HAYRICK, n. A rick of hay; usually a long pile for preservation in the open air.
HAYSTACK, n. A stack or large conical pile of hay in the open air, laid up for preservation.
HAYWARD, n. [hay and ward, hedgeward.] A person who keeps the common herd or cattle of a town, and guards hedges or fences. In New England, the hayward is a town officer whose duty it to impound cattle, and particularly swine which are found running at large in the highways, contrary to law.
HAYDENITE, n. A mineral discovered by Dr. Hayden, near Baltimore. It occurs in garnet colored crystals.
HAZARD, n. [L. casus, a fall, and ard, the common termination.]
1. Chance; accident; casualty; a fortuitous event; that which falls or comes suddenly or unexpectedly, the cause of which is unknown, or whose operation is unforeseen or unexpected.NWAD HAZARD.2
I will stand the hazard of the die.NWAD HAZARD.3
2. Danger; peril; risk. He encountered the enemy at the hazard of his reputation and life.NWAD HAZARD.4
Men are led on from one stage of life to another, in a condition of the utmost hazard.NWAD HAZARD.5
3. A game at dice.NWAD HAZARD.6
To run the hazard, to risk; to take the chance; to do or neglect to do something, when the consequences are not foreseen, and not within the powers of calculation.NWAD HAZARD.7
HAZARD, v.t. To expose to chance; to put in danger of loss or injury; to venture; to risk; as, to hazard life to save a friend; to hazard an estate on the throw of a dice; to hazard salvation for temporal pleasure.
Men hazard nothing by a course of evangelical obedience.NWAD HAZARD.9
1. To venture to incur, or bring on; as, to hazard the loss or reputation.NWAD HAZARD.10
HAZARD, v.i. To try the chance; to adventure; to run the risk or danger.
Pause a day or two, before you hazard--NWAD HAZARD.12
HAZARDABLE, a. That is liable to hazard or chance.
HAZARDED, pp. Put at risk or in danger; ventured.
HAZARDER, n. One who ventures or puts at stake.
HAZARDING, ppr. Exposing to danger or peril; venturing to bring on.
HAZARDOUS, a. Dangerous; that exposes to peril or danger of loss or evil; as a hazardous attempt or experiment.
HAZARDOUSLY, adv. With danger of loss or evil; with peril.
HAZARDRY, n. Rashness; temerity.
1. Gaming in general.NWAD HAZARDRY.2
HAZE, n. [The primary sense of this word is probably to mix, or to turn, stir and make thick.]
Fog; a watery vapor in the air, or a dry vapor like smoke, which renders the air thick.NWAD HAZE.2
HAZE, v.i. To be foggy. [A local word.]
HAZE, v.t. To frighten. [Not used.]
HAZEL, n. ha’zl. A shrub of the genus Corylus, bearing a nut containing a kernel of a mild farinaceous taste.
HAZEL, a. ha’zl. Pertaining to the hazel or like it; of a light brown color, like the hazel-nut.
HAZEL-EARTH, n. A kind of red loam.
HAZEL-NUT, n. The nut or fruit of the hazel.
HAZELLY, a. Of the color of the hazelnut; of a light brown.
HAZY, a. [See Haze.] Foggy; misty; thick with vapor; as hazy weather; the hazy north.
HE, pronoun of the third person; nom. he; poss. his; obj. him. [L. id, for hid; hic.]
