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    QUARRE, for quarry, not in use.

    QUARREL, n. [L. queror, to complain, that is, to cry out with a loud voice. Hence we see the primary sense is the same as brawl. The L. queror coincides in elements with to call, to bawl, to shout, and gearan, a complaint. Heb.]

    1. A brawl; a petty fight or scuffle; from its noise and uproar.NWAD QUARREL.2

    2. A dispute; a contest.NWAD QUARREL.3

    On open seas their quarrels they debate.NWAD QUARREL.4

    3. A breach of friendship or concord; open variance between parties.NWAD QUARREL.5

    4. Cause of dispute.NWAD QUARREL.6

    The king’s quarrel is honorable.NWAD QUARREL.7

    5. Something that gives a right to mischief, reprisal or action.NWAD QUARREL.8

    He thought he had a good quarrel to attack him. [Not used.]NWAD QUARREL.9

    6. Objection; ill will, or reason to complain; ground of objection or dispute.NWAD QUARREL.10

    Herodias had a quarrel against him. Mark 6:19.NWAD QUARREL.11

    7. Something peevish, malicious, or disposed to make trouble. [Not used.]NWAD QUARREL.12

    QUARREL, n.

    1. An arrow with a square head. [Not used unless in poetry.]NWAD QUARREL.14

    2. A pane of glass; a square. [See Quarry and Square.]NWAD QUARREL.15

    QUARREL, v.i.

    1. To dispute violently or with loud and angry words; to wrangle; to scold. How odious to see husband and wife quarrel!NWAD QUARREL.17

    2. To fight; to scuffle; to contend; to squabble; used of two persons or of a small number. It is never used of armies and navies in combat. Children and servants often quarrel about trifles. Tavern-haunters sometimes quarrel over their cups.NWAD QUARREL.18

    3. To fall into variance.NWAD QUARREL.19

    Our people quarrel with obedience.NWAD QUARREL.20

    4. To find fault; to cavil.NWAD QUARREL.21

    I will not quarrel with a slight mistake.NWAD QUARREL.22

    Men at enmity with their God, quarreling with his attributes - quarreling with the being that made them, and who is constantly doing them good.NWAD QUARREL.23

    5. To disagree; to be at variance; not to be in accordance in form or essence.NWAD QUARREL.24

    Some things arise of strange and quarr’ling kind, the forepart lion, and a snake behind.NWAD QUARREL.25

    QUARREL, v.t.

    1. To quarrel with.NWAD QUARREL.27

    2. To compel by a quarrel; as, to quarrel a man out of his estate or rights.NWAD QUARREL.28

    QUARRELER, n. One who quarrels, wrangles or fights.

    QUARRELING, ppr. Disputing with vehemence or loud angry words; scolding; wrangling; fighting; finding fault; disagreeing.

    QUARRELING, n. [supra.] Contention; dispute in angry words; breach of concord; a caviling or finding fault; disagreement.

    QUARRELOUS, a. Apt or disposed to quarrel; petulant; easily provoked to enmity or contention. [Little used.]

    QUARRELSOME, a. Apt to quarrel; given to brawls and contention; inclined to petty fighting; easily irritated or provoked to contest; irascible; choleric; petulant.

    QUARRELSOMELY, adv. In a quarrelsome manner; with a quarrelsome temper; petulantly.

    QUARRELSOMENESS, n. Disposition to engage in contention and brawls; petulance.

    QUARRIED, pp. Dug from a pit or cavern.

    QUARRY, n.

    1. A square; as a quarry of glass. [Not in use.]NWAD QUARRY.2

    2. An arrow with a square head. [See Quarrel. Not in use.]NWAD QUARRY.3

    3. In falconry, the game which a hawk is pursuing or has killed. [Perhaps from L. quaero.]NWAD QUARRY.4

    4. Among hunters, a part of the entrails of the beast taken, given to the hounds.NWAD QUARRY.5

    QUARRY, n. [I know not whether the original sense of this word was a pit or mine, from digging, or whether the sense was a place for squaring stone. L. curro. If the sense was a pit, it may be referred to the Heb.]

