1. The act of consigning; consignation; the act of sending or committing, as a charge for safe-keeping or management; the act of depositing with, as goods for sale.NWAD CONSIGNMENT.2
2. The thing consigned; the goods sent or delivered to a factor for sale; as, A received a large consignment of goods from B.NWAD CONSIGNMENT.3
3. The writing by which any thing is consigned.NWAD CONSIGNMENT.4
CONSIMILAR, a. Having common resemblance. [Little used.]
CONSIMILITUDE, n. Resemblance. [Little used.]
CONSIST, v.i. [L., to stand.]
1. To stand together; to be in a fixed or permanent state, as a body composed of parts in union or connection. Hence, to be; to exist; to subsist; to be supported and maintained.NWAD CONSIST.2
He was before all things, and by him all things consist. Colossians 1:17.NWAD CONSIST.3
2. To stand or be; to lie; to be contained; followed by in.NWAD CONSIST.4
The beauty of epistolary writing consists in case and freedom.NWAD CONSIST.5
3. To be composed; followed by of.NWAD CONSIST.6
A landscape should consist of a variety of scenery.NWAD CONSIST.7
To consist together, to coexist; to have being concurrently.NWAD CONSIST.8
Necessity and election cannot consist together in the same act.NWAD CONSIST.9
To consist with, to agree; to be in accordance with; to be compatible.NWAD CONSIST.10
Health consists with temperance alone.NWAD CONSIST.11
1. A standing together; a being fixed in union, as the parts of a body; that state of a body, in which its component parts remain fixed.NWAD CONSISTENCE.2
The consistency of bodies is divers; dense, rare, tangible, pneumatical, volatile, etc.NWAD CONSISTENCE.3
2. A degree of density or spissitude, but indefinite.NWAD CONSISTENCE.4
Let the juices or liquor be boiled into the consistency of syrup.NWAD CONSISTENCE.5
3. Substance; make; firmness of constitution; as, friendship of a lasting consistency; resolutions of durable consistence.NWAD CONSISTENCE.6
4. A standing together, as the parts of a system, or of conduct, etc.; agreement or harmony of all parts of a complex thing among themselves, or of the same thing with itself at different times; congruity; uniformity; as the consistency of laws, regulations or judicial decisions; consistency of opinion; consistency of behavior or of character.NWAD CONSISTENCE.7
There is harmony and consistency in all Gods works.NWAD CONSISTENCE.8
5. A standing; a state of rest, in which things capable of growth or decrease, remain for a time at a stand.NWAD CONSISTENCE.9
CONSISTENT, a. [L. See Consist.]
1. Fixed; firm; not fluid; as the consistent parts of a body, distinguished from the fluid.NWAD CONSISTENT.2
2. Standing together or in agreement; compatible; congruous; uniform; not contradictory or opposed; as, two opinions or schemes are consistent; let a man be consistent with himself; the law is consistent with justice and policy.NWAD CONSISTENT.3
So two consistent motions act the soulNWAD CONSISTENT.4
CONSISTENTLY, adv. In a consistent manner; in agreement; agreeably; as, to command confidence, a man must act consistently.
CONSISTORIAL, CONSISTORY, a. [See Consistory.] Pertaining or relating to a consistory, or ecclesiastical court of an archbishop or bishop.
Every archbishop and bishop of a diocese hath a consistory court.NWAD CONSISTORIAL.2
CONSISTORIAN, a. Relating to an order of presbyterian assemblies.
CONSISTORY, n. [L. See Consist.] Primarily, a place of meeting; a council-house, or place of justice. Hence,
1. A place of justice in the spiritual court, or the court itself; the court of every diocesan bishop, held in their cathedral churches, for the trial of ecclesiastical causes, arising within the diocese. The bishops chancellor or his commissary is the judge.NWAD CONSISTORY.2
2. An assembly of prelates; the college of cardinals at Rome.NWAD CONSISTORY.3
Pius was then hearing causes in consistory.NWAD CONSISTORY.4
3. A solemn assembly or council.NWAD CONSISTORY.5
4. A place of residence. [Not used.]NWAD CONSISTORY.6
5. In the Reformed churches, an assembly or council of ministers and elders.NWAD CONSISTORY.7
CONSOCIATE, n. [L. See the next word.] An associate; a partner or confederate; an accomplice.
CONSOCIATE, v.t. [L., to unite; a companion. See Social.]
