAD STAGER.4
STAGERY, n. Exhibition on the stage. [Not in use.]
STAG-EVIL, n. A disease in horses.
STAGGARD, n. [from stag.] A stag of four years of age.
1. To reel; to vacillate; to move to one side and the other in standing or walking; not to stand or walk with steadiness.NWAD STAGGER.2
Deep was the wound; he staggerd with the blow.NWAD STAGGER.3
2. To fail; to cease to stand firm; to begin to give way.NWAD STAGGER.4
The enemy staggers.NWAD STAGGER.5
3. To hesitate; to begin to doubt and waver in purpose; to become less confident or determined.NWAD STAGGER.6
Abraham staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief. Romans 4:20.NWAD STAGGER.7
1. To cause to reel.NWAD STAGGER.9
2. To cause to doubt and waver; to make to hesitate; to make less steady or confident; to shock.NWAD STAGGER.10
Whoever will read the story of this war, will find himself much staggered.NWAD STAGGER.11
When a prince fails in honor and justice, it is enough to stagger his people in their allegiance.NWAD STAGGER.12
STAGGERED, pp. Made to reel; made to doubt and waver.
STAGGERING, ppr. Causing to reel, to waver or to doubt.
1. The act of reeling.NWAD STAGGERING.3
2. The cause of staggering.NWAD STAGGERING.4
1. In a reeling manner.NWAD STAGGERINGLY.2
2. With hesitation or doubt.NWAD STAGGERINGLY.3
STAGGERS, n. plu.
1. A disease of horses and cattle, attended with reeling or giddiness; also, a disease of sheep, which inclines them to turn about suddenly.NWAD STAGGERS.2
2. Madness; wild irregular conduct. [Not in use.]NWAD STAGGERS.3
STAGGER-WORT, n. A plant, ragwort.
STAGNANCY, n. [See Stagnant.] The state of being without motion, flow or circulation, as in a fluid.
STAGNANT, a. [L., to be without, a flowing motion.]
1. Not flowing; not running in a current or stream; as a stagnant lake or pond; stagnant blood in the veins.NWAD STAGNANT.2
2. Motionless; still; not agitated; as water quiet and stagnant.NWAD STAGNANT.3
The gloomy slumber of the stagnant soul.NWAD STAGNANT.4
3. Not active; dull; not brisk; as, business is stagnant.NWAD STAGNANT.5
STAGNATE, v.i. [L.]
1. To cease to flow; to be motionless; as, blood stagnates in the veins of an animal; air stagnates in a close room.NWAD STAGNATE.2
2. To cease to move; not to be agitated. Water that stagnates in a pond or reservoir, soon becomes foul.NWAD STAGNATE.3
3. To cease to be brisk or active; to become dull; as, commerce stagnates; business stagnates.NWAD STAGNATE.4
1. The cessation of flowing or circulation of a fluid; or the state of being without flow or circulation; the state of being motionless; as the stagnation of the blood; the stagnation of water or air; the stagnation of vapors.NWAD STAGNATION.2
2. The cessation of action or of brisk action; the state of being dull; as the stagnation of business.NWAD STAGNATION.3
STAG-WORM, n. An insect that is troublesome to deer.
STAGYRITE, n. An appellation given to Aristotle from the place of his birth.
STAID, pret, and pp. of stay; so written for stayed.
1. a. [from stay, to stop.] Sober; grave; steady; composed; regular; not wild, volatile, flighty or fanciful; as staid wisdom.NWAD STAID.2
To ride out with staid guides.NWAD STAID.3
STAIDNESS, n. Sobriety; gravity; steadiness; regularity; the opposite of wildness.
If he sometimes appears too gay, yet a secret gracefulness of youth accompanies his writings, though the staidness and sobriety of age be wanting.NWAD STAIDNESS.2
STAIN, v.t. [L., a sprinkle, a spread, a layer; to spread, expand, sprinkle, or be scattered. Gr.]