    1. A place, cavern or pit where stones are dug from the earth, or separated from a large mass of rocks. We generally apply the word mine to the pit from which are taken metals and coal; from quarries are taken stones for building, as marble, freestone, slate, etc.NWAD QUARRY.7

    2. In Paris, the quarries are a vast cavern under the city, several miles in extent.NWAD QUARRY.8

    QUARRY, v.i. To prey upon, as a vulture or harpy. [A low word and not much used.]

    QUARRY, v.t. To dig or take from a quarry; as, to quarry marble.

    QUARRYING, ppr. Digging stones from a quarry.

    QUARRYMAN, n. A man who is occupied in quarrying stones.

    QUART, n. quort. [L. quartus.]

    1. The fourth part; a quarter. [Not in use.]NWAD QUART.2

    2. The fourth part of a gallon; two pints.NWAD QUART.3

    3. A vessel containing the fourth of a gallon.NWAD QUART.4

    4. A sequence of four cards in the game of picket.NWAD QUART.5

    QUARTAN, quort’an. [L. quartanus, the fourth.]

    Designating the fourth; occurring every fourth day; as a quartan ague or fever.NWAD QUARTAN.2

    QUARTAN, n.

    1. An intermitting ague that occurs every fourth day, or with intermissions of seventy two hours.NWAD QUARTAN.4

    2. A measure containing the fourth part of some other measure.NWAD QUARTAN.5

    QUARTATION, n. In chimistry and metallurgy, the operation by which the quantity of one thing is made equal to the fourth part of another thing.

    QUARTER, n. quort’er. [L. quartus, the fourth part.]

    1. The fourth part; as the quarter of an hour or of a mile; one quarter of the expense. Living is a quarter dearer in the city than in the country.NWAD QUARTER.2

    2. In weight, the fourth part of a hundred pounds avoirdupois, or of 112 lb., that is, 28 lb.; as a quarter of sugar.NWAD QUARTER.3

    3. In dry measure, the fourth of a ton in weight, or eight bushels; as a quarter of wheat.NWAD QUARTER.4

    4. In astronomy, the fourth part of the moon’s period or monthly revolution; as the first quarter after the change or full.NWAD QUARTER.5

    5. A region in the hemisphere or great circle; primarily, one of the four cardinal points; as the four quarters of the globe; but used indifferently for any region or point of compass. From what quarter does the wind blow? Hence,NWAD QUARTER.6

    6. A particular region of a town, city or country; as all quarters of the city; in every quarter of the country or of the continent. Hence.NWAD QUARTER.7

    7. Usually in the plural, quarters, the place of lodging or temporary residence; appropriately, the place where officers and soldiers lodge, but applied to the lodgings of any temporary resident. He called on the general at his quarters; the place furnished good winter quarters for the troops. I saw the stranger at his quarters.NWAD QUARTER.8

    8. Proper station.NWAD QUARTER.9

    Swift to their several quarters hasten then -NWAD QUARTER.10

    Bacon uses the word in the singular. ‘Make love keep quarter.”NWAD QUARTER.11

    9. On board of ships, quarters signifies the stations or places where the officers and men are posted in action. Pipe all hands to quarters.NWAD QUARTER.12

    10. In military affairs, the remission or sparing of the life of a captive or an enemy when in one’s power; mercy granted by a conqueror to his enemy, when no longer able to defend himself. In desperate encounters, men will sometimes neither ask nor give quarter. The barbarous practice of giving no quarter to soldiers in a fortress taken by assault, is nearly obsolete.NWAD QUARTER.13

    He magnified his own clemency, now they were at his mercy, to offer them quarter for their lives, if they would give up the castle.NWAD QUARTER.14

    Lambs at the mercy of wolves much expect no quarter.NWAD QUARTER.15

    11. Treatment shown to an enemy; indulgence.NWAD QUARTER.16

    To the young, if you give tolerable quarter, you indulge them in idleness and ruin them. [Rarely used.]NWAD QUARTER.17