1. To unite; to join; to associate.NWAD CONSOCIATE.3
2. To cement, or hold in close union.NWAD CONSOCIATE.4
3. To unite in an assembly or convention, as pastors and messengers or delegates of churches.NWAD CONSOCIATE.5
1. To unite; to coalesce.NWAD CONSOCIATE.7
2. To unite, or meet in a body; to form a consociation of pastors and messengers.NWAD CONSOCIATE.8
1. Intimate union of persons; fellowship; alliance; companionship; union of things. [This word is less used than association.]NWAD CONSOCIATION.2
2. Fellowship or union of churches by their pastors and delegates; a meeting of the pastors and delegates of a number of congregational churches, for aiding and supporting each other, and forming an advisory council in ecclesiastical affairs.NWAD CONSOCIATION.3
CONSOCIATIONAL, a. Pertaining to a consociation.
CONSOL, n. [from consolidate.] Consols, in England, are the funds or stocks formed by the consolidation of different annuities.
CONSOLABLE, a. [See Console.] That admits comfort; capable of receiving consolation.
CONSOLATE, v.t. To comfort. [See Console.]
CONSOLATION, n. [L. See Console.]
1. Comfort; alleviation of misery, or distress of mind; refreshment of mind or spirits; a comparative degree of happiness in distress or misfortune, springing from any circumstance that abates the evil, or supports and strengthens the mind, as hope, joy, courage and the like.NWAD CONSOLATION.2
Against such cruelties, with inward consolations recompensd.NWAD CONSOLATION.3
We have great joy and consolation in thy love. Philemon 7.NWAD CONSOLATION.4
2. That which comforts, or refreshes the spirits; the cause of comfort; as the consolation of Israel. Luke 2:25.NWAD CONSOLATION.5
CONSOLATOR, n. One who comforts.
CONSOLATORY, a. [L.] Tending to give comfort; refreshing to the mind; assuaging grief.
CONSOLATORY, n. A speech or writing containing topics of comfort.
CONSOLE, v.t. [L. The primary sense is either to set or allay, to give rest or quiet, or the sense is to strengthen, in which case it coincides with the root of solid. The latter is most probable.] To comfort; to cheer the mind in distress or depression; to alleviate grief, and give refreshment to the mind or spirits; to give contentment or moderate happiness by relieving from distress.
The promises of the gospel may well console the Christian in all the afflictions of life.NWAD CONSOLE.2
It is a consoling reflection that the evils of life are temporary.NWAD CONSOLE.3
I am much consoled by the reflection that the religion of Christ has been attacked in vain by all the wits and philosophers, and its triumph has been complete.NWAD CONSOLE.4
CONSOLE, n. In architecture, a bracket or shoulder-piece; or an ornament cut upon the key of an arch, which has a projecture, and on occasion serves to support little cornices, figures, busts and vases.
CONSOLED, pp. Comforted; cheered.
CONSOLER, n. One that gives comfort.
CONSOLIDANT, a. [See Consolidate.] Having the quality of uniting wounds or forming new flesh.
CONSOLIDANT, n. A medicine that heals or unites the parts of wounded flesh.
CONSOLIDATE, v.t. [L., solid. See Solid.]
1. To make solid to unite or press together loose or separate parts, and form a compact mass; to harden or make dense and firm.NWAD CONSOLIDATE.2
He fixed and consolidated the earth above the waters.NWAD CONSOLIDATE.3
2. To unite the parts of a broken bone or the lips of a wound, by means of applications.NWAD CONSOLIDATE.4
3. To unite two parliamentary bills in one.NWAD CONSOLIDATE.5
4. In law, to combine two benefices in one.NWAD CONSOLIDATE.6
CONSOLIDATE, v.i. To grow firm and hard; to unite and become solid.
In hurts and ulcers of the head, dryness maketh them more apt to consolidate.NWAD CONSOLIDATE.8
Moist clay consolidates by drying.NWAD CONSOLIDATE.9
CONSOLIDATE, a. Formed into a solid mass.
CONSOLIDATED, pp. Made solid, hard, or compact; united.
CONSOLIDATING, ppr. Making solid; uniting.
1. The act of making or process of becoming solid; the act of forming into a firm compact mass, body or system.NWAD CONSOLIDATION.2
2. The annexing of one bill to another in parliament or legislation.NWAD CONSOLIDATION.3
3. The combining of two benefices in one.NWAD CONSOLIDATION.4
4. The uniting of broken bones or wounded flesh.NWAD CONSOLIDATION.5
CONSONANCE, n. [L., to sound together; to sound. See Sound and Tone.]