1. To discolor by the application of foreign matter; to make foul; to spot; as, to stain the hand with dye; to stain clothes with vegetable juice; to stain paper; armor stained with blood.NWAD STAIN.2
2. To dye; to tinge with a different color; as, to stain cloth.NWAD STAIN.3
3. To impress with figures, in colors different from the ground; as, to stain paper for hangings.NWAD STAIN.4
4. To blot; to soil; to spot with guilt or infamy; to tarnish; to bring reproach on; as, to stain the character.NWAD STAIN.5
Of honor void, of innocence, of faith, of purity, our wonted ornaments now soild and staind.NWAD STAIN.6
1. A spot; discoloration from foreign matter; as a stain on a garment or cloth.NWAD STAIN.8
2. A natural spot of a color different from the ground.NWAD STAIN.9
Swift trouts, diversified with crimson stains.NWAD STAIN.10
3. Taint of guilt; tarnish; disgrace; reproach; as the stain of sin.NWAD STAIN.11
Nor death itself can wholly wash their stains.NWAD STAIN.12
Our opinion is, I hope, without any blemish or stain of heresy.NWAD STAIN.13
4. Cause of reproach; shame.NWAD STAIN.14
Hereby I will lead her that is the praise and yet the stain of all womankind.NWAD STAIN.15
STAINED, pp. Discolored; spotted; dyed; blotted; tarnished.
1. One who stains, blots or tarnishes.NWAD STAINER.2
2. A dyer.NWAD STAINER.3
STAINING, ppr. Discoloring; spotting; tarnishing; dyeing.
1. Free from stains or spots.NWAD STAINLESS.2
2. Free from the reproach of guilt; free from sin.NWAD STAINLESS.3
1. A step; a stone or a frame of boards or planks by which a person rises one step. A stair, to make the ascent easy, should not exceed six or seven inches in elevation. When the riser is eight, nine or ten inches in breadth, the ascent by stairs is laborious.NWAD STAIR.2
2. Stairs, in the plural, a series of steps by which persons ascend to a higher room in a building. [Stair, in this sense, is not in use.]NWAD STAIR.3
Flight of stairs, may signify the stairs which make the whole ascent of a story; or in winding stairs, the phrase may signify the stairs from the floor to a turn, or from one turn to another.NWAD STAIR.4
STAIRCASE, n. [stair and case.] The part of a building which contains the stairs. Staircases are straight or winding. The straight are called fliers, or direct fliers. Winding stairs, called spiral or cockle, are square, circular or elliptical.
To make a complete staircase, is a curious piece of architecture.NWAD STAIRCASE.2
STAKE, n. [The primary sense is to shoot, to thrust, hence to set or fix.]
1. A small piece of wood or timber, sharpened at one end and set in the ground, or prepared for setting, as a support to something. Thus stakes are used to support vines, to support fences, hedges and the like. A stake is not to be confounded with a post, which is a larger piece of timber.NWAD STAKE.2
2. A piece of long rough wood.NWAD STAKE.3
A sharpend stake strong Dryas found.NWAD STAKE.4
3. A palisade, or something resembling it.NWAD STAKE.5
4. The piece of timber to which a martyr is fastened when he is to be burnt. Hence, to perish at the stake, is to die a martyr, or to die in torment. Hence,NWAD STAKE.6
5. Figuratively, martyrdom. The stake was prepared for those who were convicted of heresy.NWAD STAKE.7
6. That which is pledged and wagered; that which is set, thrown down or laid, to abide the issue of a contest, to be gained by victory or lost by defeat.NWAD STAKE.8
7. The state of being laid or pledged as a wager. His honor is at stake.NWAD STAKE.9
8. A small anvil to straighten cold word, or to cut and punch upon.NWAD STAKE.10
STAKE, v.t.
1. To fasten, support or defend with stakes; as, to stake vines or plants.NWAD STAKE.12
2. To mark the limits by stakes; with out; as, to stake out land; to stake out a new road, or the ground for a canal.NWAD STAKE.13
3. To wager; to pledge; to put at hazard upon the issue of competition, or upon a future contingency.NWAD STAKE.14
Ill stake yon lamb that near the fountain plays.NWAD STAKE.15
4. To point or sharpen stakes. [Not used in America.]NWAD STAKE.16
5. To pierce with a stake.NWAD STAKE.17
STAKED, pp. Fastened or supported by stakes; set or marked with stakes; wagered; put at hazard.
STAKE-HEAD, n. In rope-making, a stake with wooden pins in the upper side to keep the strands apart.
1. Supporting with stakes; marking with stakes; wagering; putting at hazard.NWAD STAKING.2
2. Sharpening; pointing.NWAD STAKING.3
STALACTIC, STALACTICAL, a. [from stalactite.] Pertaining to stalactite; resembling an icicle.
STALACTIFORM, STALACTITIFORM, a. Like stalactite; resembling an icicle.
STALACTITE, n. [Gr., to drop. L.] A subvariety of carbonate lime, usually in a conical or cylindrical form, pendent from the roofs and sides of caverns like an icicle; produced by the filtration of water containing calcarious particles, through fissures and pores of rocks.