    12. Friendship; amity; concord. [Not in use.]NWAD QUARTER.18

    13. In the slaughter house, one limb of a quadruped with the adjoining parts; or one fourth part of the carcase of a quadruped, including a limb; as a fore quarter, or hind quarter.NWAD QUARTER.19

    14. In the menage, the quarters of a horse’s foot are the sides of the coffin, between the toe and the heel. False quarters are a cleft in the horn of the hoof, extending from the coronet to the shoe, or from top to bottom. When for any disorder, one of the quarters is cut, the horse is said to be quarter-cast.NWAD QUARTER.20

    15. In a siege, quarters are the encampment on one of the principal passages round the place besieged, to prevent relief and intercept convoys.NWAD QUARTER.21

    16. In seminaries of learning, a fourth part of the year, or three months. Tuition and board at twenty five dollars the quarter. This is a moderate quarter bill.NWAD QUARTER.22

    17. The quarter of a ship, is the part of a ship’s side which lies towards the stern, or the part between the aftmost end of the main-chains and the sides of the stern, where it is terminated by the quarter-pieces.NWAD QUARTER.23

    18. In heraldry, one of the parts or members of the first division of a coat that is divided into four parts.NWAD QUARTER.24

    On the quarter, in seamen’s language, is a point in the horizon considerably abaft the beam, but not in the direction of the stern.NWAD QUARTER.25

    Quarter-bill, among seamen, is a list containing the different stations where the officers and crew are to take post in time of action, and the names of the men assigned to each.NWAD QUARTER.26

    Quarter-cloths, long pieces of painted canvas, extended on the outside of the quarter-netting from the upper part of the gallery to the gangway.NWAD QUARTER.27

    Quarter-deck, that part of the deck of a ship which extends from the stern to the mainmast. But in some kinds of vessels, the quarter-deck does not extend to the mainmast, but is raised above the main deck.NWAD QUARTER.28

    Quarter-gallery, a sort of balcony on the quarters of a ship.NWAD QUARTER.29

    Quarter-railing, narrow molded planks, reaching from the top of the stern to the gangway, serving as a fence to the quarter-deck.NWAD QUARTER.30

    Quarter-master, in an army, an officer whose business is to attend to the quarters for the soldiers, their provisions, fuel, forage, etc.; in the navy, an officer who assists the mates in their duties, in stowing the hold, coiling the cables, attending the steerage, and keeping time by the watch glasses.NWAD QUARTER.31

    Quarter-master-general, in military affairs, is an officer whose duty is to mark the marches and encampments of an army, the head-quarters, the place for the artillery, and procure supplies of provisions and forage, etc.NWAD QUARTER.32

    1. Quarter-staff, a long staff borne by foresters and park-keepers, as a badge of office and a weapon.NWAD QUARTER.33

    2. A staff of defense.NWAD QUARTER.34

    Quarter-sessions, in England, a general court held quarterly by the justices of peace of each county, with jurisdiction to try and determine felonies and trespasses; but capital offenses are seldom or never tried in this court.NWAD QUARTER.35

    Quarter-round, in architecture, the echinus or ovolo.NWAD QUARTER.36

    Head-quarters, the tent or mansion of the commander in chief of an army.NWAD QUARTER.37

    QUARTER, v.t.

    1. To divide into four equal parts.NWAD QUARTER.39

    2. To divide; to separate into parts.NWAD QUARTER.40

    3. To divide into distinct regions or compartments.NWAD QUARTER.41

    The sailors quarter’d heaven.NWAD QUARTER.42

    4. To station soldiers for lodging; as, to quarter troops in the city or among the inhabitants, or on the inhabitants.NWAD QUARTER.43

    5. To lodge; to fix on a temporary dwelling.NWAD QUARTER.44

    They mean this night in Sardis to be quarter’d.NWAD QUARTER.45

    6. To diet. [Not in use.]NWAD QUARTER.46

    7. To bear as an appendage to the hereditary arms.NWAD QUARTER.47

    The coat of Beauchamp - quartered by the earl of Hertford.NWAD QUARTER.48

    QUARTER, v.i. To lodge; to have a temporary residence. The general quarters at a hotel in Church street.