1. A pronoun, a substitute for the third person, masculine gender, representing the man or male person named before.NWAD HE.2
Thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. Genesis 3:16.NWAD HE.3
Thou shalt fear Jehovah thy God; him shalt thou serve. Deuteronomy 10:20.NWAD HE.4
2. It often has reference to a person that is named in the subsequent part of the sentence. He is the man.NWAD HE.5
3. He is often used without reference to any particular person, and may be referred to any person indefinitely that answers the description. It is then synonymous with any man.NWAD HE.6
He that walketh with wise men, shall be wise. Proverbs 13:20.NWAD HE.7
4. He, when a substitute for man in its general sense, expressing mankind, is of common gender, representing, like its antecedent, the whole human race.NWAD HE.8
My Spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh. Genesis 6:3.NWAD HE.9
5. Man; a male.NWAD HE.10
I stand to answer thee, or any he the proudest of thy sort.NWAD HE.11
In this use of he, in the ludicrous style, the word has no variation of case. In the foregoing sentence, he is in the objective case, or position, and the word is to be considered as a noun.NWAD HE.12
6. He is sometimes prefixed to the names of animals to designate the male kind, as a he-goat, a he-bear. In such cases, he is to be considered as an adjective, or the two words as forming a compound.NWAD HE.13
HEAD, n. hed.
1. The uppermost part of the human body, or the foremost part of the body of prone and creeping animals. This part of the human body contains the organs of hearing, seeing, tasting and smelling; it contains also the brain, which is supposed to be the seat of the intellectual powers, and of sensation. Hence the head is the chief or more important part, and is used for the whole person, in the phrase, let the evil fall on my head.NWAD HEAD.2
2. An animal; an individual; as, the tax was raised by a certain rate per head. And we use the singular number to express many. The herd contains twenty head of oxen.NWAD HEAD.3
Thirty thousand head of swine.NWAD HEAD.4
3. A chief; a principal person; a leader; a commander; one who has the first rank or place, and to whom others are subordinate; as the head of an army; the head of a sect or party. Ephesians 5:23.NWAD HEAD.5
4. The first place; the place of honor, or of command. The lord mayor sat at the head of the table. The general marched at the head of his troops.NWAD HEAD.6
5. Countenance; presence; in the phrases, to hide the head, to show the head.NWAD HEAD.7
6. Understanding; faculties of the mind; sometimes in a ludicrous sense; as, a man has a good head, or a strong head. These men laid their heads together to form the scheme. Never trouble your head about this affair. So we say, to beat the head; to break the head; that is, to study hard, to exercise the understanding or mental faculties.NWAD HEAD.8
7. Face; front; forepart.NWAD HEAD.9
The ravishers turn head, the fight renews. [Unusual.]NWAD HEAD.10
8. Resistance; successful opposition; in the phrase, to make head against, that is, to advance, or resist with success.NWAD HEAD.11
9. Spontaneous will or resolution; in the phrases, of his own head, on their own head. But of is more usual than on.NWAD HEAD.12
10. State of a deer’s horns by which his age is known. The buck is called, the fifth year, a buck of the first head.NWAD HEAD.13
11. The top of a thing, especially when larger than the rest of the thing; as the head of a spear; the head of a cabbage; the head of a nail; the head of a mast.NWAD HEAD.14
12. The forepart of a thing, as the head of a ship, which includes the bows on both sides; also, the ornamental figure or image erected on or before the stem of a ship.NWAD HEAD.15
13. The blade or cutting part of an ax, distinct from the helve.NWAD HEAD.16
14. That which rises on the top; as the head or yeast of beer.NWAD HEAD.17
15. The upper part of a bed, or bed-stead.NWAD HEAD.18
16. The brain.NWAD HEAD.19
They turn their heads to imitate the sun.NWAD HEAD.20