1. Accord or agreement of sounds. In music, consonance is an accord of sounds which produces an agreeable sensation in the ear, as the third, fifth and eighth. It denotes also the according intervals. When the interval of a consonance is invariable, it is called perfect; but when it may be either major or minor, it is termed imperfect.NWAD CONSONANCE.2
2. Agreement; accord; congruity; consistency; agreeableness; suitableness; as the consonance of opinions among judges; the consonance of a ritual to the scriptures.NWAD CONSONANCE.3
1. Agreeing; according; congruous; consistent; followed generally by to; sometimes by with; as, this rule is consonant to scripture and reason.NWAD CONSONANT.2
2. In music, composed of consonances; as consonant intervals.NWAD CONSONANT.3
CONSONANT, n. A letter, so named because it is considered as being sounded only in connection with a vowel. But some consonants have no sound, even when united with a vowel, and others have a very imperfect sound. The consonants are better called articulations, as they are the names given to the several closings or junctions of the organs of speech, which precede and follow the openings of the organs, with which the vowels are uttered. These closings are perfect, and wholly intercept the voice, as in the syllables ek, ep, et; or imperfect, and admitting some slight sound, as in em, en. Hence some articulations are called mutes, and others, semi-vowels. The consonants begin or end syllables, and their use is to determine the manner of beginning or ending the vocal sounds. These closings or configurations of the organs being various, serve to diversify the syllables, as in uttering ba, da, pa, or ab, ad, ap; and although b and p may be considered as representing no sounds at all, yet they so modify the utterance of ab, ap, or ba, pa, that the slight difference between these articulations may be perceived as far as the human voice can be distinctly heard.
CONSONANTLY, adv. Consistently; in agreement.
CONSONANTNESS, n. Agreeableness; consistency.
CONSONOUS, a. [L.] Agreeing in sound; symphonious.
CONSOPIATE, v.t. To lull asleep. [Not used.]
CONSOPIATION, n. A lulling asleep. [Not used.]
CONSOPITE, a. Calm; composed. [Not used.]
CONSORT, n. [L., sort, state, kind.]
1. A companion; a partner; an intimate associate; particularly, a partner of the bed; a wife or husband.NWAD CONSORT.2
He single chose to live, and shunnd to wed, well pleased to want a consort of his bed.NWAD CONSORT.3
2. An assembly or association of persons, convened for consultation.NWAD CONSORT.4
3. Union; conjunction; concurrence.NWAD CONSORT.5
4. A number of instruments played together; a symphony; a concert. In this sense, concert is now used.NWAD CONSORT.6
5. In navigation, any vessel keeping company with another.NWAD CONSORT.7
Queen consort, the wife of a king, as distinguished from a queen regent, who rules alone, and a queen dowager, the widow of a king.NWAD CONSORT.8
CONSORT, v.i. To associate; to unite in company; to keep company; followed by with.
Which of the Grecian chiefs consorts with thee.NWAD CONSORT.10
1. To join; to marry.NWAD CONSORT.12
With his consorted Eve.NWAD CONSORT.13
2. To unite in company.NWAD CONSORT.14
He begins to consort himself with men.NWAD CONSORT.15
3. To accompany. [Not used.]NWAD CONSORT.16
CONSORTABLE, a. Suitable.
CONSORTED, pp. United in marriage.
CONSORTING, ppr. Uniting in company with; associating.
CONSORTION, n. Fellowship. [Not used.]
CONSORTSHIP, n. Fellowship; partnership.
CONSOUND, n. The name of several species of plants.
CONSPICUITY, n. Conspicuousness; brightness. [Little used.]
CONSPICUOUS, a. [L., to look or see. See Species.]
1. Open to the view; obvious to the eye; easy to be seen; manifest; as, to stand in a conspicuous place.NWAD CONSPICUOUS.2
Or come I less conspicuous.NWAD CONSPICUOUS.3
2. Obvious to the mental eye; clearly or extensively known, perceived or understood. Hence, eminent; famous; distinguished; as a man of conspicuous talents; a lady of conspicuous virtues.NWAD CONSPICUOUS.4
CONSPICUOUSLY, adv. In a conspicuous manner; obviously; in a manner to be clearly seen; eminently; remarkably.