    QUARTERAGE, n. A quarterly allowance.

    QUARTER-DAY, n. The day that completes three months, the quarter of a year; the day when quarterly payments are made of rent or interest.

    QUARTERED, pp. Divided into four equal parts or quarters; separated into distinct parts; lodged; stationed for lodging.

    QUARTERING, ppr. Dividing into quarters or into distinct parts; stationing for lodgings.


    1. A station.NWAD QUARTERING.3

    2. Assignment of quarters for soldiers.NWAD QUARTERING.4

    3. The division of a shield containing many coats.NWAD QUARTERING.5


    1. Containing or consisting of a fourth part; as quarterly seasons.NWAD QUARTERLY.2

    2. Recurring at the end of each quarter of the year; as quarterly payments of rent; a quarterly visitation or examination. The secretary requires quarterly returns from his officers.NWAD QUARTERLY.3

    QUARTERLY, adv. Once in a quarter of a year. The returns are made quarterly.

    QUARTERN, n. The fourth part of a pint; a gill.

    QUARTILE, n. An aspect of the planets, when they are distant from each other a quarter of the circle, ninety degrees, or three signs.

    QUARTO, n. [L. quartus.] A book of the size of the fourth of a sheet; a size made by twice folding a sheet, which then makes four leaves.

    QUARTO, a. Denoting the size of a book in which a sheet makes four leaves.

    QUARTZ, n. quortz. A species of silicious minerals, of various colors, white, gray, reddish, yellowish or brownish; commonly amorphous, and frequently crystallized. The subspecies and varieties are numerous.

    QUARTZY, a. Pertaining to quartz; partaking of the nature or qualities of quartz; resembling quartz. [Quartzy is the regular adjective, and quartzose and quartzous may be dispensed with.]

    QUAS, n. In Russia, a drink of common domestic use; being a liquor prepared from pollard, meal and bread, or from meal and malt, by an acid fermentation.

    QUASH, v.t. [L. quasso, quatio.]

    1. Properly, to beat down or beat in pieces; to crush.NWAD QUASH.2

    The whales against sharp rocks, like reeling vessels, quash’d.NWAD QUASH.3

    2. To crush; to subdue; as, to quash a rebellion.NWAD QUASH.4

    3. In law, to abate, annul, overthrow or make void; as, to quash an indictment. He pays judgment of the writ or declaration that the same may be quashed.NWAD QUASH.5

    QUASH, v.i. To be shaken with a noise.

    QUASH, n. A species of cucurbita; but in America pronounced squash; so called probably from it softness. [See the Verb.]

    QUASHED, pp. Crushed; subdued; abated.

    QUASHING, ppr. Crushing; subduing; abating.

    QUASSATION, n. [L. quassatio.] The act of shaking; concussion; the state of being shaken.

    QUASSIA, n. A plant, or rather a genus of plants of three species, the amara, simaruba, and excelsa or polygama, natives of South America and of some of the isles of the West Indies, and possessing valuable medicinal qualities.

    QUAT, n. A pustule or pimple. [Not used.]

    QUATER-COUSINS, n. ka’ter-cuzns. [L. quatuor, four, and cousin.]

    Those within the first four degrees of kindred.NWAD QUATER-COUSINS.2

    QUATERN, a. [L. quaterni, four, from quatuor, four.]

    Consisting of four; fourfold; growing by fours; as quatern leaves.NWAD QUATERN.2

    QUATERNARY, n. [L. quaternarius, from quatuor, four.]

    The number four.NWAD QUATERNARY.2

    QUATERNARY, a. Consisting of four.

    QUATERNION, n. [L. quaternio, from quatuor, four.]

    1. The number four.NWAD QUATERNION.2

    2. A file of four soldiers. Acts 12:4.NWAD QUATERNION.3

    QUATERNION, v.t. To divide into files or companies.