17. The dress of the head; as a laced head. [Unusual.]NWAD HEAD.21
18. The principal source of a stream; as the head of the Nile.NWAD HEAD.22
19. Altitude of water in ponds, as applicable to the driving of mill-wheels. The mill has a good head of water.NWAD HEAD.23
20. Topic of discourse; chief point or subject; a summary; as the heads of a discourse or treatise.NWAD HEAD.24
21. Crisis; pitch; highth. The disease has grown to such a head as to threaten life.NWAD HEAD.25
22. Influence; force; strength; pitch. The sedition got to such a head as not to be easily quelled.NWAD HEAD.26
23. Body; conflux.NWAD HEAD.27
24. Power; armed force.NWAD HEAD.28
My lord, my lord, the French have gathered head.NWAD HEAD.29
25. Liberty; freedom from restrain; as, to give a horse the head. Hence,NWAD HEAD.30
26. License; freedom from check, control or restraint. Children should not have their heads.NWAD HEAD.31
He has too long given his unruly passions the head.NWAD HEAD.32
27. The hair of the head; as a head of hair.NWAD HEAD.33
28. The top of corn or other plant; the part on which the seed grows.NWAD HEAD.34
29. The end, or the boards that form the end; as the head of a cask.NWAD HEAD.35
30. The part most remote from the mouth or opening into the sea; as the head of a bay, gulf or creek.NWAD HEAD.36
31. The maturated part of an ulcer or boil; hence, to come to a head, is to suppurate.NWAD HEAD.37
Head and ears, a phrase denoting the whole person, especially when referring to immersion. He plunged head and ears into the water. He was head and ears in debt, that is, completely overwhelmed.NWAD HEAD.38
Head and shoulders, by force; violently; as, to drag one head and shoulders.NWAD HEAD.39
They bring in every figure of speech, head and shoulders.NWAD HEAD.40
Head or tail, or head nor tail, uncertain; not reducible to certainty.NWAD HEAD.41
Head, as an adj. or in composition, chief; principal; as a head workman.NWAD HEAD.42
By the head, in seamen’s language, denotes the state of a ship laden too deeply at the fore-end.NWAD HEAD.43
HEAD, v.t. hed. To lead; to direct; to act as leader to; as, to head an army; to head an expedition; to head a riot.
1. To behead; to decapitate. [Unusual.]NWAD HEAD.45
2. To form a head to; to fit or furnish with a head; as, to head a nail.NWAD HEAD.46
3. To lop; as, to head trees.NWAD HEAD.47
4. To go in front of; to get into the front; as, to head a drove of cattle.NWAD HEAD.48
5. To set on the head; as, to head a cask.NWAD HEAD.49
6. To oppose; to veer round and blow in opposition to the course of a ship; as, the wind heads us.NWAD HEAD.50
HEAD, v.i. hed. To originate; to spring; to have its source, as a river.
A broad river that heads in the great Blue Ridge of mountains.NWAD HEAD.52
HEADACH, n. hed’ake. Pain in the head.
HEADBAND, n. hed’band. A fillet; a band for the head; also, the band at each end of a book. Isaiah 3:20.
HEADBOROUGH, n. hed’burro. In England, formerly, the chief of a frank-pledge, tithing or decennary, consisting of ten families; called in some counties, borsholder, that is, borough’s elder, and sometimes tithing man.
HEADDRESS, n. hed’dress. The dress of the head; the covering or ornaments of a woman’s head.
1. The crest, or tuft of feathers on a fowl’s head.NWAD HEADDRESS.2
HEADED, pp. hed’ed. Led; directed; furnished with a head; having a top. This is used in composition, as clear-headed, long-headed, thick-headed, etc.
HEADER, n. hed’er. One who heads nails or pins.
1. One who leads a mob or party.NWAD HEADER.2
2. The first brick in the angle of a wall.NWAD HEADER.3
HEADFAST, n. hed’fast. A rope at the head of a ship to fasten it to a wharf or other object.
HEADFIRST, adv. hedfurst. With the head foremost.
HEADGARGLE, n. hed’gargle. A disease of cattle.
HEADGEAR, n. hed’gear. The dress of a woman’s head.
HEADINESS, n. hed’iness. [See Heady.] Rashness; precipitation; a disposition to rush forward without due deliberation or prudence.
1. Stubbornness; obstinacy.NWAD HEADINESS.2
HEADING, n. hed’ing. Timber for the heads of casks.