1. Openness or exposure to the view; a state of being visible at a distance; as the conspicuousness of a tower.NWAD CONSPICUOUSNESS.2
2. Eminence; fame; celebrity; renown; a state of being extensively known and distinguished; as the conspicuousness of an author.NWAD CONSPICUOUSNESS.3
CONSPIRACY, n. [L. See Conspire.]
1. A combination of men for an evil purpose; an agreement between two or more persons, to commit some crime in concert; particularly, a combination to commit treason, or excite sedition or insurrection against the government of a state; a plot; as a conspiracy against the life of a king; a conspiracy against the government.NWAD CONSPIRACY.2
More than forty had made this conspiracy. Acts 23:13.NWAD CONSPIRACY.3
2. In law, an agreement between two or more persons, falsely and maliciously to indict, or procure to be indicted, an innocent person of felony.NWAD CONSPIRACY.4
3. A concurrence; a general tendency of two or more causes to one event.NWAD CONSPIRACY.5
CONSPIRANT, a. [L.] Conspiring; plotting; engaging in a plot to commit a crime.
CONSPIRATION, n. Conspiracy; agreement or concurrence of things to one end.
1. One who conspires; one who engages in a plot to commit a crime, particularly treason.NWAD CONSPIRATOR.2
2. In law, one who agrees with another falsely and maliciously to indict an innocent person of felony. By the British statute, a conspirator is defined to be one who binds himself by oath, covenant, or other alliance, to assist another falsely and maliciously to indict a person, or falsely to maintain pleas.NWAD CONSPIRATOR.3
CONSPIRE, v.i. [L., to plot; to breathe. But the primary sense is to throw, to wind; hence spira, a fold, circle, wreath or band; and the sense of the verb is, to breathe together, or more probably, to wind or band together.]
1. To agree, by oath, covenant or otherwise, to commit a crime; to plot; to hatch treason.NWAD CONSPIRE.2
The servants of Ammon conspired against him, and slew the king in his own house. 2 Kings 21:23.NWAD CONSPIRE.3
They conspired against Joseph to slay him. Genesis 37:18.NWAD CONSPIRE.4
2. In law, to agree falsely and maliciously to indict an innocent person of felony.NWAD CONSPIRE.5
3. To agree; to concur to one end.NWAD CONSPIRE.6
The press, the pulpit, and the stage, conspire to censure and expose our age.NWAD CONSPIRE.7
All things conspire to make us prosperous.NWAD CONSPIRE.8
CONSPIRER, n. One who conspires or plots; a conspirator.
1. Agreeing to commit a crime; plotting; uniting or concurring to one end.NWAD CONSPIRING.2
2. In mechanics, conspiring powers are such as act in a direction not opposite to one another; cooperating powers.NWAD CONSPIRING.3
CONSPIRINGLY, adv. In the manner of a conspiracy; by conspiracy.
CONSPISSATION, n. [L.] The act of making thick or viscous; thickness.
CONSPURCATION, n. [L., to defile.] The act of defiling; defilement; pollution. [Not in use.]
CONSTABLE, n. [L., a stable; count of the stable.]
1. The Lord High Constable of England, the seventh officer of the crown. He had the care of the common peace, in deeds of arms, and matters of war; being a judge of the court of chivalry, now called the court of honor. To this officer and to the Earl marshal belonged the cognizance of the contracts, deeds of arms, without the realm, and combats and blazonry within the realm. The power of this officer was so great and so improperly used, that it was abridged by the 13th Richard II., and was afterwards forfeited in the person of Edward Stafford, duke of Buckingham, in 1521. It has never been granted to any person, since that time, except pro hac vice, or on a particular occasion.NWAD CONSTABLE.2
2. An officer of the peace. In England, there are high constables, petty constables, and constables of London. The high constables are chosen at the court leets of the franchise or hundred over which they preside, or in default of that, by the justices of the quarter sessions, and are removable by the same authority that appoints them. The petty constables are chosen by the jury of the court leet, or if no court is held, they are appointed by two justices of the peace. In London, a constable is nominated in each precinct by the inhabitants, and confirmed at the court of wardmote. The duty of constables is to keep the peace, and for this purpose they are invested with the power of arresting and imprisoning, and of breaking open houses.NWAD CONSTABLE.3
In the United States, constables are town or city officers of the peace, with powers similar to those possessed by the constables in Great Britain. They are invested also with powers to execute civil as well as criminal process, and to levy executions. In New England, they are elected by the inhabitants of towns in legal meeting.NWAD CONSTABLE.4
To overrun the constable, to spend more than a man is worth or can pay; a vulgar phrase.NWAD CONSTABLE.5
CONSTABLESHIP, n. The office of a constable.