    QUATERNITY, n. [supra.] The number four.

    QUATRAIN, n. [L. quatror, four.]

    A stanza of four lines rhyming alternately.NWAD QUATRAIN.2

    QUAVE, for quaver, is not used.

    QUAVEMIRE, for quagmire, is not used.

    QUAVER, v.i.

    1. To shake the voice; to utter or form sound with rapid vibrations, as in singing; to sing with tremulous modulations of voice.NWAD QUAVER.2

    2. To tremble; to vibrate.NWAD QUAVER.3

    The finger - moved with a quavering motion.NWAD QUAVER.4

    QUAVER, n.

    1. A shake or rapid vibration of the voice, or a shake on an instrument of music.NWAD QUAVER.6

    2. A note and measure of time in music, equal to half a crotchet or the eighth of a semibreve.NWAD QUAVER.7

    QUAVERED, a. or pp. Distributed into quavers.

    QUAVERER, n. A warbler.

    QUAVERING, ppr. Shaking the voice or the sound of an instrument.

    QUAVERING, n. The act of shaking the voice, or of making rapid vibrations of sound on an instrument of music.

    QUAY, n. ke.

    A key; a mole or wharf, constructed in harbors for securing vessels and receiving goods unladen or to be shipped on board.NWAD QUAY.2

    QUAY, v.t. To furnish with quays.

    QUEACH, n. A thick bushy plot. Obs.

    QUEACH, v.i. To stir; to move. Obs. [See Quick.]

    QUEACHY, a. [from queach.]

    1. Shaking; moving, yielding or trembling under the feet, as moist or boggy ground.NWAD QUEACHY.2

    The queachy fens.NWAD QUEACHY.3

    Godwin’s queachy sands.NWAD QUEACHY.4

    [This word is still in use in New England, and if the word is from the root of quick, we recognize the application of it in quicksand.]NWAD QUEACHY.5

    2. Thick; bushy. [Not in use.]NWAD QUEACHY.6

    QUEAN, n.

    A worthless woman; a slut; a strumpet. [Not in common use.]NWAD QUEAN.2

    QUEASINESS, n. s as z. [from queasy.] Nausea; qualmishness; inclination to vomit.

    QUEASY, a. s as z.

    1. Sick at the stomach; affected with nausea; inclined to vomit.NWAD QUEASY.2

    2. Fastidious; squeamish; delicate.NWAD QUEASY.3

    3. Causing nausea; as a queasy question.NWAD QUEASY.4

    QUECK, v.i.

    To shrink; to flinch. Obs.NWAD QUECK.2

    QUEEN, n.

    1. The consort of a king; a queen consort.NWAD QUEEN.2

    2. A woman who is the sovereign of a kingdom; a queen-regent; as Elizabeth, queen of England; Mary, queen of Scotland.NWAD QUEEN.3

    3. The sovereign of a swarm of bees, or the female of the hive.NWAD QUEEN.4

    A hive of bees cannot subsist without a queen.NWAD QUEEN.5

    Queen of the meadows, meadow sweet, a plant of the genus Spiraea.NWAD QUEEN.6

    QUEEN, v.i. To play the queen; to act the part or character of a queen.

    QUEEN-APPLE, n. A kind of apple, so called.

    QUEEN-DOWAGER, n. The window of a king.

    QUEEN-GOLD, n. A royal duty or revenue belonging to every queen of England during her marriage to the king.

    QUEENING, n. An apple.

    QUEENLIKE, a. Resembling a queen.

    QUEENLY, a. Like a queen; becoming a queen; suitable to a queen.

    QUEER, a.

    Odd; singular; hence, whimsical.NWAD QUEER.2

    QUEERLY, adv. In an odd or singular manner.

    QUEERNESS, n. Oddity; singularity; particularity. [A familiar, not an elegant word.]

    QUEEST, n. A ring dove, a species of pigeon.

    QUEINT, pret. and pp. of quench.

    QUELL, v.t.