HEADLAND, n. hed’land. A cape; a promontory; a point of land projecting from the shore into the sea, or other expanse of water.
1. A ridge or strip of unplowed land at the ends of furrows, or near a fence.NWAD HEADLAND.2
HEADLESS, a. hed’less. Having no head; beheaded; as a headless body, neck or carcass.
1. Destitute of a chief or leader.NWAD HEADLESS.2
2. Destitute of understanding or prudence; rash; obstinate.NWAD HEADLESS.3
HEADLONG, adv. hed’long. With the head foremost; as, to fall headlong.
1. Rashly; precipitately; without deliberation.NWAD HEADLONG.2
--He hurries headlong to his fate.NWAD HEADLONG.3
2. Hastily; without delay or respite.NWAD HEADLONG.4
HEADLONG, a. hed’long. Steep; precipitous.
1. Rash; precipitate; as headlong folly.NWAD HEADLONG.6
HEADMAN, n. hed’man. A chief; a leader.
HEADMOLD-SHOT, n. A disease in children, in which the sutures of the skull, usually the coronal, ride, that is, when their edges shoot over one another, and are so close-locked as to compress the brain; often occasioning convulsions and death.
HEADMONEY, n. hed’munny. A capitation-tax.
HEADMOST, a. hed’most. Most advanced; most forward; first in a line or order of progression; as the headmost ship in a fleet.
HEAD-PAN, n. hed’-pan. The brain-pan. [Not in use.]
HEAD-PIECE, n. hed’-pece. Armor for the head; a helmet; a morion.
1. Understanding; force of mind. [Not common.]NWAD HEAD-PIECE.2
HEADQUARTERS, n. plu. The quarters or place of residence of the commander-in-chief of an army.
1. The residence of any chief, or place from which orders are issued.NWAD HEADQUARTERS.2
HEAD-ROPE, n. hed’-rope. That part of a bolt-rope which terminates any sail on the upper edge, and to which it is sewed.
HEAD-SAIL, n. hed’-sail. The head-sails of a ship are the sails which are extended on the fore-mast and bowsprit, as the foresail, foretop-sail, jib, etc.
HEAD-SEA, n. hed’-sea. Waves that meet the head of a ship or roll against her course.
HEADSHAKE, n. hed’shake. A significant shake of the head.
HEADSHIP, n. hed’ship. Authority; chief place.
HEADSMAN, n. hed’sman. One that cuts off heads; an executioner. [Unusual.]
HEADSPRING, n. hed’spring. Fountain; source; origin.
HEADSTALL, n. hed’stall. That part of a bridle which encompasses the head.
HEADSTONE, n. hed’stone. The principal stone in a foundation; the chief or corner stone.
1. The stone at the head of a grave.NWAD HEADSTONE.2
HEADSTRONG, a. hed’strong. Violent; obstinate; ungovernable; resolute to run his own way; bent on pursuing his own will; not easily restrained.
Now let the headstrong boy my will control.NWAD HEADSTRONG.2
1. Directed by ungovernable will or proceeding from obstinacy; as a headstrong course.NWAD HEADSTRONG.3
HEADSTRONGNESS, n. Obstinacy. [Not in use.]
HEADTIRE, n. hed’tire. Dress or attire for the head. 1 Esdras 3:6.
HEADWAY, n. hed’way. The motion of an advancing ship. A ship makes headway, when she advances, as from a state of rest.
HEAD-WIND, n. hed’-wind. A wind that blows in a direction opposite to the ship’s course.
HEAD-WORKMAN, n. The chief workman of a party; a foreman in a manufactory.
HEADY, a. hed’y. [See Head.] Rash; hasty; precipitate; violent; disposed to rush forward in an enterprise without thought or deliberation; hurried on by will or passion; ungovernable.