STALACTITIC, a. In the form of stalactite, or pendent substances like icicles.
STALAGMITE, n. [L., a drop. Gr.] A deposit of earthy or calcarious matter, formed by drops on the floors of caverns.
STALAGMITIC, a. Having the form of stalagmite.
STALAGMITICALLY, adv. In the form or manner of stalagmite.
STALDER, n. A wooden frame to set casks on. [Not used in the United States.]
STALE, a. [I do not find this word in the other Teutonic dialects. It is probably from the root of still, G., to set, and equivalent to stagnant.]
1. Vapid or tasteless from age; having lost its life, spirit and flavor from being long kept; as stale beer.NWAD STALE.2
2. Having lost the life or graces of youth; worn out; decayed; as a stale virgin.NWAD STALE.3
3. Worn out by use; trite; common; having lost its novelty and power of pleasing; as a stale remark.NWAD STALE.4
STALE, n. [G. See Stall.]
1. Something set or offered to view as an allurement to draw others to any place or purpose; a decoy; a stool-fowl.NWAD STALE.6
Still as he went, he crafty stales did lay.NWAD STALE.7
A pretense of kindness is the universal stale to all base projects. [In this sense obsolete.]NWAD STALE.8
2. A prostitute.NWAD STALE.9
3. Old vapid beer.NWAD STALE.10
4. A long handle; as the state of a rake.NWAD STALE.11
5. A word applied to the king in chess when stalled or set; that is, when so situated that he cannot be moved without going into check, by which the game is ended.NWAD STALE.12
STALE, v.t. To make void or useless; to destroy the life, beauty or use of; to wear out.
Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety.NWAD STALE.14
STALE, v.i. [G.] To make water; to discharge urine; as horses and cattle.
STALE, n. Urine; used of horses and cattle.
STALELY, adv. Of old; of a long time.
1. The state of being stale; vapidness; the state of having lost the life or flavor; oldness; as the staleness of beer or other liquors; the staleness of provisions.NWAD STALENESS.2
2. The state of being worn out; triteness; commonness; as the staleness of an observation.NWAD STALENESS.3
STALK, n. [G., a handle, and a stalk or stem. Gr. from the root of stall; to set.]
1. The stem, culm or main body of an herbaceous plant. Thus we speak of a stalk of wheat, rye or oats, the stalks of maiz or hemp. The stalk of herbaceous plants, answers to the stem of shrubs and tress, and denotes that which is set, the fixed part of a plant, its support; or it is a shoot.NWAD STALK.2
2. The pedicle of a flower, or the peduncle that supports the fructification of a plant.NWAD STALK.3
3. The stem of a quill.NWAD STALK.4
STALK, v.i.
1. To walk with high and proud steps; usually implying the affectation of dignity, and hence the word usually expresses dislike. The poets however use the word to express dignity of step.NWAD STALK.6
With manly mein he stalkd along the ground.NWAD STALK.7
Then stalking through the deep he fords the ocean.NWAD STALK.8
2. It is used with some insinuation of contempt or abhorrence.NWAD STALK.9
Stalks close behind her, like a witchs fiend, pressing to be employd.NWAD STALK.10
Tis not to stalk about and draw fresh air from time to time.NWAD STALK.11
3. To walk behind a stalking horse or behind a cover.NWAD STALK.12
The king crept under the shoulder of his led horse, and said, I must stalk.NWAD STALK.13
STALK, n. A high, proud, stately step or walk.
STALKED, a. Having a stalk.
STALKER, n. One who walks with a proud step; also, a kind of fishing net.
STALKING, ppr. Walking with proud or lofty steps.
STALKING-HORSE, n. A horse, real or factitious, behind which a fowler conceals himself from the sight of the game which he is aiming to kill; hence, a mask; a pretense.
Hypocrisy is the devils stalking-horse, under an affectation of simplicity and religion.NWAD STALKING-HORSE.2
STALKY, a. Hard as a stalk; resembling a stalk.
STALL, n. [G., to set, that is, to throw down, to thrust down. See Still.]