    1. To crush; to subdue; to cause to cease; as, to quell an insurrection or sedition.NWAD QUELL.2

    2. To quiet; to allay; to reduce to peace; as, to quell the tumult of the soul.NWAD QUELL.3

    3. To subdue; to reduce.NWAD QUELL.4

    This quell’d her pride.NWAD QUELL.5

    QUELL, v.i. To die; to abate.

    QUELL, n. Murder. [Not in use.]

    QUELLED, pp. Crushed; subdued; quieted.

    QUELLER, n. One that crushes or subdues.

    QUELLING, ppr. Crushing; subduing; reducing to peace.

    QUELQUE-CHOSE, n. keck-shows.

    A trifle; a kickshaw.NWAD QUELQUE-CHOSE.2

    QUEME, v.t. To please. Obs.

    QUENCH, v.t.

    1. To extinguish; to put out; as, to quench flame.NWAD QUENCH.2

    2. To still; to quiet; to repress; as, to quench a passion or emotion.NWAD QUENCH.3

    3. To allay or extinguish; as, to quench thirst.NWAD QUENCH.4

    4. To destroy.NWAD QUENCH.5

    5. To check; to stifle; as, to quench the Spirit. 1 Thessalonians 5:19.NWAD QUENCH.6

    QUENCH, v.i. To cool; to become cool.

    Dost thou think, in time she will not quench? [Not in use.]NWAD QUENCH.8

    QUENCHABLE, a. That may be quenched or extinguished.

    QUENCHED, pp. Extinguished; allayed; repressed.

    QUENCHER, n. He or that which extinguishes.

    QUENCHING, ppr. Extinguishing; quieting; stifling; repressing.

    QUENCHLESS, a. That cannot be quenched or repressed; inextinguishable; as quenchless fire or fury.

    QUERCITRON, n. [L. quercus, an oak.] The bark of the yellow oak, used in dyeing.

    QUERELE, n. [L. querla.] A complaint to a court. [Not in use.]

    QUERENT, n. [L. querens, queror, to complain.]

    The complainant; the plaintiff. [Not in use.]NWAD QUERENT.2

    QUERENT, n. [L. quaerens, quaero, to inquire.]

    To inquirer. [Not much used.]NWAD QUERENT.4

    QUERIMONIOUS, a. [L. querimonia, complaint, from queror.]

    Complaining; querulous; apt to complain.NWAD QUERIMONIOUS.2

    QUERIMONIOUSLY, adv. With complaint; querulously.

    QUERIMONIOUSNESS, n. Disposition to complain; a complaining temper.

    QUERIST, n. [from L. quaero, to inquire.] One who inquires or asks questions.

    QUERK. [See Quirk.]

    QUERKENED, a. Choked. [Illegitimate and obsolete.]

    QUERL, v.t. To twirl; to turn or wind round; to coil; as, to querl a cord, thread or rope. [This is a legitimate English word, in common use in New England. It may be a dialectical variation of whirl and twirl.]

    QUERN, n.

    A hand-mill for grinding grain; a mill, the stone of which was turned by hand, used before the invention of windmills and watermills.NWAD QUERN.2

    QUERPO, n. [L. corpus.]

    A waistcoat or garment close to the body.NWAD QUERPO.2

    QUERQUEDULE, n. [L. querquedula.] An aquatic fowl, a species of teal of the genus Anas.

    QUERRY, n. A groom. [See Equerry.]

    QUERULOUS, a. [L. querulus, from queror, to complain. See Quarrel.]

    1. Complaining or habitually complaining; disposed to murmur; as a querulous man or people.NWAD QUERULOUS.2

    2. Expressing complaint; as a querulous tone of voice.NWAD QUERULOUS.3

    QUERULOUSLY, adv. In a complaining manner.

    QUERULOUSNESS, n. Disposition to complain, or the habit or practice of murmuring.

    QUERY, n. [from L. quaere, imperative of quaero; perhaps Heb. to seek, to search, to inquire.]

    A question; an inquiry to be answered or resolved.NWAD QUERY.2

    I will conclude by proposing some queries.NWAD QUERY.3

    QUERY, v.i. To ask a question or questions.