All the talent required, is to be heady, to be violent on one side or the other.NWAD HEADY.2
1. Apt to affect the head; inflaming; intoxicating; strong; as spirituous liquors.NWAD HEADY.3
Champagne is a heady wine.NWAD HEADY.4
2. Violent; ;impetuous; as a heady current. [Not usual.]NWAD HEADY.5
HEAL, v.t. [L. celo; Heb. to be whole or entire, all.]
1. To cure of a disease or wound and restore to soundness, or to that state of body in which the natural functions are regularly performed; as, to heal the sick.NWAD HEAL.2
Speak, and my servant shall be healed. Matthew 8:8.NWAD HEAL.3
2. To cure; to remove or subdue; as, to heal a disease.NWAD HEAL.4
3. To cause to cicatrize; as, to heal a sore or wound.NWAD HEAL.5
4. To restore to soundness; as, to heal a wounded limb.NWAD HEAL.6
5. To restore purity to; to remove feculence or foreign matter.NWAD HEAL.7
Thus saith the Lord, I have healed these waters. 2 Kings 2:21.NWAD HEAL.8
6. To remove, as differences or dissension; to reconcile, as parties at variance; as, to heal a breach or difference.NWAD HEAL.9
7. In Scripture, to forgive; to cure moral disease and restore soundness.NWAD HEAL.10
I will heal their backsliding. Hosea 14:4.NWAD HEAL.11
8. To purify from corruptions, redress grievances and restore to prosperity. Jeremiah 14:19.NWAD HEAL.12
9. To cover, as a roof with tiles, slate, lead, etc.NWAD HEAL.13
HEAL, v.i. To grow sound; to return to a sound state; as, the limb heals, or the wound heals; sometimes with up or over; it will heal up or over.
HEALABLE, a. That may be healed.
HEALED, pp. Restored to a sound state.
HEALER, n. He or that which cures, or restores to soundness.
HEALING, ppr. Curing; restoring to a sound state.
1. Tending to cure; mild; mollifying.NWAD HEALING.2
HEALING, n. The act of curing.
1. The act of covering.NWAD HEALING.4
HEALTH, n. helth. [from heal.] That state of an animal or living body, in which the parts are sound, well organized and disposed, and in which they all perform freely their natural functions. In this state the animal feels no pain. This word is applied also to plants.
1. Sound state of the mind; natural vigor of faculties.NWAD HEALTH.2
2. Sound state of the mind, in a moral sense; purity; goodness.NWAD HEALTH.3
There is no health in us.NWAD HEALTH.4
3. Salvation or divine favor, or grace which cheers God’s people. Psalm 43:5.NWAD HEALTH.5
4. Wish of health and happiness; used in drinking. Come, love and health to all; an elliptical phrase, for, I wish health to you.NWAD HEALTH.6
HEATHFUL, a. helth’ful. Being in a sound state, as a living or organized being; having the parts or organs entire, and their functions in a free, active and undisturbed operation; free from disease. We speak of a healthful body, a healthful person, a healthful plant.
1. Serving to promote health; wholesome; salubrious; as a healthful air or climate; a healthful diet.NWAD HEATHFUL.2
2. Indicating health or soundness; as a healthful condition.NWAD HEATHFUL.3
3. Salutary; promoting spiritual health.NWAD HEATHFUL.4
4. Well disposed; favorable.NWAD HEATHFUL.5
A healthful ear to hear. [Unusual.]NWAD HEATHFUL.6
HEALTHFULLY, adv. In health; wholesomely.
HEALTHFULNESS, n. A state of being well; a state in which the parts of a living body are sound, and regularly perform their functions.
1. Wholesomeness; salubrity; state or qualities that promote health; as the healthfulness of the air, or of climate, or of diet, or of exercises.NWAD HEALTHFULNESS.2
HEALTHILY, a. [See Health.] Without disease.
HEALTHINESS, n. The state of health; soundness; freedom from disease; as the healthiness of an animal or plant.
HEALTHLESS, a. Infirm; sickly.
