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    CYNANCHE, n. [Gr., a dog-collar, angina; a dog, to press or bind, to suffocate.] A disease of the throat, attended with inflammation, swelling, and difficulty of breathing and swallowing. It is of several kinds and comprehends the quinsy, croop and malignant sore throat.

    CYNANTHROPY, n. [Gr., a dog, man.] A kind of madness in which men have the qualities of dogs.

    CYNARCTOMACHY, n. [Gr., a dog, a bear, a fight.] Bear-baiting with a dog. [A barbarous word.]

    CYNIC, CYNICAL, a. [Gr., canine, a dog.] Having the qualities of a surly dog; snarling; captious; surly; currish; austere.

    Cynic spasm, a kind of convulsion, in which the patient imitates the howling of dogs.NWAD CYNIC.2

    CYNIC, n. A man of a canine temper; a surly or snarling man or philosopher; a follower of Diogenes; a misanthrope.

    CYNICALLY, adv. In a snarling, captious or morose manner.

    CYNICALNESS, n. Moroseness; contempt of riches and amusements.

    CYNICS, n. In ancient history, a sect of philosophers, who valued themselves on their contempt of riches, of arts, sciences and amusements. They are said to owe their origin to Antisthenes of Athens.

    CYNOSURE, n. [Gr., the tail of the dog, ursa minor, the little bear.] The constellation near the north pole, consisting of seven stars, four of which are disposed like the four wheels of a chariot, and three lengthwise, like the beam; hence called the chariot or Charless wain. As seamen are accustomed to steer by this constellation, ti si sometimes taken for that which directs or attracts attention.

    CYON. [See Cion.]

    CYPHER. [See Cipher.]

    CYPRESS, n. [L., Gr.]

    1. A genus of plants or trees. The most remarkable are the sempervirens or common cypress, the evergreen American cypress or white cedar, and the disticha or deciduous American cypress. The wood of these trees is remarkable for its durability. The coffins in which the Athenian heroes and the mummies of Egypt were deposited, are said to have been made of the first species.NWAD CYPRESS.2

    2. The emblem of mourning for the dead, cypress branches having been anciently used at funerals.NWAD CYPRESS.3

    Had success attended the Americans, the death of Warren would have been sufficient to damp the joys of victory, and the cypress would have been united with the laurel.NWAD CYPRESS.4

    CYPRIN, a. Pertaining to the fish of the genus Cyprinus.

    CYPRUS, n. A thin transparent black stuff.

    CYRIOLOGIC, a. [Gr., a chief, discourse.] Relating or pertaining to capital letters.

    CYST, n. [Gr., a bladder.] A bag or tunic which includes morbid matter in animal bodies.

    CYSTIC, a. Pertaining to a cyst, or contained in a cyst. The cystic duct is the membranous canal that conveys the bile from the hepatic duct into the gall bladder. The cystic artery is a branch of the hepatic.

    Cystic oxyd, a name given to a peculiar substance, supposed to be generated in the bladder or rather in the kidneys.NWAD CYSTIC.2

    CYSTOCELE, n. [Gr., a bladder or a tumor.] A hernia or rupture formed by the protrusion of the urinary bladder.

    CYSTOTOMY, n. [Gr., a bladder or to cut.] The act or practice of opening encysted tumors, for the discharge of morbid matter.

    CYTISUS, n. A shrub or tree. Also, a genus of trees; tree-trefoil.

    CZAR, n. A king; a chief; a title of the emperor of Russia; pronounced tzar, and so written by good authors.

    CZARINA, n. A title of the empress of Russia.

    CZARISH, a. Pertaining to the czar of Russia.

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