    Three Cambridge sophs each prompt to query, answer and debate.NWAD QUERY.5

    QUERY, v.t.

    1. To seek; to inquire; as, query the sum or amount; query the motive or the fact.NWAD QUERY.7

    2. To examine by questions.NWAD QUERY.8

    3. To doubt of.NWAD QUERY.9

    QUEST, n. [L. quaero, quaestus. As the letter r is rarely changed into s, perhaps the L. quaesivi, quaestus, may be from the root of quaeso.]

    1. The act of seeking; search; as, to rove in quest of game; to go in quest of a lost child; in quest of property, etc.NWAD QUEST.2

    2. Inquest; a jury. [Not used.]NWAD QUEST.3

    3. Searchers, collectively. [Not used.]NWAD QUEST.4

    4. Inquiry; examination. [Not used.]NWAD QUEST.5

    5. Request; desire; solicitation.NWAD QUEST.6

    Gad not abroad at every quest and call of an untrain’d hope or passion.NWAD QUEST.7

    QUEST, v.i. To go in search. [Not used.]

    QUEST, v.t. To search or seek for.

    QUESTANT, n. [supra.] A seeker. [Not used.]

    QUESTION, n. ques’chun. [L. quaestio. See Quest.]

    1. The act of asking; an interrogatory; as, to examine by question and answer.NWAD QUESTION.2

    2. That which is asked; something proposed which is to be solved by answer. What is the question?NWAD QUESTION.3

    3. Inquiry; disquisition; discussion.NWAD QUESTION.4

    It is to be put to question, whether it is lawful for christian princes to make an invasive war, simply for the propagation of the faith.NWAD QUESTION.5

    4. Dispute or subject of debate.NWAD QUESTION.6

    There arose a question between some of John’s disciples and the Jews, about purifying. John 3:25.NWAD QUESTION.7

    5. Doubt; controversy; dispute. The story is true beyond all question.NWAD QUESTION.8

    This does not bring their truth in question.NWAD QUESTION.9

    6. Trial; examination; judicial trial or inquiry.NWAD QUESTION.10

    Of the hope and resurrection of the dead I am called in question. Acts 23:6; Acts 24:21.NWAD QUESTION.11

    7. Examination by torture.NWAD QUESTION.12

    8. Endeavor; effort; act of seeking. [Not in use.]NWAD QUESTION.13

    9. In logic, a proposition stated by way of interrogation.NWAD QUESTION.14

    In question, in debate; in the course of examination or discussion; as, the matter or point in question.NWAD QUESTION.15

    QUESTION, v.i.

    1. To ask a question or questions; to inquire by interrogatory or proposition to be answered.NWAD QUESTION.17

    He that questioneth much, shall learn much.NWAD QUESTION.18

    2. To debate by interrogatories.NWAD QUESTION.19

    QUESTION, v.t.

    1. To inquire of by asking questions; to examine by interrogatories; as, to question a witness.NWAD QUESTION.21

    2. To doubt of; to be uncertain of.NWAD QUESTION.22

    And most we question what we most desire.NWAD QUESTION.23

    3. To have no confidence in; to treat as doubtful. If a man is frustrated in his designs, his prudence is questions.NWAD QUESTION.24


    1. That may be questioned; doubtful; uncertain; disputable. the deed is of questionable authority.NWAD QUESTIONABLE.2

    It is questionable whether Galen ever saw the dissection of a human body.NWAD QUESTIONABLE.3

    2. Suspicious; liable to be doubted or disputed; liable to suspicion. His veracity is questionable.NWAD QUESTIONABLE.4

    Thou com’st in such a questionable shape, that I will speak to thee.NWAD QUESTIONABLE.5

    QUESTIONABLENESS, n. The quality or state of being doubtful, questionable or suspicious.

    QUESTIONARY, a. Inquiring; asking questions; as questionary epistles.


    1. Interrogated; examined by questions.NWAD QUESTIONED.2

    2. Doubted; disputed.NWAD QUESTIONED.3

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