CONSTABLEWICK, n. The district to which a constables power is limited.
CONSTANCY, n. [L., to stand.]
1. Fixedness; a standing firm; hence, applied to God or his works, immutability; unalterable continuance; a permanent state.NWAD CONSTANCY.2
2. Fixedness or firmness of mind; persevering resolution; steady, unshaken determination; particularly applicable to firmness of mind under sufferings, to steadiness in attachments, and to perseverence in enterprise. Lasting affection; stability in love or friendship.NWAD CONSTANCY.3
3. Certainty; veracity; reality.NWAD CONSTANCY.4
1. Fixed; firm; opposed to fluid.NWAD CONSTANT.2
To turn two fluid liquors into a constant body.NWAD CONSTANT.3
[In this sense, not used.]NWAD CONSTANT.4
2. Fixed; not varied; unchanged; permanent; immutable.NWAD CONSTANT.5
The worlds a scene of changes, and to be constant, in nature were inconstancy.NWAD CONSTANT.6
3. Fixed or firm in mind, purpose, affection or principle; unshaken; unmoved; as a constant friend or lover.NWAD CONSTANT.7
4. Certain; steady; firmly adherent; with to; as a man constant to his purpose, or to his duties.NWAD CONSTANT.8
CONSTANTINOPOLITAN, a. Relating to Constantinople, the metropolis of Turkey in Europe.
CONSTANTLY, adv. Firmly; steadily; invariably; continually; perseveringly.
Rhoda constantly affirmed that it was even so. Acts 12:15.NWAD CONSTANTLY.2
These things I will that thou affirm constantly. Titus 3:8.NWAD CONSTANTLY.3
CONSTAT, n. [L., it appears.]
1. In England, a certificate given by the clerk of the pipe and auditors of the exchequer, to a person who intends to plead or move for a discharge of any thing in that court. The effect of it is to show what appears upon the record, respecting the matter in question.NWAD CONSTAT.2
2. An exemplification under the great seal of the enrollment of any letters patent.NWAD CONSTAT.3
CONSTELLATE, v.i. [Low L., to shine, a star.] To join luster; to shine with united radiance or one general light. [Little used.]
The several things which engage our affections shine forth and constellate in God.NWAD CONSTELLATE.2
CONSTELLATE, v.t. To unite several shining bodies in one splendor. [Little used.]
1. United in one splendor.NWAD CONSTELLATED.2
2. Starry; set or adorned with stars or constellations.NWAD CONSTELLATED.3
1. A cluster of fixed stars; an asterism; a number of stars which appear as if situated near each other in the heavens, and are considered as forming a particular division. The constellations are reduced mostly to the figures of certain animals or other known things, as the bear, the bull, the ram, the balance, etc.NWAD CONSTELLATION.2
For the stars of heaven, and the constellations thereof, shall not give their light. Isaiah 13:10.NWAD CONSTELLATION.3
2. An assemblage of splendors or excellencies.NWAD CONSTELLATION.4
CONSTERNATION, n. [L., to throw or strike down.] Astonishment; amazement or horror that confounds the faculties, and incapacitates a person for consultation and execution; excessive terror, wonder or surprise.
CONSTIPATE, v.t. [L., to crowd, or cram. See Stuff and Stop.]
1. To crowd or cram into a narrow compass; to thicken or condense.NWAD CONSTIPATE.2
2. To stop, by filling a passage, and preventing motion; as, to constipate capillary vessels.NWAD CONSTIPATE.3
3. To fill or crowd the intestinal canal, and make costive.NWAD CONSTIPATE.4
1. The act of crowding any thing into a less compass; a pressing together; condensation; as a close constipation of particles.NWAD CONSTIPATION.2
2. More generally, a crowding or filling to hardness the intestinal canal, from defective excretion; costiveness; obstipation.NWAD CONSTIPATION.3
CONSTITUENT, a. [L., to set. See Statue, Statute.] Setting; constituting; applied to parts of a thing that are essential to it. Hence, necessary or essential; elemental; forming, composing or making as an essential part.