1. Primarily, a stand; a station; a fixed spot; hence, the stand or place where a horse or an ox is kept and fed; the division of a stable, or the apartment for one horse or ox. The stable contains eight or ten stalls.NWAD STALL.2
2. A stable; a place for cattle.NWAD STALL.3
At last he found a stall where oxen stood.NWAD STALL.4
3. In 1 Kings 4:26 stall is used for horse. Solomon had forty thousand stalls of horses for his chariots. In 2 Chronicles 9:25, stall means stable. Solomon had four thousand stalls for horses and chariots. These passages are reconciled by the definition given above; Solomon had four thousand stables, each containing ten stalls; forty thousand stalls.NWAD STALL.5
4. A bench, form or frame of shelves in the open air, where any thing is exposed to sale. It is curious to observe the stalls of books in the boulevards and other public places in Paris.NWAD STALL.6
5. A small house or shed in which an occupation is carried on; as a butchers stall.NWAD STALL.7
6. The seat of a dignified clergyman in the choir.NWAD STALL.8
The dignified clergy, out of humility, have called their thrones by the name of stalls. [probably a mistake of the reason.]NWAD STALL.9
STALL, v.t.
1. To put into a stable; or to keep in a stable; as, to stall an ox.NWAD STALL.11
Where king Latinus then his oxen stalld.NWAD STALL.12
2. To install; to place in an office with the customary formalities. [For this, install is now used.]NWAD STALL.13
3. To set; to fix; to plunge into mire so as not to be able to proceed; as, to stall horses or a carriage. [This phrase I have heard in Virginia. In New England, set is used in a like sense.]NWAD STALL.14
STALL, v.i.
1. To dwell; to inhabit.NWAD STALL.16
We could not stall together in the world. [Not in use.]NWAD STALL.17
2. To kennel.NWAD STALL.18
3. To be set, as in mire.NWAD STALL.19
4. To be tired of eating, as cattle.NWAD STALL.20
1. The right of erecting stalls in fairs; or rent paid for a stall.NWAD STALLAGE.2
2. In old books, laystall; dung; compost.NWAD STALLAGE.3
STALLATION, n. Installation. [Not used.]
STALL-FED, pp. Fed on dry fodder, or fattened in a stall or stable. [See Stallfeed.]
STALL-FEED, v.t. [stall and feed.] To feed and fatten in a stable or on dry fodder; as, to stall-feed an ox. [This word is used in America to distinguish this mode of feeding from grass-feeding.]
STALL-FEEDING, ppr. Feeding and fattening in the stable.
STALLION, n. [G.] A stone horse; a seed horse; or any male horse not castrated, whether kept for mares or not. According to the Welsh, the word signifies a stock horse, a horse intended for raising stock.
STALL-WORN, in Shakespeare, Johnson thinks a mistake for stall-worth, stout.
His stall-worn steed the champion stout bestrode. [The word is not in use.]NWAD STALL-WORN.2
STAMEN, n. plu. stamens or stamina. [L. This word belong to the root of sto, stabilis, or of stage.]
1. In a general sense, usually in the plural, the fixed, firm part of a body, which supports it or gives it its strength and solidity. Thus we say, the bones are the stamina of animal bodies; the ligneous parts of trees are the stamina which constitute their strength. Hence,NWAD STAMEN.2
2. Whatever constitutes the principal strength or support of any thing; as the stamina of a constitution or of life; the stamina of a stage.NWAD STAMEN.3
3. In botany, an organ of flowers for the preparation of the pollen or fecundating dust. It consists of the filament and the anther. It is considered as the male organ of fructification.NWAD STAMEN.4
STAMENED, a. Furnished with stamens.
STAMIN, n. A slight woolen stuff.
STAMINAL, a. Pertaining to stamens or stamina; consisting in stamens or stamina.
STAMINATE, a. Consisting of stamens.
STAMINATE, v.t. To endue with stamina.
1. Consisting of stamens or filaments. Stamineous flowers have no corol; they want the colored leaves called petals, and consist only of the style and stamina. Linne calls them apetalous; others imperfect or incomplete.NWAD STAMINEOUS.2
2. Pertaining to the stamen, or attached to it; as a stamineous nectary.NWAD STAMINEOUS.3
STAMINIFEROUS, a. [L., to bear.] A staminiferous flower is one which has stamens without a pistil. A staminiferous nectary is one that has stamens growing on it.
1. A species of red color.NWAD STAMMEL.2
2. A kind of woolen cloth. [See Stamin.]NWAD STAMMEL.3
STAMMER, v.i. Literally, to stop in uttering syllables or words; to stutter; to hesitate or falter in speaking; and hence, to speak with stops and difficulty. Demosthenes is said to have stammered in speaking, and to have overcome the difficulty by persevering efforts.
STAMMER, v.t. To utter or pronounce with hesitation or imperfectly.
STAMMERER, n. One that stutters or hesitates in speaking.