1. Not conducive to health. [Little used.]NWAD HEALTHLESS.2
HEALTHSOME, a. Wholesome. [Not used.]
HEALTHY, a. Being in a sound state; enjoying health; hale; sound; as a healthy body or constitution.
1. Conducive to health; wholesome; salubrious; as a healthy exercise; a healthy climate; healthy recreations.NWAD HEALTHY.2
HEAM, n. In beasts, the same as afterbirth in women.
HEAP, n.
1. A pile or mass; a collection of things laid in a body so as to form an elevation; as a heap of earth or stones.NWAD HEAP.2
Huge heaps of slain around the body rise.NWAD HEAP.3
2. A crowd; a throng; a cluster; applied to living persons. [Inelegant and not in use.]NWAD HEAP.4
3. A mass of ruins.NWAD HEAP.5
Thou hast made of a city a heap. Isaiah 25:2.NWAD HEAP.6
HEAP, v.t.
1. To throw or lay in a heap; to pile; as, to heap stones; often with up; as, to heap up earth; or with on; as, to heap on wood or coal.NWAD HEAP.8
2. To amass; to accumulate; to lay up; to collect in great quantity; with up; as, to heap up treasures.NWAD HEAP.9
Though the wicked heap up silver as the dust-- Job 27:16.NWAD HEAP.10
3. To add something else, in large quantities.NWAD HEAP.11
4. To pile; to add till the mass takes a roundish form, or till it rises above the measure; as, to heap any thing in measuring.NWAD HEAP.12
HEAPED, pp. Piled; amassed; accumulated.
HEAPER, n. One who heaps, piles or amasses.
HEAPING, ppr. Piling; collecting into a mass.
HEAPY, a. Lying in heaps; as heapy rubbish.
HEAR, v.t. pret. and pp. heard, but more correctly heared.
[L. audio; auris.]NWAD HEAR.2
1. To perceive by the ear; to feel an impression of sound by the proper organs; as, to hear sound; to hear a voice; to hear words.NWAD HEAR.3
2. To give audience or allowance to speak.NWAD HEAR.4
He sent for Paul, and heard him concerning the faith in Christ. Acts 24:24.NWAD HEAR.5
3. To attend; to listen; to obey.NWAD HEAR.6
Today, if ye will hear his voice, harden not your heart. Psalm 95:7-8.NWAD HEAR.7
4. To attend favorably; to regard.NWAD HEAR.8
They think they shall be heard for their much speaking. Matthew 6:7.NWAD HEAR.9
5. To grant an answer to prayer.NWAD HEAR.10
I love the Lord, because he hath heard my voice. Psalm 116:1.NWAD HEAR.11
6. To attend to the facts, evidence, and arguments in a cause between parties; to try in a court of law or equity. The cause was heard and determined at the last term; or, it was heard at the last term, and will be determined at the next. So 2 Samuel 15:3.NWAD HEAR.12
7. To acknowledge a title; a Latin phrase.NWAD HEAR.13
Hear’st thou submissive, but a lowly birth.NWAD HEAR.14
8. To be a hearer of; to sit under the preaching of; as, what minister do you hear? [A colloquial use of the word.]NWAD HEAR.15
9. To learn.NWAD HEAR.16
I speak to the world those things which I have heard of him. John 8:26.NWAD HEAR.17
10. To approve and embrace.NWAD HEAR.18
They speak of the world, and the world heareth them. 1 John 4:5.NWAD HEAR.19
To hear a bird sing, to receive private communication.NWAD HEAR.20
HEAR, v.i. To enjoy the sense or faculty of perceiving sound. He is deaf, he cannot hear.
1. To listen; to hearken; to attend.NWAD HEAR.22
He hears with solicitude.NWAD HEAR.23
2. To be told; to receive by report.NWAD HEAR.24
I hear there are divisions among you, and I partly believe it. 1 Corinthians 11:18.NWAD HEAR.25
HEARD, HEARED, pp. Perceived by the ear. [In pronunciation, this word should not be confounded with herd.]