Body, soul, and reason, are the three constituent parts of a man.NWAD CONSTITUENT.2
Oxygen and hydrogen are the constituent parts of water.NWAD CONSTITUENT.3
1. He or that which sets, fixes or forms; he or that which constitutes or composes.NWAD CONSTITUENT.5
Their first composure and origination requires a higher and nobler constituent than chance.NWAD CONSTITUENT.6
2. That which constitutes or composes, as a part, or an essential part.NWAD CONSTITUENT.7
The lymph in those glands is a necessary constituent of the aliment.NWAD CONSTITUENT.8
3. One who appoints or elects another to an office or employment.NWAD CONSTITUENT.9
CONSTITUTE, v.t. [L., to set.]
1. To set; to fix; to enact; to establish.NWAD CONSTITUTE.2
We must obey laws appointed and constituted by lawful authority, not against the law of God.NWAD CONSTITUTE.3
2. To form or compose; to give formal existence to; to make a thing what it is.NWAD CONSTITUTE.4
Perspicuity constitutes the prime excellence of style.NWAD CONSTITUTE.5
Truth and reason constitute that intellectual gold that defies destruction.NWAD CONSTITUTE.6
3. To appoint, depute or elect to an office or employment; to make and empower.NWAD CONSTITUTE.7
A sheriff is constituted a conservator of the peace.NWAD CONSTITUTE.8
A has constituted B his attorney or agent.NWAD CONSTITUTE.9
CONSTITUTED, pp. Set; fixed; established; made; elected; appointed.
CONSTITUTER, n. One who constitutes or appoints.
CONSTITUTING, ppr. Setting; establishing; composing; electing; appointing.
1. The act of constituting, enacting, establishing, or appointing.NWAD CONSTITUTION.2
2. The state of being; that form of being or peculiar structure and connection of parts which makes or characterizes a system or body. Hence the particular frame or temperament of the human body is called its constitution. We speak of a robust or feeble constitution; a cold, phlegmatic, sanguine or irritable constitution. We speak of the constitution of the air, or other substance; the constitution of the solar system; the constitution of things.NWAD CONSTITUTION.3
3. The frame or temper of mind, affections or passions.NWAD CONSTITUTION.4
4. The established form of government in a state, kingdom or country; a system of fundamental rules, principles and ordinances for the government of a state or nation. In free states, the constitution is paramount to the statutes or laws enacted by the legislature, limiting and controlling its power; and in the United States, the legislature is created, and its powers designated, by the constitution.NWAD CONSTITUTION.5
5. A particular law, ordinance, or regulation, made by the authority of any superior, civil or ecclesiastical; as the constitutions of Justinian and his successors.NWAD CONSTITUTION.6
6. A system of fundamental principles for the government of rational and social beings.NWAD CONSTITUTION.7
The New Testament is the moral constitution of modern society.NWAD CONSTITUTION.8
1. Bred or inherent in the constitution, or in the natural frame of body or mind; as a constitutional infirmity; constitutional ardor or dulness.NWAD CONSTITUTIONAL.2
2. Consistent with the constitution; authorized by the constitution or fundamental rules of a government; legal.NWAD CONSTITUTIONAL.3
An act of Congress prohibiting the importation of slaves into the United States is constitutional.NWAD CONSTITUTIONAL.4
3. Relating to the constitution; as a constitutional doubt.NWAD CONSTITUTIONAL.5
1. An adherent to the constitution of government.NWAD CONSTITUTIONALIST.2
2. An innovator of the old constitution, or a framer or friend of the new constitution in France.NWAD CONSTITUTIONALIST.3
1. The state of being constitutional; the state of being inherent in the natural frame; as the constitutionality of disease.NWAD CONSTITUTIONALITY.2
2. The state of being consistent with the constitution or frame of government, or of being authorized by its provisions.NWAD CONSTITUTIONALITY.3
The judges of the supreme court of the United States have the power of determining the constitutionality of laws.NWAD CONSTITUTIONALITY.4
CONSTITUTIONALLY, adv. In consistency with the constitution or frame of government.
CONSTITUTIONIST, n. One who adheres to the constitution of the country.