1. Stopping or hesitating in the uttering of syllables and words; stuttering.NWAD STAMMERING.2
2. a. Apt to stammer.NWAD STAMMERING.3
STAMMERING, n. The act of stopping or hesitating in speaking; impediment in speech.
STAMMERINGLY, adv. With stops or hesitation in speaking.
STAMP, v.t. [G.] In a general sense, to strike; to beat; to press. Hence,
1. To strike or beat forcibly with the bottom of the foot, or by thrusting the foot downwards; as, to stamp the ground.NWAD STAMP.2
He frets, he fumes, he stares, he stamps the ground. [In this sense, the popular pronunciation is stomp, with a broad.]NWAD STAMP.3
2. To impress with some mark or figure; as, to stamp a plate with arms or initials.NWAD STAMP.4
3. To impress; to imprint; to fix deeply; as, to stamp virtuous principles on the heart. [See Enstamp.]NWAD STAMP.5
4. To fix a mark by impressing it; as a notion of the Deity stamped on the mind.NWAD STAMP.6
God has stamped no original characters on our minds, wherein we may read his being.NWAD STAMP.7
5. To make by impressing a mark; as, to stamp pieces of silver.NWAD STAMP.8
6. To coin; to mint; to form.NWAD STAMP.9
STAMP, v.i. To strike the foot forcibly downwards.
But starts, exclaims, and stamps, and raves, and dies.NWAD STAMP.11
1. Any instrument for making impressions on other bodies.NWAD STAMP.13
Tis gold so pure, it cannot bear the stamp without alloy.NWAD STAMP.14
2. A mark imprinted; an impression.NWAD STAMP.15
That sacred name gives ornament and grace, and, like his stamp, makes basest metals pass.NWAD STAMP.16
3. That which is marked; a thing stamped.NWAD STAMP.17
Hanging a golden stamp about their necks.NWAD STAMP.18
4. A picture cut in wood or metal, or made by impression; a cut; a plate.NWAD STAMP.19
At Venice they put out very curious stamps of the several edifices which are most famous for their beauty and magnificence.NWAD STAMP.20
5. A mark set upon things chargeable with duty to government, as evidence that the duty is paid. We see such stamps on English newspapers.NWAD STAMP.21
6. A character of reputation, good or bad, fixed on any thing. These persons have the stamp of impiety. The Scriptures bear the stamp of a divine origin.NWAD STAMP.22
7. Authority; current value derived from suffrage or attestation.NWAD STAMP.23
Of the same stamp is that which is obtruded on us, that an adamant suspends the attraction of the loadstone.NWAD STAMP.24
8. Make; cast; form; character; as a man of the same stamp, or of a different stamp.NWAD STAMP.25
9. In metallurgy, a kind of pestle raised by a water wheel, for beating ores to powder; any thing like a pestle used for pounding or beating.NWAD STAMP.26
STAMP-DUTY, n. [stamp and duty.] A duty or tax imposed on paper and parchment, the evidence of the payment of which is a stamp.
STAMPED, pp. Impressed with a mark or figure; coined; imprinted; deeply fixed.
STAMPER, n. An instrument for pounding or stamping.
STAMPING, ppr. Impressing with a mark or figure; coining; imprinting.
STAMPING-MILL, n. An engine used in tin works for breaking or bruising ore.
STAN, as a termination, is said to have expressed the superlative degree; as in Athelstan, most noble; Dunstan, the highest. But qu. Stan, in Saxon, is stone.
STANCH, v.t. In a general sense, to stop; to set or fix; but applied only to the blood; to stop the flowing of blood. Cold applications to the neck will often stanch the bleeding of the nose.
STANCH, v.i. To stop, as blood; to cease to flow.
Immediately the issue of her blood stanched. Luke 8:44.NWAD STANCH.3
STANCH, a. [This is the same word as the foregoing, the primary sense of which is to set; hence the sense of firmness.]
1. Sound; firm; strong and tight; as a stanch ship.NWAD STANCH.5
2. Firm in principle; steady; constant and zealous; hearty; as a stanch churchman; a stanch republican; a stanch friend or adherent.NWAD STANCH.6
In politics I hear you’re stanch.NWAD STANCH.7
3. Strong; not to be broken.NWAD STANCH.8
4. Firm; close.NWAD STANCH.9
This is to be kept stanch.NWAD STANCH.10
A stanch hound, is one that follows the scent closely without error or remissness.NWAD STANCH.11
STANCHED, pp. Stopped or restrained from flowing.
STANCHER, n. He or that which stops the flowing of blood.
STANCHING, ppr. Stopping the flowing of blood.