HEARER, n. One who hears; one who attends to what is orally delivered by another; an auditor; one of an audience.
HEARING, ppr. Perceiving by the ear, as sound.
1. Listening to; attending to; obeying; observing what is commanded.NWAD HEARING.2
2. Attending to witnesses or advocates in a judicial trial; trying.NWAD HEARING.3
HEARING, n. The faculty or sense by which sound is perceived.
1. Audience; attention to what is delivered; opportunity to be heard. I waited on the minister, but could not obtain a hearing.NWAD HEARING.5
2. Judicial trial; attention to the facts, testimony and arguments in a cause between parties, with a view to a just decision.NWAD HEARING.6
3. The act of perceiving sounds; sensation or perception of sound.NWAD HEARING.7
I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear. Job 42:5.NWAD HEARING.8
And to the others he said in my hearing. Ezekiel 9:5.NWAD HEARING.9
4. Reach of the ear; extent within which sound may be heard. He was not within hearing.NWAD HEARING.10
HEARKEN, v.i. h`arken.
1. To listen; to lend the ear; to attend to what is uttered, with eagerness or curiosity.NWAD HEARKEN.2
The furies hearken, and their snakes uncurl.NWAD HEARKEN.3
2. To attend; to regard; to give heed to what is uttered; to observe or obey.NWAD HEARKEN.4
Hearken, O Israel, to the statutes and the judgments which I teach you. Deuteronomy 4:1.NWAD HEARKEN.5
3. To listen;; to attend; to grant or comply with.NWAD HEARKEN.6
Hearken thou to the supplication of thy servant. 1 Kings 8:30.NWAD HEARKEN.7
HE`ARKEN, v.t. h`arken. To hear by listening. [Little used.]
HEARKENER, n. h`arkener. A listener; one who hearkens.
HEARKENING, ppr. h`arkening. Listening; attending; observing.
HEARSAL, for Rehearsal. [Not in use.]
HEARSAY, n. [hear and say.] Report; rumor; fame; common talk. He affirms without any authority except hearsay. The account we have depends on hearsay. It is sometimes used as an adjective; as hearsay evidence.
HEARSE, n. hers. [See Herse.] A temporary monument set over a grave.
1. The case or place in which a corpse is deposited.NWAD HEARSE.2
2. A carriage for conveying the dead to the grave. [See Herse.]NWAD HEARSE.3
3. A hind in the second year of her age.NWAD HEARSE.4
HEARSE, v.t. hers. To inclose in a hearse.
HEARSECLOTH, n. hers’cloth. A pall; a cloth to cover a hearse.
HEARSELIKE, a. hers’like. Suitable to a funeral.
HEART, n. [L. cor, cordis, and allied to Eng. core, or named from motion, pulsation.]