1. That constitutes, forms or composes; elemental; essential.NWAD CONSTITUTIVE.2
The constitutive parts of a schismatic, being the esteem of himself and contempt of others.NWAD CONSTITUTIVE.3
2. Having power to enact or establish; instituting.NWAD CONSTITUTIVE.4
CONSTRAIN, v.t. [L., to strain, to bind. See Strain.] In a general sense, to strain; to press; to urge; to drive; to exert force, physical or moral, either in urging to action or in restraining it. Hence,
1. To compel or force; to urge with irresistible power, or with a power sufficient to produce the effect.NWAD CONSTRAIN.2
The spirit within me constraineth me. Job 32:18.NWAD CONSTRAIN.3
I was constrained to appeal to Caesar. Acts 28:19.NWAD CONSTRAIN.4
For the love of Christ constraineth us. 2 Corinthians 5:14.NWAD CONSTRAIN.5
2. To confine by fore; to restrain from escape or action; to repress.NWAD CONSTRAIN.6
My sire in caves constrains the winds.NWAD CONSTRAIN.7
3. To hold by force; to press; to confine.NWAD CONSTRAIN.8
How the strait stays the slender waist constrain.NWAD CONSTRAIN.9
4. To constringe; to bind.NWAD CONSTRAIN.10
When winter frosts constrain the field with cold.NWAD CONSTRAIN.11
5. To tie fast; to bind; to chain; to confine.NWAD CONSTRAIN.12
He binds in chains the drowsy prophet, and his limbs constrains.NWAD CONSTRAIN.13
6. To necessitate.NWAD CONSTRAIN.14
Did fate or we the adulterous act constrain?NWAD CONSTRAIN.15
7. To force; to ravish. [Not used.]NWAD CONSTRAIN.16
8. To produce in opposition to nature; as a constrained voice; constrained notes.NWAD CONSTRAIN.17
CONSTRAINABLE, a. That may be constrained, forced, or repressed; liable to constraint, or to restraint.
CONSTRAINED, pp. Urged irresistibly or powerfully; compelled; forced; restrained; confined; bound; imprisoned; necessitated.
CONSTRAINEDLY, adv. By constraint; by compulsion.
CONSTRAINER, n. One who constrains.
CONSTRAINING, ppr. Urging with irresistible or powerful force; compelling; forcing; repressing; confining; holding by force; pressing; binding.
CONSTRAINT, n. Irresistible force, or its effect; any force, or power, physical or moral, which compels to act or to forbear action, or which urges so strongly as to produce its effect upon the body or mind; compulsion; restraint; confinement.
Not by constraint, but by my choice, I came.NWAD CONSTRAINT.2
Feed the flock of God, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly. 1 Peter 5:2.NWAD CONSTRAINT.3
CONSTRAINTIVE, a. Having power to compel.
CONSTRICT, v.t. [L. See Constrain.] To draw together; to bind; to cramp; to draw into a narrow compass; hence, to contract or cause to shrink.
CONSTRICTED, pp. Drawn together; bound; contracted.
CONSTRICTING, ppr. Drawing together; binding; contracting.
CONSTRICTION, n. A drawing together or contraction by means of some inherent power, or by spasm, as distinguished from compression, or the pressure of extraneous bodies; as the constriction of a muscle or fiber. It may perhaps be sometimes used as synonymous with compression.
1. That which draws together or contracts. In anatomy, a muscle which draws together or closes an orifice of the body; as the constrictor labiorum, a muscle of the lips.NWAD CONSTRICTOR.2
2. A species of serpents, the black snake of the United States. Also, the Boa constrictor, the largest of known serpents.NWAD CONSTRICTOR.3
CONSTRINGE, v.t. [L. See Constrain.] To draw together; to strain into a narrow compass; to contract; to force to contract itself.
Strong liquors constringe, harden the fibers, and coagulate the fluids.NWAD CONSTRINGE.2
CONSTRINGED, pp. Contracted; drawn together.
CONSTRINGENT, a. Having the quality of contracting, binding or compressing.
CONSTRINGING, ppr. Drawing or compressing into a smaller compass; contracting; binding.
CONSTRUCT, v.t. [L., to lay, dispose or set in order. See Structure.]
1. To put together the parts of a thing in their proper place and order; to build; to form; as, to construct an edifice.NWAD CONSTRUCT.2
2. To devise and compose, as to construct a new system; or simply to frame or form, as to construct a telescope. The word may include the invention, with the formation, or not, at the pleasure of the writer. A man constructs a ship according to a model; or a grammar by a new arrangement of principles; or a planetarium of a new form.NWAD CONSTRUCT.3
3. To interpret or understand. [See Construe.]NWAD CONSTRUCT.4
CONSTRUCTED, pp. Built; formed; composed; compiled.