1. A muscular viscus, which is the primary organ of the blood’s motion in an animal body, situated in the thorax. From this organ all the arteries arise, and in it all the veins terminate. By its alternate dilatation and contraction, the blood is received from the veins, and returned through the arteries, by which means the circulation is carried on and life preserved.NWAD HEART.2
2. The inner part of any thing; the middle part or interior; as the heart of a country, kingdom or empire; the heart of a town; the heart of a tree.NWAD HEART.3
3. The chief part; the vital part; the vigorous or efficacious part.NWAD HEART.4
4. The seat of the affections and passions, as of love, joy, grief, enmity, courage, pleasure etc.NWAD HEART.5
The heart is deceitful above all things. Every imagination of the thoughts of the heart is evil continually. We read of an honest and good heart, and an evil heart of unbelief, a willing heart, a heavy heart, sorrow of heart, a hard heart, a proud heart, a pure heart. The heart faints in adversity, or under discouragement, that is, courage fails; the heart is deceived, enlarged, reproved, lifted up, fixed, established, moved, etc.NWAD HEART.6
5. By a metonymy, heart is used for an affection or passion, and particularly for love.NWAD HEART.7
The king’s heart was towards Absalom. 2 Samuel 14:1.NWAD HEART.8
6. The seat of the understanding; as an understanding heart. We read of men wise in heart, and slow of heart.NWAD HEART.9
7. The seat of the will; hence, secret purposes, intentions or designs. There are many devices in a man’s heart. The heart of kings is unsearchable. The Lord tries and searches the heart. David had it in his heart to build a house of rest for the ark.NWAD HEART.10
Sometimes heart is used for the will, or determined purpose.NWAD HEART.11
The heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil. Ecclesiastes 8:11.NWAD HEART.12
8. Person; character; used with respect to courage or kindess.NWAD HEART.13
Cheerly, my hearts.NWAD HEART.14
9. Courage; spirit; as, to take heart; to give heart; to recover heart.NWAD HEART.15
10. Secret thoughts; recesses of the mind.NWAD HEART.16
Michal saw king David leaping and dancing before the Lord, and she despised him in her heart. 2 Samuel 6:16.NWAD HEART.17
11. Disposition of mind.NWAD HEART.18
He had a heart to do well.NWAD HEART.19
12. Secret meaning; real intention.NWAD HEART.20
And then show you the heart of my message.NWAD HEART.21
13. Conscience, or sense of good or ill.NWAD HEART.22
Every man’s heart and conscience--doth either like or disallow it.NWAD HEART.23
14. Strength; power of producing; vigor; fertility. Keep the land in heart.NWAD HEART.24
That the spent earth may gather heart again.NWAD HEART.25
15. The utmost degree.NWAD HEART.26
This gay charm--hath beguiled meNWAD HEART.27
To the very heart of loss.NWAD HEART.28
To get or learn by heart, to commit to memory; to learn so perfectly as to be able to repeat without a copy.NWAD HEART.29
To take to heart, to be much affected; also, to be zealous, ardent or solicitous about a thing; to have concern.NWAD HEART.30
To lay to heart, is used nearly in the sense of the foregoing.NWAD HEART.31
To set the heart on, to fix the desires on; to be very desirous of obtaining or keeping; to be very fond of.NWAD HEART.32
To set the heart at rest, to make one’s self quiet; to be tranquil or easy in mind.NWAD HEART.33
To find in the heart, to be willing or disposed.NWAD HEART.34
I find it in my heart to ask your pardon.NWAD HEART.35
For my heart, for tenderness or affection.NWAD HEART.36
I could not for my heart refuse his request.NWAD HEART.37
Or, this phrase may signify, for my life; if my life was at stake.NWAD HEART.38
I could not get him for my heart to do it.NWAD HEART.39
To speak to one’s heart, in Scripture, to speak kindly to; to comfort; to encourage.NWAD HEART.40
To have in the heart, to purpose; to have design or intention.NWAD HEART.41
A hard heart, cruelty; want of sensibility.NWAD HEART.42
HEART, v.i. To encourage. [Not much used.]
HEART-ACH, n. Sorrow; anguish of mind.
HEART-ALLURING, a. Suited to allure the affections.
HEART-APPALLING, a. Dismaying the heart.
HEART-BREAK, n. Overwhelming sorrow or grief.
HEART-BREAKER, a. A lady’s curl; a love-lock.
HEART-BREAKING, a. Breaking the heart; overpowering with grief or sorrow.
HEART-BREAKING, n. Overpowering grief; deep affliction.
HEART-BRED, a. Bred in the heart.
HEART-BROKEN, a. Deeply afflicted or grieved.
HEART-BURIED, a. Deeply immersed.
HEART-BURN, n. Cardialgy; a disease or affection of the stomach, attended with a sensation of heat and uneasiness, and occasioned by indigestion, surfeit or acidity.